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« on: June 13, 2014, 11:03:17 AM »
The source of this problem is the Dalai Lama himself, the ISC is asking him to change - to stop the persecution of Shugden people and to give religious freedom.

LIVORNO, FLORENCE, ITALY, June 12, 2014 / -- The Dalai Lama is in Italy on 14th & 15th June, but not everyone will be welcoming him. Visitors to the Modigliani Forum in Livorno on Saturday and Sunday will be met with the unusual sight of over 400 protesters - Tibetan and western monks and nuns in Buddhist robes and lay people young and old, waving placards and banners and loudly requesting the Dalai Lama to “Stop Lying!” and “Give Religious Freedom!”

Demonstration times & location:
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th June, 09:00–16:00 - Modigliani Forum, Livorno

The protestors are from the International Shugden Community (ISC), a group of individual practitioners of the ancient Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden. They claim that in 1996 the Dalai Lama banned the worship of their Deity, a tradition which they say goes back 350 years, and that this ban is causing suffering and persecution to millions of faithful Shugden Buddhists worldwide.

ISC spokesperson Fabrizio Bernacchi says, “Dorje Shugden is a well-loved Buddhist Protector Deity with about 4 million practitioners in Tibet, Mongolia, India, and across the western world. The Dalai Lama’s ban is causing persecution and discrimination on a massive scale throughout the Buddhist world. Because the source of this problem is the Dalai Lama himself, the ISC is asking him to change - to stop the persecution of Shugden people and to give religious freedom. Since 1996, demonstrations were organized by the Shugden Supporters Community in India, then later by the Western Shugden Society, and now by the International Shugden Community.”

ISC cites a wealth of evidence for the suffering they say is being caused by the Dalai Lama’s “religious discrimination”. For example, in May this year in northern India, a Shugden monastery was forcibly taken over by Dalai Lama supporters. ( ISC points to multiple interviews with Tibetans giving personal testimony of the ostracism and violence they face on a daily basis, with the Tibetan exiled community in India and elsewhere deeply divided over this issue. (
????????????????? THE TRUE FACTS, Part 1 - Tibetan Public Talk, April 30, 2014
) For more evidence of persecution see Al Jazeera’s report:

In May his Central Tibetan Administration (CTA - the Tibetan government-in-exile) published a list on its website of 34 Tibetans who have taken part in protests against the Dalai Lama’s ban, together with their photographs and personal information. ( According to ISC, this is a clear incitement to persecution and violence against these innocent Tibetans.

This discrimination has now reached Italian soil. On June 9th, a group of primarily Italian Buddhist organizations, led by the Dalai Lama, issued a statement in support of his ban on the CTA’s website. (
Now Italian Shugden practitioners are being publicly excluded from attending the Dalai Lama’s Livorno event, whilst all other people, from atheists to Satanists, are welcome! (

ISC states that whenever anyone criticizes the Dalai Lama, instead of responding to the allegations or agreeing to dialogue, the CTA immediately accuses them of being funded by, or working for, the Chinese government. ISC spokesperson Fabrizio Bernacchi says: “We have no links to the Chinese government at all and have never received any funding from them - and neither the Dalai Lama, nor anyone else, has ever provided a single shred of evidence for this. Their claim is a complete lie - a smokescreen to distract attention from the truth: the Dalai Lama is persecuting people for their faith and is denying them the basic human right to freedom of religion.”

In addition, the Dalai Lama and CTA say that Shugden people are sectarian and that the Dalai Lama’s ban is in fact simply “advice”, aimed at protecting Tibetan Buddhism from what they claim is the sectarian influence of this Deity’s practice. Signore Bernacchi says: “Millions of Shugden people lived happily with other Buddhists and practitioners of other faiths for centuries until the Dalai Lama’s ban, so it is complete nonsense to say that they are sectarian. This is just another smoke screen: with these protests, all we are asking for is the freedom to practice our religion in peace.”

Angela Casali-Bell
International Shugden Community
+44 7804451930

Solomon Lang

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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 06:55:33 AM »
In Livorno, H.H. the Dalai Lama will be teaching Nagarjuna's "Letter to a friend".

Here are some verses from the letter:

(14) Anyone who previously didn’t care,
And later develops a caring attitude,
Becomes as beautiful as the moon when parted from clouds,
Like Nanda, Angulimala, Ajatashatru, and Udayana.

(40) Always meditate properly on love,
Compassion, joy, and equanimity.
Even if you do not receive, like that, the highest (goal, nirvana),
You will (at least) attain a Brahma realm’s bliss.

(47) If you desire higher rebirth status or liberation,
Make into a habit a correct view.
For persons having a distorted view, even good deeds
Will all have unbearable ripened (results).


Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 08:35:31 AM »
Looking at the video posted above -

For the Lobsang Sangay, he said that to demonstrate is not the Tibetan way. What then is the Tibetan way, do we throw rocks and weapons? Do we go back to the times when Tibet was a warring nation and even threatened the Chinese border is that the way the Sikyong wants the Tibetans to resort to? Obviously not!
The fact that people go to the streets is because there is no dialogue.

What do we ask for ? Have a televised dialogue between the Dalai Lama and the Gelug Lamas. If one is so so very 'cocksure' of themselves what is there to worry?

Then Mrs Gyari Drolma, well do they these people even believe what they are speaking about in public on TV?
Serpom and Shar Gaden would not have emerged if everything was a level playing field. Monks have become blind and even died due to the lack of care they received for being a Dorje Shugden practitioner. This is one of many damage the ban has done to the Tibetans.   

Manisha Kudo

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« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2014, 08:45:12 AM »

June 13 2014

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Calls on Journalists to Promote Human Values and Religious Harmony. In his speech the Dalai Lama claimed:

"Everyone has the same desire for love, affection and happiness, which is the basis for human love. Therefore [Dalai Lama] always advocates the promotion of basic human values. His [DL] main message is human love – the ultimate source of human happiness. Human affection is basically a biological factor and the basis of our survival is human love. Irrespective of whether we believe in religion or not, whichever culture we belong to, all of us need love"

Seriously, is there no end to this hypocrisy?

Please tell Italian journalist about the ban. Tweet @beppesevergnini

Drop him a note on Facebook :

Manisha Kudo

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« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2014, 09:16:39 AM »
A letter sent to Italian journalist Mr Beppe Severgnini:

Please continue writing to the journalist and tell him more about the ban.

Dear Mr Severgnini,

Hello! Greetings. How are you?

I understand, with due respect, that an interview was recently conducted with HH the Dalai Lama in Italy and HH spoke about religious harmony and I quote:

"Everyone has the same desire for love, affection and happiness, which is the basis for human love. Therefore [Dalai Lama] always advocates the promotion of basic human values. His [DL] main message is human love – the ultimate source of human happiness. Human affection is basically a biological factor and the basis of our survival is human love. Irrespective of whether we believe in religion or not, whichever culture we belong to, all of us need love"

Nevertheless, I wish to point out that since 1975, HH the Dalai Lama started to discourage the practice of a Buddhist deity known as Dorje Shugden and in 1996 even issued a ban on the practice. What was worse is that as a result of the ban, Tibetans living in exile from Dharamsala who continued practicing were discriminated against and denied the right to medical help, children were not allowed to go to school and practitioners were disowned by their own family members as unfairly facilitated by the Central Government of Tibet and representatives of the Dalai Lama world wide. Least to say, violence and inhumane attacks were launched against monks and lay persons that wanted to continue a peaceful practice taught to them by their teachers. Not only that, centuries old monasteries faced the pains of separation as monks that chose to practice were denied entry into their place of worship. The coercion was so great that they had no choice but to start their own monastery but with a heavy heart and bitterness that still brings tears to their eyes until today.

There is evidence that even the Tibetans living in exile in Europe were forced to give up the practice by signing official documents issued and approved by the CTA and the Dalai Lama. This is highly rampant in Switzerland.

In Livorno, yesterday, hundreds of Buddhists protested against the Dalai Lama and also in other parts of the Western hemisphere.

Even the young and intellectual Tibetans are speaking up and iterate that the ban has brought much suffering and cruelty that are inflicted upon a broken Tibet.

So, my question is, dear sir; is there deep and hidden hypocrisy in the Dalai Lama's quest for religious harmony when he has scarred his own people with distrust and lies? It is terribly shocking and disheartening that each time the Dalai Lama and the CTA are questioned regarding the ban and discrimination, they blatantly deny their existence in broad day light. The practitioners of this deity have requested time and again for a dialogue but they have been rejected outright.

I implore that you will look into this matter seriously and report on it as for the world to move forward as a whole, the icon of peace and religious harmony must truly and sincerely uphold Article 18 of the the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights for religious freedom, that everyone must have the right to worship in peace.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

I thank you for your much needed attention and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Please continue writing to the journalist and tell him more about the ban.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 07:50:33 PM by vajratruth »


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« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2014, 04:39:29 PM »
I do hope HH Dalai Lama will go on more "world tour" so that there are chance to do more peaceful demonstrations. :) I must say ISC has done fantastic job in organising so many of the peaceful demonstrations, and thank you all who make a stand and join the peaceful demonstrations. Dorje Shugden practitioners have been trying for many years to have a dialogue with HH Dalai Lama so that the unjusticed discrimination against them can be resolved but there is no dialogue.

