Author Topic: Why does Lama Zopa and FPMT still keep statues of Lama Yeshe on their shrines?  (Read 72125 times)


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To examine if a person is good or bad, the only way is to observe how oneself is behaving, his/ her daily activities & motivation of doing them.

We can't examine & judge people by what they practice in term of religion. In fact, people who really practicing in the dark side is always close, private, & we can sense the evilness by our sensory abilities, some of us will uncomfortable & fear.

Many pure lamas who hold their vows strongly, who are still practicing Dorje Shugden are good & they are open to public. I don't feel fear when I meet them, they care for their students & others who come to them for assistance.

Who in the hell will help people? For good..


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Could Lama Zopa be doing all this to keep Lama Yeshe and his Dorje Shugden practice alive in a "Secret Manner".

On one hand condemning Dorje Shugden while on the other hand creating statues of Lama Yeshe a great public teacher of Dorje Shugden.

There may to more to all this than meets the eye.

Just a possible theory.
Has Lama Osel publicly condemned Dorje Shugden or Lama Yeshe's practice of Dorje Shugden??

If Lama Osel has not condemned either Dorje Shugden or Lama Yeshe why not??

You would think he would.

Has Lama Zopa ever stated publicly that Lama Osel condemns both Dorje Shugden and Lama Yeshe for practicing Dorje Shugden?

If not why not?

It would only make sense that he would have Lama Osel condemn them both.

Here is a link to an article on this forum about Lama Zopa giving money to the CTA.

Could Lama Zopa be paying the CTA "Blackmail" money to stop the CTA from demanding that Lama Osel publicly condemn Lama Yeshe for his Dorje Shugden practice?

Is this why the FPMT is allowed to have statues of Lama Yeshe???

Just a theory.

No I do not think that FPMT is paying CTA "Blackmail" money to stop the CTA from demanding that Lama Osel publicly condemn Lama Yeshe for his Dorje Shugden practice but rather to be on their good books, to be seen close to the Dalai Lama to gain more sponsorships. Not so much blackmail CTA or pay them to shut up becuase they have voluntarily already used poor Lama Zopa to denounce Shugden practice.

But I do think that the reasons why Lama Zopa is still worshipping Lama Yeshe who was a strong Shugden Lama is a clear indication of his devotion to Lama Yeshe and that it is possible, secretly Lama Zopa still practices Dorje Shugden.

Hence, Lama Zopa's statement of warning in one of his speeches about Dorje Shugden; "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.".

This statement by Lama Zopa is Dharmic and says a lot about him and his stance.


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The basis of enlightenment based on the 50 verses of Guru Devotion by Ashvagosha (the Indian poet known by many names, such as Aryashura, Matriceta, Patriceta, Matichitra, and Bhavideva) is guru devotion. This is the core practice of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism as the guru is the guide to our enlightenment. Therefore, going against one’s guru will invite many negative karmas that obstruct us from enlightenment.

Breaching the guru devotion does not mean that one physically harms the teacher. A breach of guru devotion happens when one proclaims that I do not practice Dorje Shugden although my guru practices it. For a real and genuine student, having guru devotion mean she follows in the guru's footsteps and never let the mind slipped even a moment to give rise to negative view the doubt the guru's advice and practice. This means that one should not have any negative view of the guru's actions and give rise to not even a single negative view. It is sufficient to say that the moment a negative view arises, one is considered to have breached her guru devotion.

Lama Yeshe (the founder of the FPMT) is a close student of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Both of them are firm practitioners of Dorje Shugden to the end of their lives. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche went to the hospital just before Lama Yeshe passed away to perform the last rites and prayers for him. Lama Yeshe's mind was lucid, alert and full of devotion for Kyabje Zong Rinpoche although he was paralyzed physically. (Lama Zopa also experienced a stroke. I wonder if this is the form of sickness run in the spiritual guide of the FPMT.) It is very much demonstrated in the picture taken below. It is clear that Lama Yeshe did not lose any control of his powerful mind.

