Author Topic: “Good Question”  (Read 9132 times)


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“Good Question”
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:57:45 PM »

The author of this article explains the phenomenon why Dorje Shugden practitioners are not welcome to certain Buddhist monasteries and Dharma centers all over the world. Their argument goes that Dorje Shugden is a demon. However, what is ironic is that they never ask who are already welcomed into the monasteries what they believe in specific, such as spirits or worldly gods. Most of the time, Dorje Shugen practitioners are criticized for believing in spirits. The author at the end underscores that many lamas have not given up on Dorje Shugden.

I think these lamas who secretly still believe in Dorje Shugden should openly declare that they believe in this because they will provide courage to those who might be living under constant fear of believing in this religion.

Leaders are role models. Followers look up to their leaders for almost everything. If one religious leader who also secretly believes in Dorje Shugen courageously says the suppressed truth, everyone will do so. And the more number of people and lamas do that, Dalai Lama will be in shock. Democracy happens when there are followers to the leader. IF no one follows Him, there won’t be democracy. Let’s stand up, Dorje Shugden believers!


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 06:24:03 PM »

Leaders are role models. Followers look up to their leaders for almost everything. If one religious leader who also secretly believes in Dorje Shugen courageously says the suppressed truth, everyone will do so. And the more number of people and lamas do that, Dalai Lama will be in shock. Democracy happens when there are followers to the leader. IF no one follows Him, there won’t be democracy. Let’s stand up, Dorje Shugden believers!

I think those of us who fortunately do not directly suffer the CTA's tyranny cannot fully understand and appreciate the circumstances under which Shugden practitioners in the exile community live. As it is, there are leaders who have stood up and declared their veneration of Dorje Shugden despite the ban, and none greater than Gelugpa giants such as His Holiness, the 101st Ganden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche (who as Ganden Tripa was the absolute authority on all spiritual matters within the Gelugpa sect, and regarded as Lama Tsongkapa on earth) and His Holiness Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche. Therefore it is not a matter of there not being any leaders to lead the way.

The issue is far more sinister. The CTA through it's poisonous propaganda has managed to turn unsuspecting Tibetans into lynch mobs and the threat is very real. People are afraid for their lives and even being seen with a suspected Shugden worshipper is seen as a crime. And for good reasons. In 1996 when the ban was first officially effected, a retired CTA minister was stabbed and badly wounded for questioning the illegality and irrationality of the ban and there have been countless similar incidences since, most unreported because such events are covered up by the Tibetan leadership. Even highly respected masters of Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche's calibre have not been spared death threats and given the opportunity, I am sure anti-Shugden thugs would not hesitate to do him in.

Having said that, the presence of these leaders openly worshipping Dorje Shugden in public, coupled with great efforts by Shugden defenders such as this site, have done much not only to preserve the practice and even spread it. Despite so much pressure being placed on Shugden practitioners by HHDL/CTA the practice has in fact grown over the years and now gathering strength. The growing population in monasteries such as Shar Ganden and Serpom Monastery testifies to that. The tide certainly is turning.

Personally I believe that there are more Shugden believers than people know and it is only a question of timing before a new Shugden renaissance takes place. The timing is likely to be determined by Dorje Shugden himself who has never failed anyone who believes in Him.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2015, 03:40:01 PM »
Looks like the time has come.  High Lamas like HE Tsem Rinpoche is giving wonderful teachings on Dorje Shugden. 

Good find out the truth of this great Dharmapala.  Many aspects of DS lineage, tradition and doctrine are available for all to learn and most of all be benefitted.


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 02:00:52 PM »
It is highly confusing that the monasteries don't allow people who worship a real Dharma Protector. If Dorje Shugden was a real demon and followers of him are banned from monasteries, why is it that real followers of demons and evil spirits are allowed in to monasteries? It does not make any sense at all.

Many people have tried to destroy Dorje Shugden, but they ended in vain. Of course there will be people who will make up fake stories and say that their fire Puja must have worked because they smelled bunt flesh. If the so called demon was really killed who is the one taking trance in front of many high Lamas? Surely if the being entering was someone evil how come the high and accomplished lamas did not notice it? That can only mean 2 things, one is that all of the Buddha's teachings were wrong or Dorje Shugden is a real enlightened being who is indestructible.

I hope that the ban will end soon as it is destroying life's and separating people.


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2016, 08:16:10 AM »
The ban is destroying families, friends and embolden the CTA leaders to do pretty much as they like. Even the recent election was rigged. They had the gall to ban Lukar Jam Atsok. The Tibetans are still in for a very hard time, sad to say.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2016, 07:59:12 AM »
Agreed with Vajratruth that the CTA have poisoned the minds of the Tibetans under their rule. True, many of them are not well informed due to lack of information. Sadly, even those who are aware of the situation could not do much as they are stateless and are forced to obey the rules set by their corrupt government, else they would lose the much needed support expected of a government towards their citizens.

Now that the ban on Shugden practice and the truth of this issue have been brought to the attention of the whole world, I hope the CTA should be aware that the world is watching their every sneaky moves.


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2016, 12:21:13 PM »
I don't think it's to do with the courage of the monks who are practising Dorje Shugden in secret to stepping up but the conditions that they are living in. If they are living in Dharamsala where the hive of Anti-Shugden is, then the probability of their being ousted is 100%. As we know that religious leaders are the Gurus here to teach and guide others on the path to attainments, as such they may feel that they can serve better by being silent and at the very least give the others some dharma. The Anti-Shugdens too are sentient being and being deluded by all the propaganda, all the more they will need the dharma, right?  ::)


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2016, 09:27:39 AM »
The CTA is making use of Dorje Shugden as a convenient scapegoat to divert the attention of the Tibetans. The Tibetan leaders have promised that the Tibetan people can go back to their homeland but after more than 50 years into exile, the leaders have done very little for the Tibetans in exile to return.  To distract their incompetence they conveniently point finger at DorjeShugden; triggering the ban and has directed the frustrations of the people towards Dorje Shugden practitioners instead of themselves.

However, with the strong presence of good websites like, more and more are able to know the truth about Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is not a demon and cannot be destroyed. In fact, more and more Dorje Shugden monasteries are spreading all over the world and HIs followers are growing!


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2016, 12:06:37 PM »
Pgdharma, I totally agree with you. There is no logical reason for the ban. If one were to look closely at the reasons given for the ban, it sounds spurious, to say the least. We should educate ourselves and learn more before we agree mindlessly.

All these disparaging is very disturbing as that is exactly what the Buddha taught not to be, we should be mindful and respect others’ religion and faith. The Dalai Lama is always preaching about peace, harmony, loving kindness, compassion and equality and equanimity.

Since, the CTA has been unable to return the Tibetans to Tibet, they have divert attention so that they do receive any flakes and continue to milk to west for donations to fatten their pockets.

So, we have websites like to thank for the information and news that we receive here.


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Re: “Good Question”
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2016, 05:50:03 AM »
The ban is still on and we are waiting impatient for Dorje Shugden to be open to the world and benefiting so many more people. It is time to release the ban and the suffering of so many Dorje Shugden practitioners with their families and friends. Please, H.H. Dalai Lama end the suffering of the Dorje Shugden practitioners and stop this baseless ban.