Author Topic: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden  (Read 20133 times)


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2012, 09:09:32 PM »
"moronish behaviour"?

@Zhalmed Pawo, as you should be aware, this forum is for the Dorje Shugden practitioners to learn and to share knowledge. If you would like to present a point, please debate/discuss with logic, and if possible, present with evidence.

You have your beliefs and I have mine, and I need to respect that. Didn't Lord Buddha Shakyamuni teach us to accept other religions and faiths? I also remember HH Dalai Lama taught us to accept others, and that's the way to achieve world peace.

I also wonder if you do listen to HH Dalai Lama, and I wonder what would you do if HH Dalai do Chenrezig practice... Would you tell him you will only do Shakyamuni practice?


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2012, 05:10:10 AM »
Sad to know that in this age and time when majority of population is literate, some choose to continue behaving like peasants of our fore fathers' time and not read and investigate. Instead, they choose to stay ignorant and partake in coffee shop talks. I can understand the mentality of some Tibetans who are cut out from technology and the outside world hence they operate their lives on hear say but for someone who can be on Facebook yet chose to be in the dark, now thats sad.

Hi Guys, I found this very amusing conversation about Dorje Shugden on a friend's Facebook and i would like to share with you guys here:
Some guy:
What will you do if you find out some of your FB friends are also the friends of Dorje Shugden ??????
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago near Singapore, Singapore ·

Another guy: Dangerous...
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy: What will you do then?
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy: Chua Actually it depends how one perceive
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy: dont care lo
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy:Don bother
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy: Who are we to judge? My Lamas advised me to respect the practices of others and live in harmony. That's Dharma
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy: does it matter to you?
about an hour ago · Like

Yet another guy:I need to have a new perspective to see things. I dont want to get into politics. But now I know what to do..
54 minutes ago · Like

Yet another guy: ?????????????????????????????
53 minutes ago · Like

Yet another guy: What would you do?
53 minutes ago · Like

The poster : Due to my past indoctrination by some senior Gelugpas, I was told not to associate with them. I think as one brother Benjamin Plk mentioned to me earlier on, embracing them with compassion and praying for them is the wise thing to do.
48 minutes ago · Like

The poster: Now my mind is free
45 minutes ago · Like

The poster: From this episode, I see that some of us have some hangups or negativity which may hinder us from further practice and I am so glad that such negativity is gone tonight !
42 minutes ago · Like

Yet another guy: the Triple Gems Always Be With Us! :)
39 minutes ago · Like

Yet another guy: They r Buddhist after all, why discriminate? Who knows some unscrupulous individual might stir this issue to cause further division amongst Tibetan Buddhism. Guess who gets d last laugh? Missionaries all ready to go into Tibet anytime to do their song & dance to convert.
38 minutes ago · Like

Yet another guy: Firstly as Buddhists we should investigate about this. We should read documents, history and timelines and find out why is he bad. The Buddha said not to believe in things blindly just because of hearsay and there must be solid reasons before we see something to be true. So we need to do our homework and eradicate people's influence in our judgement, then we will be real Buddhists. For me I'd do an exhaustive research on Dorje Shugden for my personal view and then not let it affect my judgement of people.
18 minutes ago · Like

The poster is singaporean by the way.

It is so funny!! he speaks of Dorje Shugden like his ex lover! pray for dorje shugden practitioners hahahahaha, but he cannot even say WHY and notice how he said he had some past indoctrination? That's so funny because he follows what people tell him to do only and not do any investigation himself.  He takes their word so readily. And the sad part is, a majority of the Buddhists out there these days operate and behave this way.

It is very sad to see Buddhists listening to hearsay…If they were around the Buddha's time, when a woman faked her pregnancy and accused the Buddha of being the father, I am pretty sure most of these "Budddhists" today will walk away and lose all of their faith in Buddha….they trust in hearsay so easily and readily, without investigation or logic.

It is really up to us to change this generation of Buddhists into real Buddhists.


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2012, 06:57:44 AM »
Sad to know that in this age and time when majority of population is literate, some choose to continue behaving like peasants of our fore fathers' time and not read and investigate. Instead, they choose to stay ignorant and partake in coffee shop talks. I can understand the mentality of some Tibetans who are cut out from technology and the outside world hence they operate their lives on hear say but for someone who can be on Facebook yet chose to be in the dark, now thats sad.

Not everyone can accept the light and do something about it. There are people who are unable to accept the light and continue to be in the dark not because they cannot see, but rather because they choose not to see or use their rational mind. Buddhism is all about checking out, finding out, doing research, and making decisions in both life and the teachings. If one calls themselves a Buddhist but does none of that, it is sad indeed.

