Author Topic: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...  (Read 43225 times)


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2012, 06:55:46 AM »
There are a number of very fundamental errors in the claim that people (including Buddhists monks and the Buddha himself) will end up in hell merely by not believing in Jesus and an almighty creator-God. The maker and narrator of the video clearly indicate that people, no matter how virtuous they were, go to hell for not believing in God. It appears that merely "believing" in Jesus is the key to heaven (and avoid hell).

The first error is this: Even the devil and demons believe in Jesus and God! It is stated clearly in the Bible, [James 2:18-20] where James said: "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that...and shudder". So demons believe in Jesus and yet it did not help them.

In Matthew 8:28 it is told that Jesus restored two demon-possessed men. It is said that:  "when he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.  “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”

Clearly, the demons recognized and believed in Jesus as the "son of God" and yet again, their believe did not help them.

Unlike so many claims that merely believing in Jesus saves a sinner form hell, the Bible itself tells us that this is a gravely mistaken view. So to begin with, the maker of the video is very seriously mistaken. On the one hand he promotes Christianity and yet on the other hand, he shows very little knowledge of Jesus's teachings.

In fact he shows very little understanding of Buddhism as well. To begin with, all real Buddhist know that Buddhism is not about worshipping the Buddha.

Buddhism is non-theistic, that is,  it does not teach the existence of a supreme creator god or depend on any supreme being for enlightenment. Buddha is a guide and teacher who teaches the way out of Samsara (never mind hell). All Buddhist practitioners should know that.

The contents of this video is so seriously flawed and should only be accorded it's rightful junk status. Buddha has no need to answer nor do Buddhists.  Instead the words of the irrefutable saint by any religion, Mother Theresa, should suffice when she said:

 "It is not enough for us to say: 'I love God, but I do not love my neighbour.'


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2012, 08:33:15 AM »
Honestly, are people expected to believe this BS. I believe in Jesus as much as I believe in Buddha but we do not go to hell just because we do not believe in Jesus. Our sins are given to us depending on the amount of crimes we commit not this. There is no certain proof this person is even real, the amount of false information people would make up to bring down other religions are sick. Here's a video to contemplate on that debates this video, there is no evidence. Buddha's lived longer than Jesus.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary Small | Large


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2012, 04:14:39 PM »
I didn't even have to wait for the name Jesus Christ to appear for me to figure out the maker of this video is a Christian fanatic. The terms and the way he composed the first part of the video tells it all. I've listened to enough Christian fanatics to figure it out the minute they open their mouths. I don't hate them, just irritated that they have no respect for other people's religion.

They will go on and on that they are trying to 'save' non christians from the fires of hell... but lets put it this way, the only reason why they bother going out to 'recruit' others into Christianity is because 'God' said it would bring them to heaven... so technically, they are doing it for themselves.

I tend to ignore these type of videos as it irritates me strongly. They don't even bother to research about Buddhism before doing the video that all the Buddhist traditions are mashed up and mixed into one video... he was a monk from Myanmar? oh please... not only a 5 year old will be fooled.

But hey... at least he mentioned the name of Gautama Buddha... and unknowing to him, this is the very word that planted a seed in his mindstream to meet the Dharma and reach enlightenment many lives to come...


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2012, 04:39:18 PM »
as much as i am irritated by this video, it doesn't help me to think of the tactics of imposing fear onto other people's mind in order to make them come and join your own religion is kind of silly. It also shows that maybe they do feel insecure that they have to tell everyone in the world that if you are not in our religion, then you will end up in hell. (???) It doesn't make sense, doesn't mean that a serial killer who killed countless of people can end up in heaven by converting to Christianity. Illogical to me to the max!

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2012, 06:47:01 PM »
I can't believe this video. I find the line of reasoning ridiculous because it doesn't make sense that the monk have to suffer in the flames of hell along with the Buddha because they didn't accept God. Buddha has never heard of the Christian God in his lifetime. Why is he punished?

