Author Topic: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary  (Read 10849 times)


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China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« on: October 21, 2012, 07:20:53 PM »
I thought this was an interesting article because it is very encouraging to learn that China is officially supporting Tibetan Buddhism despite the common representation in the western media that China is oppressive towards Tibetan Buddhism.

The funding of this project shows that there is official endorsement into the study of Tibetan Buddhism as well as an effort to make Tibetan Buddhism more accessible to the Chinese. Some people will think that this is just a public relations stunt but whether it is or not, it is “the first of its kind on Tibetan Buddhism and the fundamental Tibetology research”,  and I hope that there will soon be more public openness towards Tibetan Buddhism in China.

China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary

LANZHOU - Authorities with China's national social sciences fund have earmarked 800,000 yuan ($128,000) for the compilation of a dictionary on Tibetan Buddhism, compilers said Saturday.
The dictionary will include over 40,000 entries such as terminologies, ancient books and records, historic figures and scenic spots related to Tibetan Buddhism, according to the Northwest University for Nationalities, based in Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province.

The bilingual dictionary in both Tibetan and Chinese is being compiled by the university's research institute on overseas and ethnic documents, and it will be the first of its kind on Tibetan Buddhism and the fundamental Tibetology research, said a researcher with the institute.

The national social sciences fund is China's top social sciences funding program to promote research that is significant to economic and social development and the cultural promotion of the country's ethnic groups.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 10:53:35 PM »
In another Lianhe Zaobao commentary published on July 6, Chinese Buddhism studies researcher and lecturer Wan Bingyan cited religious and historical texts supporting the popular belief that only two of Buddha's teeth are left in this world.

They are now believed to be at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and the Ling Guang Monastery in Beijing, China.

When a third surfaced in 1998 after a Tibetan monk smuggled it out and handed it to Taiwan's Venerable Master Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan Temple, it was fingered by Chinese officials as a fake.Buddha's relics are venerated by Buddhists worldwide and held up as national treasures in Sri Lanka and China.

China had allowed its Buddha tooth relic to go on tour to Thailand, Hong Kong and thrice to Myanmar at the government's invitation.

Two tooth relic pagodas were later built in Yangon and Mandalay, one housing an ivory replica tooth and the other, donated religious items.Mr Kyaw Swe Tint, counsellor at the Myanmar Embassy here, said that as far as he knows, there has been no evidence of genuine tooth relics in his country.

'This (the one believed to be housed here) could very well be a fake,' he said.

But Venerable Shi Fazhao said Venerable Cakkapala had given him the tooth; it was a private matter between two people and not between two countries. 'Don't politicise it,' he said.

Would he let an expert examine the tooth in Singapore? He replied: 'It's mine, why should I let you examine it? Why don't you go examine what's in Sri Lanka and China first?'

Venerable B. Dhammaratana, religious adviser of the Buddhist Research Society, explains that different Buddhist societies would subscribe to different versions of Buddha's legends.

'You can't say which is right or which is wrong.'


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2012, 05:53:45 AM »
It is good to know that the Chinese government is funding into Tibetan Buddhism works and temples to promote Buddha's teachings in the land of China. I feel this is a plan from the government to promote the value of religion into its people and at the same time to promote their version of Panchen Lama and to increase his popularity to the world. With this in mind, i can only think about the eventual growth in Lord Dorje Shugden's practice in the land of China. So i feel this is definitely good news and i can only assume the efforts of the Chinese government to promote Tibetan Buddhism in China can only do good to the sacred practice of Dorje Shugden. Great!

Tenzin K

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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 08:17:45 AM »
What a great news!
China is becoming more open to Tibetan Buddhism and this time even support the education side. This definately a great opportunity fo rthe development and the growth of Tibetan Buddhism in China. The Chinese realy need spiritual guide as the country has been monopolised by the communist for so many years and their believes and habituation at this point of time are very materialistic and sellfish.   For the government to support in the the dictionary project will definately create the cause for the people to be more intelectual and learning and practicing buddhism. and the great Lord Shugden practice spread wide to help them gain more merits and purify their obstacles


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2012, 03:41:54 PM »
Well Well, it is a great news to know that Chinese government is funding and in support of Tibetan Buddhism.  This could be the result of the ban on Dorje Shugden practice that created the interest of the Chinese government and the people there to defy HH Dalai Lama.  Hence, the growth of Dorje Shugden practice in China, far and wide! May the ban be of benefits to many! And the ban be lifted soon too.