Lama Yeshe was the first person who has invited His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to the west and to his centres. He has praised Kyabje Zong Rinpoche as a highly attained mater who is without any mistakes or faults. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche has transmitted so many teachings to Lama Yeshe. When Lama Yeshe was in Sera Jey Monastic College in Lhasa, he has received the highest tantric initiations, teachings and discourses from esteemed Dorje Shugden lamas such as the Dalai Lama's tutors H.H. Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, and Geshe Rabten Rinpoche. He was also ordained as a fully ordained monk by H.H. Kyabje Ling Rinpoche.

The higher tantric initiations Lama Yeshe received were Heruka, Vajrabhairava and Guhyasamaja, while the teachings conferred onto him are the Lam-Rim from Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, instructions on Prajnaparamita, Madhyamika, the Six Yogas of Naropa and Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life amongst others.

Lama Yeshe was known to have relied on Dorje Shugden strongly for the growth of the FPMT. He often attributed his success to the blessings of his teachers and his Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. According to Lama Zopa, Lama Yeshe would always begin each course at Kopan Monastery with a Dorje Shugden kangsol and request for his assistance for all his dharma activities through the FPMT.

When Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was invited to the FPMT, Lama Yeshe’s students were all blessed with the authentic and pure teachings, initiations, oral transmissions and protection from Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. He is an enormously perfect master who was a master of the highest calibre of the Sutra and Tantra. A seasoned teacher of teachers so rare to be found.

Lama Zopa and the FPMT students should be just like Lama Yeshe and follow the teachings of H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s lineage or Lama Yeshe perfectly without a doubt. They should be devoted to Lama Yeshe just like how Lama Yeshe was devoted to Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. This is the real meaning of having Lama Yeshe's statue in the FPMT centre.

Obviously, most people do not understand what it means to have guru devotion these days. So they choose to listen to teachers who have big names, such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama. If the advice comes from a  qualified guru who can pass on an authentic oral transmission who has a low-profile, nobody cares because he is not famous.

One should not follow a guru just because of their high ranks or famous. A famous guru's advice should never override the advice from one's personal lama, for example, Lama Yeshe's advice should not be overridden by the advice of the Dalai Lama for all FPMT students. Lama Zopa should know this very well. Instead of encouraging the FPMT students to follow Lama Yeshe, he is now asking the FPMT students to follow the Dalai Lama. Therefore, Lama Zopa has breached his guru devotion posthumously following the death of Lama Yeshe. Why should the FPMT offer the Lama Yeshe's statue in their centre then?

Lama Zopa (who is recognised by Dorje Shugden himself) and the FPMT students should not abandon the Dorje Shugden practice even if the famous Dalai Lama tells them to. They should not listen to any guru because they are famous or for any other reason. In order for many spiritual attainments to grow, everyone in the FPMT should follow Lama Yeshe's teachings sincerely from their heart. They should keep their samaya with Lama Yeshe clean and never to breach it. They should be grateful for the teachings he compassionately practices and attained and should never entertain, spread or contemplate negative thoughts on Lama Yeshe's Dorje Shugden practice. Pursuing gurus with fame and big names cannot save them at the time of death, only the close guru can because when death arrives, fame cannot do anything at all.

One should never go against one’s guru and keep that relationship and samaya very clean at all costs. Always respect one’s guru no matter what happens strongly and firmly. Only by following through the teachings one's guru has compassionately taught unconditionally with gratefulness, then only can the mind be transformed. This is the essence of Tsongkapa’s unerring path and the only cause for one to gain higher attainments. The is the true meaning behind keeping Lama Yeshe's statue in FPMT and venerate it.

Namgyal G

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The whole issue of this is just extremely contradictory,  doesn’t make sense at all. Condemning and disagreeing the DS practise Lama Yeshe did yet still keep the statue of Lama Yeshe and pay  homage to Him, what kind of messages FPMT want to send to others? Like what previously has mentioned by others, the current incarnation of Lama Yeshe - Lama Osel is unable to proliferate Dharma far wide like what he did in his previous life, shows clearly not only about guru-student samaya must be kept clean, but also it is a fact that how the ignorance and wrong views of people can directly stop the dharma to grow. CTA has a big part to play on this.

FPMT mission statement “based on the Buddhist tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught to us by our founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe and our spiritual director, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche” - why FPMT chose Dalai Lama over their founder? There is no FPMT without Lama Yeshe, obviously. What role does Dalai Lama play here in FPMT? Just because he is the head of Tibetan Buddhism? But guru devotion is not about who is the head nor based on any political reasons, Lama Zopa should know this very well, isn’t it? Anyone who has sense should understand this policy of banning Dorje Shugden is very wrong, Buddhism is so tainted due to people’s wrong views.

