We all know that the Nechung Oracle is totally corrupt and will go into fake trances for the CTA.
He holds the title of "Deputy Minister" in the CTA and with that he draws a salary from them.
The CTA will tell him who they have picked as the next 15th Dalai Lama.
The Nechung Oracle will go into a false trance and dutifully name the boy as the true incarnation of the previous 14th Dalai Lama.
As the official "State Oracle" everyone will accept what he has declared.
There is no way for anyone to challenge what the Nechung Oracle states.
The Tenma Oracle who is also totally corrupt will also go into a false trance and validate the Nechung Oracle.
The anti Dorje Shugden 10th Panchen Otrul Rinpoche will also agree.
The CTA will smile and say that they agree with the Nechung Oracle and they will all "Live happily ever after".
The CTA wins and we all lose.

Below is a link to an article I did on how corrupt the Nechung Oracle is.