Author Topic: SEX ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SIKYONG LOBSANG SANGAY & Dhardon Sharling quits!  (Read 63079 times)

Ringo Starr

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« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2018, 06:44:19 AM »

That's all it's about.

Remember this MONEY bit which Penpa Tsering was fired for?


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« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2018, 05:53:03 PM »
After Tenzin Palkyi and Dhardon Sharling has resigned, the question is: WHO IS THE NEXT PERSON GOING TO RESIGN?!? The timing of these 2 resigning is too coincidental with the sex allegations. Are we seeing just the tip of the iceberg?! Is it because Tenzin Palkyi and Dhardon Sharling know there are more scandals are coming and they are leaving to avoid questions?!

Maybe they are resigning so that they can press charges against him. Hmmm.....I wonder if Mr. Sex-yong will do a Bill Clinton and deny everything. Well, am sure he'll deny everything. Just like how he has been denying his failure and pushing the blame on the lack of progress on regaining Tibet to Dorje Shugden.

What I'd like to see is Lobsang Sangay's resignation.


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« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2018, 07:31:24 PM »
With all these shenanigans, where does Lobsang Sangay find time to serve the Tibetan people?

These days all you about the CTA are news of Lobsang Sangay's overseas trips and Dhardon Sharling and Sangay's launching anti-Dorje Shugden campaigns. I suppose it is easier to keep distracting the Tibetan people over some superstitious stuff than to actually take steps to accomplish the Tibetan dream.

Dhardon Sharling is such a fraud and her reason for resigning, simply lame. In short she is saying that it is more important to her to have a Phd than to serve the Tibetan people and to keep fighting for the Tibetan cause. Just read what she said in 2015 when she was interviewed by Uni of Mass. Amherst:

"I feel that I am a part of the struggle; not just the part that pertains specifically to Tibetans but also to the bigger, wider world. And if I wanted to make a difference in that struggle and other conflicts in the world, I felt that I needed to be a part of that institution, and the best way for me to do that was to represent my people and become a voice for them. All of this was possible through being elected to Parliament, and I thought that being a part of the decision making process would be a huge accomplishment in life". (

The Tibetan people have fought for 60 years and 0ver 160 killed themselves for what they believed to be necessary for the Tibetan cause. But for Sharling, after 2 years of abusing her powers, it seems she no longer cares  about making a difference and being a voice of for per people.

And this the Lobsang Sangay's protégé??? Doesn't say much about Lobsang Sangay either but we already know that he has the most to lose if the Tibetan struggle succeeds. It would mean the end of the Sangay empire in exile. I can't imagine what Mrs Sangay is going through after hearing news of Sangay's sexual exploits.

This is what happens people in power are not held accountable. In a real democracy, Sangay would resign but I think he is gearing up for a big fight with Penpa Tsering. And let's not forget Penpa's own scandals (


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« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2018, 07:56:46 PM »
Poor poor Dhardon darling is no longer the darling... what comes around, goes around. I guess she kinda finally realise that she is not going to get her car, condo or money sticking around with a sex offender and don't forget a backstabbing traitor to the Dalai Lama!!! Guess where his career is gonna end up after this? Down the Dharamsala hole...

Anyway here are more very loving memes I found on Twitter about the two's funny close relationship. Should remind her that she supported a sex abuser to segregate and split Tibetans apart and now she wants to run away? Not so easy... karma follows and haunts you like a ghost!


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« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2018, 08:03:42 PM »
This disgusting fake leader, fake President Sikyong should actually resign. He has stolen so much from Tibetans, lied to them and the Dalai Lama and now, he is caught sexually abusing women! What huge slap and disgrace to His Holiness for picking to be a Sikyong. He's the real traitor of Tibetan society. 

Tibetans should impeach him and if they want they can start using these very nice memes I found floating around to help them voice out their frustrations of a sick corrupt President and make sure he goes to jail and get locked up.


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« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2018, 09:04:41 PM »
I do not believe in so much about things randomly coming together, I think Dhardon Sharling and Tenzin Palkyi, probably planned it all along. It feels like timed and it was designed to get maximum exposure of Lobsang Sangay indiscretions.

Lobsang Sangay should be impeached as soon as the Tibetan Parliament next meets up. Fresh elections should be called, to bring about a new government who will handle Tibetan Affairs.


