Author Topic: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha  (Read 13237 times)


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Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« on: April 01, 2010, 07:07:48 PM »
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Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
1. Dorje Shugden is the last incarnation in a lineage of enlightened Masters

Dorje Shugden arose from an incarnation lineage of enlightened Teachers. As the highly realized Master, Tagpo Kelsang Khedrub Rinpoche, said:

You have manifested in different aspects
As Indian and Tibetan Masters,
Such as Manjushri, Mahasiddha Biwawa, Sakya Pandita,
Buton Rinchen Drub, Duldzin Dragpa Gyaltsen, Panchen Sonam Dragpa, and many others.

Their life stories are explained in the book Heart Jewel. Since his lineage is enlightened, Dorje Shugden is a Buddha too.

2. Dorje Shugden could not be subdued by the 5th Dalai Lama or other Lamas

When Ngatrul Dragpa Gyaltsen, the last human incarnation, manifested as the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden (as he had predicted he would do), the 5th Dalai Lama initially developed the mistaken idea that he was a spirit and tried to subdue him through performing wrathful fire pujas. Although he and many high Lamas tried to destroy Dorje Shugden, they were not able to because he is a Buddha. This is explained by Tagpo Kelsang Khedrub Rinpoche in his praise of Dorje Shugden, Infinite Aeons:

Then, although four undisputed powerful Tantrikas,
With concentration, began wrathful rituals to strike you down,
Through the power of having completed Guhyasamaja's two stages,
You would not be silenced, and showed signs of heroism; praise to you!

3. Dorje Shugden’s form teaches the paths of Sutra and Tantra

Dorje Shugden's form teaches the complete stages of the path of Sutra and Tantra, and such qualities are not possessed by the forms of worldly beings.

He appears as a fully ordained monk to show that the practice of pure moral discipline is essential for those who wish to attain enlightenment. In his left hand he holds a heart, which symbolize great compassion and spontaneous great bliss – the essence of all the stages of the vast path of Sutra and Tantra. His round yellow hat represents the view of Nagarjuna, and the wisdom sword in his right hand (like the one held by Manjushri and Je Tsongkhapa) teaches us to sever ignorance, the root of samsara, with the sharp blade of Nagarjuna’s view. This is the essence of all the stages of the profound path of Sutra and Tantra. He rides a snow lion, symbolizing the four fearlessnesses of a Buddha.

Explanation of his remaining features can be found in Heart Jewel, as can the specific enlightened function of each of the thirty-two Deities of his mandala, which are explained in a prayer written by Sachen Kunlo, one of the great Sakya Lamas.

Only enlightened beings display a meaningful aspect that teaches the entire path to enlightenment. Therefore, Dorje Shugden is a Buddha.

4. Dorje Shugden is the incarnation of the five Buddha families

Dorje Shugden is the incarnation of the five Buddha families and appears in five forms that symbolize the five families. These forms are explained in Heart Jewel and are called 'the five lineages of Dorje Shugden'. The principal Deity, Duldzin Dorje Shugden rides a snow lion. Vairochana Shugden is white and rides an elephant. Ratna Shugden is yellow and rides a palomino horse. Pema Shugden is red and rides a turquoise dragon. Karma Shugden is dark red and rides a wrathful Garuda bird. These forms also symbolize Dorje Shugden's attainment of pacifying, increasing, controlling and wrathful actions and his main form as Duldzin symbolizes the supreme attainment – enlightenment itself.

Since Dorje Shugden is the manifestation of the five Buddha families, there is no doubt that he is the same enlightened nature as Buddha Vajradhara.

5. Dorje Shugden is the same nature as Manjushri, Je Tsongkhapa, Mahakala and Kalarupa

Dorje Shugden is the same nature as Je Tsongkhapa – they are the same person performing different functions. Many Dorje Shugden sadhanas state that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the “Guru, Yidam, and Protector”, where “Guru” refers specifically to Lama Tsongkhapa. When we practice the sadhana of Dorje Shugden, we are indirectly practising the Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa. Gelugpa practitioners who have a sincere trust in Dorje Shugden will have no difficulty in generating unshakeable faith in Je Tsongkhapa and his teachings.

