Author Topic: More news from India...  (Read 7945 times)


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More news from India...
« on: April 20, 2008, 10:41:35 AM »
  April 3, 2008

  The meeting was convened by Deputy Commissioner, Additional Commissioner and so on
in Sera monastery, South India. The meeting was attended by abbots,
administrators, representatives of Pomra, representative of the Dalai Lama in
Tibetan settlement,
  The deputy commissioner gave three demands:
  1                    You better hold spiritual activities together, as you used to.
  2                    if it is not possible, then one party hold prayers and so on
first, and other party do so next
  3                    Even these two demands could not be met, then the case will
be filed to close the monastery.
  The attended Sera-Jay monks suggested expelling and putting Shugden monks in other
place. The police said: “According to your point view, we should single out Muslim
from Hindu community and Hindu from Muslim community. This is not possible. The
so-called referendum is non sense. You are saying they have only 200 monks. If
they have 200, or 500, or 10, Indian government supports those who have truth.”
  The high-leveled polices gave 24 hours to make a decision. The dateline expires at
3 pm, April 4,  2008.


April 4, 2005
  Lobsang Choedar of Sera-Jay monastery declared he and his people would stop
Shugden devotees from attending tomorrow Puja at Sera Lachi monastery. He has
formed a group named Himalayan Culture something. And Lobsang is from Tawang of
Arnachal Pradesh, India.
  He and his group defied the official order of Deputy Commissioner of Mysore. There
is a widely spread report that the members of Tibetan Woman Association would come
to Sera monastery to protest against Shugden devotees, and to physically drive
them out of the monastery.
  The police asked Shugden monks not to attend the puja. The police ensured them
that there would be no puja in the monastery. Deputy Commissioner gave 24 hours to
make a decision. But these no shugden monks defy and belittle the Indian
  However, Lobsang Choedar and his group try to stir crackdown on Shugden monks. The
situation in the monastery is tense.
  We request each of you to alert Indian government and related office regarding
emergent matter in South India now, in order to save these law-abiding and simple
shugden monks in Sera monastery.


April 5, 2008

  Mr. Lobsang Choeder reportedly set up a Himalayan Cultural organization to
sacrifice their lives to fight against Shugden devotees.
  Mr. Choeder gave inflammatory speech to Tibetans in Camp No 1. He distributed
three pages letters. The gist of the letter is: he has begun the campaign against
Shugden devotees, and he will finish it. Also, he would drive all Shugden devotees
from India. The letter contains the hit-list of 12 monks from pomra. Tibetans were
provoked and called today. And Lobsang Choedar is a leader and he organized the
  In the morning, Tibetan public gathered in the courtyard of Sera Lachi monastery,
Bylakupee, Mysore District, Karnataka State. Most are old man and woman. The mobs
are violent and ready to pounce upon Shugden devotees. In fact, these were brought
to clash between two groups. It is the ultimate intention to create public riot or
public clashes, on which basis, they file false cases against Shugden devotees, to
make their lives miserable. Their intention and aims were doomed several times.
  The conversation of a high level officer of Tibetan government in exile licked:
you open the mess, if they come to collect food, tell them not to come; if they
don’t listen, ask sera-jay monks to come, if not, call Tibetans.”
  So they pursue the violent strategy at date.  The public mob did not know the real
intention of the mob leader.
  Pomra monks were stopped on the way to Sera Lachi. Two monks were called and they
including a monk cameraman escorted by police in their car. The mob tried to
attack two monks from pomra. The cameraman was slapped on his face and tried to
snatch his camera. It is said that pomra monks were cheated.
  Tibetan Woman Association and Tibetan Youth Congress have threatened to come at
night to attack Poma monastic building.
  The Tibetan mob protested to police and Indian government, saying that we are not
supported. And they used harsh words to their host country who gave them
everything no country in the world could.
  At 6 pm, Sera-May monastery announced to hold a debating class in its courtyard.
But they did not, for probably, their aim is far away from fulfilled, since no
riot or clashes emerged although the mobs were called.
First they said to the police that they were to a meeting for the Tibet Independence.


April 13, 2008
  In the Tibetan school, Bylakupee, Tibetan students were asked to give signatures
that they never worship Shugden, and also to pledge that they will never share
religious and material amenities with Shugden people. 20 students refused to sign
and pledge. So they face danger of expulsion from the school.
  In the three different camps at Bylakupee, the signature and oath campaigns were
carried out. It was presided by abbots of Sera and the Dalai lama’s
  The situation is getting worse.  And more miserable and suffering shugden devotees.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 03:42:27 PM by Admin »