Fan Jing Jing

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Agreed with you bambi. It’s very sad to see people claimed themselves as Buddhists but they did everything so not Buddhists. They followed blindly even though they knew this is not logic at all. Even thoug they doubt but they still follow. So since Lama Yeshe was one of the DS practitioners, he should take rebirth in hell according to His Holiness. But then Lama Oser was recognised by His Holiness himself as reincarnation of Lama Yeshe. Well, hokay.. DS practioners not going to Hell.. we rejoice!! And he’s being enthroned as a Tulku some more! Waahhhh.. then let me think ????. Isn’t His Holiness Dalai Lama showed the world that Dorje Shugden is not an evil? He showed the world that it’s ok to practise Dorje Shugden, he showed the world that practice Dorje Shugden can achieve buddhahood! Then why ban Dorje Shugden!? Isn’t Dorje Shugden is a practice that everyone should count on for spiritual path. So many Dorje Shugden Lamas came back as Tulkus!

For those who still think Dorje Shugden is bad, is like believing the fish cannot swim!


Dondrup Shugden

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Reading all the comments and viewing the photos, I really like the one of Lama Yeshe with his Guru, Zong Rinpoche during his last days before Lama Yeshe entered clear light.  The trusting and loving way which Lama Yeshe expressed himself with his Guru was a true picture of Guru devotion.  As such it is without doubt that Lama Yeshe was a Dorje Shugden Lama, as Zong Rinpoche had been.

It is therefore a very good question to ask FPMT specifically Lama Zopa who denies that FPMT worship Dorje Shugden and yet has the photo of Lama Yeshe on FPMT altars and temples. 

I fear to think that this denial by FPMT is a break of their samaya with their founding Guru, Lama Yeshe.  What then is the essence of Vajrayana Buddhist who takes refuge in their Guru?

It is always easier not to answer questions posed by lay Buddhists by proclaiming that high lamas have clairvoyance and have a bigger vision beyond our understanding. This is the logic I have found to be unacceptable as how can a student learn when the facts are not explained.

The questions asked by Thaimonk are perfect if answers are given so that the controversy on Dorje Shugden can be somehow cleared.

I hope that answers are given to these very valid and important questions.

Harold Musetescu

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What would the Dalai Lama and his CTA do if Lama Zopa and Lama Osel publicly stated that they practice Dorje Shugden?

Would they close their monasteries and tell their followers to turn their back on these Lamas?

Would that be the end of the FPMT worldwide?



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It does not make any good sense for FPMT to keep statues of their founder, and they do not agree with what he practices or what their founder represented, a good solid practitioner of Dorje Shugden, faultless and loyal towards Dorje Shugden.

There are also pictures of Lama Zopa doing practices towards Trijang Rinpoche's stupa, of course Trijang Rinpoche is compassionate and forgives all who break samaya with him and Dorje Shugden. But why on one hand ban Dorje Shugden and on the other hand do puja at Trijang Rinpoche stupa who was a great Dorje Shugden lama who proliferated the teaching to thousands. isn't that somewhat hypocritical?

Very good points from Dharma space! Yes, if do not agree on Dorje Shugden practice of their founder, why still keep Lama Yeshe Statue and paying homage to H.H. Trijang Rinpoche's stupa?

Guru devotion cannot be selective. Either you don't follow that Guru, or once you have followed, you must go all the way and accept everything that the Guru do.


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Opinions on the whole Shugden issue has always been contradicting isn't it? With this latest issue, i hope it is creating more doubts among those haters of Dorje Shugden and make them realise the reasoning behind demonizing Dorje Shugden has always been contradicting. Time to really think and analyse all the claims against Dorje Shugden and revive this sacred practice in Tibetan Buddhism.

Fully agreed. Tibetans and those just blindly following CTA or Dalai Lama to discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners should really think after seeing all the contradictory facts. THINK!!! May they have clearer mind to see the truth and push for the stop of the ban!


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From the FPMT website: “Restriction: FPMT has recently issued a new policy regarding the Shugden practice in accordance with the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has expressed the wish “not to have a guru-disciple relationship with anyone who is practicing Shugden.”