Both Je Tsongkhapa (‘peaceful Manjushri’) and Dorje Shugden (‘wrathful Manjushri’) are manifestations of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, as are the Dharma Protectors four-faced Mahakala and Kalarupa. Therefore, they are all the same enlightened nature.

6. Dorje Shugden’s mandala Deities are the same nature as the body mandala Deities of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang

The Deities of Dorje Shugden’s mandala are the same nature as the Deities of the body mandala of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, who is in essence Je Tsongkhapa.

Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang is the principal object of refuge in the blessed Gelug practice of Offering to the Spiritual Guide (Tib: Lama Chöpa), which comes from Manjushri’s Emanation Scripture. In this practice we visualize within his body the thirty-two Deities of Guhyasamaja. These thirty-two Deities manifest as the thirty-two Deities of Dorje Shugden's mandala, indicating that Dorje Shugden is the same nature as Je Tsongkhapa and Guhyasamaja and thus a fully enlightened being.

Of the Deities of the five lineages of Dorje Shugden explained above, the principal Deity is Duldzin Dorje Shugden, who is the manifestation of the aggregate of consciousness of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang. The remaining four lineages are manifestations of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang’s remaining four aggregates. Je Tsongkhapa himself therefore manifests as an enlightened Protector and retinue to protect his Ganden tradition.

7. The practice of Dorje Shugden was taught by Je Tsongkhapa in Tushita Pure Land

Dorje Shugden arose as the principal Protector of Je Tsongkhapa's doctrine over 300 years ago, at the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, who composed the first verse of praise to him. However, the current system of empowerment and worship is more recent and comes from a great Lama called Tagpo Kelsang Khedrub Rinpoche. Lama Tagpo went to Tushita Pure Land where he met Je Tsongkhapa and requested a teaching. In response, Je Tsongkhapa lifted up the cloth covering the front of the golden throne on which he was sitting, and the five lineages of Dorje Shugden emerged. Dorje Shugden then transmitted the practice to Lama Tagpo, just as Maitreya had transmitted five major philosophical treatises to Asanga in Tushita Pure Land in earlier times.

Lama Tagpo later transmitted these instructions to Pabongkhapa Dechen Nyingpo, who passed them on to Trijang Dorjechang Losang Yeshe -- spiritual father and son. From Trijang Rinpoche, they passed to our present day Gelugpa Teachers.

8. Dorje Shugden has been relied upon by the highest Lamas, who themselves have been recognized as enlightened

Well-regarded Gelugpa practitioners of Dorje Shugden include the 5th Dalai Lama, Kelsang Thubten Jigme Gyatso 1743-1811 (a tutor to the 9th Dalai Lama), Losang Thubten Wangchuk Jigme Gyatso 1775 – 1813 (head of the Gelugpa in Mongolia), Ngulchu Dharmabadra, the Indian master Shakya Shri Bhadra, the 11th Dalai Lama 1838 - 1856 (who installed Dorje Shugden as the Protector of the Gelugpa tradition), Gyara Tulku Rinpoche, Tomo Geshe Rinpoche (regarded by the 13th Dalai Lama as an emanation of Je Tsongkhapa), Serkong Rinpoche (regarded by the 13th Dalai Lama as Vajradhara),Tagpo Kelsang Khedrub Rinpoche, Pabongkha Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche, Khangsar Rinpoche, Tathag Rinpoche (in charge of the Tibetan Government after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama), Zong Rinpoche, Lobsang Tamdin, Ribur Rinpoche, Khen Rinpoche Losang Tharchin, Lati Rinpoche, Geshe Rabten, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, Khensur Rinpoche, Khechog Rinpoche, Dagyab Rinpoche, Gelek Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Yongyal Rinpoche, the 14th Dalai Lama (until he was in his forties), Dagom Rinpoche, Gonsar Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche and others.