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« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2018, 11:19:09 PM »
This news is all over social media! Turns out the Sikyong has been alleged to have had affairs with over 7 different women! Check out what is said on social media! And they are going to expose him soon!

This is a serious criminal case. How can anyone allow Lobsang Sangay to disgrace His Holiness the Dalai Lama like this?  :o

He's married, and in Dharamsala, everyone knows he has special relationship with Dhardon Sharling, looks like that's not enough? Lobsang Sangay is obviously victimising women! 7! That's a lot. I was disgusted when I found out that he sexually assaulted Ms. Leslie Butterfield (discussion here:, and he got away with it because people do not wish to upset His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

He should really be prosecuted and put into jail. What a sleazy, corrupt, immoral leader, on top of that, raping women.  >:(  >:(


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« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2018, 11:38:33 PM »
The CTA only perform robotic administrative functions for the dwindling Tibetan community in exile. Even with such function, they spent so much of their time to encourage self-immolation in Tibet, defaming China and advertise how mistreated the Tibetans are to attract more money and donation.

The head of DIIR, Ms. Dhardon Sharling and Sikyong Lobsang Sangay used the donation money to create division among the Tibetans in exile by publishing books to condemn Dorje Shugden. Instead of promoting unity, they are promoting division. All this to cover the fact that they did nothing. What sort of educated person use a deity to hide their failures and divert attention to the fact that they did nothing.

There is nothing good that Dhardon Sharling did to the Tibet cause while she was in office. While the CTA still have the Dalai Lama protecting them, it is their chance to do something useful because, without the Dalai Lama, their future is bleak.


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« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2018, 12:11:14 AM »
Wow! Its kind of a public secret for the relationship between Dhardon Sharling and Lobsang Sangay but now other allegations are out. Wow! Wow! Wow! It must be with shame that Dhardon Sharling resigned. Poor thing, used and discarded! After her marriage, sham or not, she is no longer frontline. No more sitting or standing next to Lobsang Sangay. No secret touching in public photos anymore. Well, serves her right! Coming out with such negatively karmic book that put down an enlightened authentic Protector Dorje Shugden to create segregation and discrimination against her own people. More karma will be coming for her. She should apologize for her dastardly act against her own people whom she should be protecting in harmony. Well, don't believe in Dorje Shugden's enlightenment, Dorje Shugden's Buddhahood? Buddha had taught that any acts of disparage against the enlightened one will bring one immediately to hell. So other than suffering hell on earth, she will have to suffer the actual hell??!! Is Lobsang Sangay worth that price?

Probably Tenzin Palkyi resigned after finding out she is not the only one. So many #MeToo! She should sue Lobsang Sangay and make him take responsibility. Or will she go for the "hush" money? Hmmm, will be interesting to see how "influential" Lobsang Sangay is. What about the other women? Are they paid well enough to keep quiet? Lobsang Sangay is extremely rich from all that donation money that was meant for the Tibetans in exile. Karma is coming back.

Now it makes sense why Lobsang Sangay canceled on the 13th Religious Conference of the Schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon Tradition. The 14th Dalai Lama had promised to bring up the issue of sexual assault/ predators during the conference. Lobsang Sangay must have been worried sick of his own crimes. Thought he got away. Hahaha! Too bad. Now the world revels in his shame and waits for his impeachment. The Puppet who thought he could break away from his Master is going to burn at the stake. How dare he cross the Dalai Lama!!!


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« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2018, 05:28:06 AM »
"In the meantime, speculation is rife that Sharling could be resigning to testify as a witness for Case No. 20, between the Tibetan president Lobsang Sangay and former North America envoy Penpa Tsering."`~Phayul

Definitely Dhardon is quitting and running away because something no good is up. She knew about her school entrance regulations years ago. Everyone would read up before signing for any courses. It is not a recent discovery. Yet she tried to get into Tibetan Parliament where the term is longer, but failing that, her 'intimate' friend Lobsang Sangay created a position for her with money, travel and perks in the Information dept of the Tibetan government in exile regime in Dharamsala (Dramasala). Now even with this position she is not satisfied. Sad.

