Author Topic: Development of Holy sites, good or bad?  (Read 24001 times)


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Re: Development of Holy sites, good or bad?
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 05:41:29 AM »
There are pros and cons to develop a holy site. It really depends on the motivation of the governments.

The pros when developments are done is, it will increase tourist, provide jobs, will be cleaner and defiantly improve the living standard of the people

The cons which I think many worries is that the site may lost is essence if is not plan well because things will be destroy during development.

I myself have not visited site before and hopefully in this very life I’m able to visit at least once before is develop.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Development of Holy sites, good or bad?
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 05:58:33 AM »
In this age, people are used to modern amenities and facilities.  To develop a holy site which is not within easy access would bring in more visitors/tourists/pilgrims and thus more cash flow to the government, in tourist dollars.  Yes there will be more jobs and the locals will benefit from it.  The economy improves and with it comes better education, living standards, better income. 

With the influx of tourists, comes the issue of over crowding if the development is not properly planned.  Then, what about pollution?

Development of a holy site is good but the government must bear in mind to preserve and maintain the originality of the site.