These Lamas themselves have all been recognized as realized, holy beings, with many thousands of Tantric disciples who revered them as living Buddhas.

The later Lamas were all direct or indirect disciples of the great Pabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. The 14th Dalai Lama says that Pabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche were “wrong” to worship Dorje Shugden, but they have been recognized as emanations of Heruka and Amitabha respectively, and were the principal upholders of Je Tsongkhapa’s Gelug doctrine in their time; so how can they be wrong?

9. Dorje Shugden performs the twenty-seven deeds of a Buddha

The highly realized Master, Tagpo Kelsang Khedrub Rinpoche, composed a verse of praise:

With deep faith I prostrate to you, Vajradhara Dorje Shugden.
Although you have already attained the Buddha ground
And engage in the twenty-seven deeds of a Buddha,
You appear in various forms to help the Buddhadharma and sentient beings.

These twenty-seven deeds, explained in the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras, range from showing living beings the way to enter the spiritual path to liberation up to guiding them to the final attainment of Buddhahood. Since Dorje Shugden performs all these twenty-seven deeds, it is clear that he is a Buddha.

Some people say that Dorje Shugden has harmed practitioners who have strayed from the Ganden tradition, but there are no examples of this forthcoming, whereas there are many examples of how Dorje Shugden has protected living beings. For example, Dorje Shugden was responsible for the Dalai Lama being able to safely travel from Tibet to India in 1959.

Even today, there are many Buddhist practitioners with their own stories to tell of how they have been protected by this Dharma Protector. Dorje Shugden's name means 'Vajra Possessing Strength', indicating that he has great power and strength to spread Buddhadharma and to help people in these degenerate times.

10. Relying upon Dorje Shugden leads to supramundane results

The difference between a Dharma Protector and a worldly protector is that the former is an enlightened being whereas the latter is not. Worldly protectors have no ability to flourish the Buddhadharma nor to protect Dharma realizations in a practitioner's mind. As a Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden’s principal function is to protect our Dharma practice, not to help our mundane affairs.

Dorje Shugden always helps, guides, and protects faithful practitioners by granting blessings, increasing their wisdom, fulfilling their virtuous wishes, and bestowing success on all their virtuous activities. Dorje Shugden does not help only Gelugpas; because he is a Buddha, he helps all living beings.

Dorje Shugden has removed obstacles and created the conditions for the extraordinary growth of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings, and most importantly realizations of those teachings, in this current age. Je Tsongkhapa's doctrine is now spreading to countries throughout the world. For example, any spiritual success enjoyed by NKT and FPMT practitioners is due to the blessings of this Buddha. (Lama Yeshe, the founder of the FPMT, relied sincerely on Dorje Shugden throughout his life.)

Those who rely upon Dorje Shugden know that their spiritual realizations come from his blessings. However, as with a relationship with any holy being, this is something that can only be experienced by someone who relies on him with strong faith over a long period of time, steadily building their connection with him.

Gyara Tulku Rinpoche from Drepung Loseling Monastery wrote a prayer of gratitude, whose sentiments are shared by Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide:

First you gave me a highly qualified Spiritual Guide
Under whom I studied and practised Dharma.
When through following misleading advice I came close to entering wrong paths,
You immediately hooked me back into the correct path.

O Duldzin, King of the Dharma, I thank you for your kindness.
Your body is the synthesis of all Sangha Jewels,
Your speech is the synthesis of all Dharma Jewels,
And your mind is the synthesis of all Buddha Jewels.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 07:45:35 PM »
There have been attempts to exorcise Dorje Shugden as a 'spirit'.

These have been unsuccessful, as HHDL himself accepts, as he still considers Dorje Shugden to be a threat to him.

If these exorcisms were unsuccessful it is clear evidence that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit.
A compassionate mind cannot be penetrated by anger or attachment.

