phyag na rlangs pa

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« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2019, 04:11:35 AM »
Another news media has picked up the story of Dagri Rinpoche's sickening behaviour


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« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2019, 06:25:36 AM »
One of the major Indian English newspapers, “The Tribune” has picked up Dagri Rinpoche's sex scandal news about him being arrested for molesting a woman on board an Air-India flight. Another charge of molestation has been levelled against him by Jakaira Perez Valdivia from Spain who released a video, accusing him of molesting her at his residence in Namgyal Monastery, McLeodganj in 2008 when she was staying in Dharamsala as a Buddhist nun. Now the news has spread all over India. Too bad for CTA as they pave their way for Tibetans to further lose support from their Indian host. Again, this reflects how ungrateful the Tibetans in exile are, to sexually assault the citizens of their kind host when they are 'refugees'. 

Tibetan monk in eye of ‘MeToo’ storm

Dharamsala, May 9

A “MeToo” campaign has been initiated against a senior Buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche, who had been accused of molestation earlier this month while on a flight from Delhi to Gaggal.

On May 3, a woman filed a complaint with the Kangra police, stating that Rinpoche molested her on board an Air-India flight. The Gaggal police detained him before he was released on bail.

Another charge of molestation has been levelled against him. Jakaira Perez Valdivia from Spain has released a video, accusing him of molesting her at his residence at Namgyal Monastery in McLeodganj in 2008. At the time, she was staying in Dharamsala as a Buddhist nun.

In a YouTube video that Valdivia posted on Tuesday, the Spanish woman said it took a long time for her to muster courage and tell what had happened because some people tried to convince her that it didn’t happen, or that whatever he did was out of compassion.

Rinpoche invited her to his residence where he asked her to take off her clothes so that he could perform “some work” on her. He gave her an alcoholic drink, saying it was a “holy substance” which he consumed several times during the session and also poured it on her body. He touched her inappropriately.

The four-page statement she wrote was given to the Kangra police. The copies were sent to the Dalai Lama’s office and also to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) as he is one of FPMT’s revered teachers.

The Dalai Lama’s office arranged a meeting between the two, for Rinpoche to apologise. Valdivia said since he apologised, she didn’t approach the police.

She said in the video that she knew of many women who had been molested by Rinpoche. She urged them to come forward to tell their stories. In 2010, Valdivia wrote a four-page declaration detailing the incident in which she explained that she had approached Rinpoche for blessing and consulted with him a disk hernia problem so that she could avoid surgery.



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« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2019, 12:20:17 PM »
If your going to dress like a monk and say your a monk, then be a monk and act like one. If your going to dress like a monk and fondle women, that just makes you a perve. Not compassionate, not kind, not tantric.

Pity FPMT will come up with some bollocky lawyer-approved statement, everyone will nod sagely and say how holy and kind Lama Zopa is and that will probably be the end of it. Thats what the FPMT lot are always like, its a hive mentality. When trouble hits, instead of resolving it permanently, they close ranks and say and do nothing to rectify the situation :'(


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« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2019, 05:41:51 PM »
If your going to dress like a monk and say your a monk, then be a monk and act like one. If your going to dress like a monk and fondle women, that just makes you a perve. Not compassionate, not kind, not tantric.

Pity FPMT will come up with some bollocky lawyer-approved statement, everyone will nod sagely and say how holy and kind Lama Zopa is and that will probably be the end of it. That's what the FPMT lot are always like, its a hive mentality. When trouble hits, instead of resolving it permanently, they close ranks and say and do nothing to rectify the situation :'(

FPMT used to be a good dharma centre with strong Buddhist values and samaya with their teacher. Since the passing of Lama Yeshe, it went down and down. First, they broke their samaya with Lama Yeshe by giving up Dorje Shugden practice to be politically correct and on the same side as His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Then, they protected a sexual predator that is harming their own ordained community and members. Why would FPMT do that? The only explanation for this is that FPMT is afraid of losing His Holiness the Dalai Lama support if they expose the nasty deeds of one of his people. By doing that, they are willing to let their own nuns and members suffer silently.

It is exactly the same as the Dorje Shugden issue. They are willing to sacrifice their holy bond with their teacher, Lama Yeshe just to be "right". In the end, even though they get the support of CTA and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, they lose their own teacher. Lama Osel who is the current incarnation of Lama Yeshe manifested signs of him drifting apart from FPTM and Dharma. This is an obvious sign of broken samaya.


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« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2019, 08:54:22 PM »
It is sad to see that a good Dharma centre like FPMT that was built with the sweat of many sincere people under the guidance of Lama Yeshe had to generate like this. They refused to do the practice that their teacher assigned to  them and now they are harbouring sex offender. What a disgrace!


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« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2019, 10:56:04 PM »
The Dagri issue has now been picked up by Tricycle!

If your cheap and havent paid for a subscription, you get one free article a month so you might as well use it to read this  ;)

Big Uncle

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« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2019, 12:49:58 AM »
The latest news from the Tibetan portals state that there is a second victim that has surfaced so it looks like it is true after all. That Dagri had many abuses and he continues to abuse women uncontrollably. Its part of the karma FPMT is coming back at them for the wrongs they have done. FPMT and Lama Zopa are the ones who heavily promoted Dagri Rinpoche although they know he has been molesting women and yet they still send him to their various centres both east and west. Now it has come out in the Tibetan language too as you can see below in the attachment. It is spreading among the Tibetans.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 02:31:57 AM by Admin »

Ringo Starr

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« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2019, 10:35:07 AM »
Hi everyone,

I picked these comments up from:

and thought that it might be useful for the discussion happening here.


I don’t accept, from In This World, says:

on 11 May 2019 at 5:41 am

I think the FPMT bashing some display here is not right either. There is a lot of good within the FPMT, a lot inspirational and good work too. However, what is lacking, it seems, is an open approach to the abuse of power, sexual abuse and more critical thinking instead of blind devotion, a lot of projections and the downplaying or denial of the harm which sexual abuse causes.

FPMT is known for basically attracting devotional type of people. This makes it a bit hard to find rational, critical intellectuals. But this all should not lead to condemn a rather healthy and good organisation.
I am not sure if the FPMT is capable of dealing with the whole in a good way. But let’s give them a chance too.