Personally it is good she quits and runs as she was a failure in her 2-year tenure in Dharamsala. She accomplished nothing. She only bashed one sector of the Tibetan people who practiced Dorje Shugden by producing a book against them to alienate them further from 'democratic' Tibetan society. Pure segregation against human rights and religious freedom. She knows nothing about her religion of Buddhism or Dorje Shugden and she presumes to launch this book. She will be remembered for that for the rest of her life. It will haunt her. Karma exists.  :( :'(

This song applies to you Dhardon Sharling so well. I know you visit this forum often and so do your friends in Dharamsala, so click and watch this special video by Randy Newman for you!!!!-



CTA Information Secretary Dhardhon Sharling resigns
Phayul[Thursday, December 13, 2018 15:24]
By Tenzin Sangmo

DHARAMSHALA, Dec. 13: The DIIR Information Secretary (Equivalent) Ms Dhardhon Sharling has resigned from her post, drawing much speculation in the exiled Tibetan Diaspora.

On a call with Phayul last Sunday, Sharling gave the same reason for her resignation as she cited in her blog post published yesterday.

The blog post says that she is resigning to rejoin school this spring semester beginning January 22, 2019, to continue her study (PhD in Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst). “Failing to do so might jeopardize my admission and funding from the school, both of which have been on a continuous enrolment since September 2016,” she writes.

She wrote that she has completed the two-year contract with DIIR (October 2016-October 2018) as a Special Appointee.

She said that the Tibetan president (Sikyong) fully supports her resuming her doctorate studies and expressed her confidence in being able to contribute to the cause better after completing her studies.

Her resignation becomes effective January 11, 2019

In the meantime, speculation is rife that Sharling could be resigning to testify as a witness for Case No. 20, between the Tibetan president Lobsang Sangay and former North America envoy Penpa Tsering.

Penpa Tsering filed a defamation case in the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (SJC) in Dharamshala this May for “false accusations” against him in ousting him from the post of representative of the office of Tibet in Washington DC by Sangay’s administration in November last year.

The Kashag had cited Sharling’s confiding in Sikyong of Penpa Tsering’s advice not to join the Sangay’s administration as one of the ten reasons for sacking Penpa Tsering.

In a new development in case no. 20, the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (SJC) has asked the CTA president to rewrite the written statement as per SJC’s instruction.

However, a Tibetan legal expert confirmed that it is not necessary for Sharling to resign if she is to testify in the case.

It is also learned that Sharling has confided in close friends a long time ago that she wants to resume her academic career.


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« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2018, 07:01:14 AM »

In the Tibetan government in exile in Dharamala, there is so much hatred, back-biting, fighting, in-house intrigue, corruption and scandal that your idealized dream of a Shangrila group of 'enlightened' leaders protecting their people is shattered. Therefore we call it DRAMASALA.

Former Tibetan MP Penpa Tsering is bitter he was ousted out of his lucrative position of head of Office of Tibet in US by Losang Sangay and their Parliament (kashag) body. So he is suing the corrupt and hateful Sangay for ousting him due to personal vendetta as well as the Kashag he heads. The karma comes back. The Tibetan govt in exile regime is falling apart. Dalai Lama is 84 years old and he leaves his govt to this group of jokers in Dramasala. Back to the yak farm for these jokers.

Remember, Penpa Tsering in his speech to school kids in TCV Dramasala said that Pabongka Rinpoche coughed up blood and died because he practiced Dorje Shugden. He totally insulted such a high lama with such incredible lies. Incredible lies that hurt the sentiments of many and created sectarianism.

Pabongka Rinpoche is the root guru of Ling and Trijang Rinpoche. Ling and Trijang Rinpoche are the root gurus of 14th Dalai Lama. Vast amounts of teachings, practices and lineages are passed from Pabongka Rinpoche to Ling and Trijang Rinpoche. From them it was passed to Dalai Lama. So if Pabongka Rinpoche can cough up blood and die, then his teachings are corrupt and infers he was not a genuine realized being. Therefore whatever Dalai Lama is passing people now is corrupted too because the lineage comes from Pabongka Rinpoche.

Penpa Tsering who is a alleged murderer of his girlfriend's husband decades back in ByLakuppe South India, a womanizer and a drunk can insult one of the highest gurus of Tibet damaging the sentiments of millions of Gelugpas to which the school of Buddhism Pabongka Rinpoche belongs without any sensitivity. He can do so in his speech to young children attempting to poison their minds. I guess his karma is coming back in that Penpa Tsering has lost his lucrative position and his freewheeling money grabbing days are coming to an end. Looks like he will be the one vomiting all his lies soon.  :(


Tibetan Prez asked to rewrite the written statement in case no. 20
Phayul[Wednesday, December 12, 2018 18:58]
By Tenzin Sangmo

DHARAMSHALA, Dec. 12: In a new development in the case no. 20 between former North America Representative Penpa Tsering and the Tibetan President Lobsang Sangay, the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (SJC) instructed Sangay to edit out the arguments not relevant to the case and submit another statement following the instruction of the SJC’s letter.