What kind of God is that, that is if he exists at all in the way the Christians believe he exists. On top of that, why do these virtuous beings have to suffer in the sea of flames along with the murderers, rapists and so forth. Why is that fair and why do the very same murderers, rapists and so forth accept God on their last hour will have their sins washed away.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2012, 03:55:04 PM »
Oh dear!!!  From this VDO i know what kind of people who made this vdo.. As it is rediculous and not logic at all.  So sad for people who always put other religion down in order to make their religion better. All religions is beautiful is we follow it with the essence of it, and it only can create peace and harmony among religious.

Well... look at other side of coins that, the number of people have faith in Buddhist is big and it made some one  who have different faith could not stand and did such this VDO.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2012, 06:12:15 PM »
I am not surprised at all with this video , it is a very lame attack on a religion , in this case Buddhism the mainstream religion of Myanmar. I am not surprised because that has always been the strategy of certain Christian sects that are super aggressive in making evangelistic inroads into predominantly non Christian countries.

I have personally come accross manuals providing details on all other non Christian religions detailing the method and strategy in "converting " those non Christians. It is a very complete manual covering practically the entire worlds population and the different ethniticity and religions , no minority is too minor for these Christians who are indoctrinated to believe they are the saviours of all non Christian.

So in this case it is Myanmar , a Buddhist stronghold whereby the majority of its people are brought up to respect and listen to the Sangha . And what's more in this third world country that is developing , is that her people are still quite gullible in believing what they see and hear on TV or videos to be true !

Imagine the effectiveness and impact of a monk making such a video ? It may look cheesy and B grade to us in more developed countries but to the Myanmarese it could be down right National Geographic quality and believability ! Whoever is behind this has definitely made calculated judgements with precise motives . Let just hope the Buddhist in Myanmar has been taught well by their Sangha to have some Wisdom to NOT fall prey to such Fear Tactics .


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2012, 10:18:00 AM »
This is horrible. This video is a video that puts down Buddhist beliefs. I do not like. The way the monk described his passage was completely different as what I have learnt. This video is one of those videos that Christians create to change the minds of Buddhist using fear tactics. I am not saying all Christians are bad, no! The only ones who are 'bad' even with the 'right' motivation is when the 'force' people in their religion using fear tactics and madmouthing.

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2012, 07:35:38 PM »
A concerned Christian ministry has investigated and interviewed the said person who was the so-called 'monk'. They found it full of holes, and the man continuously contradicted himself on many ocassions, and could not point them to a single person who could verify his story, and is unemployed. They also noted that there are numerous conflicting versions of the story being circulated, and that the man has made many conflicting claims that turned out to be untrue.

I believe that in any religion, there are people who will investigate and are non-bias. I am glad that in this case, the CCG (Concerned Christians Growth Ministries) went to investigate. It is important to have faith, but we must make sure it is not blind faith.  Buddha himself said, “Bhikshus and the wise should examine my teachings like goldsmiths analyze gold, by cutting, rubbing and scorching it. Examine my teachings in the same way and then put them into practice. Do not practice Dharma on the strength of blind faith alone.”

Excerpt below from their website: The tale of the resurrected monk;

The story of the ’resurrected Paul’ is known throughout much of Myanmar - and his tape has circulated (in several versions). Hardly anyone in Myanmar - especially amongst Christian leaders - has accepted or believed the story. There is just nothing to back it up. Paul is known of in Myanmar, and regarded by most - as a troublesome and troubled person. He has caused problems and difficulty for Myanmar Christians, and has even been responsible for bringing fear into parts of the Christian community. A number of people in Myanmar who personally know him, or have met him, believe he is in need of medical help and counselling. Sadly, in Myanmar, he is certainly not known as a fearless and faithful witness to Jesus Christ, whose testimony is converting Buddhists, strengthening the church or bringing glory to God’s name.

