Personally, I would think that it benefits more and more people when everyone posts more valuable information about these great Lamas everywhere. There should not be any concern for copyright infringements if the real purpose is to spread the Dharma and to clarify what has been grossly misunderstood about a high Lama, a Deity, a lineage or prayer.
If someone or group is upset about their articles or works being posted in other places, then how can dharma really spread? Then perhaps it is not really about promoting the dharma that one is so concerned about. Then may be one is more concerned about the glory one gets from writing such an article or creating such a work. Its more about self-recognition and self-praise then. That's the way I would see it.
May be it is just me - but if we truly cared about the misunderstandings and unfair discrimination that are being hurled at certain Gurus, and at our Protector, Dorje Shugden - then we should be very happy to create and allow as many information and facts to surface and spread in order to dispel the misunderstandings, to clarify and most of all, to cultivate deeper understanding.
Is that not what we want - to promote our Protector, to promote more Dharma and peace to all?
Just sharing my thoughts openly here.
You bring up a good point, Helena.
I was told that when we do Dharma, we must always ensure our motivation is free from the Eight Worldly Preoccupations, namely:
The eight worldly preoccupations (or concerns) or samsaric dharmas (Wyl. ‘jig rten chos brgyad) are where all one’s actions are governed by:
* hope for happiness and fear of suffering,
* hope for fame and fear of insignificance,
* hope for praise and fear of blame,
* hope for gain and fear of loss;
basically attachment and aversion. am i gonna be done for copyright infringement for posting this here)
I know it's not easy to be free of these preoccupations after lifetimes about being concerned about this is MINE. Again, it's the hippy in me who wishes that everything belongs to everyone. Yes, sometimes I wish I could be living in a commune at Findhorn

I agree with you that if we have a Dharma motivation, we should be happy if what we are writing is spread everywhere - whether we have the credit or not shouldn't matter. But saying that, i guess we have to understand that people are at different levels in the Dharma, which is why some people will react if they see what is perceived as theirs being used. So we have to have compassion for them because they don't know better. That will help us have less frustration. Saying that, I don't mean that we don't try to help them, which you are doing here in your post.