Author Topic: An interesting poll on the Dorje Shugden ban  (Read 3767 times)


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An interesting poll on the Dorje Shugden ban
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:56:21 PM »

There is an interesting poll here, and the current findings are:

I don't really care about the deity being banned, just the discrimination against Shugden worshipers – 7 votes (64%)

I am a Shugden follower and the Dalai Lama is being unfair – 0 votes

The Dalai Lama is perfectly in the right to order a ban on Shugden worship – 4 votes (36%)

Even though the responses are few (hey guys.. let’s go vote!), it shows that the majority think that there should not be discrimination against Dorje Shugden Practitioners. This is what most Dorje Shugden practitioners have been fighting for – that they be left to their practice without being ostracized from monasteries, schools and the like.

What i think is interesting is that there are no Shugdenpas there who think the Dalai Lama is unfair. I guess no NKT people have seen this thread.

Anyway, the discussion on that forum is an interesting one. I’ll put my toe in over there when I get some time.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: An interesting poll on the Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 09:50:57 AM »
What interests me the most is that there are no Dorje Shugden practitioners on that particular forum and most of them are appalled by the violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners, more than anything. This shows that people of this day and age would prefer to support a community that has been marginalized and discriminated against as compared to a community that stands supreme and is the 'winning' team, which is why the Tibet cause has lots of westerners following behind its trail, but wait till they see what CTA is doing to Dorje Shugden practitioners...