Author Topic: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy  (Read 7552 times)


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Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« on: August 07, 2011, 11:52:16 AM »
The action comes as China tightens the screws on the Himalayan state.


Tibetan refugees cross a fence to circumvent Nepalese police preventing them from celebrating the Dalai Lama's birthday in Kathmandu, July 6, 2011.

Authorities in Nepal arrested on Friday the Dalai Lama's new representative in the Himalayan country after he held a news conference calling for protection of Tibetan refugee rights, sources said.

The arrest of Thinley Lama, volunteer coordinator of the Tibetan Refugee Welfare Office, came amid persistent pressure from Beijing urging the Nepalese government to stop “anti-China activities” by Tibetan refugees.

He was taken away and interrogated by police after he held a press conference asking the Nepal government to ensure the rights of the country’s 20,000 Tibetan refugees under Nepal’s new constitution.

The press conference, held at a Kathmandu hotel, was Thinley Lama’s first since his June appointment.

Thinley Lama, a Nepali citizen, was expected to be released after signing  specific "commitments," a source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“They want him to shackle himself in future press conferences,” the source said.


Rights groups criticized the Nepali government and called for strong action from the international community and an end to what they called "persecution" of Tibetan refugees in Nepal.

"I think this gesture—arresting this representative of the Tibetan government in exile—brings us to a new low," Sophie Richardson, Human Rights Watch's Asia advocacy director, told RFA.

"We have not seen behavior this specific, this aggressive, and frankly this baseless, in quite some time, and it is a very alarming development that requires a fairly vociferous response from the international community to make sure that the government of Nepal is upholding its obligations to Tibetans," she said.

China has been more aggressive in urging Nepal to take action against Tibetan refugees since last month when the new Chinese ambassador to Nepal, Yang Houlan, assumed office, news reports said.

Yang had reminded the Nepali government and political parties in the country against allowing any “anti-China activity” by Tibetans living in Nepal, the reports said.

Refugees under pressure

Tibetan refugees living in Nepal are under pressure to avoid asserting their national identity as their host country moves closer to its powerful northern neighbor China, analysts say.

Even religious ceremonies and community gatherings by Tibetans are increasingly viewed with suspicion by authorities in Nepal. They were also prevented from celebrating the birthday of the Dalai Lama last month.

Many of the refugees arrived in Nepal following a failed 1959 Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule in which thousands fled south across the Himalayas.

Many still flee Tibet each year, hoping to transit Nepal to India, home of Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

At the press conference on Friday, Thinley referred to four treaties signed between Nepal and Tibet as two "sovereign countries" in 1645, 1789, 1792 and 1856, the Times of India reported.

He noted that on the basis of amicable relations with Tibet, earlier Nepali governments had given sanctuary to Tibetans forced to leave their countries as "political refugees," the report said.

China says there are no Tibetan “refugees,” only illegal immigrants.

'Old treaties'

"I guess the thing that really ‘got their goat’ was that he referenced old treaties between Nepal and Tibet," said Mikel Dunham, an American writer and blogger on Nepal’s politics who frequently travels to the country.

"That would not have gone down well, particularly with the new Chinese ambassador in Nepal, Yang Houlan, who seems to be the feistiest of all the [Chinese] ambassadors so far."

Sophie Robinson said the Nepali government has stepped up action against Tibetan refugees since regionwide riots and protests in Tibet in March 2008. The refugees had sympathized with their countrymen facing repression in Tibetan regions of China, she said.
"We’ve seen the Nepali government take a number of steps to either restrict the activities of Tibetans or to actively persecute them," Richardson said.

"We’ve certainly documented that in the treatment of Tibetans following the March 2008 protests that took place in Tibetan areas. People were protesting in sympathy in Kathmandu, and we documented some fairly horrific treatment at the hands of the Nepali authorities of people who were exercising their right to freedom of expression."

Controversial project

She also cited a controversial Chinese project aimed at transforming Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal.

"In that marvelously hypocritical way that the Chinese government has, even as Beijing is encouraging the locking up of Tibetans in Nepal, the Chinese government itself is in the middle of a $3 billion project to make Lumbini—which is the birthplace of the Buddha, and therefore one of the most sacred sites for Buddhists—a 'mecca for Buddhists,'” Robinson said.

Dunham said Beijing is using tourism to extend its increasing political influence in Nepal.
"It’s clear that China is intent on positioning itself in Nepal as the main supporter for tourism," he said.

"They’ve got people in China now willing to spend money, and they’re willing to ship them to Nepal to see the Buddhist sites and all of that, and Nepal could use the kind of economic boom that offers," Dunham said.

"But in order for that to be all nice and tidy for the Chinese, of course people like Thinley cannot be around raising dust in the background."