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 04:12:31 PM »
Rejoice for China's Govt. More people will be able to learn Tibetan through the compilations. As years passed, China have proven to be more open and accepting Tibetan Buddhism. In the long run, so many people will be exposed to Tibetan Buddhism. I am very sure that even Dorje Shugden will be practiced by many and I can imagine the benefits He is going to bring to many of them. Now I hope that they will also consider having more Buddhist temples and teachings.  ;D


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 02:13:27 PM »
This is something to rejoice. China is now more liberal and supportive towards Tibetan Buddhism and funding a Tibetan Buddhism dictionary will benefit the Chinese and a great opportunity for the growth of Tibetan Buddhism in China. It will help the people to be more intellectual and with this, I hope that there will be a growth of Dorje Shugden practice in China as more people will be able to learn and understand this sacred practice.


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2012, 06:07:59 AM »
Good to know that The Government of China are promoting Tibetan Buddhism to their people. Maybe the government realized what their society have became to eg. materialistic and uncaring. But not matter what is the motivation behind, this is consider a great news because we need the country with the highest population in the world to have some sort of knowledge and have understanding about Buddhism. May Buddhism will continue to flourish around the world and benefit all sentient beings.


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2012, 03:35:57 PM »
It has been predicted that Dorje Shugden practice will go huge in China and reading this, I am starting to see how it's unfolding gradually but SURELY.

I can't 100% say China's motivation is pure with the intention to promote Tibetan Buddhism but geared towards preserving the tradition which existed in China since ancient time. Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of the Chinese people, affecting their aesthetics, politics, literature, philosophy and medicine. It only makes sense to archive and preserve Tibetan Buddhism as part of their culture since Tibet is part of China.

Jessie Fong

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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2012, 01:31:39 PM »
The project can be seen as the Government's effort to understand the Tibetan people more.  Knowing the widespread of Tibetan Buddhism the world over, this move would encourage more Chinese to be knowledgeable of the Tibetan aspect of Buddhism.  It comes as a move of the Government to warm towards the Tibetans. This also paves the way for the Chinese to be exposed to the Dorje Shugden practice and hopefully with this the practise would grow.


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2012, 02:49:00 AM »
Its good to know that China doing these which i only see that it will benefit lot of people in future. I do not know the motivation of doing this but from the actions it sure will bring good result to lot of people who speak chinese to be able to under tibetan buddhism more. In other way is like a kind of supporting in learning tibetan buddhism. Chinese language is a second language that people use a lot in this world, even in my country now a days most of schools have chinese subject unlike last time only have english subject so i can see how the powerful of chinese language now and the future. 


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2012, 07:19:32 AM »
I am surprise to read about this article! with China government sending off official complaints wherever HHDL goes, why are they, at the same time, supporting Tibetan Buddhism in their own backyard?

Whatever the reason(s), I rejoice for billions of people in China, who had not have the chance of spiritual development after the Cultural Revolution. Now their government has supported Tibetan Buddhism, they will be blessed with one more choice of spirituality.

This is a new era for Chinese and these hardworking people deserve Buddha's blessings.
Down with the BAN!!!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 11:45:24 AM »
This is so great. Rejoice for the Chinese government for setting aside a sum of money to fund the compilation of a Tibetan Buddhism dictionary. This will certainly bridge the gap between the Chinese and Tibetans. May there be many more of such projects that will benefit more people in China and from China spread to the rest of the world.

Big Uncle

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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2012, 06:26:07 AM »
i think the dictionary is much needed especially for the millions of Chinese who would look towards Buddhism now and in the future as it hurdles down the path of materialistic progress. Spirituality is very much needed in such a mad race as it will complement China's progress and it will in fact give meaning and solace to many who find it hard to cope with such utter materialism and the feeling of dissatisfaction that comes along with it. It will make more sense for China to look towards its own rich spiritual tradition like Buddhism, which has a rich history of dealing with the mind. 


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Re: China funds Tibetan Buddhism dictionary
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2012, 12:06:48 PM »
China has invade TIber for decades and has made Tibet grow and advanced. Going to Lhasa is like going to any outer cities in China. This is to show that China is not treating the citizens any less than their own people. So, the Chinese government funding this Tibetan Buddhism dictionary is another way they are supporting the people. With this dictionary, it will surely help the integration of Tibetan and Chinese, especially in the spiritual side. More Chinese would be able to understand the terms, history and practices of Tibetan buddhism. This will in turn create tolerance and understanding amongst the people.