The written statement was due on November 20th after completing the six months’ extension granted after the original stipulated time of three months.

It can be deduced from the letter that the written statement was submitted on November 30th.

The letter dated December 7, 2018 surmises the content of the written statement and points out the argument in the statement asserting the authority of Kashag to appoint representatives to offices of Tibet is not necessary as the plaintiff had specified in the petition that he is not challenging the Kashag’s authority.

It also urges the defendant to be mindful when referring to articles of Tibetan Civil Procedural Code in order to make relevant arguments.

The letter instructs the defendant to not mix the continuous association of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s name with the offices of Tibet with article 19(1) of Public Service Commission Guideline and article 5(2) of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Administrative Guidelines.

The letter makes note of the fact that His Holiness the Dalai Lama had abdicated his political and administrative power on 29/05/2011 with the 25th amendment to the Charters of Tibetan government-in-exile, known officially as the Central Tibetan Administration. “Article 19 of the charter assigns the President with full administrative power, and article 20 assigns President led Kashag to carry out the administrative duties,” asserts the letter.

Surmising the instruction, the letter states, "Although His Holiness the Dalai Lama continues to bless and guide the administration, his symbolic presence cannot be mixed with responsibilities to adhere to the guidelines of the administration."

The Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission gave the deadline of January 15th, 2019, for the defendant to respond with a new statement that requires it to be concluded by acknowledging the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission’s instruction and promising to uphold its rules.

Former North America Representative Penpa Tsering filed a legal case against the Kashag over its decision to release him from duty as the North America Representative of the Office of Tibet last year.

Asked if his move could lead to more discord within the exile Tibetan community, Tsering said there was no reason for any discord just because of his taking the matter to the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission. "There are two options to prevent discord if any, one of the Kashag taking its responsibility or the court clearing this matter," Tsering told reporters on May 18.

The Tibetan cabinet (Kashag) earlier last year said that ousting of North America Representative Penpa Tsering was solely due to his "failure to assume his duties appropriately and in the manner befitting of the office, as seen by the Kashag." Tsering was replaced replaced by Education Minister Ngodup Tsering in December 2017.

Following the official notice Nov. 7, 2017, the incident sparked debates and discussions within the Tibetan diaspora with some saying the mood was akin to the campaign season disarray that was witnessed in the run up to the Tibetan general elections.

The former Speaker of the Tibetan parliament refuted all the allegations against him saying they were “false, incomplete and manipulative,” at a press conference on December 6, 2017. He said that while the executive body of the Central Tibetan Administration led by Dr. Lobsang Sangay has the authority to terminate him, he rejects the allegations which he said was an “attempt to malign his image.”

The row over the termination of Penpa Tsering’s tenure in Washington office began on Nov. 7 when the Kashag made a public announcement that former education minister Ngodup Tsering would be the new NA envoy. Later the Kashag made public a 10-point statement which cited growing “performance and trust deficit” as well as “insubordination” by Penpa Tsering.

The row became one of the most widely discussed issues within the Tibetan community on social networking and microblogging websites.

(Photos-Lobsang Sangay (R) and Penpa Tsering shake hands at a press conference following Sangay's victory in the elections/Phayul Photo/file/2016-Those were much happier days between the two. Now they are bitter enemies. So much drama in Dharamsala. So rename the place Dramasala. His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche with his two disciples Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche. His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his exams in Lhasa Tibet flanked on the left by Ling Rinpoche and right is Trijang Rinpoche)


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« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2018, 08:10:26 PM »
1. Once a lover, always a lover. Dhardon Sharling said it was Lobsang Sangay who agreed she should continue with her PhD but why now? Why not earlier and finish it before joining the CTA? Sangay brought her in by violating the constitution when he could have hired anyone to do the job easily. Sangay did a lot to get Dhardon Sharling on the board. The midget doesn't know what she was doing, apart from the favours she has to give Sangay incessantly. If the husband she has married is for real, why would he accept a dirty sl*t who made her way into the CTA by giving the Sikyong favours? Dhardon Sharling is going to the US to wait for Sangay after he fails the CTA. Since Sangay has a US passport, he is definitely going back after the CTA is ruined by him. The love story will continue in the states!  :-* :-* :-*