As such, it is important the world understand the main reason behind the peaceful demonstration: violation of religious freedom and basic human rights by the CTA government.


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« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2014, 07:47:32 PM »
Some people have asked how can monks and Buddhists take to the streets to protest?

The Buddha condemned schism in strong terms, saying that a person who starts or joins schism in a Community originally united around a correct understanding of Dhamma and Vinaya, knowing or suspecting that he is not on the side of the Dharma and Vinaya, is destined to be boiled for an aeon in hell.

The Buddha also formulated sanghadisesa rules to help intercept attempts at schism, and gave special allowances for sangha to try to avoid, prevent, or end schisms.

The protests call for an end to a damaging schism the Dalai Lama created which has hurt the unity within the Tibetan sangha community and damage Tibetan society.

The protests are important to end that which threatens the Dharma and seek to eradicate a Protector practice synonymous with the preservation of Je Tsongkhapa's perfect view of the Madyamika without which Enlightenment cannot be attained.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 07:52:08 PM by vajratruth »


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Kim Hyun Jae

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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2014, 03:18:26 AM »
Pray to continue the world tour by HH the Dalai Lama so that the issue on the ban on Dorje Shugden's practice will be highlighted to the world and for the ban to be lifted soon.

The work that ISC had to put up with are courageous and you have our support on this to make a difference to protect the lineage of Je Tsongkhapa.


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« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2014, 11:15:50 AM »
I concur with Dharmaspace that a televised dialogue be held between HH Dalai Lama (HHDL) and the Gelug Lamas. In fact i would prefer that Kyabje  Pabongka Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche to debate with HHDL! This will once and for all remove the ban that has caused so much unnecessary suffering to the Dorje Shugden followers and disrepute to the Gelug Tradition.
Thank you very much Manisha Kudo for your kind effort in highlighting the effects of  the ban on Dorje Shugden followers to the Italian journalist.
I cannot agree more with you Kris that ISC had done a marvellous job in organising these peaceful demonstrations. The World must know HHDL's hypocrisy, the injustice and discrimination suffered by Dorje Shugden followers worldwide due to the ban, and in particular HHDL's and CTA's refusal to give the Dorje Shugden followers religious freedom and basic human rights.
HHDL and CTA please lift the ban quickly before King Dorje Shugden manifest His wrath!

Tenzin K

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« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2014, 11:37:48 PM »
Now wherever the Dalai Lama goes the Tibetan and there are people young and old will be there to seek the truth and request him to lift the ban. This time is in Italy and I believe wherever Dalai Lama goes around the world he will face the practitioners around the world. The baseless reasoning for the ban is started being question by the Tibetan youths. The young educated Tibetan questions the Prime Minister on the ban based on their observation and witness the suffering of the Shugden practitioners. No one can deny the violent and discrimination from the CTA towards the devoted practitioners.

Pls refer to this link: 

As long as the ban is not lifted the people around the world will chase for the truth from the Dalai Lama and will request for the ban to be lifted for the freedom of religious. It’s a no longer an individual religious practitioner issue but the is world religious freedom!


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« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2014, 09:04:15 AM »
Looking at the video posted above -

For the Lobsang Sangay, he said that to demonstrate is not the Tibetan way. What then is the Tibetan way, do we throw rocks and weapons? Do we go back to the times when Tibet was a warring nation and even threatened the Chinese border is that the way the Sikyong wants the Tibetans to resort to? Obviously not!
The fact that people go to the streets is because there is no dialogue.

What do we ask for ? Have a televised dialogue between the Dalai Lama and the Gelug Lamas. If one is so so very 'cocksure' of themselves what is there to worry?

Then Mrs Gyari Drolma, well do they these people even believe what they are speaking about in public on TV?
Serpom and Shar Gaden would not have emerged if everything was a level playing field. Monks have become blind and even died due to the lack of care they received for being a Dorje Shugden practitioner. This is one of many damage the ban has done to the Tibetans.

Hahaha... I like what you've said DharmaSpace. Yeah and just exactly what is the Tibetan way? Oh I know threatened people, spit on them and definitely get violent... that's the way they've been approaching Dorje Shugden practitioners if not why would they allow Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Monastery in Phedong Attacked??? Why don't they step in to control their people and discourage them from creating such crimes???

And during the ISC protest in Livorno, the silly CTA tells the Italian Police Force that the ISC are a threat to HHDL safety, well take a look at this video how the Tibetans and the pro-Dalai Lama people are the one's getting attacked and police have to drag them away...

