Author Topic: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol  (Read 8455 times)


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Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:31:09 PM »
Its sad to see that these monks used the monastery to do something illegal. They live and use what the monastery provided them with, for their selfish needs. Its has nothing to do with the Sangha, rather the 2 people who have misused the name. I do hope that they stop what they are doing and repent.

Two Buddhist monks were arrested Thursday after police found them drinking along with evidence they smoked crystal meth at a Cambodian commune, the Cambodia Daily reported.

Pich David, 36, and Chan Bunna, 19, were defrocked after they were caught in a private room at the Pur Langka pagoda in Slakram commune with alcohol, condoms and a meth pipe, police said. David was also charged with resisting arrest.

“Pich David was expelled in 2012 for bad behavior, but we allowed him to return in 2013 after he pleaded with the pagoda authorities to come back and promised to adhere to the Buddhist doctrine and to follow the rules of the pagoda,” Pur Lanka pagoda chief monk Keo Khouy told the Cambodia Daily.

Two women and two other men were also arrested in the raid, but only Bunna and pagoda resident In Bros, 30, tested positive for methamphetamine.

Khouy said neighboring villagers lodged complaints over David’s “rowdy late-night activities.”


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 02:19:29 AM »
Yup, it's sad.  So is when the Dalai Lama does illegal activities and breaks his lying vow everyday in his monastery, as well as his refuge vows.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 05:15:53 AM »
It's very sad that such incidents happen. But, that is the nature of samsara. The 2 monks are so deluded that they think the secular law will escape them. Worse yet, they think they can escape the karma they create for bringing shame to the sangha. May they start their repent soon and do purification the rest of their natural lives here in samsara. OM MANI PEDME HUM


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 07:01:39 AM »
Of course if someone breaks alcohol vows, the should purify; it doesn't really have to take the rest of their lives to purify, because for instance the 35 Buddhas and Vajrasattva --- if we do 100111 Prostrations and Vajrasattva while applying the 4 opponent powers then we can clear even really heavy stuff from countless lives, including this one, and then continue on the path.
  What these monks did, while very unfortunate is not anywhere near as bad as what the Dalai Lama has done; he commits breaking the lying vow daily, has broken refuge by acting against other Buddhists (harming), and has, committed the two heinous acts of Sangha splitting--- once for the Kagyupa and once for Gelugpa--- picks someone other than the Karmapa in the first case--- causing a split, tells people to go against the practice that Trijang Rinpoche did in the second (Shugden) and to ostracise the Shugden people--- causing a split in the second.  Schisming the Sangha is one of the 5 heinous actions--- so if Dalai does not purify he will be in the lowest hells for a long time....

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2014, 10:06:47 AM »
It is rather disturbing to read of the behavior of the two monks committing the acts of intoxicating themselves with alcohol and harmful substance in the holy place of Buddha. Certainly, it is not only breaking their monks' vows, they are running afoul the civil law, hence the police are called.
As reported, one of them have been exposed prior to this incidence, but the chief monk was kind enough to let him have a second chance to continue on his monkhood and repent his previous error. However, it turns out that he is taking advantage of the kindness of those who were being hospitable to him.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2014, 10:22:06 AM »
Monks like them will definitely be reborn in the 3 lower realms as they have broken their monk vows. The karma is very heavy. Temporary pleasure at the expense of their own future lives. This is what most of us succumb to due to our lack of understanding of karma. When we don't have enough merits, whatever is good for us will come to an end very fast. That's why it is important to generate as much merits as possible in the fastest possible methods.

Monks like them tarnish the image of Buddhism.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2014, 11:29:03 AM »
It’s sad to now that such bad incident happened. The monks had violated religious disciplinary rules and were caught on monastery grounds and brought shame to the sangha community. I hope they regret what they have committed and repent soon.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2014, 03:07:27 PM »
Very sad and disheartening to know that the monks violated their vows and thus brought shame to the monastery. Let's hope that they regret their actions and will make amends and repent soon.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 01:45:37 AM »
The reasons being why this monks have committed such heinous offence is due to they have not practise well enough of the dharma and have not fully given up on all the attachments, desires and pleasures in the samsara world. Further to this, they are also lack of merits for them to sustain and adhere to the monk’s vows. Their attitudes and actions have caused much  shame to their monastery and their gurus . If they truly understand and believe the  law of cause and effect of karma, they should regret and repent on the wrong deeds they had done. Instead, take up the positive role of serving the needs of sangha with sincerity .


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2014, 04:05:56 AM »
Guys, I totally agree that we should all focus on our moral discipline and keep whatever vows we have taken or will take to the very best of our ability. However, if someone makes a mistake, and this mistake is public, how will it benefit anyone to keep talking about it?  We can do some Vajrasattva and think of us, them and all living beings who have ever broken vows in any life.... this is an example of needing to focus on our practice rather than the faults of others; like if we are hearing about this then maybe we should purify the tendency similar to the cause or something (result similar to the cause?) I am not sure, but if we hear of this, then we should purify, for ourselves, for them, for all living beings. 