Lee Dhi

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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 01:14:33 PM »
Dear WisdomBeing, thanks for the list.

It is very true, especially on the point related to results, both on a worldly and spiritual level!

Not only did Dorje Shugden practice not fall under the pressure of controversies and obstacles, it actually flourished. NKT and FPMT are 2 renowned Buddhist centers that have grown tremendously under the protection of our Great King – Dorje Shugden.

On a worldly level, China managed to prosper beyond expectation (even as many nations were negatively impacted by the recent economic crisis) as the worship of Dorje Shugden spread far and wide.

As Dorje Shugden practice make its way back to mainstream practice (with the increasing awareness and growth he has gained in recent years), Dorje Shugden will offer his great protection to the minds of more and more people for the growth of Buddhadharma and the benefit of all sentient beings!


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 12:30:44 AM »
Well done! This list has all the information we need to share with others regarding Dorje Shugden and his practice. I will definitely use it.


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2010, 06:01:09 PM »
I'd like to add to this thread, by posting something which is also from the same "family" of websites ( about the NATURE AND FUNCTION OF DORJE SHUGDEN (from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's books).

This was something I found particularly beautiful; a very logical and well presented teaching about the unmistaken enlightened nature of Dorje Shugden. I just wish more people would read this and understand who Dorje Shugden really is. What I like most about this explanation is the explanation of the enlightened nature not just of Dorje Shugden but his whole entourage/mandala and also that "when we practise the sadhana of Dorje Shugden we are indirectly practising the Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa, as well as the practices of Yamantaka and Kalarupa". Very inspiring! There is much to celebrate in the enlightened mind!


