Author Topic: Living Buddhas in Tibet/China  (Read 11992 times)


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Re: Living Buddhas in Tibet/China
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2013, 07:06:08 AM »

Indeed this an interesting news but probably not surprising. But what I found interesting is your comment on the fact that more and more highly attained Lamas are making their ways in to the China and in to their system. And if we follow the Dharma, it is probably something we should rejoice in? I mean the Chinese also need Dharma, no... and being the biggest superpower nation at the moment... with so much growth and materialism... I am sure when the Boddhisattvas took the vows of benefiting all sentient beings... I don't think it says "except" the Chinese in China lol.

So I am quite happy with this notion and honestly we do not really know what "enlightened" beings have in mind and what has been probably "premeditated"... I am sure if the motivation is right which is to spread he Dharma in all 10 directions... it is super aweeesome and I really cannot wait for the time when a whole big stadium in China gets filled with hundreds of thousands of people receiving initiation of Dorje Shugden by His Holiness Pabongkha Rinpoche or Trijang Rinpoche!!! Oh wow imagine that happening?! That will be the day which I hope I have the merits to be alive to witness  ;)

Yeah it seems that there are many tulkus who choose to return to Tibet/China as opposed to be born in Dharamsala or in western countries. I wonder why...could it be because the conditions in Tibet/China are more conducive for them to spread Dharma? I mean, even Pabongkha Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche are going in and out of China to receive and disseminate teachings with no problems at all. China has more people in the world than anywhere else and it would make sense to go and teach Dharma to more people as opposed to less people. It also shows that China is capable of producing Lamas, not the officials, but rather the Lamas that remained in Tibet during the hostile takeover.


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Re: Living Buddhas in Tibet/China
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2013, 03:53:42 PM »
It is interesting that China is now recognizing tulkus. Initially i thought it is a tactic used by the Chinese to lay claim to recognizing tulkus, but on second thoughts the Chinese knows there is something more powerful than guns and that is faith.

If one alleviates these monks and lamas to such a status, then these lamas and monks are bound to have power, influence over the Chinese people and once they have faith then it is not so easy to revoke it or cut out that influence. So either this is a great gamble by the Chinese to 'If we can't beat them then we join them'  or the Chinese really wants to develop this system further to regulate the recognition of Living Buddhas and also protect their citizens. Very interesting development indeed.   


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Re: Living Buddhas in Tibet/China
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2013, 05:14:59 PM »
Very interesting but expected development indeed. China should be commended for providing this fantastic Buddhist institute to its minority Tibetans, which also goes to prove that China knows what is good for ALL its people. As opposed to the quite ridiculous Central Tibetan Administration , that always claims that they care about Tibetan's welfare but they never do anything for the people inside Tibet or in exile .

Instead, they encourage the disharmony between Dorje Shugden practitioners and non-practitioners. The CTA is also directly or indirectly behind many cases of self-immolation by its own people, much to the disdain of the Chinese. One thing is for sure in China, is that with such positive moves the Dharma will grow and exceed the worlds expectations.


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Re: Living Buddhas in Tibet/China
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2013, 03:23:15 AM »
It is interesting that China is now recognizing tulkus. Initially i thought it is a tactic used by the Chinese to lay claim to recognizing tulkus, but on second thoughts the Chinese knows there is something more powerful than guns and that is faith.

If one alleviates these monks and lamas to such a status, then these lamas and monks are bound to have power, influence over the Chinese people and once they have faith then it is not so easy to revoke it or cut out that influence. So either this is a great gamble by the Chinese to 'If we can't beat them then we join them'  or the Chinese really wants to develop this system further to regulate the recognition of Living Buddhas and also protect their citizens. Very interesting development indeed.

Another thing worth noting is that China cannot control these tulkus. They can provide support and education for these tulkus, but they cannot use these tulkus as a tool to subjugate the Tibetans simply because the tulkus are way above the Chinese officials. Even though the Dalai Lama is no longer in Tibet, it is still possible for tulkus to appear in Tibet and also in China, depending on what they want to achieve and who are they targeting to benefit. In a way, the tulkus in Tibet are controlling China because they are smarter than China and they can easily make China bend to their will discreetly. Sadly, thats not the case with CTA because they find it more fun to feed their anger and frustration rather than behaving properly.