Reported by Richard Finney and Parameswaran Ponnudurai.

This happened on the eve of the swearing of the new TGIE prime minister.  Sounds like a slap to the TGIE.
TGIE now has no more influence in Nepal, and perhaps even collapse in India?  Once TGIE goes bye bye ban! In fact I think some of the organisations with strong affliations with dorje shugden do have more clout than TGIE - NAGBA, NKT, Gangchen lama organisation, Dromtug RInpoche's organisations and many more.

Dorje Shugden is getting stronger with the times   ;D


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 05:18:05 PM »
Hey DharmaSpace,

Very interesting research you've pointed out! Yes definitely TGIE's influence in today's economic driven world will be lesser and slowly fade in to the background. How long can they really continue this way... if we think about it the only one good reason why TGIE is being supported by people is because of the Dalai Lama... what other real resources do they have to offer the world?

Once His Holiness sorry to say goes, it is time for TGIE to take a bow and say farewell as the world will be focusing on their bread and butter and where they can make their investment grow bigger...and this all points to China - the rising of the dragon... and guess who will be riding the dragon ... Pema Shugden and what does he do? ...


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 03:39:27 AM »
What is happening in Nepal is not surprising. It is going to increase.

1.China's wealth will further increase as there is no stopping it from country East or West. Nepalese in general do not like the Tibetans in their country, but just tolerate them out of pity for loss of their country. The fact Tibet lost their country reflects their silly arrogant govt of the past. Nepales find them bothersome, with poltical agenda and disruptive. China wealth and power can help Nepal very much and the Nepalese Govt looks forward to this. What can the Tibetans do for Nepal? What have they done for Nepal? Tibetans need Nepal. Nepal DOES NOT NEED TIBETANS.

2. Nepal has done Tibetans a favour since 1959 a safe Haven to live. Tibetans should be grateful AND not further irritate the Nepalese govt. For the freedom to live, work, buy property and be in peace in Nepal means you don't celebrate the Dalai Lama's birthday, then don't do it publicly. That is all the Nepalese Govt is asking in exchange for your safe homes and businesses in Nepal. Why so demanding. If the Chinese invest in Nepal, the Tibetans in Nepal benefit also. Tibetans are having a very good life in Nepal so don't be ungrateful and greedy with your demands. If and when Tibet ever gets their country back, then you make your own govt policies of who you wish to befriend or not otherwise let Nepal make it's own decisions.

3. Since they are able to arrest the Representative, this should clearly send a message to the Tibetans to not irritate the Nepalese Govt any further. Back down. Be at peace. Enjoy your lives, your businesses, your children growing up with education, your Nepalese citizenship. The Nepalese Govt has not come down on the Tibetans for anything else. The Tibetans can even get Nepalese citizenship when they want. How kind is Nepal?  Since the Nepalese have not disturbed Tibetans on any other issues, then just follow their one request-DON'T CELEBRATE THE DALAI LAMA'S BIRTHDAY PUBLICLY. What's the big deal. Celebrate at home. Nepal is a poor country with many problems of it's own, the Tibetans should not add to it.

4. Even while the aging Dalai Lama is alive, you can see the decline in the influence of the formerly known as Tibetan Govt in Exile. Now it's been changed to 'Central Tibetan Administration' in Dharamsala, India. They cannot call themselves the Exile Govt of Tibet anymore because of pressure from the Indian Govt. Once the Dalai Lama is no more, it will be over for the Tibetans and their CTA. CTA will be silenced and will have to be humble citizens of India and Nepal just like everyone else or quickly immigrate to other countries.

5. All the archaic and undemocratic practices of the Tibetan Govt are coming to an end. Within that is the illegal and immoral ban on the ban of Dorje Shugden. We have gathered here on this website and forum for this purpose, for the ban to be removed. To bring awareness and to spread the practice of Dorje Shugden. Our goal is in sight. What little influence CTA has is on the quick wane.

Chief Administrator Lobsang Sangye (cannot call him Prime Minister anymore) will be an interesting person to watch. He is 'strangled' by the Indian Govt to becareful what he says and does not to anger the Chinese govt and also to becareful not to disturb the Dalai Lama's mind. As the saying goes, if he stands up, he bumps his head, and if he sits down, he bumps is bottom. He is in  tight squeeze. Everything he does must please the Dalai Lama and Indian govt. I hate to say it but he will be the puppet of the Dalai Lama. Even the Tibetans in Dharamsala says that Lobsang Sangye has no real power that behind the scenes holding all power is the Dalai Lama still. Makes sense. A 350 year institution cannot die overnight, but sure is declining fast.

