Author Topic: The 13th Dalai Lama changed his mind and practised Dorje Shugden?  (Read 5820 times)


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This book mentioned that the 13th Dalai Lama was initially against Dorje Shugden, but later changed his mind and practised Shugden. It also mentioned tha the previous Ling Rinpoche practised Shugden too. So if the 13th Dalai Lama could switch from against to supporting Shugden, and BOTH of his tutors practised Shugden, need we say more about the current 14th Dalai Lama?


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Re: The 13th Dalai Lama changed his mind and practised Dorje Shugden?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 05:38:00 AM »
Thank you for this interesting bit of information! this is something new indeed as the Dalai Lama and his camp, as well as the Nyingmas always assert that the 13th Dalai Lama was a huge opposer of Dorje Shugden and that he banned it, but Pabongkha opposed the ban and continued the practice and "corrupted" the current generation of Gelug practitioners. The saddest part of all of is that this is the exact same lies that the CTA champions and they distort history again to make Pabongkha look bad just because they want to justify the Dalai Lama's ban on Dorje Shugden. They do not mind at all to fabricate nonexistent history just to make them look right even though distorting history is just wrong in more ways than one. I wonder what the backlash would be once people discover cold, hard historical evidence that CTA has been lying to them repeatedly over many things and they were duped to fighting for CTA's causes, like a cult of sorts. People giving up Tibetan Buddhism en masse? CTA forced to disband? Nobody likes to be lied to after all, for a lie to be credible more lies have to be created to cover it up. In the end, what we get is a huge knot of lies.

lies can only stand for so long before it unravels and when it does, things will be interesting. From here, we can see that CTA has continuously been covering up on its history and continuously distorts it just for the sake of appearing to be right or just to support something that is not true. There is a limit to how much lies that can be created these days, unfortunately, for the CTA because people will eventually dig them up and CTA will be shamed and exposed.


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Re: The 13th Dalai Lama changed his mind and practised Dorje Shugden?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 06:24:56 PM »
Thank you for sharing this article, however I have a few questions:

Can anyone confirm the truth of the information published in this book? Also, I am really curious, when HH 13th Dalai Lama ordered Pabongka Rinpoche to stop practicing Dorje Shugden, what are the reasons He used/gave?

And what makes HH 13th Dalai Lama changed His mind to take up the practice again? It would be good to know...


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Re: The 13th Dalai Lama changed his mind and practised Dorje Shugden?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 09:24:18 AM »
Thank you for sharing this article, however I have a few questions:

Can anyone confirm the truth of the information published in this book? Also, I am really curious, when HH 13th Dalai Lama ordered Pabongka Rinpoche to stop practicing Dorje Shugden, what are the reasons He used/gave?

And what makes HH 13th Dalai Lama changed His mind to take up the practice again? It would be good to know...

The 13th Dalai Lama was incorporating the teachings of the Nyingmapa tradition while Dorje Shudgen is the uncommon protector of the Gelug lineage to preserve its authenticity and purity. Base on this, it's safe to conclude the reasons he gave was probably the same as what the current Dalai Lama gave - the practice of Dorje Shugden promotes sectarian.

The 14th Dalai Lama is a strong believer in non-sectarianism thus aim to upkeep his most important commitment. The worship of Dorje Shugden may be a barrier to this commitment to non-sectarianism.


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Re: The 13th Dalai Lama changed his mind and practised Dorje Shugden?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 10:33:17 AM »

The 13th Dalai Lama was incorporating the teachings of the Nyingmapa tradition while Dorje Shudgen is the uncommon protector of the Gelug lineage to preserve its authenticity and purity. Base on this, it's safe to conclude the reasons he gave was probably the same as what the current Dalai Lama gave - the practice of Dorje Shugden promotes sectarian.

The 14th Dalai Lama is a strong believer in non-sectarianism thus aim to upkeep his most important commitment. The worship of Dorje Shugden may be a barrier to this commitment to non-sectarianism.

What is interesting is, despite everyone insisting that Dorje Shugden is sectarian and he does not like it if a Gelug practices Nyingma teachings, one of Jetsun Khalka's previous incarnations also merged Nyingma and Gelug teachings together, and was a very famous mahasiddha as well during his time. It is not stated whether or not that incarnation practiced Dorje Shugden, but the subsequent Jetsun Khalkas did, right up to the current one who has recently entered clear light. If Dorje Shugden was indeed as sectarian as people thought he was, then this practice and lineage of the merging of the traditions would have been destroyed by Dorje Shugden already and Jetsun khalka would have denounced Dorje Shugden by now. But this did not happen.

Moreover, I found this interesting bit about Trijang Rinpoche:
From the ages of 24 to 27, he travelled and taught extensively at many Gelugpa places of learning all over Tibet, becoming increasingly well known and teaching many thousands of monastics and lay people. He also taught at Sakyapa and Nyingmapa Centers at their request.[6] He travelled west and gave Avalokiteshvara empowerment and teachings on Lamrim to about 3,000 monks at Jampa Ling monastery in Litang, as well as most of the local people. In the foothills of Kambo, a place sacred to Chakrasamvara, he granted initiation and led a long retreat.
In 1928, aged 27, he returned to Chatreng, and was invited by the Tantrists of Chagra Gang to give initiations into the Peaceful Form of Padmasambhava and the Six Forms of Padmasambhava According to the Old Concealed Texts. He also encouraged and helped them to repair the Chagra temple.
On his return to Lhasa later that year, he continued to visit monasteries to grant initiations and teachings, including the valleys and plains of Gyaltang. According to the author of Gangkar Rinpoche's secret biography, Gangkar Rinpoche at this time had a vision of Trijang Rinpoche as being the reincarnation of Padmasambhava; and he performed ceremonies in his honor and presented a large number of offerings, including a sacred Heruka statue.

Why were there no warnings from Dorje Shugden to Trijang Rinpoche if Dorje Shugden was sectarian? Why was he sucessful in Nyingma teachings and Dorje Shugden practice?