2. Lobsang Sangay needs to make sure that his darling Dhardon achieves some results, therefore he gave her the stupid and evil idea to publish the anti-Shugden book. Since Dhardon Sharling only knows how to give favours, she would follow all Sangay's instruction and do whatever that pleases him. She needs him to continue to be in the CTA earning ridiculously lot of money without actually doing anything, apart from anti-Shugden for the sake of it and of course ready to serve the Sikyong needs anytime, anywhere. Her real role in the DIIR is just to give Sangay favours in whatever way he pleases.  :-X :-X :-X

3. We'll see very soon that her 'marriage' will fall out and Lobsang Sangay finds no excitement with her favours anymore, she would fall into depression and haunt herself with all the 'good' memories she had at the CTA creating disharmony and publishing the damaging book, filling her own pockets with aids meant for the Tibet people, using donations from kind people to go fine dining with Sangay and ate the dead corpses' meat, stepping on other people in the CTA to secure her role, taking pictures with the Dalai Lama to pretend she is doing the right thing, and etc.  >:( >:( >:(

4. The study in the US is just a show. I wouldn't be surprised that Lobsang Sangay sponsors her studies. Since he is still into her, it is wise that she leaves now so she is guaranteed with money for a luxury life she would love to maintain. She is a midget, dark blonde and useless kalon candidate who fought for no one and no cause. The only fight she did was to fight with the makeup artist for a bad job (or so she thinks) which he/she did best on an ugly face she has. Some people just don't look at the reality in the mirror.  ::) ::) ::)

Re: Dhardon Sharling's resignation excuse:

I don't want to sound like I am looking for the negative, but Dhardon's excuse to resign sounds too simple and covering something.

1. When she took on her position in CTA, she was supposed to take on something even longer in time, challenging and a much bigger portfolio. She was trying to wiggle her way into the parliament. In parliament the time span would have been much longer. Because of her age restriction, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay couldn't pull the strings to get her in legally so he created the information position for her so as not to lose face. As a parliament member she would have had to work in Dharamsala for a much longer time and she would have known about her studies, timing and schedule inclusive of funding before she tried to be a parliament member. So why quit now? Why is school suddenly an issue nowadays ? Naturally that is not the real reason.

2. In the information department Dhardon Sharling was not effective. Only working for two years, what did she accomplish? She 'threw' together some unspiritual 'geshes' who needed money and fame, a few printers and editors and got a book against Dorje Shugden practice together to 'please' Dalai Lama and look good and by speaking against Dorje Shugden people. She spent so much of public money on a book to segregate her own people using religion. How ridiculous is that? She wants all Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden to not be allowed to integrate into mainstream Tibetans based on their religion. What kind of democracy is that? Fake Democracy. She couldn't get what she wanted which is more money, fame and power and that is why she is quitting mid-term.

Dhardon Sharling says:

"My resignation comes in light of few compelling circumstances that have made it imperative for me to resume my studies (PhD in Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst). I will rejoin school this spring semester beginning January 22, 2019. Failing to do so might jeopardize my admission and funding from school, both of which have been on a continuous enrollment since September 2016."

Studying in the US, she should know how precious religious freedom is. How can someone who studies in the US not know you do not discriminate others due to their religion? Yet she can produce a book to give reason to discriminate against a religion and the people that practice it. She is guilty of segregation due to prejudice against another's faith. Her teaming up with Lobsang Sangay was a big mistake. She accomplished nothing 'under' his 'leadership'.

3. For the rest of her life, she will be haunted by the book she arranged against someone's religion and segregated so many people within her own people. She made a big deal to promote the book when it came out hoping for fame and limelight and recognition which she didn't get. For every person that reads this book she and her dept arranged and it creates doubt, anger, bias and prejudice in their minds, she will collect the negative karma as the cause of it and this karma will return to her. She will experience much disharmony for the rest of her life. Her own life will not be smooth, or filled with peace and her aims on the ultimate level will be difficult to fulfill. Wherever she goes and whatever she does, she will be remembered as the woman who worked in the information dept of Tibetan exile government who was the driving force behind writing a book that segregates and separates her own Tibetan people for the rest of her life. Shame.