The Tibetan monasteries seem to lack sex education (which includes teachings on boundaries, what abuse is etc.) and a system where abuse can be safely reported and people who speak about abuse or experienced it are not shunned or silenced or blacklisted or criticised.

A lot to be done for sure. But usually, you don’t achieve changes by condemning others or trashing all into the rubbish. People won’t listen to you and nothing changes. You only feel some superficial satisfaction from such condemnations.

Survivors of abuse, however, they should unite, reach out to each other and build a supportive networks. Then you become more powerful than the perpetrators and the organisations who cover them up. A good example – who explicitly followed the Dalai Lama’s advice – are the 8 who wrote the letter on abuse in Rigpa. Another good example is Buddhist Project Sunshine. You can learn from such what works and reaps results. Only complaining, condemning, trashing people and organisations won’t work! People who know survivors of abuse should openly ask them what they need.

Chonyi Taylor, from Australia, says:

on 11 May 2019 at 3:37 am

This s not true. FPMT does have a complaints mechanism. I helped draft it.

Kelsang says:

on 11 May 2019 at 2:18 am

A priest having intercourse with a woman in a tantric manner is called ‘karmamudra’. Mudra is something like a sex partner. Karma is activity. Karmamudra is as important as mahamudra in kagyu sect in the mind of many advanced practitioners of Tibetan lamaism. In other words, sex between celebate monk and woman is as common as indian policemen taking bribe in the classical Tibet. The women were willing accomplices, and many felt blessed by the “holy male genital”.

But problems start to happen when civilizations clash. These clueless lamas are applying karmamudra practice to Western women who are thrice more independent in spirit. Cases like this will continue to happen until CTA organize a workshop for all the lamas in exile – irrespective of their sect or lineage – on sexual conduct and consent. This will go a long way in reducing cases of rape, extorsion, and sexual abuse by Tibetan Lamas.

Sar Lang, from Usa, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 11:39 pm

Sexual misconduct has been an open secret from the advent of Buddhism in Tibet. What is sad is that the taboo breaker has to be a non-Tibetan women who blew off the cover.

All the culprits should renounce their celibacy vows and take refugee in their parents’ homes.

Khampa Warrior, from USA, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 11:03 pm

This lama Dagri is long associated with Gaden Podhang and now he is a disgraced lama, so Gaden Podhang must fire him immediately and cut off all the relationship with this lama. So was the lama in Los Angeles Tenzin Dhonden and Kalden Lodoe at Radio Free Asia are disgrace to Gaden Podhang. Tenzin Dhonden’s associate cult leader Keith Raniere is presently indicted for racketeering conspiracy, extortion, forced labor and sex trafficking in a NY court. Kalden Lodoe illegally usurped Tibetan Service Director’s post by colluding with the chief of Radio Free Asia Libby Liu by firing and forcing out two of its former directors Ngapo Jigme and Tenzin Tethong. Kalden Lodoe does pay for play with Libby by his purported contacts with Gaden Podhang and squeezing every bit of benefits from Radio Free Asia thru Libby and vice versa. I heard around 70 percent of Tibetan staff at RFA signed a letter to reject Kalden Lodoe off hand but Libby illegally imposed him as director of Tibetan Service. So why doesn’t Gaden Podang cut off relationship with criminal minded Kalden and Libby who would definitely bring Gaden Podhang’s reputation down and ultimately His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Wouldn’t it be catastrophic disaster to Tibetans and millions of people around world?

Kyagzar, from France, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 10:52 pm

This Yangsi Rinpoche of Maitripa college approved by FPMT has kids spread in Europe and North America. He wears attire which looks like a robe to fool vulnerable westerners and SE Asia donors. I hear he left his american wife as soon as she got sick. He is hiding his Tibetan wife and kid from public. Why play these dramas..Is this what FPMT is all about?

More about FPMT will come soon. FPMT support this molester and will continue to support every molester and fake monks.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 8:14 pm

You are far from FPMT geographically. I am not. Their world headquarters is 8 blocks from my home. From 2008 until 2016, I attended programs and classes at their advanced-degree secular college, Maitripa, here in Portland Oregon. Relative to most of the world, I saw *a lot* of FPMT and LZR this decade. They wreak.
I also was used unwittingly as I was not savvy that the teacher/co-founder of the college – a llarumpa geshe who dropped the robe and has a chapter in Lhundrup Sopa’s Biography, “Like a Waking Dream,” – was wearing one face to appear as a joyful and pure hearted teacher in intention, but expressed his grasping at true motive in private. He believed that once Emptiness was Realized, all Ethics were but fuel for his own rise to Power.

He spoke of power all the time, but never of relationship mundane to Ultimate power. He used the word power in every teaching, but never love, and rarely Bodhichitta. His motivation betrayed his intention. He was in service to such an organization.

His remaining teacher now sits on HHDL’s Gendun throne. All his other teachers, 2nd co-founder, and prior Tri Rinpoche died w/in 2 years. Ethics died, too. His consort of many years almost died of a dble aneurism, replaced immediately by a consort as FPMT brand approved, had been corrupted to hate and use “black” siddhi. LZP stayed in AU, rarely returning.

Tenzin, FPMT wreaks of a floral scented corpse. You can find evidence. FPMT public Dharma education series wanes, the colleges wax. Only two now exist – in Italy and down the street from me. Check Wikipedia edits for Maitripa. LZP is listed as sole founder, right after 2nd co-founder died at 47. FPMT re-writes history all the time. FPMT is a PR firm except in name.

Dawa Tsering, from Arunachal, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 7:28 pm

Who becomes a monk these days? A poor, destitute and orphan. There are very few from well to do families who send their children to become a monk. In a way…making someone a monk against their will or out of poverty.. it is but absolute voilation of human rights as the poor child is subjected to molestation and sexual abuse by big lamas of tulku’s order. Simply discontinue the tradition of making monks (dapa) at a very young age. If someone wants to become a monk out of reverence and understanding…they are welcome.

Ani Lozang, from Usa + Nepal, says:

on 11 May 2019 at 2:13 am

That is how Buddhism reformed in Taiwan during industrialization era under the label of humanistic Buddhism. Yes there are still many problems and occassional scandals etc but quality of monastics is very high and able to be more beneficial to society and lay devotees bc nearly all finished high school and college or some work experience before becoming monastics. So then after studying sutras and meditation training, they are more skilled in many other areas like running service projects, dharma programs, Buddhist colleges, temples for working lay people etc.