If that is the case, why is Lama Zopa and FPMT still worhsip Lama Yeshe's statue in FMPT center? Why do they still worship their late guru Lama Yeshe? Should't they cut off any guru-disciple relationship with Lama Yeshe since Lama Yeshe was a Shugden practitioner when he was alive? Why the double standard?

FPMT POLICY: FPMT teachers and key staff should not attend teachings by teachers who are known Shugden practitioners.

So please remove all teachings from FPMT because all of that Lama Zopa teaches are from his guru Lama Yeshe, and after all Lama Yeshe's teachings removed, there is nothing left in FPMT, so please close down all FPMT centers?

FPMT is full of absurdities in their policy regarding Dorje Shugden:


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From the FPMT website: “Restriction: FPMT has recently issued a new policy regarding the Shugden practice in accordance with the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has expressed the wish “not to have a guru-disciple relationship with anyone who is practicing Shugden.”

If that is the case, why is Lama Zopa and FPMT still worhsip Lama Yeshe's statue in FMPT center? Why do they still worship their late guru Lama Yeshe? Should't they cut off any guru-disciple relationship with Lama Yeshe since Lama Yeshe was a Shugden practitioner when he was alive? Why the double standard?

FPMT POLICY: FPMT teachers and key staff should not attend teachings by teachers who are known Shugden practitioners.

So please remove all teachings from FPMT because all of that Lama Zopa teaches are from his guru Lama Yeshe, and after all Lama Yeshe's teachings removed, there is nothing left in FPMT, so please close down all FPMT centers?

FPMT is full of absurdities in their policy regarding Dorje Shugden:


This is an excellent point. If Lama Zopa does not wish to have a guru disciple relationship with those who practice Shugden, why does he still have statues of his root guru Lama Yeshe who practiced Dorje Shugden his whole life? Why does he place statues of Lama Yeshe at various FPMT centres and Kopan for students to pay homage to? If he places statues of Lama Yeshe on the shrines, then obviously he is still having a relationship of guru-disciple with Lama Yeshe. Why the double standard.



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Having said the above, it would also be pertinent to remind that there are many "ordinary view" practitioners in FPMT and elsewhere who should ponder the questions posted by Thaimonk.

Being vehement and even violent against DS persons/organizations is not what Lama Zopa teaches. Don't ever think that he teachers that. In fact I would like to quote Lama Zopa once again on this issue:

"Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context."

And there is a whole post you can read here about this: 

Letter from a senior FPMT monk
November 24, 2008

Below are some extracts from a letter written by Yeshe Sangye, a senior FPMT monk and close disciple of Lama Yeshe. The full letter can be found here. As he says himself at the end of his letter:

I hope all that read this would understand better.
That is my hope to write. As I have not said anything for over twenty years.

Why are we including his letter here? Because many times NKT-IKBU Centers and students have been at the receiving end of slander and disruption at the hands of FPMT Centers and students, ever since the Dalai Lama spoke out against Dorje Shugden and the FPMT decided to follow his lead. This is a fact, and it is backed up by Yeshe Sangye (below).

It is a serious matter to be involved in criticizing other Mahayana traditions (it’s a downfall of the Bodhisattva vows) and impeding the spreading of pure Buddhadharma is contributing to the suffering of others. This is a big world, big enough for NKT~IKBU and the FPMT and all other Buddhist traditions.  There are billions of suffering beings and these beings all have different karma.  While we rejoice in the FPMT’s work of spreading Buddha’s teachings, we do not rejoice in their political actions against the NKT because of following the Dalai Lama’s view.  Dharma mixed with politics is like delicious food mixed with poison – the only result will be suffering in the end.

