Author Topic: A formal invitation  (Read 15760 times)

Bhod Gaylo

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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2008, 07:21:34 PM »
I see some very hateful comments here on this forum. I am not a shugden practioner nor firm believer of something that i cannot see it. but the fact is this comment hurts our feeling being a tibetan. many of our brothers and sister are dying under the communist rule and every day there is a protest in India, Nepal and elsewhere who long to see their homeland. at this very critical period of our history these hatful comments about tibetan and undermining the the ongoing protest of Tibetan youth are just hurting us. i hope you guys use the religious matters as this this is freedom of speech but not the issue of Tibet. this hurts us all. this could only make us more distance. I really hope there should be some positive out come of these diety problem. time will come when every one sit and talk but please don't bring the issue of Tibet here. many of my family members were killed by chinese and when somebody in the name of buddhist tries to disharmony us thats hurt. so please please please discuss your concern of religious matter not the politics.
thanks and tashi delek

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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2008, 09:34:30 PM »
Bhod Gaylo,

Please reflect: who is hurting Tibetans, who brought disharmony among Tibetans, who incites Tibetan against Tibetan?

Who mixed religion an politics for political reasons?

Who? ???

Do I need to name him?

Please do not imitate your leader and blame a website!!!!  :o  for all the pain that your community suffers because of his actions.



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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2008, 10:32:32 PM »
My advice is to stay clear of the darkness! 

The website is festering slime!

Don't get stuck in the gunge!



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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2008, 02:39:20 AM »
did you see the oppinion poll? ha! ::) how silly is that?

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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2008, 02:12:13 AM »

How could he accept?
His opponents, even if only a few show up, are Gelugpa Geshes, brought up in the ancient Indian Buddhist logic of the two treasures Dignaga and Dharmakiirti, and children of the Tibetan yogi logicians, Je Tsong Khapa and his sons ... who would dare be their opponent?
The Dalai Lama is a debater himself, he knows beforehand that he is defeated. He will never accept.

Forget Tibetan tribes. In ancient India, when religion was not so much a matter of labels as it was of proven wisdom, Masters debated among themselves ... at the end of the debate the disciples of the loser became automatically disciples of the winner.


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Re: A formal invitation
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2008, 04:36:10 AM »
You are so right, dear Thom.
This is a case where the searchers of peerless Buddhist Enlightenment take refuge -in the world level- in the heritage of the XVIII century Enlightenment.