Another advantage they have are educated and fully ordained nuns, so ani gompa are all having ani abbess and government according to nuns vinaya. When girls and lay women and men see the ordained women very educated and capable, it is easier for them to feel confidence of dharma leadership.

For Tibetan Buddhism, HH Karmapa has expressed intention to bring such culture to Tibetan Buddhism. Maybe the new Geshema graduates will take some initiative for this some day.

Shanti, from Delhi, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 10:49 pm

Couldn’t agree with you more ????

Concerned H.H. Dalai Lama Devotee, from USA, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 5:38 pm

As for the FPMT organisation, which has repeatedly resisted needed reforms / accountability, please give thought to finally bringing about meaningful & rapid change by participating in a worldwide ‘Me Too’ Boycott of all FPMT centers.
Enough is Enough!

Concerned H.H. Dalai Lama Devotee, from USA, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 5:33 pm

Thank-you Jaki for your exemplary courage, compassion and wisdom. May you have the best of health and well being, always!
In response to the numerous and varied accounts of student abuse over many years by Buddhist teachers of all traditions, let us pray:
“May every Buddhist teacher be held legally accountable to each and every individual that has described various types of abuse, personally apologize to each individual, vow never to do the harmful behavior again and pay restitution and/or do prison time in each case.

“May the Buddhist teachers who impart instruction about guru devotion and samaya do so, without using these Buddhist related teachings as a means to manipulate and harm others. May it be so.”

Yeshe Rangdrol, from Australia, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 3:28 pm

And what of the monks who flaunt their homosexuality as a sign of their non-attachment to women? This is rife in the Tibetan monastic system & not limited to any sect in particular. I have seen 16 year old novices at Kopan wearing pink nail polish. And even Dudjom Rinpoche’s incarnation complained about older monks coming into his room at night & molesting him. If they would do that to a high tulku what would they do to other young monks?

Sonam Tsering, from Dharamshala, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 5:52 am

The quality of lamas and tulkus is surely declining. Lamas living in the midst of all the comfort and luxuries of the world sit on the throne and talk of shunning materialism. I have heard about lamas charging high fees for teachings which in other word is commercialising the words of Buddha. Anybody can become a tulku with some connection to a Rinpoche. If the father is a tulku then the son surely is a tulku.

His Holiness all the time warns followers to enquire about the teacher first and then follow but Western followers love to be associated with Richie rich lamas.

Jeet Daniel, from England, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 3:27 am

Thank you, Valdivia! You have done a great service to Buddhism, though your effort rightly exposed the hypocrisy rampant in Lamaism. Just how many Tibetan women and nuns’ lives these lamas ruined, but they can’t come out of their hypocritical society.

Tibetan soul, from USA, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 2:19 am

I believe in Jakaira Perez Valdivia 100%. FPMT should stop promoting this molester who will bring more harm to other people. Jakaira Perez Valdivia can you file a police report and court case against your molester in EU court? This molester should be stopped before he start harming more innocent and vulnerable students.

Phuntsok Dorje, from Banakha, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 12:20 am

The Buddha was himself a monk and had high regard for monasticism as the bedrock of Buddhism. He had also clearly outlined provisions for “expulsion” to weed out the corrupt and miscreant monks. In his life, Buddha had expelled many monks from monasteries for the good of Dharma and to justify people’s trust in the Sangha as the sole keeper of Dharma.

It is in fact true and sad that a few disrobed monks, including some prominent people, first have sex with women and then disrobe either voluntarily or after they’re caught pants down. This is not how it is done. First disrobe, then follow your wild dreams.

I think, these are what Tibetan monks should avoid:
1. Keeping women in their quarters
2. Unnecessarily touching women, even if it is out compassion
3. Walking hand in hand with female siblings and relatives in public places (people don’t know that she’s your sister)
4. Eating private dinner with a woman
5. Liking, following and making execssive praises to girls on Facebook and social forums
6. Showing off expensive phones, goggles, cameras, etc, in public places
7. Going to cinema halls and dance in robes [wear maroon track pants]
8. Eating in bar or with people drinking alcohol.
The bottomline is simple. If you can’t follow the rule prescribed by the Buddha, better stop pretending to be one. A fake and corrupt monk is better than no monk at all. These few rotten Tomatoes bring bad names to hundreds of other good monks and nuns who are true to the Dharma, in spirit and practice.

Thank you, Lobsang Wangyal la for giving this issue a platform for discussion. In Dharma terms, it is called “The Virtuous Cleansing.”

Another Tenzin, from Dharamshala, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 12:00 am

It is true that the FPMT needs to have a clearer policy for reporting and dealing with potential abuse, but to say they have actively been covering up anything is a total misrepresentation of the events. As for the events in 2008, FPMT had been in contact with HHDL’s office, and were informed that the accusations were dropped, the police were not going any further with investigation, and that HHDL office had offered mediation session. (Also remember that HHDL’s office is not same as HHDL, but rather it is referencing lay people on the office staff).

From FPMT side, if accusations were dropped then there is nothing else for them to do. There have been *no other* public accusations against this Rinpoche before or after the 2008 incident until this current accusation from the woman on the plane.

I am not denying Jakaira’s account, it may be 100% accurate. But if the charges are dropped and there are no additional accusations, what is an organization like FPMT, who were not part of the original accusation nor part of the investigation, to do? If the police say the accusation and charges were dropped due to lack of evidence and they are told that official mediation has happened, how are they expected to do more than that? And now with this current instance, if, again, the charges are dropped or there is no further investigation, what should they do? If the charges are not dropped and investigation moves forward then yes they have a responsibility. But if they are dropped?

My point is that to claim FPMT has been aiding in covering up repeat offenses is simply not true. There has been one accusation and those charges were (officially) dropped, and that is what FPMT acted on. Of course now we wait to see results of this new accusation and how HHDL’s office and…

Catherine Lloyd Roberts, from Toronto, ON, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 7:21 pm

I think that FPMT ought to be honour-bound to explore the situation and allegations. Must we be dependent on outer “policing”. Surely neither Lama Yeshe nor Lama Zopa Rinpoche would condone inappropriate actions. Perhaps FPMT has or is conducting and internal investigation?