I really like this image quote here:


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« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2014, 06:49:41 AM »
This is going to be interesting. If there is a debate on the Shugden practice, then do they go back to the old days, of say the times of Atisha? When the loser will have to convert to the winner's religion? Is that why there is no debate?


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« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2014, 09:33:12 PM »
The facts are all on the table. There is indeed a ban, and Dorje Shugden practitioners (especially in Tibet exile) are suffering. Please stop denying there is no ban, and stop denying that all are treated equally. If you have the guts to do it, just have the guts to admit it.

On the other hand, it is good news that the protests are getting more and more noticed and being covered more and more by new agencies. That's what we need to do: have more coverage about the demonstration let more people know about it, because it will make people question about the integrity of CTA, and eventually when people don't donate to them, they will have no choice but to lift the ban.


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« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2014, 07:41:51 AM »
DHARAMSHALA, June 16: Over 6000 people turned out on Sunday to hear the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk on ‘Compassionate Ethics’ in Livorno, Italy.

The Tibetan leader also conferred the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment in the morning at the same venue. Also present alongside His Holiness on the stage was Bishop Simone Giusti of Livorno. His Holiness expressed his pleasure over Giusti’s presence. "It is a great honor to have a spiritual brother from a major religious tradition present here ahead of my teachings of the Buddha. I always mention that all religions teach the same message, the practise of love. Philosophically there are major differences between our two religions but the aim is the same - to make everyone a better person with moral ethics." His Holiness said.

His Holiness said that he considered all actions carried out for the welfare and benefit of other’s wellbeing as ethical. “Sincerely caring for others wellbeing leaves no room to bully, cheat or harm others. This benefits us because our mind will be much happier leading to a happy life.” He also added that developing a sense of concern for wellbeing of others will ultimately benefit oneself.

He further said that the first person who benefits from showing compassion to others is oneself. "So please practise love and compassion.”

The 78 year old Tibetan Nobel laureate also expressed his hopes on the younger generations to bring the change and called for them to pay more attention to inner values, moral ethics and the education system.

Responding to a question from a member in the audience on the protests by Dorje Shugden (dolgyal) supporters, the Tibetan leader said, “the Shugden problem is nearly 400 years old and that the Great 5th Dalai Lama and the 13th Dalai Lama considered this spirit harmful and advocated against its worship.”

Members of the audience wearing ritual blindfolds during His Holiness the Dalai Lama's conferring of the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at the Modigliani Forum in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy on June 15, 2014. Photo/FilmPRO

Members of the audience wearing ritual blindfolds during His Holiness the Dalai Lama's conferring of the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at the Modigliani Forum in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy on June 15, 2014. Photo/FilmPRO
The Tibetan leader says he was himself a follower of Dorje Shugden but that he later quit in 1975 for reasons he describes as "strong sectarian overtones" and "a history of contributing to a climate of sectarian disharmony" among the four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan leader denounces the worship of Dorje Shugden as "spirit worship" and fears that the propitiation of it might degenerate the "rich tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" into "mere propitiation of spirits."

On Saturday, Livorno Mayor Filippo Nogarin presented the Key to the City of Livorno to the Dalai Lama who had already received Livorno honorary citizenship during an earlier visit.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama who was on a six day visit to Italy left for India today. This is the Dalai Lama’s 25th visit to Italy with the first taking place in September 1973.

From June 23 to 25, His Holiness will give a teaching on Tsongkhapa’s Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim Dudon) and will confer the Avalokiteshvera Initiation (Chenresig Wang) in Padum, Zanskar, J&K.

It is interesting to see that the news are all talking about about the protestors and asking the Dalai Lama to answer why such a thing is happening.  The ban is getting more coverage.

It was very interesting to note that young Tibetans and politicians alike feel embarrassed about the protest against the Dalai Lama. Isn't the Tibetan Nation in exile a united nation. And if the Tibetans are not united what chance is there for them to gain their sought after freedom. If the Tibetans who are anti Dorje Shugden were doing something honest, just and beneficial, what is there to be embarrassed about?

Wait a minute not only are they not united, there is persecution of Tibetans.   

The great 5th Dalai Lama made many statues of the Dorje Shugden, he worked to for the spread of Dorje Shugden amongst the people of Tibet. The 13th Dalai Lama, via skilful means made sure the world knew Lama Pabongka was, by questioning the lineage of the Lamrim that Je Pabongka and allowing Je Pabongka to manifest his clairvoyance.  The 13th Dalai Lama regarded Domo Geshe as the equivalent as Lama Tsongkhapa, and Domo Geshe is well known for many magical feats and the one who brought Namkar Bardzin into the Dorje Shugden entourage.  Is the 14th Dalai Lama doing the work of the 5th and 13th Dalai Lama?