Author Topic: What do you like about Buddhism?  (Read 41554 times)

Big Uncle

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What do you like about Buddhism?
« on: August 25, 2011, 04:41:27 AM »
Contrary to what most people like about Buddhism, I don't fancy Buddhism because of the peace and compassion it brings to others. I like Buddhism because it makes sense to me on many levels.

I don't complete understand everything there is in Buddhism as I am not a scholar, advance practitioner nor a Lama. But it has answered so many questions and the philosophy and mindset just clicks with me because of that. I also like Buddhism because it attacks the internal aspect - our mind.

What else do you like about Buddhism?


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 04:04:06 PM »
In the beginning what fascinated me about Buddhism is that it acknowledges and gave me the understanding of the supernatural existence of the inanimate. It fascinated me that a monk could give teachings in the forest to humans and non humans. My first Dharma book was of a famous Thai Monk and his memoirs or experiences. I was surprised that Buddhism acknowledges such things which has always been nonsense or rather something not be talked much about. Hence that was new to me and made me explore more about Buddhism.

Then I discovered that in Buddhism there is no such as a one God saviour and indirectly it is saying that you are your "God" or rather you are responsible for you. That opened up a whole lot of possibilities and a whole lot of acceptance of the situation that surrounds me.

But what I mostly like about Buddhism is the Vajrayana path where you have spiritual guide to actually help you realise who you really are or your potential a lot quicker... If only if one will allow it.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 05:17:12 PM »
What I like about Buddhism is that it does not expect me to have blind faith and allows me to question the validity of the doctrine until I am convinced. Buddhist doctrine convinces me with its logical explanation that gives me no room to refute its validity.  It makes me accept its teaching based on logic and not out of threat or fear that if I do not adhere to it, I am doomed to hell.

Understanding the teachings gives me peace because it explains the truth of how things are in this suffering world of samsara and provide antidotes on how to deal with it.  It does not only tells us our problems but also gives us a method to solve our problems.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 12:29:22 AM »
What I like about Buddhism is that it does not expect me to have blind faith and allows me to question the validity of the doctrine until I am convinced. Buddhist doctrine convinces me with its logical explanation that gives me no room to refute its validity.  It makes me accept its teaching based on logic and not out of threat or fear that if I do not adhere to it, I am doomed to hell.

Understanding the teachings gives me peace because it explains the truth of how things are in this suffering world of samsara and provide antidotes on how to deal with it.  It does not only tells us our problems but also gives us a method to solve our problems.

I agree with you WoselTenzin.

When I first came across Buddhism, it is the logic behind that strikes me. I guess it is human nature that nobody likes to be forced or pushed to follow a belief if it  is not proven correct or with logical explanation. Buddhism offers me this. And the other factor that I like about buddhism is that it teaches me not to be afraid to look into my real self, a self examination so I can become a "better" person.

Like WoselTenzin said, Buddhism also offers a set of methods to counter our weakness and problems. That is practical religion!

Tenzin K

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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2011, 06:18:33 AM »
What I like about Buddhism is the logic of the teaching.
It give me room to apply to my life and I'm are able to examine it whether it changes me for good. Of course I have to make the first move to try it with a very rational view to look at the result.

I agree with what dsiluvu said,
"Then I discovered that in Buddhism there is no such as a one God saviour and indirectly it is saying that you are your "God" or rather you are responsible for you.

This is so practical. Everything that happened is for a reason. Nothing about others to be blame. It's just our own doing/action in our previous time. But that doesn't mean it determine our whole entire life at this time or future. They are room to improve by following the right teaching/path. It's all on our own decision for our better lives.

It's so make sense to me and so practical for the people at this current time.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 08:46:00 AM »
What I like about Buddhism are:

1.   It explains the phenomena around us and on who we are
Buddhism explains the nature of our minds.

2.   It is the ultimate truth and universal law not created by anyone
No one including the Buddha or God created this truth and law.