She should offer Khata to Dorje Shugden and sincerely apologize to purify the negative karma she has accummulated in hurting the sentiments of so many people. She knows nothing about Buddhism or Dorje Shugden and she can produce such a negative undemocratic book. She should apologize to Dorje Shugden.

4. She does nothing for Tibetan freedom. For the freedom of Tibet. She goes to do her studies, get a job, earn money and hope to just be comfortable and relax. She does not fight for a Tibetan cause. She is only concerned for herself. Selfish.

She says, "As a Tibetan, I will continue to hold the cause of Tibet close to my heart and make every use of opportunity in academia and in life to further our collective cause. I am confident that completing my studies will enable me to contribute to the cause in a much bigger, impactful manner."

This is doubtful. She has the opportunity now while the Dalai Lama is alive to do something about the Tibetan cause. She is in Dharamsala all this time to do something. But she has done nothing. Being the person who wanted power, limelight and prestige, she couldn't get this in Dharamsala, so she is leaving. Being the person whose motivation was never genuine, she shows who she is by resigning. Resigning while the Dalai Lama is still alive and could do something for Tibet but she does not.

Too bad

(photo- Launch of the book she headed to put down Dorje Shugden practice and to segregate Dorje Shugden people from mainstream Tibetan society. There is so little Tibetans in India already and instead of uniting them, she segregates them further using religion which she knows nothing about. Shame on Dhardon Sharling.


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« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2018, 09:49:58 PM »
Wow, Dhardon Sharling has resigned! This is a big surprise to me. She has everything that other people want, the house, the money, the passport and the title at work. Her good friend Lobsang Sangay has been giving her special treatments and let her get everything she wants. Why is she leaving?

I don't think it is because she realises how corrupted CTA is, I think it is because she realises she is not the one and only of Lobsang Sangay. Come to think of it, her fake marriage probably is not a cover-up of her relationship with Lobsang Sangay. Perhaps she was angry with Lobsang Sangay having so many lovers so she faked the marriage to make Lobsang Sangay angry.

But looks like the fake marriage is not working and Dhardon Sharling is so disappointed that she resigned to leave Lobsang Sangay. Whatever the reason is, the resignation of Dhardon Sharling is a good news to everyone, especially Dorje Shugden practitioners. For the time she was in the Information department she has done nothing good for the Tibetan community but she has created so much disharmony with the launching of the anti-Dorje Shugden book. Her resignation is good for her too, she won't be creating more negative karma for herself.


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« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2018, 11:12:03 PM »
Dhardon Sharling says Lobsang Sangay supports her plans to continue with her Phd. degree but of course he would. She is old news, so out of sight, out of mind. Hmmm or could she be pregnant and needed to get out of public eye. With a fake hubby in tow, she may have an early pregnancy.... oooh won't that be fodder for more bad news for good old Lobsang Sangay. I guess we will wait a few months more. Now she knows how it feels like a discard, given the best of her years and put to the pasture. But I guess she is wealthy now and can live in comfort with her fake hubby. More negative karma coming.....publishing a book she knows nothing about but as a sheep led to slaughter commits so much negative karma against enlightened beings and Masters in ignorance. Not worth it, gal! Better regret and ask for forgiveness from Lord Dorje Shugden and all those Lamas you had wrongfully defamed.


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« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2018, 06:06:51 AM »
No wonder 2 girls from the CTA resigned at the same time. Now we know what our Mr Sikyong had been doing behind the scenes. Now we know why CTA had known about Sogyal Lakar's sexual abuse for almost 2 decades and yet they did not do anything. Turns out that the president of CTA is exactly the same as him!

Nevertheless, we are happy that Ms Shorty, Dhardon Sharling finally is out of CTA. The harm she caused by publishing the Anti-DS book created so much of suffering globally and now the karma is coming back to her. Of course, Mr Lobsang is happy for her to go because "fresh meat" will come and take her spot to be abused!

What a messed up government the Tibetans have. No wonder after 60 years they are still a refugee. The government does not care about their people at all while pretending they do. I wonder how long Tibetans will still be deceived by CTA. I hope His Holiness will bring all Tibetans back to Tibet to be governed by China so that CTA will be stopped from their tyranny.