But what strikes me the most is how a HYT practitioner can still choose to be ignorant and make unfortunate statements against the protector and believe in nothing but hearsay? Aren't people who have received the HYT initiations supposed to be better and sharper than those who have not? Why are they behaving in this way and think that it is okay with it? Don't they have vows that they should hold?

I have heard that these days, many people go for initiations but do not wish to put in effort to study and learn up. They only want the ritual but none of the commitments that follow, nor do they want to learn up what they need to do. In the end they act and appear as if they have never did anything before they met the teachings. I think this kind of attitude is personally very detrimental to Buddhism in general.

If it was not for the Ban, I do not think such attitudes would surface and be brought to the open. Therefore I feel that the ban has brought these issues to the surface and remind us that as practitioners, we should study as much as possible and put them into practice to help preserve the teachings and also for our own spiritual advancement.


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2012, 02:11:38 PM »
Oh ... I am so tempted to post up all the facebook messages I get from anti-Shugdenpas.

I shouldn't! But here's a snippet:-
Dear friend,...U have mistakenly befriended evil,...dorge shugden is not tibetan yet is evil persian diety not under padmasambhava and frowned upon by dalai lama and is being used by han hu chinese agents 2 fool U int2 worshipping a lesbian anti-bhuddas kult please discontinue ur allegiance or lamidalai will have know recourse yet 2 discontinue U,...

This is not to discriminate this person. It's to show that there are many who do not want to open their minds to think logically but rather take Buddhism as blind faith.

Funnily, I am getting less and less of messages like this. I wonder if all the education of DS via the web world has been an impact and put some sense into people?

On the other hands, I had people who sincerely wanted to find out more about Shugden's controversy so that they can decide themselves. Those are the messages I look forward to :)

Ratna Shugden

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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2012, 09:48:59 AM »
We validate the truth of Buddha's teaching by experiencing the truth ourselves. After putting one teaching into practice, we will experience beneficial changes in our lives, this will inspire us to learn more about all the other teachings of the stages of the path.

Similiarly, in order of understand how each Buddha, Bodhisattva or Dharmapala uniquely contributes to our understanding & experience of the Dharma, one only needs to spend some time doing some research on the nature & function of enlightened being concerned, learn teachings related to His/Her nature & put them into practice. Throughout the process of putting the related teachings into practice, rely on the enlightened one for inspirations on the basis that you are on the same page with Him/Her now & observe your experiences.

It is just like to trying to understand someone around us. We will spend some time talking to them to understand their opinions on various issues of life. We will hang out with them to learn their habits. We tell them secrets & give them responsibilities to see if they are trustworthy. After a while we will have an idea of how the person is really like.

We do not rely on hearsay to judge a person around us, not to mention an enlightened being.
I can describe to you how a particular dish taste like, but until you try it yourself you will never truly know.

Among all Dharma Protectors whom I rely upon in my life, I experience for myself through doing the above that Dorje Shugden is the most responsive to me, hence I mainly seek refugue in Him.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2012, 04:59:50 PM »
Yes. Facebook and other social medias and the web are the right places to go to learn and discuss on matters related to Dorje Shugden. I am very thankful to the dedicated and hardworking people at who continuously provide us with all types of info related to Dorje Shugden. It is through this website that more people come to understand the whole situation on the ban of this practice. More people will realise that Shugden practitioners are practicing guru devotion and not rebels. And Facebook is one of the way to reach out to more people.


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2012, 02:48:08 PM »
We validate the truth of Buddha's teaching by experiencing the truth ourselves. After putting one teaching into practice, we will experience beneficial changes in our lives, this will inspire us to learn more about all the other teachings of the stages of the path.

Similiarly, in order of understand how each Buddha, Bodhisattva or Dharmapala uniquely contributes to our understanding & experience of the Dharma, one only needs to spend some time doing some research on the nature & function of enlightened being concerned, learn teachings related to His/Her nature & put them into practice. Throughout the process of putting the related teachings into practice, rely on the enlightened one for inspirations on the basis that you are on the same page with Him/Her now & observe your experiences.

It is just like to trying to understand someone around us. We will spend some time talking to them to understand their opinions on various issues of life. We will hang out with them to learn their habits. We tell them secrets & give them responsibilities to see if they are trustworthy. After a while we will have an idea of how the person is really like.

We do not rely on hearsay to judge a person around us, not to mention an enlightened being.
I can describe to you how a particular dish taste like, but until you try it yourself you will never truly know.

Among all Dharma Protectors whom I rely upon in my life, I experience for myself through doing the above that Dorje Shugden is the most responsive to me, hence I mainly seek refugue in Him.

Sadly, most asians have this mentality that rumors must be true and they are usually lazy to check the source or confirm if the rumors are true. The unfortunate thing is that this mentality has also infected the westerners who are supposed to be more logical and forward thinking as they have received more education and they are more outspoken than their asian counterparts and will readily point out if something is wrong.

