This is one of my favourite quotes:
"Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny."
To me, this beautifully highlights the relationship between ones body, speech and mind with karma.
How you think, affects your motivation which in turn is portrayed in one's actions. If that action stays and continues over and over again, it becomes a habituation, and can be brought forward not only in this life but ur future lives. With how you act and the habits that you have, because the way you think will affect your actions thus developing your habit, it forms the person you are, the person other people identifies in you hence they perceive who you are, your character, as a result of your body, speech and mind.
Your body, speech and mind (motivation) ultimately generates the karma, good or bad, which will be the ONLY thing that determines your destiny - your environmental conditions, and what you are to face, in the present and future lives.
Beautiful innit, how everything is so interconnected?... Love this quote, along with another one:
"Expect nothing and nothing will disappoint you".

Your soup for the day. hehe.