Author Topic: Urgent action alert please write letters!  (Read 6380 times)

jeff Ryan

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Urgent action alert please write letters!
« on: May 14, 2008, 10:42:56 PM »
April 13, 2008
In Ooty of Tamil Nadu State has a Tibetan Market near Botanical Garden. 74 families sell sweaters. Among these families, there are four families who worship the deity Dorje Shugden. Their lives became miserable since the campaign of swearing and signing of not to do any kinds of contact with them. Since that day, they lost long term friendship, relationship and so on, and thereby became outcasts. The image for these Tibetans is not less than monsters.
Now the situation developed into tense, upon hearing the writ petition filed in Delhi High Court. Tibetan vendors in the market are saying that shugden people brought our living Buddha to court, and therefore it is apparent that they were funded and helped by China. Group of youngster vendors said among themselves that these shugden devotees should not set free like this, and that they should be beaten. A notice was pasted on the board, reprimanding Shugden devotees.
These four families sell sweaters at the same market. They all sit on the row. They see each other since morning to evening. They showed disgraceful express and backbite. However, their expression and words give tremendous mental torture to them.
These four families are filled with tears, sadness, stress, and fear. How difficult for their children to live in hostile environment! And they are more vulnerable to assault and abuses. However, they go through religious discrimination and religious tension.
Since May 6 to 8, Mr. Thupten Lungrik, the minister for Education (Tibetan government in exile) went to Tibetan settlements in South India, to stir public sentiment. His visit was success. He could make many Tibetan emotional and aggressive.
These families need your support. Therefore, we appeal you to write to the concerned authority as soon as possible.
Thiru Anandrao Vishnu Patil  (IAS)
   District Collector
   Collectorate, The Nilgiris District
   Udhagamandalam (Ooty) - 643001

   Phone: 0423-2442344 (O)
               0423-2442233 (R)
   Fax:      0423-2443971
   E-Mail: [email protected]                     [email protected]
Tel: 0091-423-2223839

sample letter:

Dear Sir,

In Ooty of Tamil Nadu State has a Tibetan Market near Botanical Garden. 74 families sell sweaters. Among these families, there are four families who worship the deity Dorje Shugden. Their lives have become miserable since the campaign of swearing and signing of not to do any kinds of contact with them.
Now the situation has intensified upon hearing the writ petition filed in Delhi High Court. Tibetan vendors in the market are saying that shugden people brought our living Buddha to court, and therefore it is apparent that they were funded and helped by China. There could be nothing farther from the truth! This is just another baseless allegation trumped up by the TGIE! Now, a group of youngster vendors said among themselves that these shugden devotees should not set free like this, and that they should be beaten. A notice was pasted on the board, reprimanding Shugden devotees.

On May 6 through 8, Mr. Thupten Lungrik, the minister for Education (Tibetan government in exile) went to Tibetan settlements in South India, to stir public sentiment. His visit was success. His visit was to stir up the public to insite violence against these law abiding citizens. Please use your good office to intercede and stop this illegal and immoral activity against these 4 law abiding families. Thank you for your serious consideration to the plight of these law abiding citizens.

Respectfully yours,
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 10:55:38 PM by jeff Ryan »


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Re: Urgent action alert please write letters!
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 08:46:25 PM »
April 15, 2008
Report from South India
A couple in Mundogd Tibetan settlements was married on May 12. Normally the date for marriage was fixed consulting Tibetan calendar few months before. The newly wedded couple was abused and reprimanded by Tibetan people in the Camp, blaming that they disregards the sad news of court hearing against His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Eventually they had to apologized, and so too the driver who escorted the bride.
A rumor was intentionally spread in Sera monastery that Himalayan Buddhist Association has petitioned to Indian government to drive Shugden devotees out of the country; and that the government sanctioned their expulsion. The rumor is intended to pressurize and panic Shugden devotees.
According to the reliable sources, many Tibetans in Mundgod Tibetan settlements are unwilling to join the protest against Shugden devotees, believing that it could cause bloodshed. They still remember the horrible development in the year 2000 when then Dhokham Khamtsen, which is now known as Shar Ganden Nampar Gyalwe Ling, was attacked with stones and breaks by Tibetan mobs. 
Public are so careful for demanding blind obedience from Tibetan officers who always try to explode the bitterness in their heart, which are created by Tibetan officers with various baseless accusations and allegations for last ten years.

a friend

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This is the sample letter with more explanations, PLEASE SEND!
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 11:57:34 PM »
[email protected]; [email protected]

The Honourable
Thiru Anandrao Vishnu Patil  (IAS)
   District Collector
   Collectorate, The Nilgiris District
   Udhagamandalam (Ooty) - 643001
Dear Sir,

Please protect innocent Tibetans from becoming outcasts in their own society.
In Ooty of Tamil Nadu State there is a Tibetan Market near the Botanical Garden.
Seventy four families sell sweaters there.
Among these families, there are four families who worship the deity Dorje Shugden who are being threatened by their fellow Tibetans because of their religious beliefs.
   As you might remember, since 1996 the Dalai Lama has staged a campaign against the sacred deity Buddha Dorje Shugden and his practitioners. This goes against the laws of the UN and the laws of India.
   This year, the Dalai Lama has forced a campaign in the Southern India monasteries first, and later in the Tibetan settlements, making people swear two things: that they do not worship the deity Dorje Shugden and that they do not have any relationship whatsoever with the practitioners. This is transforming, under the eyes of the generous host country, India, a group of religious people in outcasts.

   The lives of those four families in Ooty (as many others in other places of India) have become unbearably miserable because of the unlawful actions of the Tibetan leader in exile.
   Now the situation has become more serious. The Shugden Society filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court, that was heard for the first time on May 12 and then delayed for four months.

   Tibetan vendors in the Ooty market are saying that Dorje Shugden people brought their living Buddha to Court, and therefore it is apparent that they were funded and helped by China. There could be nothing farther from the truth! This is just another baseless allegation that the Dalai Lama invented back in 1996 when he pronounced the ban against the Deity, and was then promoted by the Tibetan Government in Exile! It should be offensive for the generous host, India, that a so called government be establishing rules against the laws of the country.
   Now, a group of youngster vendors said among themselves that these Shugden devotees should not be allowed to be free like this, and that they should be beaten. A notice was pasted on the board, reprimanding the Shugden devotees.

   From May 6 through 8, Mr. Thupten Lungrik, the minister for Education (Tibetan government in exile) went to the Tibetan settlements in South India, to stir public sentiment. His visit was a success in inciting people to violence against law abiding citizens, the Dorje Shugden practitioners.
   We, Western devotees of the holy Buddha Dorje Shugden, out of compassion for these innocent people, we beg you to please use your good office to stop this illegal and immoral activities against these four law-abiding families.
Respectfully yours,