3.   It is not based on blind faith
Buddhism even asks us to question and challenge its validity before adopting it.

4.    It is logical
Everything that we practise in Buddhism is with logic and meaning.  Each action is directed towards liberation and enlightenment to achieve the ultimate state of happiness.
5.    It is scientific
Science talks about Cause and Effect.  Buddhism gives us a deeper insight into the Law of Cause and Effect.  Quantum Physicists are beginning to accept some of the teachings as expounded by Buddha.

6.    It is flexible and systematic
There are 84000 methods to practise and each method is a unique way to solve our individual problem.  When we practise all these methods systematicaly, they will overcome all our sufferings and lead us to ultimate happiness.

7.    Its methods and teachings are proven
Buddhism is beyond time.  All the past Buddhas who had practised it had become fully enlightened.  Many present day masters or practitioners who had practised it had also gained enlightenment.  Buddhism will be relevant and applicable in the future too.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 09:31:22 AM »
What draws me to Buddhism is that it is a study of the true nature of mind, my mind. Buddhism directs me to focus on understanding and truly knowing my mind,. Once i know that my mind is the creator of all my experiences, then I can work on it to 'shape' it to overcome all suffering ,problems and obstacles and to create a mind that directs itself towards peace and happiness.

THe Buddha, the awakened one, by his awakening to the truth and reality of mind( and all phenomena,including self), also showed us through a Path, how to gain this full awakening and understanding of the true nature of mind.  Thus, as many have walked this Path to full awakening(full enlightenment) and found their way, through mind , to true nirvana and peace, so can I and others.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2011, 03:13:13 PM »
What I like about Buddhism is that it is based on logic and not blind faith. It is logic because it explains the true nature of our minds.  It also teaches us on Karma - Cause and Effect and thus we are more mindful of our actions. There is no Creator or God. Everything happened for a reason could be our Karma ripening..... and all sufferings are self inflicted. So it is within us to liberate ourselves from these sufferings by applying what the Buddha taught into our lives. Buddhism has the antidote to help us overcome our sufferings.

Understanding the dharma makes my mind more calm, makes me examine myself of how to be a better person and how to be of benefit to others. And I agree with what dsiluvu said:" But what I mostly like about Buddhism is the Vajrayana path where you have spiritual guide to actually help you realise who you really are or your potential a lot quicker... If only if one will allow it.". I am fortunate to have a spiritual guide who has help me with these.

Reena Searl

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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2011, 07:36:45 PM »
What i like about Buddhism is " Buddhism can apply directly in our daily life", it is logical in many levels
When minds transformation happened, Buddhism shows MIRACLE.... (miracle in the sense of logics)


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2011, 04:03:39 AM »
I like Buddhism for its universal messages which everyone can apply and benefit. How much depend on one’s efforts and motivation. So that’s another thing I like, its doctrine is fair based on personal responsibility and free will.
It is a religion which is not rooted in dogma. It can move with the times since its essence is to understand and train ones mind . Hence its methods are timeless but the explanations, external forms etc can be updated to suit modernity. It is logical and goes very well with science.That makes it easy for modern people  to accept Buddhism . Even if one is not a Buddhist, if one follows its wise instructions, one can still get the same result.

diamond girl

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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 06:03:38 PM »
What I like about Buddhism are:

1.   It explains the phenomena around us and on who we are
Buddhism explains the nature of our minds.

2.   It is the ultimate truth and universal law not created by anyone
No one including the Buddha or God created this truth and law.

3.   It is not based on blind faith
Buddhism even asks us to question and challenge its validity before adopting it.

4.    It is logical
Everything that we practise in Buddhism is with logic and meaning.  Each action is directed towards liberation and enlightenment to achieve the ultimate state of happiness.
5.    It is scientific
Science talks about Cause and Effect.  Buddhism gives us a deeper insight into the Law of Cause and Effect.  Quantum Physicists are beginning to accept some of the teachings as expounded by Buddha.