 Further complications have arisen with this whole saga. According to the beliefs of some people in Myanmar (or some with friends and/or relatives in Myanmar), several different people supposedly, or apparently, are claiming to be the resurrected Buddhist monk - at least an older man and a not-so-balanced younger man.

 Whatever the truth behind this sad saga, most Christians, and most pastors and church leaders in Myanmar, are not taking this story seriously and see little value in it for the growth of the Christian community in that country.

The video I posted originally was obviously some farce and hoax to create Christian propaganda. The above quote was previously posted on this thread.

Yes it is really messed up in society when people play on religion like this creating baseless fear... And the sad part is that there are people that ignorant to believe it which is why people still do stupid videos like this.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2012, 09:42:50 PM »
It is amazing how the self-cherishing mind can turn something beautiful in to something ugly and twist it to their own benefit. Those who have followed his story must have accumulated the negative karma for wrong views. And this is exactly how insecure men who have not much conviction in their own faith do to create a "self-esteem" in themselves because they cannot walk the talk.... so instead it is fear them out talk.

Only those who are like minded, narrow primitive minds that do not investigate, question and think deeper due to perhaps laziness who will swallow this bull of a story. People who can think and will ask questions are probably banished form nearing him. This is most unfortunate of time, it is like the dark ages that Buddha has predicted where people have a beautiful places of worship, eloquent in speach end up doing. SUre hope they put an end to him before it is too late and he has gather more suckers!

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2015, 06:45:54 AM »
Many of us who can read and write on this forum must have experienced life for a least 15 years or more.  With a thinking logical mind what is conveyed in this video is simply impossible.

How can life be so simplistic to just believe in something or someone and all will be fine.  Is it possible to sit around and do nothing with your life and enjoy a comfortable old age.  Not possible.

All human beings must work to sustain our lives with even bare essentials.  Therefore why not for our spirituality. 

I had been educated in a Christian missionary school and was pretty good with Bible studies.  The contents in the Bible was good education for virtuous living but the fact that one needs to be baptised in order to gain entrance to heaven is far too simple and entrapping. That was what I did not believe in Christianity. 

I believe that in their effort to have huge head counts, Christians convert people with simple lies which makes the religion attractive.  It is not the religions that hold wrong views but rather the interpretations that do.

I find the video primitive and shallow.

Jason Statham

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2015, 09:12:43 AM »
I do not believe in this!!! How can they force and brainwash people to turn into Christians. I've heard a lots of stories like that. My Mom used to be a Christian but what made her change from a Christian to a Buddhist is mainly because of the people. Christianity is not a bad religion at all in fact it is a great religion but the people is what made my mother changed her religion. I know that Jesus never told us that if we don't believe in God we will go to hell, it was the people who wants control and power said it. In the past, there are a lots of people who wants fame and wealth so these people would brainwash other people, of course everybody is afraid of going to hell so it was easy to brainwash them. They would tell other people that their religion is not good, tell people to give donations, tell people to they would go to hell and so on. But all of that is not good at all. They control people's religion and freedom. I'm not saying that everybody should be Buddhist but what I am trying to express  is that everyone should have their own religious freedom.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2015, 01:53:15 PM »
This is hilarious and childish from a Christian group. It was full of flaws  as how could someone who has died and can still be making  a video and present his testimony ! Yes, it was absolutely nothing wrong in seeing the Buddha and Bodhisattva in hell  just as Ksitigarbha vows to take rebirth in hell for the liberation of its denizen until the hell is empty. Such is the courageous of the Buddhist sage and their sole purpose of improving oneself for the benefits of others.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2015, 05:03:51 PM »
In today's world, information can be easily obtain thru the internet. But whether the information is true or not, we have do our own checking. Do not blindly believe in information we get from the internet. Ignorance can lead one to lower realms.

We need to always remind our self that we must respect the freedom of religion. We should not condemn other religions to make our own religion the great one and to brainwash others to convert to our religion.