As explained on the New Kadampa Truth website, FPMT members are regularly contributing to  Internet forums where they criticize the NKT and try to dissuade anyone reading their posts from attending NKT Centers.  The NKT has written to the FPMT asking them to desist from criticizing our tradition and specifically mentioning some individuals on the Geshe program (Tenzin Peljor); but nothing has improved. Quite apart from the fact that the FPMT de facto has an official policy of discrimination in place by not allowing Dorje Shugden practitioners to be teachers, to ordain in the FPMT tradition, or even to attend FPMT teachings, here are a few specific examples of the treatment the NKT has received from the FPMT:

FPMT Mexico has officially criticized NKT on their website.
One FPMT student claimed on an Amazon Buddhist discussion group that we are praying for the death of the Dalai Lama or FPMT Teachers such as Thubten Gonpo, one of our main critics.
A personal story from an NKT Teacher: “A student of mine who was heading for Foundation Programme spent the summer in Nepal.  He took one of the 10 day Lamrim courses at Kopan and told one of the nuns, a Swedish nun called Ven Karen, that he was from Kingston and went to the NKT Centre there.  He said she then spent a long time trying to convince him that we were a cult and that he should not go there.  She brought up things like we worship an evil spirit, we’re all about money etc. He came back disillusioned about our Centre and Buddhism in general. He wasn’t impressed with the FPMT that much, but her words stuck and after a couple of meetings with him, he left, taking with him our core students from the University.”
Another personal story from an NKT Teacher: “We had a student in Taiwan whose auntie became an FPMT nun and was banned from coming to our centre. His name is ***** and N**** is still in touch with him.”
A story of discrimination from France: “Around 2004 Vivre Autrement alternative health fair in Paris. We were denied a stand at this very popular annual event which attracts 1000s. I had applied under the name of Editions Tharpa, mainly to offer books etc. FPMT people turned the organizers against us, as they wanted to have a stand, and we were refused.”

According to one testimonial received from an NKT member in Boston:”We were constantly hearing feedback from General Program students about how they were told by the FPMTers that we who attended NKT centers were not Buddhists, we were a money making cult, we had no authority to teach, our ordinations were not real, Geshe Kelsang was an evil wizard leading us all into hell … you get the idea.”
These are just a few examples – we have many more examples of FPMT interference in the development of the NKT-IKBU, and this sad state of affairs is still continuing today.

Lama Yeshe of the FPMT was no spirit worshipper. His wish in establishing the FPMT was to spread Dharma in the West, a wish that the New Kadampa Tradition is fulfilling. There is no conflict between Lama Yeshe’s and Geshe Kelsang’s intentions, and they were close friends and peers who regularly engaged in Gelugpa spiritual practice together, including monthly Dorje Shugden pujas; so why is the FPMT attacking us? It can only be because FPMT members have become a political tool of the Dalai Lama’s to fulfill his wish to destroy this tradition. Is this any way to repay Lama Yeshe’s kindness?

So please think before you act and this includes the Tibetan leadership in India.
Karma bites!

It is really sad to see the legacy of such an eminent Lama (Lama Yeshe) go down the drain due to the broken samaya of the students. From your earlier article, Lama Zopa's statement had that underlying meaning of the authenticity of DS practice and that he still believed in DS but circumstances belied his open practice. It seem as though his students acted just like how CTA took the Dalai Lama's words and propel the whole ban into discrimination, persecution and all the negative actions that is totally against any Buddhist tenet of compassion. The world is so big, what is wrong with the existence of differences? After all there are other different religions as well, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. So why does FPMT not take actions against those too? Speak about narrow minded neurosis. It is very scary the kind of Karma that they are gathering.  I could just imagine the hearts of the older disciples who were true to their practice....must really be heavy from watching how their Guru, Lama Yeshe's hard works get desecrated by such wrongness.


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Having said the above, it would also be pertinent to remind that there are many "ordinary view" practitioners in FPMT and elsewhere who should ponder the questions posted by Thaimonk.

Being vehement and even violent against DS persons/organizations is not what Lama Zopa teaches. Don't ever think that he teachers that. In fact I would like to quote Lama Zopa once again on this issue:

"Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context."

And there is a whole post you can read here about this: 

Letter from a senior FPMT monk
November 24, 2008

Below are some extracts from a letter written by Yeshe Sangye, a senior FPMT monk and close disciple of Lama Yeshe. The full letter can be found here. As he says himself at the end of his letter:

I hope all that read this would understand better.
That is my hope to write. As I have not said anything for over twenty years.

Why are we including his letter here? Because many times NKT-IKBU Centers and students have been at the receiving end of slander and disruption at the hands of FPMT Centers and students, ever since the Dalai Lama spoke out against Dorje Shugden and the FPMT decided to follow his lead. This is a fact, and it is backed up by Yeshe Sangye (below).

