1. Once a lover, always a lover. Dhardon Sharling said it was Lobsang Sangay who agreed she should continue with her PhD but why now? Why not earlier and finish it before joining the CTA? Sangay brought her in by violating the constitution when he could have hired anyone to do the job easily. Sangay did a lot to get Dhardon Sharling on the board. The midget doesn't know what she was doing, apart from the favours she has to give Sangay incessantly. If the husband she has married is for real, why would he accept a dirty sl*t who made her way into the CTA by giving the Sikyong favours? Dhardon Sharling is going to the US to wait for Sangay after he fails the CTA. Since Sangay has a US passport, he is definitely going back after the CTA is ruined by him. The love story will continue in the states!

2. Lobsang Sangay needs to make sure that his darling Dhardon achieves some results, therefore he gave her the stupid and evil idea to publish the anti-Shugden book. Since Dhardon Sharling only knows how to give favours, she would follow all Sangay's instruction and do whatever that pleases him. She needs him to continue to be in the CTA earning ridiculously lot of money without actually doing anything, apart from anti-Shugden for the sake of it and of course ready to serve the Sikyong needs anytime, anywhere. Her real role in the DIIR is just to give Sangay favours in whatever way he pleases.

3. We'll see very soon that her 'marriage' will fall out and Lobsang Sangay finds no excitement with her favours anymore, she would fall into depression and haunt herself with all the 'good' memories she had at the CTA creating disharmony and publishing the damaging book, filling her own pockets with aids meant for the Tibet people, using donations from kind people to go fine dining with Sangay and ate the dead corpses' meat, stepping on other people in the CTA to secure her role, taking pictures with the Dalai Lama to pretend she is doing the right thing, and etc.

4. The study in the US is just a show. I wouldn't be surprised that Lobsang Sangay sponsors her studies. Since he is still into her, it is wise that she leaves now so she is guaranteed with money for a luxury life she would love to maintain. She is a midget, dark blonde and useless kalon candidate who fought for no one and no cause. The only fight she did was to fight with the makeup artist for a bad job (or so she thinks) which he/she did best on an ugly face she has. Some people just don't look at the reality in the mirror.

Re: Dhardon Sharling's resignation excuse:
I don't want to sound like I am looking for the negative, but Dhardon's excuse to resign sounds too simple and covering something.
1. When she took on her position in CTA, she was supposed to take on something even longer in time, challenging and a much bigger portfolio. She was trying to wiggle her way into the parliament. In parliament the time span would have been much longer. Because of her age restriction, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay couldn't pull the strings to get her in legally so he created the information position for her so as not to lose face. As a parliament member she would have had to work in Dharamsala for a much longer time and she would have known about her studies, timing and schedule inclusive of funding before she tried to be a parliament member. So why quit now? Why is school suddenly an issue nowadays ? Naturally that is not the real reason.
2. In the information department Dhardon Sharling was not effective. Only working for two years, what did she accomplish? She 'threw' together some unspiritual 'geshes' who needed money and fame, a few printers and editors and got a book against Dorje Shugden practice together to 'please' Dalai Lama and look good and by speaking against Dorje Shugden people. She spent so much of public money on a book to segregate her own people using religion. How ridiculous is that? She wants all Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden to not be allowed to integrate into mainstream Tibetans based on their religion. What kind of democracy is that? Fake Democracy. She couldn't get what she wanted which is more money, fame and power and that is why she is quitting mid-term.
Dhardon Sharling says:
"My resignation comes in light of few compelling circumstances that have made it imperative for me to resume my studies (PhD in Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst). I will rejoin school this spring semester beginning January 22, 2019. Failing to do so might jeopardize my admission and funding from school, both of which have been on a continuous enrollment since September 2016."
Studying in the US, she should know how precious religious freedom is. How can someone who studies in the US not know you do not discriminate others due to their religion? Yet she can produce a book to give reason to discriminate against a religion and the people that practice it. She is guilty of segregation due to prejudice against another's faith. Her teaming up with Lobsang Sangay was a big mistake. She accomplished nothing 'under' his 'leadership'.
3. For the rest of her life, she will be haunted by the book she arranged against someone's religion and segregated so many people within her own people. She made a big deal to promote the book when it came out hoping for fame and limelight and recognition which she didn't get. For every person that reads this book she and her dept arranged and it creates doubt, anger, bias and prejudice in their minds, she will collect the negative karma as the cause of it and this karma will return to her. She will experience much disharmony for the rest of her life. Her own life will not be smooth, or filled with peace and her aims on the ultimate level will be difficult to fulfill. Wherever she goes and whatever she does, she will be remembered as the woman who worked in the information dept of Tibetan exile government who was the driving force behind writing a book that segregates and separates her own Tibetan people for the rest of her life. Shame.
She should offer Khata to Dorje Shugden and sincerely apologize to purify the negative karma she has accummulated in hurting the sentiments of so many people. She knows nothing about Buddhism or Dorje Shugden and she can produce such a negative undemocratic book. She should apologize to Dorje Shugden.
4. She does nothing for Tibetan freedom. For the freedom of Tibet. She goes to do her studies, get a job, earn money and hope to just be comfortable and relax. She does not fight for a Tibetan cause. She is only concerned for herself. Selfish.
She says, "As a Tibetan, I will continue to hold the cause of Tibet close to my heart and make every use of opportunity in academia and in life to further our collective cause. I am confident that completing my studies will enable me to contribute to the cause in a much bigger, impactful manner."
This is doubtful. She has the opportunity now while the Dalai Lama is alive to do something about the Tibetan cause. She is in Dharamsala all this time to do something. But she has done nothing. Being the person who wanted power, limelight and prestige, she couldn't get this in Dharamsala, so she is leaving. Being the person whose motivation was never genuine, she shows who she is by resigning. Resigning while the Dalai Lama is still alive and could do something for Tibet but she does not.
Too bad
(photo- Launch of the book she headed to put down Dorje Shugden practice and to segregate Dorje Shugden people from mainstream Tibetan society. There is so little Tibetans in India already and instead of uniting them, she segregates them further using religion which she knows nothing about. Shame on Dhardon Sharling.