I don’t accept, from In This World , says:

on 10 May 2019 at 5:01 pm

I don’t know if they covered up or not. The questions which must be honestly answered by the FPMT are among others:

1) how many cases of molesting women by Dagri Rinpoche have been reported to them in the last 30 years?
2) what was their response to these reported cases?
3) did they offer financial or psychological help / therapy?
4) how could it come that FPMT people tell a victim of molesting that groping her breasts and pressing the lama’s genital in her back is a compassionate massage? Why invalidating survivors’ experiences?
5) even if police does not act the FPMT might have to act because it might not be a criminal offence (like slaughtering a pig) but still unethical and damaging for FPMT female students.
6) does FPMT know of more cases not officially reported to them (because of shame, fear, fear of being shunned) and did they reach out for support to survivors?

Kalsang, from Switzerland, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 9:35 pm

Tibet for 21 century needs less monks and nuns but more educated lay population who are constructive and innovative for future Tibetan existence in modern society. The monks, nuns and monasteries are no more building blocks of nation and healthy rich society.

Tsultrim, from Bylakuppe, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 11:15 pm

Kalsang, I don’t agree with you here.
Tibetan culture is based on Dharma, which has pure monks and nuns as its ultimate custodians.
I would rephrase by saying that Tibet for the 21st century needs less “bad quality” monks and nuns.
From a Dharma perspective, the more ordained people on this world, the better, provided they behave and practice purely.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 12:03 am

Let’s recall that what makes all this possible is the Abiding Buddha Nature, and that everything changes but that.
Thus there are no bad quality beings. There are no pure monks and nuns.
All this is up to you to work out as seeing what the connection is. The Christians call this “as above, so below.”
Wisdom and compassion of the Buddha are right there for anyone who wants it.

Tsultrim, from Bylakuppe, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 7:46 am

Of course there are “bad quality” and “pure” monks and nuns, on a conventional level.

If monastics don’t abide by the law of Vinaya, then they are not “pure”. Otherwise where do we draw a line?

You cannot abandon every conventional judgement on a person on the basis that he or she has Buddha nature.

Whatever each individual internally thinks or perceives, is a different matter. If you have pure view, amazing achievement.

But outwardly we should judge according to conventionalities, such as whether the behaviour of the person is in accordance with the laws or not.

White Man’s Burden, from Paris , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 9:04 pm

If sexual molestation can be dismissed as ‘ compassionate massage,’ then all pedophiles and ex-monks will go around giving compasssionate massage to everyone, even minors.

Yes, Lobsang Wangyal of Tibetsun is known to give massage to blonde tourists in Mcloed Ganj. But in those cases, both parties knew what should be expected from the word ‘ massage.’
I even heard Loten Namling had tried to ‘ massage’ a blonde in Germany, which got him into a big mess.

I urge all Tibetans to stop giving massage. It is possible to live without giving message, is it not?

Samphe Lhalungpa, from Ottawa, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 8:31 pm

So such a complex area. Where abuse takes place we need to shut it down but there are also folks who collect lama experiences and used to brag that they have slept with xxx or yyy. In the end people must use thier sixth sense. My humble take is that celibacy suits some but not all entrants to the Holy Orders but they have to go through that door. Whether buddhist priests..freudian shrinks…nature cure folks..: Let the Buyer be Aware..of the product or experience you are buying. Adam Smith is a useful guide.

Catherine Lloyd Roberts, from Toronto, On, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 7:30 pm

Excellent suggestion. Let’s leave “massage” to qualified masseurs and masseuses. And let’s be more specific about massage.. “therapeutic” with an observer in the room similar to professional level medical services. or “relaxation massage” where anything goes.

what is the view of traditional Tibetan medicine practitioners and the role of massages? and the possible roles of ordained and lay practitioners? What are their respective roles, ethics and professional guidelines?

ani lozang, from Usa + Nepal, says:

on 11 May 2019 at 2:31 am

Bhikshuni (nun’s) pratimoksha vinaya is very clear on this point::
Treatment from male doctors must be with another person present, nuns must not be in a room alone with male with a door closed, etc.
Given homosexuality, such rules can apply to any gender combinations for better results.

Even if Tibetan tradition monastics do not want full ordination vows, they can learn these rules as guidance, and lay teachers can also follow proper lay precepts. They are also obligated to follow laws of the country, so need to learn these if not taught in gombas.
Anyone who studies vinaya commentaries will know that all kinds of antics are possible with human nature and inclination to compulsively uphold 8 worldly dharmas. Each of the monastic rules arose from such kinds of events “unbecomming of a follower of the Buddha”!

Prevention is easier than cure. Gompas and dharma centers should make policies and response protocols in advance of incidents, and apply to all equally regardless of social status.

Tendrol, from Dharamshala , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 7:56 pm

Dear Tibetan sisters,
IT is time that we Tibetan women must come out and speak loudly against sexual abuse by monks, Geshe, Trulku, Rinpoche and Lamas. I know of 100s of Tibetan women who have been abused by Lamas and monks. We are forced to keep silent because of shame associated with the sex. The worst is some of the assistant sexual concerns minor and young boys and girls.

The problem is Tibetan monks, Lamas, Geshe, Trulkus and Rinpoches are brought up in monasteries and not contact with women, and they don’t know how to talk to a woman. When they reach adulthood, their sexual desire and urges are strong, and the only way they know is by force.

I avoid being alone with any male religious figures because whenever I have been alone, lamas have tried to force themselves on me. Very often when I am walking alone, a monk would expose himself.

It is time that the Tibetan women should speak out against sexual abuse by our religious figures.

Tennyi, from Dharamshala , says:

on 10 May 2019 at 6:17 am

I agree with Tendrol, we Tibetan women should and must come out to speak out against all the Lamas, Rinpoche and Tulku who abuse their religious power and molest women. Today, I was talking with a group of women and we all had a horrible experience with Tibetan monks and Lamas. I used to go Kora every day in Dharamsala, but I had to stop going because there was a monk from Namgyal Drastang who is always exposing himself. Sometimes he is waiting for me in distance, and when I passed nearby he will lift his robe.
I hope we Tibetan women can start metoo movement and expose the sexual abuse by monks and Lama. Honestly, I don’t trust any Tibetan monks and Lama. When I travel on bus from Dharamsala to Delhi, If I seated next to a monk, I will change my seat.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 12:33 am

In case you haven’t figures it out, a code of silence placed on speaking about such wrong-headed actions by the monastically trained allows these guys to gossip like old women.

