No highly realised practitioners arise from this nunnery. They are a group of people who just do what is necessary to continue receiving support from the CTA. It is another nunnery exist to do prayers and leech off the CTA for monetary support.
This is appalling. It's not so much about taking money from the CTA, but nuns destroying Buddha images for political purpose? This imagery disgusts me - dragged their Dorje Shugden statue off their altar. They dragged it out of their nunnery and destroyed it by stomping and spitting on it.

It's their hypocrisy that disgusts me. They take money from Shugden practitioners, all the while courting favors from the Tibetan leadership. They sit in their gompa all holy, all the while stomping on objects they previously venerated. Why is the Vajrayogini statue acceptable, but the Dorje Shugden statue not? What if the Dalai Lama decides to ban another practice or deity? Are they going to stomp on that statue too? Fools.
Statues can be repaired. People's loss of faith in the sangha cannot.
The CTA themselves are hypocrites, what to expect from the people who are following them? It is not unusual that the anti-Shugden people have no principle and will take what they want. They also have a double standard, Gaden Choeling Nunnery is just one of the examples.
In Gaden, Sera and Drepung monasteries in India, many facilities they have are donated by Dorje Shugden Lamas. When the monasteries expelled Dorje Shugden lamas, they did not return the items the Dorje Shugden Lamas donated. Another good example is FPMT. They try to make themselves clean by giving up Dorje Shugden practice but they are keeping the center and the land even though these things are inherited from Lama Yeshe who was a Dorje Shugden practitioner.
People who give up a practice that was given by their teachers and just want to be politically right are not real practitioners. A real practitioner will follow his/her guru's instruction regardless of the situation. People in Geden Choeling Nunnery and FPMT cannot gain much realisations as they have lost the blessings from their teacher the minute they gave up a practice that was given by their teachers.