Author Topic: Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up  (Read 9423 times)


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Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up
« on: March 19, 2018, 06:41:22 AM »
If you are familiar with the "Thank You India" event and the Dalai Lama's events that have both asked to cancel in Delhi and had it in Dharamsala instead, this is a logical and sincere piece from a Tibetan how insignificant these events are and what Lobsang Sangay and his corrupted Kashag should be doing.

The author ends his piece with a wakeup call for the Tibetan leadership to radically rethink its strategy of engaging with India, a country that is increasingly looking at improving its relations with China. This is a Tibetan highlighting the foibles and shortcomings of his own leadership; if the CTA will not listen to external parties, will they hopefully listen to one of their own? Perhaps the CTA’s new strategy should involve an active engagement program that includes China instead of its usual policy of antagonizing China all the time. After all, the latter strategy has been tried and tested for the past 60 years, with zero results. An active engagement program that includes China may be a painful concession for the self-motivated CTA, but it may also be the only way to get what they want i.e. some kind of progress in their political aspirations. And it is therefore in this manner that the Tibetan leadership needs to grow up, take charge and find different, new and creative ways to secure their people’s future, before the situation spirals further beyond their control than it has already done. Lobsang Wangyal is brutally honest, direct and refreshingly insightful. Tibetans who lived their entire lives in India and educated like Wangyal have a good grasp of world politics and express honest opinions of their rapidly dissipating ineffectual Tibetan government in exile and openly express their dismay, concern and fears. He fearlessly tells his own Tibetan government in exile to grow up already!

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Re: Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2018, 07:18:32 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D LOL sounds like Lobsang Sangay are getting a scolding from Lobsang Wangyal who is very blunt and honest!

Lobsang Sangay should really really start listening to his own people and stop exploiting India because that is going to end very very soon if it has not already ended. Lobsang Sangay has been angering so many people, it will not be a surprise if he gets impeached which his people are already asking for.

And the Indians are really not going to tolerate Tibetans anymore, so it would be very wise for CTA to start playing their cards right and the only way I see it is to become friends with China. I am sorry, for the sake of your people and future, you should find a resolution and reconciliation with China since the Dalai Lama has said it himself, that he has never sought for Tibetan Independence and he would be happy to be under the Chinese rule. Harsh words for the Rangzen activists, but unfortunately their cause is a lost cause for many years already. So they need to do something smart if they wish to preserve their culture.


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Re: Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 12:45:36 PM »
I read the article by Lobsang Wangyal, the fact remains that the Tibetans are living in India today due to the kindness of the Indian people. Therefore it is still necessary to thank them no matter what happened.


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Re: Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2019, 09:13:10 AM »
;D ;D ;D LOL sounds like Lobsang Sangay are getting a scolding from Lobsang Wangyal who is very blunt and honest!

Lobsang Sangay should really really start listening to his own people and stop exploiting India because that is going to end very very soon if it has not already ended. Lobsang Sangay has been angering so many people, it will not be a surprise if he gets impeached which his people are already asking for.

And the Indians are really not going to tolerate Tibetans anymore, so it would be very wise for CTA to start playing their cards right and the only way I see it is to become friends with China. I am sorry, for the sake of your people and future, you should find a resolution and reconciliation with China since the Dalai Lama has said it himself, that he has never sought for Tibetan Independence and he would be happy to be under the Chinese rule. Harsh words for the Rangzen activists, but unfortunately their cause is a lost cause for many years already. So they need to do something smart if they wish to preserve their culture.

The CTA and the Tibetans are taking India for granted. After 60 years of support, this is what Tibetans are giving back, some cheap "Thank you India" event. Unfortunately, India does not want this type of appreciation. The Indian officials were told not to attend such events.

It it was not because of India, the Tibetans would have nowhere to go when so many of them escape from Tibet in 1959. India was very kind to lease them land at a very cheap rate for them to settle down and establish their community. They were given perks and other benefits, they don't have to contribute to the Indian tax system.

Tibetans are very lucky to get support from India where they are allowed to preserve their culture, language and religion. Instead of working hard to make the free Tibet movement a success, the CTA and Lobsang Sangay use the Tibet issue to make money and continuously creating trouble to China and India. This is probably the reason why the "Thank you India" event was not welcome by India.

Tenzin K

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Re: Lobsang Wangyal urges Lobsang Sangay to grow up
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2019, 05:45:20 AM »
It's obvious that India is moving forward to improve its relationship with China and no longer using Tibetan card or they have drop this card for a better relationship with the Chinese. Time and condition change and influences the needs, as such India changes its political game accordingly. Tibetan is no longer in India's plan instead it'd become an issue for India to have a better relationship with China.

Sangay should have picked this up and start working on something to be in the good book of China and stop attacking China. Tibetan needed China badly to return and how can CTA keep irking China and expect China to give way. This doesn't make sense at all.