Women who are had are obligated to remain silent; they become like a bug in a web. The spider can have them at leisure. The word spreads in a language few in anywhere but Tibet understand.
Think of it this way: If you spend most of your life in renunciation, and then *poof* you’re not,that’s not a butterfly emerging from your foreskin.

The only way you can help beings is to to be able to walk in their shoes. You don’t get an an apple from a thorn tree.

Practice what enjoyment you want to be to yourself, first. Explore thoroughly your secret self, know it well. Then you will be ready to understand others with compassion as you will truly be able to see through their eyes.

They hold a wrong view for a long time that because emptiness is form and form is also emptiness that they cannot really cause harm to others. This is a being with a still immature View, as still missing the experience of great compassion. That’s the stuff of saints.
Sometimes, very rarely one of them finally “gets it” Mostly if he’s taking consorts, he isn’t fully Realized as having a full experience of compassion. And you are expected to be his subordinate as woman, because that is the 3K year old way of the monastic system.
So, you must understand from the start that almost none of these guys are even close to being realized, despite lharumpa with a side of Geshe.

The purpose of the monastic system is to perpetuate the monastic system. And unfortunately, karma is used to excuse the means justifying the ends. But it never does.

That reasoning is nothing but a bunch of samara looking…

Lucas. Winter, from Hayfork, California, USA, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 6:51 pm

The digital age is incredible right? Giving people a way to address the problems of the holy stations abuses of power. I’m studying vajrayana and I have been a member of the Bethel church of supernatural ministry for years. It’s astonishing to me how the holy people around the world have kept the power of the spirit so inaccessible to the individual. The time of Kings is gone and the fall of the religious sects is well underway. Kali yuga is in full effect and greatly affecting how people see the world and I for one believe that truth is the one God. Whatever you call the thing, divinity is fleeing from the temples and the individuals who still have real spirit power are the ones shunned and derided by the people who realize they no longer know God even though they claim to speak for him… We who are suffering the backlash from the reality that the church we’ve gone to our whole life, the temple of the Lord we worship at is corrupt and expounding the sins we are already free and absolved from. It’s the only way to keep us afraid. And with the digital age and freedom of information we can finally change the world and bring truth back to the place it belongs.

CA, from Scotland , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 6:02 pm

Oh no. This has to be a mutually consensual activity with two very aware minds for it to be karma mudra surely? And I’m sure that’s not what the nun signed up for with her vow of celibacy. There are different levels of Vajrayana practice. Most start at the foundations for very good reasons. I think there’s a reason these types of practices are only for those with the highest, purest minds. Otherwise it is simply abuse and it discredits the Dharma. Don’t mix them up.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 4:16 pm

A little more about the FPMT’s lack of provisions for their students’ access to redress for such deluded tactics by their teachers.

There isn’t any.

There is a statement that all staff and teachers must sign as having read, and which is to be posted in an area accessible to staff and teachers, but it contains no such provisions to be made available to students. Nor are there any in their student handbook, or other information of administrative nature made accessible for students. However, students cannot see the handbook until they are enrolled, as provided the online link (as of 2014).

The statement is intended for an audience stated as staff and teachers, and directs itself to FPMT policies and requirements dealing with actions at centers and schools relating to only the staff and teachers.

In fact, there is no method whatsoever for students to follow as any procedure of grievance or complaint for any reason for students.
Further, there is no method whatsoever to address sexual harassment or direct attempt to address unwanted attempts at sexual contact protecting students with a process, including naming a specific role or office that students can rely on. Absolutely nothing is provided for the student to protect them and their Rights, let alone acknowledging that sexual harassment of students will not be tolerated.

It does state, however, that staff and teachers are to follow a process should any issues arise that need to be addressed for them.
Here, duplicity of gender bias and power balance in the FPMT is exposed. Specifically what appears to be collusion between Lama Zopa and mainly western, white professional men as teachers. Many of the women in such centers, schools, and institutions are long suffering under male dominance, as if in…

Tenzin Nordron, Getsul, from USA, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 8:38 pm

Sad that after decades of polite correction, nothing has been done in FPMT. For years / decades, Lama Zopa persisted in (at least) tolerating/supporting Dogyal Worship; promoted fraudulent “Lama” Michael Roach & his legal wife (legal fact hidden from public), whom Roach called “Lama Christy” & dressed up like a 19th Century French “Angel”; and actually continued to push this fraudulent “Rinpoche” as his successor after having been well informed of his deviancy. Let’s not forget years of pushing extremely dubious project, opposed by world Buddhist community, to build world’s largest statute in Bodhgaya, and dubious financial issues of years of Maitreya project fundraising with not much tangible output to show for it. This continues to be a sad misfortune for Buddha Dharma since FPMT is the largest Geluk Buddhist organization in the world. Let us hope that the exposure of this gross immorality will lead to real, positive renovation/rectification.

Tsemlha, from Toronto, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 3:29 pm

No more a rinpoche.. may justice be prevail. We tibetan do not support such predator.

Jegmet, from India, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 2:03 pm

Very unfortunate news. Women in spiritual world also faces such harassment is not acceptable. They renounce their everything to find the truth of life. This is the greatest of the obstacles that anyone can face in the path to enlightenment. The ultimate truth is that the Buddha will be there for us. More power to the nun.

Alex Wilding, from Tuscany, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 1:20 pm

Having watched the video, my heart goes out to Jakaira for having the courage so let us see her obvious pain. Well done to her, and well done to this paper for carrying the story.

Bro, from Tuscany , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 3:15 pm

I agree with you. What a courage by Jakaira and this paper. Well done!

Daniel says:

on 9 May 2019 at 12:58 pm

You can forget it. If anything the perpetrators will be shielded. Its not like they just found out about Dagri. They were told 10 years ago by the brave Spanish lady, Jaki. It was the same situation with Sogyal’s victims and the Dalai Lama even admitted that he knew about it many years ago.

I wonder how long before they are going to say this is a conspiracy to topple the Dharamshala administration? They always point the blame instead of taking responsibility.

Diana, from Lansing, Michigan U.S.A. , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 8:06 am

May the women and students of the dharma studying under him find peace. It took courage to come forward. I hope to see clerics held to the same standandards of ethics we want to see modeled. Dharma is about cutting through conditioned thought. Buddha held monastics to a higher standard. My prayers will be with all who have been harmed through these actions.