It is a serious matter to be involved in criticizing other Mahayana traditions (it’s a downfall of the Bodhisattva vows) and impeding the spreading of pure Buddhadharma is contributing to the suffering of others. This is a big world, big enough for NKT~IKBU and the FPMT and all other Buddhist traditions.  There are billions of suffering beings and these beings all have different karma.  While we rejoice in the FPMT’s work of spreading Buddha’s teachings, we do not rejoice in their political actions against the NKT because of following the Dalai Lama’s view.  Dharma mixed with politics is like delicious food mixed with poison – the only result will be suffering in the end.

As explained on the New Kadampa Truth website, FPMT members are regularly contributing to  Internet forums where they criticize the NKT and try to dissuade anyone reading their posts from attending NKT Centers.  The NKT has written to the FPMT asking them to desist from criticizing our tradition and specifically mentioning some individuals on the Geshe program (Tenzin Peljor); but nothing has improved. Quite apart from the fact that the FPMT de facto has an official policy of discrimination in place by not allowing Dorje Shugden practitioners to be teachers, to ordain in the FPMT tradition, or even to attend FPMT teachings, here are a few specific examples of the treatment the NKT has received from the FPMT:

FPMT Mexico has officially criticized NKT on their website.
One FPMT student claimed on an Amazon Buddhist discussion group that we are praying for the death of the Dalai Lama or FPMT Teachers such as Thubten Gonpo, one of our main critics.
A personal story from an NKT Teacher: “A student of mine who was heading for Foundation Programme spent the summer in Nepal.  He took one of the 10 day Lamrim courses at Kopan and told one of the nuns, a Swedish nun called Ven Karen, that he was from Kingston and went to the NKT Centre there.  He said she then spent a long time trying to convince him that we were a cult and that he should not go there.  She brought up things like we worship an evil spirit, we’re all about money etc. He came back disillusioned about our Centre and Buddhism in general. He wasn’t impressed with the FPMT that much, but her words stuck and after a couple of meetings with him, he left, taking with him our core students from the University.”
Another personal story from an NKT Teacher: “We had a student in Taiwan whose auntie became an FPMT nun and was banned from coming to our centre. His name is ***** and N**** is still in touch with him.”
A story of discrimination from France: “Around 2004 Vivre Autrement alternative health fair in Paris. We were denied a stand at this very popular annual event which attracts 1000s. I had applied under the name of Editions Tharpa, mainly to offer books etc. FPMT people turned the organizers against us, as they wanted to have a stand, and we were refused.”

According to one testimonial received from an NKT member in Boston:”We were constantly hearing feedback from General Program students about how they were told by the FPMTers that we who attended NKT centers were not Buddhists, we were a money making cult, we had no authority to teach, our ordinations were not real, Geshe Kelsang was an evil wizard leading us all into hell … you get the idea.”
These are just a few examples – we have many more examples of FPMT interference in the development of the NKT-IKBU, and this sad state of affairs is still continuing today.

Lama Yeshe of the FPMT was no spirit worshipper. His wish in establishing the FPMT was to spread Dharma in the West, a wish that the New Kadampa Tradition is fulfilling. There is no conflict between Lama Yeshe’s and Geshe Kelsang’s intentions, and they were close friends and peers who regularly engaged in Gelugpa spiritual practice together, including monthly Dorje Shugden pujas; so why is the FPMT attacking us? It can only be because FPMT members have become a political tool of the Dalai Lama’s to fulfill his wish to destroy this tradition. Is this any way to repay Lama Yeshe’s kindness?

So please think before you act and this includes the Tibetan leadership in India.
Karma bites!

It is really sad to see the legacy of such an eminent Lama (Lama Yeshe) go down the drain due to the broken samaya of the students. From your earlier article, Lama Zopa's statement had that underlying meaning of the authenticity of DS practice and that he still believed in DS but circumstances belied his open practice. It seem as though his students acted just like how CTA took the Dalai Lama's words and propel the whole ban into discrimination, persecution and all the negative actions that is totally against any Buddhist tenet of compassion. The world is so big, what is wrong with the existence of differences? After all there are other different religions as well, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. So why does FPMT not take actions against those too? Speak about narrow minded neurosis. It is very scary the kind of Karma that they are gathering.  I could just imagine the hearts of the older disciples who were true to their practice....must really be heavy from watching how their Guru, Lama Yeshe's hard works get desecrated by such wrongness.