6.    It is flexible and systematic
There are 84000 methods to practise and each method is a unique way to solve our individual problem.  When we practise all these methods systematicaly, they will overcome all our sufferings and lead us to ultimate happiness.

7.    Its methods and teachings are proven
Buddhism is beyond time.  All the past Buddhas who had practised it had become fully enlightened.  Many present day masters or practitioners who had practised it had also gained enlightenment.  Buddhism will be relevant and applicable in the future too.

Buddhism makes sense. It is not fanatical but logical. Buddhism is human and adapts with life...especially the samsaric life we all have. Buddhism is applicable and flexible. I love Buddhism because it makes you think and it is logical, it makes me change for the better. Buddhism is intelligent.

Buddhism makes me a better person. And for this alone I love Buddhism.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2011, 03:45:36 AM »
What appeals most to me in Buddhism -
one is responsible for one's situations, one reaps what one sows and most of all one can control the results by creating the corresponding  causes.
There is no  mighty divine power that dictates how one's life should be. You don't just pray for miracles, you create the causes for the results you want.

It's an interactive religion because it teaches you how to reach the different types of happiness depending on your aspirations.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 09:31:44 PM »
I like Buddhism because it is logical and addresses daily challenges with practical solutions. Buddhism answers most of my questions. It is not about superstition and some far fetched concept of universal love. When I practise what I learned from Buddhism, I can experience positive results. I'm happier and more at peace with myself.


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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 10:39:37 PM »
What I like about Buddhism are:

1.   It explains the phenomena around us and on who we are
Buddhism explains the nature of our minds.

2.   It is the ultimate truth and universal law not created by anyone
No one including the Buddha or God created this truth and law.

3.   It is not based on blind faith
Buddhism even asks us to question and challenge its validity before adopting it.

4.    It is logical
Everything that we practise in Buddhism is with logic and meaning.  Each action is directed towards liberation and enlightenment to achieve the ultimate state of happiness.
5.    It is scientific
Science talks about Cause and Effect.  Buddhism gives us a deeper insight into the Law of Cause and Effect.  Quantum Physicists are beginning to accept some of the teachings as expounded by Buddha.

6.    It is flexible and systematic
There are 84000 methods to practise and each method is a unique way to solve our individual problem.  When we practise all these methods systematicaly, they will overcome all our sufferings and lead us to ultimate happiness.

7.    Its methods and teachings are proven
Buddhism is beyond time.  All the past Buddhas who had practised it had become fully enlightened.  Many present day masters or practitioners who had practised it had also gained enlightenment.  Buddhism will be relevant and applicable in the future too.

I like Buddhism because :

1) it's logical, everything is explainable.

2) teach us everything is control of our hands, we have total control of our own fate, total freedom
The law of cause and effect told us : we will not experience what we have never done before. If we do not want certain thing to happen in the future, we better stop it now, it's logic. Ex: If one would like to have slim body, he/she should watch out his diet, what you give is what you get.

3) it's not a religion label, but a way of life, a teaching that we can apply on our daily life
we able to learn the basic moral in our life from Buddhism teaching and apply to the way we communicate with other people

4) it's very acceptance, regardless gender, age, race, it apply to all
all sentient being are suffering regardless male, female, transgenders, human, animal or spirit that we can't see. Buddhism will not judge but accept and share the teaching

5) have many layers to teaching to teach suits different people needs
logical teaching apply to everyone, no matter what's your background is

6) it's change with time, never got outdated
it's not a ancient text that we need to follow 100% and no other choice, but it's mixture of all 84000 and we mix and match to suit among ourselves



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Re: What do you like about Buddhism?
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2011, 04:17:14 AM »
i like Buddhism because
1)  logical
2)  practical
3)  provide you awareness in order for you to improve yourself
4) guide/teach  you to become a better person, b kind, giving, selfless, not lie, not kill, not stealing, etc
5) give wisdom to deal and settle with daily activities and problems with right solution
6) use peaceful and skillful way to solve the problem
7) provide you real happiness by helping other
8) give you real mind transformation with follow by action