It is an issue of practitioners with weak minds that cannot make up what they want to do or hold on to and believe in rumors or take the easy way out of avoiding and believing without checking the facts and taking things for granted. The reason why for this is because they have no faith in the Dharma as they did not practice it nor receive the results and thus is not grounded in their faith in the Buddha.

There are so many stories of people who demonize Dorje Shugden, but when asked further they are no longer able to answer or they go into panic mode because they do not even understand the real reason for the ban. they cannot even tell a concrete reason to why Dorje Shugden is bad or his origins at all. This shows the level of their ignorance and how they so readily believe in hearsay.

There are so many buddhist cults here in asia preying on people who would believe hearsay and not do their own investigation of the truth, and they thrive despite being banned or curtailed by the authorities because they prey on people with weak minds. The ban seems to have revealed these people…perhaps something can be done about them in the future?

Ratna Shugden

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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2012, 03:41:37 AM »
We validate the truth of Buddha's teaching by experiencing the truth ourselves. After putting one teaching into practice, we will experience beneficial changes in our lives, this will inspire us to learn more about all the other teachings of the stages of the path.

Similiarly, in order of understand how each Buddha, Bodhisattva or Dharmapala uniquely contributes to our understanding & experience of the Dharma, one only needs to spend some time doing some research on the nature & function of enlightened being concerned, learn teachings related to His/Her nature & put them into practice. Throughout the process of putting the related teachings into practice, rely on the enlightened one for inspirations on the basis that you are on the same page with Him/Her now & observe your experiences.

It is just like to trying to understand someone around us. We will spend some time talking to them to understand their opinions on various issues of life. We will hang out with them to learn their habits. We tell them secrets & give them responsibilities to see if they are trustworthy. After a while we will have an idea of how the person is really like.

We do not rely on hearsay to judge a person around us, not to mention an enlightened being.
I can describe to you how a particular dish taste like, but until you try it yourself you will never truly know.

Among all Dharma Protectors whom I rely upon in my life, I experience for myself through doing the above that Dorje Shugden is the most responsive to me, hence I mainly seek refugue in Him.

Sadly, most asians have this mentality that rumors must be true and they are usually lazy to check the source or confirm if the rumors are true. The unfortunate thing is that this mentality has also infected the westerners who are supposed to be more logical and forward thinking as they have received more education and they are more outspoken than their asian counterparts and will readily point out if something is wrong.

It is an issue of practitioners with weak minds that cannot make up what they want to do or hold on to and believe in rumors or take the easy way out of avoiding and believing without checking the facts and taking things for granted. The reason why for this is because they have no faith in the Dharma as they did not practice it nor receive the results and thus is not grounded in their faith in the Buddha.

There are so many stories of people who demonize Dorje Shugden, but when asked further they are no longer able to answer or they go into panic mode because they do not even understand the real reason for the ban. they cannot even tell a concrete reason to why Dorje Shugden is bad or his origins at all. This shows the level of their ignorance and how they so readily believe in hearsay.

There are so many buddhist cults here in asia preying on people who would believe hearsay and not do their own investigation of the truth, and they thrive despite being banned or curtailed by the authorities because they prey on people with weak minds. The ban seems to have revealed these people…perhaps something can be done about them in the future?

You speak my mind:)


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2012, 08:44:14 AM »
its very funny , everyone have their own religious and believe whether they are Christine, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu, these should not be the main factor for people to not be friend or cut off from friend.

That is very narrow mind that you want to cut off with friend who do not follow your religious or have different practice with you.. If you really practice real Dharma (for this case) your mind will be more open, accept and think everything with logic behind, you will check and find out, not just because you was told by someone.. which is also contradict to Lord Buddha teaching to not believe because someone tell you..   

Well.. this is sign of degeneration... 


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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2012, 12:54:00 PM »
Looking back at this topic, it made me laugh a little as perhaps having a neutral view about Dorje Shugden (for those people who really think that the Dalai Lama can be their Guru and they want to one day take refuge with the Dalai Lama and study under the Dalai Lama) is the best way to go out there if they find themselves trapped in a quagmire of doubts and deception. But what I do hope is that most of these people should actually do some research about Dorje Shugden first before they have a stand...else they will regret it in the future.

Gabby Potter

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Re: A Facebook status on Dorje Shugden
« Reply #40 on: March 04, 2015, 10:09:55 PM »
People are weird, we all have our own perspectives. It's good to see that there are people who just do not judge Dorje Shugden practitioners like how others do blindly. They themselves are actually the ones being blinded by the truth and also their karma that's pilling up, soon to become mount meru lol