Gangchenpa, from New York , says:

on 9 May 2019 at 7:05 am

Truth shall free him too. If he is not a real monk, please stop this pretense. Be a man and find a woman who can fulfill your lust.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 4:23 pm

Just a reminder note: women are not on this earth to fulfil men’s lust. Please check in with yourself; you walk a thin line of promoting rape culture in couching your statement as being about lust. Rape, sexual harassment, molestation are about power, not sex as desire in any way. Thank you for wanting to see right done by all, and never give up seeking Buddha’s Truth!

Being Tibetan, from Torrento, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 2:19 am

Whatever it may be, truth shall come out and the perpetrator be booked under the rule of law. I have been wondering as there are quite many Tibetan prints and mass media organisations in around Dharamsala and none dare came out with a piece on the issue other then the TibetSun, bravo Lobsang la. You really equate and epitomises the true essence of what honest, fearless and unbiased journalism is all about, without fearing what the singular minded community might have say on your publication.

Like our community has this ‘dark age’ fashion of hiding incident which happens in our society, be it sexual harassment or rape at the school or household, we cover them up with the fear of shaming the family, community and name of the org. involved, mainly forgetting in the process we’re encouraging the perpetrators and the unwanted incident more in future at large.

Whomsoever it may be, we shall all come out stand together, oust the white crow and let the investigation and rule of law take its own course, without fearing what the outcome may be.

Dharma sister, from Nepal, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 7:54 am

Regarding the comment by Being Tibetan from Toronto. I find it very appropriate and caring on your part. The fear and shame factor causes the cycle of unhealthy patterns to blindly continue and therefore the abuse and suffering can’t be severed Sexuality is normal, but toxic sexuality is harmful to the psychological well-being of both involved. Thanks

Biased media, from Himachal Pradesh, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 1:16 am

I have always maintained the believe that we human beings no matter whatever names and identity we may carry in our lives, but at the end of a day we are all human beings, filled with greed, lust and usual human nature; like water are named differently around the world, yet the truth remains same with its own character of giving lives, quenching thrust and causing havoc with whatever names it may carry.

Except few including the lord Buddha and the living reincarnation of lord Avaloketeshwara who has overcome the samsara with a tamed mind and soul; rest are all usual human being called lives and vice versa.

JDK, from Delhi, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 5:17 pm

Tibetan monks treat nuns as dakinis and consorts. It is natural in the tantric vajrayana Buddhism sexual abusing takes place. It is part of belief system. Ignorant people who follow part of a belief system keep complaining. The monk tried to perform karmamudra nothing else. If this lady felt it is sexual abuse, it is because of her ignorance about vajrayana Buddhism. Before she submitted as a nun she should have thought about what she’s doing and studied about the belief system.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 1:02 am

No, JDK, it is you who should study the belief system.
Take a look at what the Dalai Lama says about teachers need to respect the student.

She is an amazing student. She knows her true feelings. She has explored her secret self enough to know where she is on the path. I bow down to her.

You should too. She shows you the way. #nomeansno
Do you think a teacher of any great capacity would insist on karmamudra with someone who is self aware enough to truly understand what she wants and doesn’t want as enjoyable, and why that is so?

You would do well to follow her example in every way.
The only way to be truly happy is to make others happy. No one ever made anyone happy by raping them.
Use Buddha’s Assay testing for your reasoning.

Tess Boze, from Portland Oregon, says:

on 10 May 2019 at 12:48 am

You have some serious issues, and are a far, far cry from where you want to be, and too close to the fire of self deception about where you actually are.

What you do is victim blaming. If the woman does not want it, it is rape no matter how holy the hard on.
Proof by Assay Is: You should not teach those who are not ready. If a woman is not ready then the man is grasping at his own selfishness. The woman shows more advancement then he by knowing her own Mind. #nomeansno

There does not need to be a reason. She does not feel like it, and that is good enough, because it is good to be in touch with your feelings. This is how we come to know ourselves.

I don’t accept, from In This World, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 8:17 pm

JDK, I don’t know where your understanding is coming from but it’s not a proper understanding in any way.

1) nuns abide in the Vinaya vows and tantric practices like karmamudra are not part of these nor do tantric vows overwrite these
2) tantric karmamudra needs proper qualifications at both sides
3) karmamudra is based on mutual consent
4) especially in Gelug school any person qualified should give back the vows before engagement

Therefore abuse is neither part of the belief system nor permissible. They are not ignorant people who complain but women whose faith in Buddhism or Tibetan masters has been abused. The lady didn’t feel abused but was abused. Read her police report. The ex-nun understands very well that abuse and what happened to her has nothing to do with the vows of a nun in Tibetan Buddhism nor karmamudra.

What you do is called “victim blaming”. What you do is rooted in ignorance. The ex-nun is right in rejecting such actions as abuse and unethical.

BeReal says:

on 9 May 2019 at 7:43 pm

Vajrayana or not, Buddhist monks and nuns are supposed to take celibacy vows. Those lamas who have consort are not monks. Don’t get confused. This lady is innocent, she trusted her teacher who supposed to be a revered monk but end up facing this. The fault is on the monk, it’s on the organization he affiliated to, which has been helping him to cover up. They should be condemned.

I don’t accept, from In This World, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 6:59 pm

JDK, you tell total nonsense. Sexual abuse is not part of the belief system. Even if it were tantric context, then 1) it must be in mutual consent, 2) both must be qualified, 3) especially in Gelug school, you stop being ordained by giving back the vows before you engage.

What Dagri Rinpoche did is to abuse the vulnerability of a nun who wanted physical or spiritual healing but neither sex nor karmamudra. She didn’t give her consent nor is a nun in Tibetan Buddhism per ordination a karmamudra who can be used as one pleases — even against her will. Moreover, nobody is forced to practice Vajrayana. Dagri Rinpoche did not try to perform karmamudra. This is nonsense. Read the police report. According to FPMT he wanted to give a “compassionate massage” — well, by rubbing or pressing his penis against her back and groping her breasts? What an utter nonsense too! And also this has nothing to do with karmamudra.