The passing of Lama Yeshe at an early age is already a sign that FPMT is having a broken samaya with him. If the students are diligent and maintain a pure and good samaya with their Guru, the Guru will be able to stay longer and only leave at the ripe age of 80 or higher. When a lama manifest illnesses and death at a young age, it is a direct indication that the students broke their samaya. Lama Zopa suffered a stroke recently and that is a bad news for FPMT.

Both their lamas suffered a stroke and have difficulties in expounding Dharma is an indication for broken samaya. Even the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe, Lama Osel disrobed and chose a secular life over the life of monkhood. All these signs are worrisome and FPMT is not doing anything to reverse it.

Abandoning their Guru's teaching is the worst thing that they can do and they give up Dorje Shugden practice just to be politically correct for their centers. They think they can get away with it by pretending nothing is wrong and continue to worship Lama Yeshe. Karma will catch up and it has already begun. If they lose both Lama Osel and Lama Zopa this time, I doubt FPMT will have the merit to support their spiritual guides to return to FPMT to continue their work there.


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From the FPMT website: “Restriction: FPMT has recently issued a new policy regarding the Shugden practice in accordance with the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has expressed the wish “not to have a guru-disciple relationship with anyone who is practicing Shugden.”

If that is the case, why is Lama Zopa and FPMT still worhsip Lama Yeshe's statue in FMPT center? Why do they still worship their late guru Lama Yeshe? Should't they cut off any guru-disciple relationship with Lama Yeshe since Lama Yeshe was a Shugden practitioner when he was alive? Why the double standard?

FPMT POLICY: FPMT teachers and key staff should not attend teachings by teachers who are known Shugden practitioners.

So please remove all teachings from FPMT because all of that Lama Zopa teaches are from his guru Lama Yeshe, and after all Lama Yeshe's teachings removed, there is nothing left in FPMT, so please close down all FPMT centers?

FPMT is full of absurdities in their policy regarding Dorje Shugden:


This is an excellent point. If Lama Zopa does not wish to have a guru disciple relationship with those who practice Shugden, why does he still have statues of his root guru Lama Yeshe who practiced Dorje Shugden his whole life? Why does he place statues of Lama Yeshe at various FPMT centres and Kopan for students to pay homage to? If he places statues of Lama Yeshe on the shrines, then obviously he is still having a relationship of guru-disciple with Lama Yeshe. Why the double standard.


Why does Lama Zopa still meet with Lama Osel and allowed Lama Osel to give teachings at the FPMT? Lama Osel is Lama Yeshe's reincarnation who was a Dorje Shugden practitioners. Why is Lama Zopa maintaining this guru-disciple relationship with Lama Osel?

Lama Zopa is contradicting his own words to be on the Dalai Lama's good book. He even donates to the CTA through FPMT and showing more and more interest in politics. The CTA happily receive money from FPMT that was left behind by Lama Yeshe, a Dorje Shugden practitioner. How shameless and greedy the CTA is!


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Why are they not doing all this and still keeping images and teachings of Lama Yeshe? Anyone has an answer?

Logically speaking, according to anti-Shugden people's logic, both founders of FMPT are not qualified to pass down any lineage teachings as both are corrupted.

Lama Yeshe is a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner throughout his life. Whatever teachings that transmitted by him should be regarded as invalid. Hence, as a student of Lama Yeshe, Lama Zopa's teachings are also corrupted. All FPMT's teachings are corrupted.

Lama Zopa was recognized by Dorje Shugden. If Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit, then shouldn't we think that whoever being recognized by Him is also the wrong candidate? Then who is Lama Zopa? A reincarnated lama who was recognized by Dorje Shugden? A student of a Dorje Shugden practitioner?

Where do all FPMT teachings come from? Are they still valid if both of their founders are corrupted in the beginning?

So by keeping Lama Yeshe's statue on their shrine, it's either FMPT is trying to hide the truth, hoping that no one will figure out the logic, or they themselves are naive to the logic itself. Either by hiding the truth or being naive, they are not qualified to pass down any lineage teachings, as one is lying, and another one is incapable.