The Nature and Function of Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden and the Deities of his mandala are the same nature as the Deities of the body mandala of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, who is in essence Je Tsongkhapa. After Je Tsongkhapa passed away, Khädrubje received five visions of him, each time appearing in a different aspect. Later, the great Yogi Dharmavajra saw Je Tsongkhapa in the aspect of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang. This name was given to Je Tsongkhapa by Manjushri. It indicates that Je Tsongkhapa is the embodiment of both Conqueror Vajradhara and Buddha Shakyamuni. 'Losang Dragpa' is Je Tsongkhapa's ordained name, 'Tubwang' or 'Powerful Able One' is an epithet of Buddha Shakyamuni, and 'Dorjechang' is Tibetan for Vajradhara. Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang is an enlightened being and the principal Field for Accumulating Merit in the Guru yoga of Offering to the Spiritual Guide, or Lama Chöpa.
In reality the Lama Chöpa instruction comes from Manjushri's Emanation Scripture, which includes special instructions on Mahamudra. The Emanation Scripture, which cannot be read by ordinary beings, was revealed directly to Je Tsongkhapa by Manjushri. It was passed down to successive lineage Gurus and when it reached the first Panchen Lama, Losang Chökyi Gyaltsän, he extracted the instructions on Lama Chöpa and the Root Text of the Mahamudra, the Main Path of the Conquerors and wrote them down in Tibetan. This was an act of great kindness because it meant that for the first time ordinary beings could read and practise Lama Chöpa and the special close lineage of Vajrayana Mahamudra. The Guru yoga of Lama Chöpa is one of the most blessed practices within Je Tsongkhapa's tradition, being the essential preliminary practice for Vajrayana Mahamudra. An extensive commentary to this practice can be found in Great Treasury of Merit.
There are thirty-two Deities within the body mandala of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, and it is these Deities who manifest as the thirty-two Deities of Dorje Shugden's mandala. This was explained by Je Phabongkhapa, an emanation of Heruka, in his prayer to Dorje Shugden:
The aggregates, elements, sources, and limbs of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang Appear in the aspect of the five Lineages of Dorje Shugden and their retinues. Realizing that in reality I am practising the yoga of the thirty-two Deities of the body mandala, I offer this practice to you, O five lineages of Dorje Shugden; please accept it with delight. Of the Deities of the five lineages of Dorje Shugden, the principal Deity is Duldzin Dorje Shugden. He is a manifestation of the aggregate of consciousness of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang. Vairochana Shugden is a manifestation of the form aggregate of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, Ratna Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of feeling, Päma Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of discrimination, and Karma Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of compositional factors. Many sadhanas of Dorje Shugden state that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the 'Guru, Yidam, and Protector'. Here, 'Guru' refers specifically to Lama Tsongkhapa. Thus, when we practise the sadhana of Dorje Shugden we are indirectly practising the Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa, as well as the practices of Yamantaka and Kalarupa. Atisha said, 'You Tibetans rely upon hundreds of Deities but do not achieve even one attainment, whereas we Indian Buddhists rely upon only one Deity and achieve the attainments and blessings of hundreds of Deities.' We should bear Atisha's comment in mind and realize that it is much more meaningful to practise one Deity sincerely, regarding that Deity as the synthesis of all Deities, than it is to practise many Deities superficially.
Some people believe that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri who shows the aspect of a worldly being, but this is incorrect. Even Dorje Shugden's form reveals the complete stages of the path of Sutra and Tantra, and such qualities are not possessed by the forms of worldly beings. Dorje Shugden appears as a fully-ordained monk to show that the practice of pure moral discipline is essential for those who wish to attain enlightenment. In his left hand he holds a heart, which symbolizes great compassion and spontaneous great bliss, the essence of all the stages of the vast path of Sutra and Tantra. His round yellow hat represents the view of Nagarjuna and the wisdom sword in his right hand teaches us to sever ignorance, the root of samsara, with the sharp blade of Nagarjuna's view. This is the essence of all the stages of the profound path of Sutra and Tantra.
Dorje Shugden rides a snow lion, the symbol of the four fearlessnesses of a Buddha, and has a jewel-spitting mongoose perched on his left arm, symbolizing his power to bestow wealth on those who put their trust in him. The single eye in the centre of his forehead symbolizes his omniscient wisdom which perceives directly and simultaneously all past, present, and future phenomena. His wrathful expression indicates that he destroys ignorance, the real enemy of all living beings, by blessing them with great wisdom; and also that he destroys the obstacles of pure Dharma practitioners.
Each of the thirty-two Deities of Dorje Shugden's mandala has a specific function, which are explained in a prayer written by Sachen Kunlo, one of the great Sakya Lamas. In this prayer he explains that the function of Duldzin Dorje Shugden, the principal Deity of the mandala, is to lead faithful followers to correct spiritual paths by bestowing great wisdom; the function of Vairochana Shugden is to help us to pacify our negative karma and obstacles; the function of Ratna Shugden is to help us to increase our good fortune, lifespan, and virtuous realizations; the function of Päma Shugden is to help us to control our own mind so that we can help others achieve controlled, calm, and peaceful states of mind; and the function of Karma Shugden is to overcome the four maras and evil spirits who try to harm faithful disciples. The nine Great Mothers help faithful followers of Dorje Shugden in their Tantric practices, the eight Fully-ordained Monks help them in their practices of Sutra, and the ten Wrathful Deities aid them in their various daily activities. In these spiritually degenerate times Dharma practitioners experience many obstacles, but if we rely upon Dorje Shugden with unwavering faith he will care for us just like a father caring for his children.
In general, all Buddhist practitioners need to develop unwavering faith in Buddha Shakyamuni, for without it their Dharma practice will have little power and bring few results; and in particular all Gelugpa practitioners need to develop firm and lasting faith in Je Tsongkhapa, otherwise they will never experience the unique qualities of his doctrine. Faith is the very root of all Dharma experience. Gelugpa practitioners who have a sincere trust in Dorje Shugden will have no difficulty in generating unshakeable faith in Je Tsongkhapa. Their practice of view, meditation, and action will naturally become pure and they will easily realize the special uncommon qualities of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings. Thus they will be able to gain experience of the stages of the path of both Sutra and Tantra without any difficulty.