Big Uncle

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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 04:22:15 AM »
This piece of news is very interesting! I didn't know the Chinese government has invested so much in Nepal to refurbished Lumbini. I think that is a very nice gesture although it is mostly self-serving. Thaimonk is absolutely right when he said Tibet needs Nepal and not the other way round. It is really a reflection of our times and China is stealthily winning the hearts and minds of the Nepalese government and the poor TGIE can't do anything about this. It is just a matter of times when the TGIE is rendered crippled by the growing pressure of China and then its ridiculous ban would just be a thing of the past. May Dorje Shugden spread like wildfire all over the world when that time comes.


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2011, 02:51:34 PM »
I empathise with Lobsang Sangye... either way he will get if he says the wrong thing. So much pressure on both ends and what is the whole goal of CTA anyway?

Karma for TGIE is ripening and sure is coming back. They have lost everything, it is time to be humble and practice the Dharma that they have been famous for. Time has really change and as the world economy is going through a huge crash, one thing we know is China remains quite strong because they have 1.8billion people at their call to turn what they see fit and viable to gain control back in the world economy. That is their upper hand. What is CTAs contribution to the world? Everyone is watching indeed.


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 12:58:03 PM »
I empathise with Lobsang Sangye... either way he will get if he says the wrong thing. So much pressure on both ends and what is the whole goal of CTA anyway?

Karma for TGIE is ripening and sure is coming back. They have lost everything, it is time to be humble and practice the Dharma that they have been famous for. Time has really change and as the world economy is going through a huge crash, one thing we know is China remains quite strong because they have 1.8billion people at their call to turn what they see fit and viable to gain control back in the world economy. That is their upper hand. What is CTAs contribution to the world? Everyone is watching indeed.

CTA has contributed nothing to India and the world. The only thing Tibet has to offer the world is Buddhism. But that is just from the sangha. The general lay populace have nothing to offer. They for the last 50 years have been living off the kindness, donations, resources of generous donors. From their own side, they produce no money, no benefit and not contributions even to their own community. They create mischief, doubt and schism such as the two Panchen Lamas, three karmapas, breakup of Gaden (Shar Gaden), Sera (Serpom), and tremendous doubt in the minds of many practitioners. Yet they still want more donations and money to support their paranoic self centred ban of Shugden becasue they need a scapegoat to cover the utter failure of getting Tibet back in any form. A useless and ineffective so called govt that should fade soon..


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2011, 06:44:20 PM »
Religion & Politic, nothing new!!!

Politic=philosophy of power. People always become victim.

The different view of thinking or mindset always brings a lot suffering to people around.

The victim is suffer all the time, the power holder always enjoy while see the suffering boiling around him.

The karma of China and Tibet had struggled over 50 years still continue until today…..why???


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2011, 02:18:11 PM »
I'm not surprise with this at all.

China is big and everyone relies on China on their trade deals. Therefore, it is not surprising that Nepal (a small country smack in between China & India) has to listen to China. Therefore, I find the previous TGIE and now CTA very silly for going against China.

There will be more arrest in the near future if CTA does not cool down on their protest and etc.


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 11:55:27 PM »
CTA has contributed nothing to India and the world. The only thing Tibet has to offer the world is Buddhism. But that is just from the sangha. The general lay populace have nothing to offer. They for the last 50 years have been living off the kindness, donations, resources of generous donors. From their own side, they produce no money, no benefit and not contributions even to their own community. They create mischief, doubt and schism such as the two Panchen Lamas, three karmapas, breakup of Gaden (Shar Gaden), Sera (Serpom), and tremendous doubt in the minds of many practitioners. Yet they still want more donations and money to support their paranoic self centred ban of Shugden becasue they need a scapegoat to cover the utter failure of getting Tibet back in any form. A useless and ineffective so called govt that should fade soon..

Well said thaimonk. The former TGIE now CTA have done very little for their own people. What happened to the fight for independence? What happened to human rights? What happened to the basic responsibilities of a government such as the economy, education, non-discrimination, freedom? The reign of the TGIE is marked with schism, controversy, and laughable laws that cross the border from secular to spiritual, or is it the other way round? The Nepal govt have certainly made a strong statement to the CTA with this arrest!


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Re: Nepal Arrests Dalai Lama's Envoy
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2013, 06:00:56 AM »
I find this very interesting. Can one call this karma? the CTA mistreats Dorje Shugden followers and then their envoy gets arrested. But it could be a couple of other factors as well. Tibetans are known to be really independent people in some ways, but it could be a bad thing as the few Tibetans I have met dont seem to care much about the people around them, neither do they care about the rules and regulations of other countries. One that I knew went to singapore to get a better job, but after the contract was signed and the employment was about to begin, he suddenly decided that it would be better to go back to Dharamsala and just packed his backs and went back. So in some way, it could be that the CTA officials have done something to transgress the Nepali laws, and then report it as a sob story on phayul.