Author Topic: Dreams of King Pasenadi  (Read 9682 times)

DS Star

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Dreams of King Pasenadi
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:59:07 PM »
During Buddha's time there is this King who would ask Buddha to interpret his dreams. He had 16 dreams and Buddha interpreted all of them.

Most of these dreams are actually describing the situations of our current world, especially on rulers and governments. Amazing, Buddha actually giving the scenarios of our today's world... Perhaps it was due to Buddha's 'power' that King Pasenadi had those dreams, in order for Buddha to give this teaching.

I'll share 3 of the dreams here:

"3rd Dream. Cows suckling milk from their very own newborn calves.

Buddha: Dear King, This dream says that young people in the future would not care for their parents in their old age. Parents would have to work for their children as servants and earn their living.

4th Dream. Some men replaced the strong adult bulls who were pulling the first carts In a caravan with weak young calves. Since the young ones were too weak to haul the load they refused to pull the carts. So, the caravan was unmoving.

Buddha: Dear King, this dream says that future rulers overlook intellectuals and give higher positions like minister- ships, diplomatic positions and appointments to courts, to ill-bred, ignorant people and make a mess of their governing. Intellectuals, when called finally for help, would refuse assistance and the government would fall to ruins.

5th Dream. I saw an extraordinary horse which had two mouths on either side of its head being fed on both sides at once. It was eating greedily.

Buddha: Dear King, when the world is nearing its end, the rulers that come to power are so irresponsible, they appoint greedy men to the high chair of law. These deceitful judges, blind to the truth and honesty, take bribes from both parties like the voracious horse with two mouths..."

The above situation are happening now, agree?
So it means the world is nearing its end???  :P


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2013, 05:47:25 AM »
DS Star,

Very interesting topic. These dreams seem to point to the end of the world by the fact that some of the things interpreted by the Buddha seems to be happening. That is quite obvious.

However, in Buddhism we take the Guru and the 3 Jewels as the refuge and the Dharma Jewel is the main refuge in that it is the practice of the Dharma that can actually transform one from samsara to ultimate enlightenment. 

If that is true, then we need to practice the Dharma more than worrying about the end of the world which is beyond our control.  Moreover, if all that is interpreted is true, then, we can safely say the truth of suffering is more prominent now than ever and we should take that as our motivation to generate boddhicitta to benefit others. I personally see that sufferings in many forms everyday.

Lastly, the "end of the world" is relative. The only thing we can be sure is that we will all die one day. It can be the next minute or the next tens of years. I bet the world will still be around when we die. So meditate on death be it from the natural expiration of our lives or from the "end of the world"; at which point we will die as well.....! So practice the Dharma!

Tenzin K

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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 03:00:27 PM »
Totally agree with yontenjamyang.
The dreams do showing what happening now. It’s the degenerate era.
This also shows that how important one should learn and live with the dharma in order to face the situation. We can make the different by show the world the right way to live which bound by the karmic value. One is not able to change the world but more will give the impact. It’s not to convert people spirituality but is to encourage the spiritual value to be the centered of our human practice. If we don’t make the change our younger generation will turn out to be even worse.
The dreams are a prediction from the kindness of the Buddha to show us what we can do now to prepare for our future.

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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2013, 10:32:52 PM »
This reflects the decay of an affluent society of that time and also for today. Such conditions would bring down great civilisations, empires and countries. However, I doubt that it would contribute to the end of the world. There's no such thing as the end of days in the same vein as the Christian apocalypse. However, the planet earth would eventually be destroyed I think. Another world would reform and all the necessary conditions for life, intelligence/sentience and a Buddha would eventually emerge out of it. That's how I see this.


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 03:37:26 PM »
lol.. I dont think the world is nearing an end. But I agree with what the Buddha have taught. Truly a degenerating time now. We hear of wars, corruptions, abuse, governments that are failing their jobs, etc everyday! It doesnt mean that we do not practice Dharma, in fact this is the time we should generate more merits, more positive karma so that it can support us in future lives. And we should always dedicate them to those who do no have the chance...


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 03:25:54 PM »
End of world, or end of planet earth, or end of humanity? We have heard so many times of end of world? Nothing happens? Why? Why is it even a valid question with a valid answer? For the individual one should think of this previous human life and live the best one can be.

Buddha's prediction is a reminder to us to be diligence in our practice. When we are born again as a human in a difficulty environment may we have the mental willpower to continue doing Dharma practice. Otherwise we could become the participants in the prophecy. Do you want to be part of them and collect more negative karma?


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2013, 07:29:05 AM »
The interpretation of the 16 dreams of King Pasenadi by the Buddha was made 2500 yrs ago. At that time the Buddha had the clairvoyance to predict the current situation of this 21st century. How amazing is that !
The dreams depicted a whole range of degeration in human kind. From irregular weather, to bad ethics and morals, to poor and corrupted governance of countries. The Buddha was spot on !

In the face of all these negative issues, the Dharma has become even more precious. Without Dharma knowledge it would be so difficult to face these degeneration issues. For example; taking refuge in the Law of Karma will help one from falling into the deception of the greedy world.
Practicing Dharma would remove all fears , hence, "end of the world" or NOT would never be an issue.


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2013, 04:57:14 PM »
King Pasenadi had sixteen dreams in a single night during his sleep.hese are strange dreams and has troubled him because he does not know if those dreams were signs of bad omen that would bring misfortune
to him and his kingdom.When he approached the Buddha for an explanation,the Exalted ones revealed one by one what those dreams were meant to be.
It would be good for us to know how those dreams,which happened 2,600 years ago,can relate to events that
are happening around us today.


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Re: Dreams of King Pasenadi
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2013, 09:12:08 PM »
This is special case of dreams being highlighted and the Buddha gave an explanation on King Pasenadi's dreams. We should not read to much into dreams for the obvious reason that we may think we are achieving something or special thus we take it easy and become lazy in our practice. Our own dream might also come as a way of consoling ourselves, or perhaps memories from our past lives as practitioner. Dream is good if it inspires and encourages us in our daily practices.