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 12:35:32 AM »
Dear WisdomBeing and Honeydakini,

Thank you for the information. The texts contain all the reasons and explanations we need to understand and practice Dorje Shugden and to share with others who might be interested. I will read the texts again and again to understand and remember the details regarding Dorje Shugden's enlightened nature. Very inspiring indeed!


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 01:33:07 PM »
I have noticed many newer people on the forum so might be good to bump this post up again :)


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2011, 07:18:05 AM »
This is very clear and details, make it easier to introduce Shugden to other newer people. No doubt Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Buddha, it is us who do not have the merits to accept him but having a lot of  confusion and doubt.

Shugden practice has been proven and "checked" by so many high attained Lama, if we still have doubt, it means we are better than all these Lama, they are wrong, we are right. Many times I do no think that people does not accept Shugden practice purely because of the ban, but individual's laziness of not wanting to do more, yet they want result in their spiritual practice.

Having this 10 reasons help others to remember and understand his true nature. Thank you for sharing, sharing Dharma is the best way of practising generosity.


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2011, 12:22:34 PM »
Thank you so much Wisdom Being and Honeydakini,

For posting, background information provided on DS has really helped me to deepen my understanding and appreciation of how beneficial DS practice REALLY is!!!

When I read the description in Heart Jewel about how the 32 deities in Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang were the same 32 deities also manifest in DS mandala.
I was blown away, actually that is an understatement I think I re-read the passage quite a few times letting it sink into my dinosaur mind...My first thought how lucky I am to find a practice that incorporates Guru, Yidam and Protector.

I  found a quote by chance by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche sometime ago on DS that I liked very much and wanted to truly understand it's essence...because I really liked it so much I wrote down the quote straight away to contemplate, read re-read thinking it must be very important if a high lama like Zong Rinpoche offered this advice? I definitely wanted to find out more.

But didn't know where to look? A close friend of mine suggested I check out this website and check out the forum to learn and post more. Words can't express the joy I am feeling to find answers for what I have been looking for.

Please please please post older threads no matter how trivial you think? could benefit newbies like myself to learn, contemplate and moisten this mind for DS.



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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2011, 02:11:48 PM »

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have learn many things just reading your post. That Dorje Shugden is guru, yidam and protector all in one, so perhaps Dorje Shugden will evolve into a yidam practise is very possible from what I have read.

By the way what are the 32 deities within the Lama Tsongkhapa mandala? If someone can share this information I'd really appreciate it. 


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2011, 05:45:52 AM »
Hi Dharmaspace,

The 32 deities of Tsongkhapa's mandala as described can be found in the book "Heart Jewel by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso".

It is simple, conscise and easy to understand in dharma language that is easy for us non-scholastic modern types. For me personally I like to start off with what I can understand and add to my understanding/ with new questions and find answers later through research and asking questions.

The list of 32 deities correspond to a quality or part of Lama Tsongkhapa's body/mandala.

Lama Losang Tubwang Dorje Chang's Body:

The 5 aggregates / The Five Buddha Lineages:
Principal function to  is to lead faithful practitioners to correct spiritual paths by bestowing great wisdom.

form / Vairochana.
descrimination / Amitabha.
consciousness / Akshobya.
feeling / Ratnasambhava.
compositional factors / Amoghasiddhi.

The four elements / The Four Mothers:
Principal function of the Four Mothers and Five Goddesses is to help practitioners in Tantric practice.

earth / Lochana.
water / Mamaki.
fire / Benzarahi.
wind / Tara.

The five object sources / The Five Goddesses:

forms / Rupavajra.
sounds / Shaptavajra.
smells / Gandhavajra.
tastes / Rasavajra.
tactile objects / Pashavajra.

The eight parts of the body / The Eight Main Bodhisattvas:
Principal function of The Eight Fully Ordained Monks is to help practitioners in their practices of Sutra.

eye sense power / Kisitigarbha.
ear sense power / Vajrapani.
nose sense power / Akashagarbha.
tongue sense power / Avolokiteshvara.
body sense power / Saravaivarana-viskambini.
mental power / Manjushri.
veins / Maitreya.
joints / Samantabhadra.