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2014, 08:37:44 AM »
These two Buddhist monks were caught in the act of more than taking alcohol. They were found "in a private room at the Pur Langka pagoda... with alcohol, a drug called methapetamine,condoms and a meth pipe". They had violated more than one primary precept for a monk:They were caught drinking alcohol, taking  a drug and the condoms they had with them were evidence of sexual activity.   

Pich David had been expelled from the monastery before  for bad behavior. Then he came back after he had promised to abide by Buddha's doctrine and the rules of the pagoda. But the fact that this time he was caught again for rowdy behavior and putting up resistance when he was being arrested, showed he was unrepentant. Chan Bunna was tested positive for methapetamine.

Their transgressions are heavy on several grounds. One of the heaviest, karmically,  is that they had brought a bad name to the monastery and the Sangha, one of the Holy 3 Jewels that we , as Buddhists, take refuge in.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2014, 04:47:54 PM »
These two Buddhist monks were caught in the act of more than taking alcohol. They were found "in a private room at the Pur Langka pagoda... with alcohol, a drug called methapetamine,condoms and a meth pipe". They had violated more than one primary precept for a monk:They were caught drinking alcohol, taking  a drug and the condoms they had with them were evidence of sexual activity.   

Pich David had been expelled from the monastery before  for bad behavior. Then he came back after he had promised to abide by Buddha's doctrine and the rules of the pagoda. But the fact that this time he was caught again for rowdy behavior and putting up resistance when he was being arrested, showed he was unrepentant. Chan Bunna was tested positive for methapetamine.

Their transgressions are heavy on several grounds. One of the heaviest, karmically,  is that they had brought a bad name to the monastery and the Sangha, one of the Holy 3 Jewels that we , as Buddhists, take refuge in.

Okay, again, though I don't know why we need to talk about what they did like this.  I get they completely broke several vows, and I know already this is very bad karma, for which I am concerned for them, and compassionate about it; I feel their spiritual teacher will find the right way to handle this--- like advising them what purification practices to do, etc.  They already gave back their robes.
  And if you think this is bad, and it is, but it is purifiable, then please tell me how exactly the Dalai "Lama" should not be defrocked for
  1. Lying
  2. Sangha Schism I-- the Kagyus
  3. Sangh Schism II  The Shugden vs. other Gelugpas
  4. Breaking samaya with Trijang Rinpoche
  5. Making people lose faith in the three Jewels by all of the above.
  To me the way we roundly condemn some monks we don't know, but always run around forcing pure view down everyone's throat about the "Buddha" (gag cough, get real- not a Buddha) DL--- all his actions are pure?  Oh yeah?  Prove he's a Buddha (you can't, we can't prove that kind of thing).  Prove the 2 monks doing vow breaking aren't Buddhas showing us what not to do (you can't, can't prove that kind of thing).  So let's leave the monks alone that apparently broke Pratimoksha vows, and leave their purification to their lamas (though we can pray for them) and let's try to notice the big elephant who is getting terrible karma in the name of pretending to be the Buddha of Compassion= DL).


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2014, 08:14:53 AM »
There are always the black sheep in any groups of people, be it at the office, charity organizations, politics (more then others) and even the Sangha. The Sangha is founded by the Buddha primarily for meritorious  beings to practice the Dharma via the holdings the Vinaya as the main and basic practice. The Vinaya is a method for it members to refrain from worldly attachments and distractions and create the right conditions to practice the higher trainings and other aspects of the path.
However, like any rules, there are people bound to break it and the consequences ranges from confessions to repair the vows according to the Vinaya to being thrown out if is repeated of if the offense are very serious. To protect the Sangha, these 2 monks were defrocked as they broke the law of the country by having drugs, I believe the in addition to that the Vinaya by having alcohol and condoms.


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2014, 05:33:28 PM »
it is always sad to see the bad behaviors from monk, but then I also know there are many who use monk for personal gain and not to benefit others :(

When monks take on the monk vows and keep them well, they can collect a lot of merits. At the same time, if they break the vows, it will be extremely bad as well. I feel much sympathy to the monks who break the vows...


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Re: Buddhist monks defrocked after found with alcohol
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2014, 07:57:47 PM »
It is very sad to hear about this happened especially in the sangha community.
I believe that in any community including the sangha community, there are always bad apples. There are people that will use the kindness of others for their personal gains.
I am glad that the monastery has taken the step to report to the police. At least they have put a stop to the harm to the name and reputation of the monastery due to the actions of these two monks.