Author Topic: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”  (Read 5361 times)


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“Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« on: April 17, 2014, 07:54:08 PM »

Buddhist extremists attacked the U.N and humanitarian aid workers’ homes and offices who tried to help the Rohingya Muslims, who the U.N. considers one of the most persecuted religious minorities in the world. The Myanmar government decided to help these workers by providing food and water for emergency medical services.

I think anything extreme is bad because it doesn’t allow a space to embrace the differences. I think learning and being more mature in everything is all about embracing differences. Even small liberal arts colleges keep the class size small because they want their students to discuss with their fellow students effectively, so that they can develop their ability to critically think and analyze. Accepting only one view will make people biased. And I think that is what constitutes the beliefs of Buddhist extremists.


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Re: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2014, 10:32:18 PM »
How sad to read about yet another Buddhist group creating violence. Looks like CTA has created a precedence. All my life , I have never heard of any Buddhists attacking others as Buddhism, and all main stream religions' core value is peace and harmony. Then when the ban came, CTA gathered fuel and started their physical attacks, witch hunts, throwing stones, stopping Dorje Shugden practitioners from buying food supplies, and the list continues....

Below are 3 excerpts from Does it sound familiar to you???

1) Over days, the mobs moved from home to home, office to office, throwing rocks and in some cases entering the premises. (Have you watched this video??
Tibetan leadership organizes violence against Shugden people Small | Large
Fully ordained monks from Gaden Jangtse and Drepung Gomang Monasteries, and nuns from the local nunneries, were seen throwing rocks and bricks at the monks inside the prayer hall (at 2:58, 3:16 and 3:38 in the video above).

2) Water and food shortages in some camps have reached critical levels and food rations are expected to run out in the next week. (Dorje Shugden practitioners denied entry into grocery shops to buy any provisions. At the Drepung Loseling clinic in Karnataka, South India, Dorje Shugden practitioners are not allowed to receive / access medical treatment. Aside from being un-Buddhist through its lack of compassion, this sign is a clear contradiction of the Hippocratic Oath all doctors take to provide medical treatment freely and ethically.)

3) The biggest provider of humanitarian assistance, Doctors Without Borders, was kicked out of the state in February. (High ranking Dorje Shugden Lamas ostracized from monasteries)

In case you are unaware of the violence that CTA has created since 1997, read on:


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Re: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2014, 07:42:58 AM »
Extremism arises from intolerance of differences - a different race,a different religion,and the like.

Although the authorities in Myanmar vow to protect international aid workers returning to Myanmar after a spate of violence in which their homes and offices had been attacked and their lives threatened, they will face much opposition and resistance from the Myanmar Buddhists at home. Extremists must learn to be more tolerant and more forgiving, if they feel that injustice had been meted out to them and their livelihoods had been threatened by the influx of Rohingyas(Muslims) into Rakhine.After all, Lord Buddha taught that Buddhism is all about  kindness and compassion.

The Rohingyas' need of international aid is humongous.Their homes have been destroyed and more than 140,000 are now living in cramped spaces in camps and are in need of food, water and medical assistance. The UN considers them among the "most persecuted minorities in the world". Hence they are badly in need of international aid and the help of aid workers. Yet, the mulish attitude against Rohingyas can be seen in just this one instance. The most critical aid needed is medical aid; yet, they are already resisting the return of the "doctors without borders". They had locked out these doctors since February when it came to their knowledge that these doctors had hired Rohingyas to work for them!

So the Myanmar authorities will have a tough time protecting the returned international aid workers, when they return!


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Re: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 05:11:26 PM »
Myanmarese people and government have every right to protect themselves from Saudi Arabia-financed fundamentalist terrorist separatist Wahhabite Islamic groups.

Such extremist groups are also supported by Western countries such as US and UK, and by their propaganda and spying arms such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Doctors Without Borders.

The idea is to fragment Myanmar, and to bring back the ex-British colony to Western control. Not different from what is happening, with exactly the same actors, in Syria for instance.

It has nothing to do with human rights. It's about war, Jewish world domination, stupid.


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Re: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2014, 08:13:48 PM »
It is sad to see Buddhist attacking others. I believe this is mainly due to the practitioners has been polluted by political motivation.  Buddha taught us to be compassion and bring peace to ourselves. However, some Buddhists are not following his teaching and this is really causing Dharma to degenerate.
Again, I sincerely urge the Buddhist in Myammar to stop harming others and follow the basic precepts of Buddha, i.e. not killing.


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Re: “Myanmar vows to protect aid workers from violence”
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2014, 03:33:53 AM »
It is sad to see Buddhist attacking others.

Even more sad is to see Buddhists duped by anti-Budddhist, anti-Myanmarese Western hatred propaganda.

Jewish-controlled Western colonizers, having humiliated, sacked, and destroyed Myanmar for 124 years, and having violated every conceivable human rights of Myanmarese people during this horrid period, cannot swallow the loss of the rich colony, cannot bear its independence and sovereignity, and therefore will not measure efforts in order to have it back under their control.

In order to achieve this sinister goal, Western geopoliticians will say every lie, and implement every dirty stratagem. They weaponize the Rohingya Muslims, and associate with Saudi Arabian sponsored al-Qaeda terrorists, as they already do in Syria, while playing the victims, always with the help of the usual suspects, such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Doctors Without Borders.

The evil dalai, as a good Western puppet, obviously will support the Western-backed al-Qaeda-linked Rohingya Muslim terrorists. That's why he, together with the Myanmarese Western puppet Aung San Suu Kyi, receives his salary from the Jewish bankster, convicted criminal, and financial terrorist George Soros.

Ultimately, just as in Syria, the aim is to use sectarian strife in order to weaken and divide the country, so that it becomes again an easy prey to the Jewish-controlled Western colonizer. Beyond just that, just look at the map: Myanmar is a highly strategic country, the southern door to China.

Once under Western control, Muslims terrorists and Christian missionaries and their militias will receive a free hand to destroy Buddhist culture in the country, as they try to do right now in Sri Lanka, and always with the support of the pseudo-Buddhist Western puppet, the Muslim evil dalai.

It has nothing to do with human rights, as the fooling propaganda wants you to believe. It's war, Jewish-Christian-Muslim anti-Buddhist centuries-old ongoing and relentless war.

Below follows a picture of what Saudi Arabian-sponsored, al-Qaeda-linked barbarian Muslim terrorists are doing right now in Syria, under the pretext of fighting Assad's ”dictatorship”, and what they would do in Myanmar as well, with the full support of Western press, if not for the firm response of the Myanmarese democratic and nationalist government.