Author Topic: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane  (Read 11723 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 09:09:48 AM »
The Dalai Lama's political power may be on the wane because he so wills it.By transferring political power to the new democratically-elected Prime Minister Sangay, he is showing clearly that he just wants to focus on spiritual matters and the Dharma in his remaining years.

Thus he is fully in control on the spiritual level. This is good because, even with the Dalai Lama-Dorje Shugden controversy, Tibetan Buddhism is spreading rapidly everywhere. He has made Buddhism a household word. As an emanation of compassionate Chenrezig he continues to teach and spread Dharma everywhere for the benefit of all.

Regarding his ban on Dorje Shugden practice, even when he spoke up about it recently,  during a Kalachakra initiation in Washington DC(on the occasion of his birthday), it was like he was just doing so because the TGIE expected him to do so. I believe, he will continue to make a little noise here and there regarding his stance on Dorje Shugden practice. But that will be all.

The more interesting person to watch is the new Prime Minister. Will he be forced to make a statement about his stance on Dorje Shugden practice by the TGIE? Or will everything be kept as it is until  the Dalai Lama is no more? Or will the Dalai Lama make an about turn concerning Shugden just before he passes on?

Whatever may be the case, Dorje Shugden's practice must continue to be supported and spread by not only the great Masters and high Lamas who practice Him, but by all who have found His practice so beneficial. This is so that the Dharma teachings of the great Je Tsongkapa and the Gelug lineage will continue to flourish for all times for the benefit of all. 


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Re: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2011, 07:29:05 AM »
It would be indeed interesting to see what will transpire with the New PM of TGIE.

Is Dorje Shugden going to be part of their subject in parliament or is there a better need to focus on bringing well being to the Tibetans in exile? Would it not be wiser for them to put all their funds in good use in ensuring education and social welfare of their people is well taken care and that there would be real democratic system in place for their people. Instead of funding spies and wasting time hunting down high lamas, which makes them seem like there is nothing much for them to do in their parliament.

I wonder what would be their main focus now.... TGIE is a govt body without a country, what would be their objective? Continue with the human rights issue that HHDL is wanting from China for Tibetans there? And if so, shouldn't the Tibetans in exile have it too with their freedom to practice whatever they wish, be in Christianity, Hinduism, Dorje Shugden etc...? Would it not be wiser to walk the talk and to start the "human rights issue" from home base first before shouting for it in China?


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Re: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2011, 09:50:21 PM »
The Nepali recently prevented Tibetan rallies against China from happening on the birthday celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 76th birthday.
This shows that Nepal cares more about its relationship with China's financial aid rather than its relationship with the Dalai Lama. It would seem that China now has more the upper hand in influencing Nepal than India another supoerpower where the Dalai Lama resides in.

Last time I was in Nepal, a cabbie told me his car had been 'sponsored' by the Chinese gov who had flooded KTM with Chinese-sponsored taxis. Only makes sense a Maoist-leaning gov would be supportive. At the end of todays' day, economics prevails.

Regarding his ban on Dorje Shugden practice, even when he spoke up about it recently,  during a Kalachakra initiation in Washington DC(on the occasion of his birthday), it was like he was just doing so because the TGIE expected him to do so. I believe, he will continue to make a little noise here and there regarding his stance on Dorje Shugden practice. But that will be all.

I did think his relatively mild mentions of the issue were a bit odd but what you said got me thinking. Its true - if HHDL really gave a toss about suppressing Dorje Shugden, he would use his last major public appearances as leader to really drive home the message. It could be a few things - maybe he doesnt want to mar his final days as a political leader with such an issue. But then again, we can weigh that up against his overall reputation as an all-round Warrior of much damage could he do to his reputation if he tried a little harder in his final days to suppress Dorje Shugden?

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Re: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2011, 05:08:06 AM »

Regarding his ban on Dorje Shugden practice, even when he spoke up about it recently,  during a Kalachakra initiation in Washington DC(on the occasion of his birthday), it was like he was just doing so because the TGIE expected him to do so. I believe, he will continue to make a little noise here and there regarding his stance on Dorje Shugden practice. But that will be all.

I did think his relatively mild mentions of the issue were a bit odd but what you said got me thinking. Its true - if HHDL really gave a toss about suppressing Dorje Shugden, he would use his last major public appearances as leader to really drive home the message. It could be a few things - maybe he doesnt want to mar his final days as a political leader with such an issue. But then again, we can weigh that up against his overall reputation as an all-round Warrior of much damage could he do to his reputation if he tried a little harder in his final days to suppress Dorje Shugden?

Well, actually the Dalai Lama is holding back on speaking out against Dorje Shugden because he has already relinquish secular power. The reason the Dorje Shugden ban was enforced in the past was due to his secular power on the Tibetan community at large. Actually, by right, the TGIE can remove the ban on Dorje Shugden immediately as the Dalai Lama is no longer in power. Alternatively, they can keep quiet and not enforce the ban for awhile and just run the Tibetans strictly on secular matters. Let the religious authority be restored on the heads of the various sects and the abbots of the great monasteries.

Even the Dalai Lama speaking out against Dorje Shugden right now will only be heard by his staunch disciples who obviously don't practice Dorje Shugden anymore. All Dorje Shugden practitioners have already gone to the other side. So there's no need for big fanfare about the ban anymore. However, I believe the Dalai Lama would feel that his time is short and he really need to continue pushing Dorje Shugden until his passing.


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Re: Dalai Lama's Influence on the wane
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2011, 03:45:21 AM »
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Sunday, 11th September held a public talk on ‘Finding Happiness in the Troubled Times', at the Cruz Azul (Blue Soccer) Stadium in Mexico City, which are being attended by over 30,000 of people including officials, religious scholars, movie star, singers, and musicians.

What is amazing is after His Holiness concluded his talk, the crowd recited in unison in Spanish a popular long-life prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which says: "In this land surrounded by mountains of snow; You are the source of all solace and joy; All powerful Chen-re-zig, Tenzin Gyatso; Please remain until samsara ends."

No mention of Dorje Shugden.