I don’t accept, from In This World, says:

on 9 May 2019 at 5:50 am

Yeah, but even as “usual human being” you don’t grope or molest women, do you? I don’t do that because I have benevolence and respect for women, and the intention not to hurt anybody.
Therefore, I don’t think it is right to normalise inhuman or incorrect behaviour by downplaying what happened a la “we are all sinners”. No, this is misconduct even common, ordinary beings don’t do.
It is just plain wrong what Dagri Rinpoche did and the FPMT totally missed to set proper boundaries, to put their own ethical codes of conduct or safeguarding policies into practice. Now they continue to deny the truth, whitewash what happened and are causing more damage, instead of reaching out to those been harmed and offering to the victims genuine support and apologies.

I fear FPMT cannot deal properly with this issue. So the Office of the Dalai Lama must take the lead.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 02:55:35 AM by Admin »


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« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2019, 10:19:48 PM »
In this discussion

Elijah Ary has this to say about Dagri Rinpoche:

He's been creepy for as long as I can remember, and I first met him in the 80s at Sera. Sorry to hear that he's clearly gotten worse and negatively affected so many people, though I'm not really surprised.


I tried to speak out and was blacklisted end criticized. Denial can do so much harm through enabling.

image attached

Elijah S. Ary was born in 1972 to Western Buddhist parents and spent his early years in Montreal, Canada. At age eight, he was recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of Geshe Jatse, a respected scholar and practitioner from Sera Je Monastery in Tibet. Elijah entered Sera Je Monastic University in South India at age 14 and studied there for six years, where he became fluent in Tibetan and an enthusiastic debater. He then left the monastery to receive a Western education, which culminated in a Ph.D. in the study of religion from Harvard University. He currently lives in Paris with his wife and teaches Buddhism and Tibetan religious history at several institutions.


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« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2019, 01:51:31 PM »
It is sad to see that a good Dharma centre like FPMT that was built with the sweat of many sincere people under the guidance of Lama Yeshe had to generate like this. They refused to do the practice that their teacher assigned to  them and now they are harbouring sex offender. What a disgrace!

FPMT is not what it was anymore since the passing of Lama Yeshe and when they give up Dorje Shugden practice. They trade their samaya with their founder, Lama Yeshe with fame and benefits from being on the same side with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Sad to say, they have broken their samaya severely.

The karma they have generated is so heavy that the latest incarnation of Lama Yeshe, Lama Osel has manifested signs of him leaving the Dharma. He now preferred a secular life over monastic life. If FPMT does not repair their samaya quick enough, soon Lama Osel might leave FPMT.

Ringo Starr

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« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2019, 08:34:14 PM »
I like what Joanne Clark wrote about this matter:


Will the FPMT Stand by its Code of Ethics?

Saturday, 11 May 2019
By Joanne Clark

For those of us who have held hope that the Foundation For the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) might provide some leadership in resolving troubles of abuse within Western Tibetan Buddhist Centres, this has been a hard week. We have held hope because the FPMT’s code of ethics, signed by all teachers teaching at FPMT centres, has demonstrated a clarity about students’ needs not seen in other Tibetan Buddhist institutions.

Here is an example:

“FPMT is committed to promoting safe environments wherein the dignity of every individual is respected. Everyone participating in FPMT-related activities has the right and shall be free from harassment of any type, be it sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying, or other forms of harassment. Everyone coming into contact with the FPMT network shall be treated with dignity and respect.”

And this:

“Sexual relationships between Dharma teachers and students while a student is attending the teacher’s teachings, course or retreat are prohibited, and are strongly discouraged at all other times as long as there is a Dharma teacher-student relationship. Please see below for a policy specific to Dharma teachers. Others in positions of authority are also strongly discouraged from entering into sexual relationships in situations where there may be a real or perceived power imbalance. As well, no teacher, volunteer, staff member, or other representative of the hosting center shall make sexual advances to any participant during a teaching, course or retreat.”

This is the clear language students have been seeking from other Buddhist organizations. Sadly, however, a woman has recently claimed that the FPMT failed to honestly and appropriately address her allegations that Dagri Rinpoche, a teacher at FPMT centres, sexually assaulted her while she was a nun at Thosamling some years ago. This claim followed a recent allegation made to police in India by a woman who claimed that Dagri Rinpoche molested her while on a plane. According to The Tribune Newspaper (India), “the Gaggal police detained him before he was released on bail.” There are also claims that more women have been abused by him, though these have not been made public or verified.

In the first testimony, that given by Jakaira Perez Valdivi on Utube video, there is a disturbing description of the effort made by Dagri Rinpoche and the FPMT institution to undermine her story, effectively silencing her. She claims that Dagri Rinpoche lied to others about having apologized to her and that the FPMT labelled his actions as “compassionate massage” and not sexual at all. According to Jakaira’s story, his actions included fondling her breasts and pushing his genitals against her—not something that can be called “compassionate massage.” According to her, he apologized to her, but then lied and claimed that she apologized to him.

At best, the FPMT has failed to validate her concerns and failed to resolve a situation that has badly damaged her wellbeing and spiritual path. At worst, they are covering up a crime. At best, Dagri Rinpoche’s actions, as described by Jakaira and the recent allegation from the woman on the plane, disqualify him from ever teaching in an FPMT centre. At worst, they are criminal. Will he continued to teach at FPMT centres? Why has nothing been done to resolve the situation for Jakaira and why has he continued to teach at FPMT centres?

The FPMT say that these two incidents did not occur at an FPMT facility, project or institution and so the ethics policy does not apply. However, he has continued to teach at FPMT centres and the failure of this institution to act responsibly in the context of carefully screening their teachers and hearing the needs of survivors demonstrates a lack of fiduciary care and due diligence in my opinion. These problems are not fixed by simply finding loopholes.

And this is the big problem. In the current climate, with students from Rigpa, Shambhala and other Buddhist institutions still traumatized from disclosures of sexual abuse by their leaders, every Buddhist institution is called upon to be diligent regarding the behaviours of teachers. There should be no compromising on this, no finding loopholes or making excuses or quick fixes. It is one thing for a student to come to terms with the fact that a well-respected Dharma teacher is abusive. However, when the harm becomes institutionalized, when Tibetan Buddhist institutions fail to come forward with appropriate measures of validation, compassion and resolve, and continue to validate the integrity of that teacher, then the situation turns critical. This has happened in Rigpa, Shambhala and too many other Buddhist centres who are scrambling only now to put together flimsy codes of ethics.