The ten parts of the body / The Ten Wrathful Deities:
Principal function of the wrathful deities is to aid practitioners in daily life.

right hand / Yamantaka.
left hand / Aparajita.
mouth / Hayagriva.
right shoulder / Achala.
left shoulder / Takkiraja.
right knee / Niladanda.
left knee / Mahabala.
crown / Ushnishachakravarti.
soles of feet / Sumbharaja.
secret place / Amritakundalini.

Wow so much meaning and benefit from Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang mandala! this just blows my mind everytime...imagine modern practitioners like ourselves have so many distractions imagine trying to visualise each and everyone of those deities into our daily practice and prayers!

So by visualising the form of Je Tsongkhapa one is making offerings to all these deities / propitiating their help in your prayers. Guru Yoga is such a  profound a practice if done correctly can bring much benefit to sincere practitioners.

I love this quote by Atisha to Tibetans... "Some of you Tibetans have tried to accomplish a hundred Deities but have failed to gain a single attainment, while some Indian Buddhists have gained the attainments of a hundred deities by accomplishing the practice of just one."

Geshe Tsultrim Gyaltsen was a great master of sutra and tantra and taught...that this profound practice contains all of the Buddha's teachings in the Guru Yoga.

This shows very clearly the close relationship between Je Tsongkhapa and DS protecting these important teachings (synthesis of Nargajuna's teaching on emptiness to attain enlightenment).

Please excuse any omissions or mistakes on my part?



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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2011, 03:30:01 PM »
I never had the good fortune to read the Heart Jewel this is fantastic.
The five dhyani buddhas are analogous to the 5 forms for Dorje Shugden,
the Four mothers and Five goddesses analogous to the 9 Mothers,
the 8 bodhisattvas analogous to the  ordained monks,
Perfect match!

Thanks you dsdisciple!


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2011, 11:01:16 AM »
Here's an idea:

These are SUCH logical and clear presentations about the nature of Dorje Shugden's fully enlightened mind. It would be good for us to write letters to the Tibetan government (the CTA) and even the Dalai Lama or to individuals and groups that we know are overtly suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners. We should express to them this logic and further, explain to them our own personal reasons for practising - this can include our Dharma understanding of why Dorje Shugden's practice is not wrong and is actually hugely beneficial.

They probably won't reply but every drop creates an ocean, so the saying goes. The more we express this and write in with our logic and a firm stance, the more these people will realise that their "logic" has no basis and that the world is beginning to realise how stupid they are. Karmically, it also contributes to a collective merit that can definitely bring the practice out into the open again and at the very least lessen the opposition from the other side when they realise that their arguments hold no water, not even a single drop.


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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2011, 02:29:19 PM »
This may be a little shallow, but another reason why Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and considered such a High Being is because when an oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden, all High Lamas makes offerings of Body, Speech and Mind to Dorje Shugden.

But when Kache Marpo takes trance, it is He who makes offerings of Body, Speech and Mind to the High Lamas.

Am I right to say so?

There are many videos on youtube where we can witness this.

hope rainbow

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Re: Ten Reasons Why Dorje Shugden is Considered a Buddha
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2012, 05:27:15 PM »
This may be a little shallow, but another reason why Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and considered such a High Being is because when an oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden, all High Lamas makes offerings of Body, Speech and Mind to Dorje Shugden.

But when Kache Marpo takes trance, it is He who makes offerings of Body, Speech and Mind to the High Lamas.

Am I right to say so?

There are many videos on youtube where we can witness this.

Actually, Kache Marpo is also an enlightened being, and so, he would be offered Body, Speech and Mind as well.

However, when Nechung manifests through the oracle, he offers Body, Speech and Mind to the high Lamas. All worldly protectors would do the same.