The following letter from within the FPMT, from the Center Services Director of the FPMT International Office in Portland Oregon, reflects this sentiment. It appears that there is little appetite within the International Office for simply finding those loopholes in the Ethics Policy:

Dear Friends,

It has come to our attention that there are newspaper stories and social media accounts circulating stating that a lady in India has made a report to the Indian police accusing Dagri Rinpoche of molesting her on a flight in India.

As Dagri Rinpoche is currently an FPMT registered teacher, we at International Office are following this story closely and awaiting any additional updates and reports about the outcome of the accusation.

We understand that Dagri Rinpoche believes he is innocent of the accusation and is preparing a personal statement in response to the accusation.

Although the alleged event did not take place at an FPMT center, if the investigation results do determine that the accusation is correct, then we would follow the guidelines described under Administering the ETHICAL POLICY, in the ETHICS AND ETHICAL POLICY section of the Affiliates Area and it could impact Dagri Rinpoche’s inclusion on the FPMT registered teachers list, as per the FPMT Ethical Policy.

While we are awaiting any conclusions on this story, we send our prayers for all parties involved in and affected by this story.

We are sure that this will remind all of the importance of our responsibility to uphold ethical behaviour, especially by those of us who manage and teach at FPMT centers, projects and services.


Claire Isitt
Center Services Director

Statements such as this from within the FPMT’s establishment are encouraging. Indeed, the FPMT statement on the need for centres to take strong measures in instances of abuse is clear and strong within their ethical policy, though perhaps it can be amended to account for this situation. If it had been followed, Jakaira might have received the validation she needed. Here is how they describe those measures:

Misconduct on the part of persons in positions of power or trust can undermine the integrity of the organization, causing demoralization and loss of faith. Hence, the behaviours described in the Ethical Policy below are prohibited, and a center, project, or service’s grievance procedures should be put into effect if a breach occurs.

Each individual in a position of authority, within their area of responsibility in the FPMT organization, is also required to act on any appearance or complaint of misconduct. It is crucial that such individuals identify and express concerns about conduct that may be harmful, so that procedures for dealing with problems can be implemented.

FPMT’s Ethical Policy applies to all activities, interactions, or communications including those on-line, on social media, by telephone, in person, or by any other means as long as the activity, interaction, or communication in question concerns or pertains to FPMT-related actions, duties, or responsibilities.

We also need to be clear that we should have very little reason to doubt Jakaira’s story. In fact, if we hear FPMT make such a statement as to the “compassionate massage” of a monk alone with a nun (as she alleges they said), that should be enough to cause us to question their viewpoint! And statistics show that false allegations of sexual assault are rare and that most victims of sexual assault choose not to report — because they fear not being believed and becoming re-traumatized by a brutal system. These statistics are important because until women are believed and validated, there will be no change to a very widespread culture of abuse in institutions both East and West. We are in a “MeToo” movement where the problem will simply not go away without institutional change, without acknowledgement from all concerned that there is a systemic, serious problem.

Last November, some 130 former and current students of Tibetan Buddhism signed a letter addressed to over forty lamas from all four lineages. We translated this letter into Tibetan. Attached to this letter was a translation into Tibetan of another letter, that written by eight former senior students of Sogyal Lakhar, in which they outlined his serious physical, psychological and sexual abuses over decades. We asked only one question in the letter. We simply wanted to know whether or not lamas found these behaviours acceptable—e.g. behaviours of beating and sexually abusing students, using student donations to live a lavish lifestyle etc. As of this writing, six months later, we have had only two responses.¹

We wrote that letter with the intention of receiving better clarity on how we, as long-time Dharma students, could move forward on our spiritual paths after abusive situations—and how we could insure better safety within Western Dharma Centres. We neither want to be abused on our spiritual paths nor do we not want to practice in an environment of abuse. Many of us sat silent while Sogyal Lakhar spent hours of his teaching time viciously maligning and insulting students. We are horrified that we turned our back on harm as we sat through these tirades. The letter was written sincerely, from our hearts, with no ulterior motive other than stopping harm and knowing where safety lay. To many of us, the lack of response from forty lamas is in fact a very brutal and non-compassionate response. A lack of caring.

Tahlia Newland and I also wrote a letter to HH Dalai Lama in which we told him that we had written these letters to lamas and why. We explained also that the Vajrayana had been used to justify abusive behaviors and to silence students with threats of hell if they objected. We explained that many were questioning the Vajrayana now and many needed better clarity. We asked him to please bring the matter up at the meeting scheduled for Tibetan Buddhist leaders last November. We received a response from his office two days later, asking us to forward the matter to the Kalon of Religion and Culture and to CC His Holiness. We did that. Shortly after, the meeting was postponed and we fear that now, there will be little hope of this topic being raised if the meeting is ever held. The kalon has not responded to us either.

I believe that abusive behaviors within the context of the Vajrayana make this situation particularly critical—and particularly in need of strong leadership that can provide clarity. Though some FPMT teachers are amongst those who haven’t replied to our letter, many of us have nonetheless held out a hope for this organization because of its strongly worded ethics code—and because of the responsible and thorough approach to Dharma in the FPMT educational programs, their responsible approach to the Vajrayana.

I would like to add to this my desire that FPMT seek now to sincerely and compassionately reach out with support to Jakaira Perez Valdivi and others who might have made similar claims of harm from FPMT teachers that are not known to us. Publicly, a statement from the FPMT on how they intend to address this situation and others like it would be very helpful towards insuring that a growing group of disillusioned Dharma students do not lose trust in the good intentions of the FPMT. Trust demands better transparency and this has been lacking. Most of all, I truly believe that the code of silence that has ruled within Tibetan Buddhist culture in the West needs to end if the Dharma in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition is to thrive.


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« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2019, 09:09:00 AM »
Lions Roar Magazine has picked up the story and comments on Tibetan Sun are indicating more cover ups

and our friend Tenzin Peljor has been in contact with another person who was molested/abused by Dagri Rinpoche.

Images attached


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« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2019, 09:41:31 AM »
Dagri Rinpoche's denial, letter in English.


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« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2019, 09:48:47 AM »

Tenzin K

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« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2019, 03:20:19 PM »
It's seems like Dagri Rinpoche has such  a bad reputation and no one supposed to take action on him? Why FPMT didn't do anything to prevent such incident happen again since it had happened 10 years ago? Why a dharma centre didn't protect their people instead protecting the sex offender. Very disturbing!!!