Author Topic: CTA dosent care about their people!  (Read 22137 times)


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2013, 09:18:41 AM »
Well, CTA has always been ineffective in governing the country....found this little story about CTA during the 17th century.

Shabkar's life story is illustrative of the time and place in which he lived. For example, political authority and rule of law were quite variable. In many cases, Shabkar himself mediates long-standing feuds between clans in Amdo which had been otherwise leading to seemingly endless rounds of bloodshed (493). We see that bandits posed a significant threat in Amdo as well (58, 167, 502). For wandering pilgrims like Shabkar, the dogs raised by nomads to fend off bandits were a threat in themselves. One wealthy family had fifteen dogs who chased and attacked him (106). While visiting Lhasa, Shabkar discovers one man deceiving children and selling them into servitude. He rebukes him, using Buddhist reasoning and also calls upon the moral and legal authority of the Ganden Podrang, reminding the man that "he would certainly be punished if the Palace of Ganden heard about it," (388). This suggests two things: first, that the Ganden Podrang held some power and authority to punish wrongs, and second that the reach of its arm was not necessarily very long. The reference to the Ganden Podrang comes across more as a general admonition rather than a specific threat to punitive action.

Sad to say, nothing much has changed since.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2013, 02:18:02 AM »
Why “the voice of the Tibetan people” neglect the well being of its people? Why it is so contradicting? This is no surpise to me really, an exiled government which clearly prioritize personal agendas rather than the welfare of their own people. Why would CTA keeping quiet on this issue and allow Nepal to please the Chinese government by enforcing laws on Tibetan ‘refugees’? How many more of your people will have to suffer for the lack of care and integrity shown by you? Do something CTA, your people are suffering from the ban, mismanagement and your lack of compassion and practice of inequality. And you claim that you are Buddhists????? Illogical!



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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2013, 12:06:20 PM »
Why “the voice of the Tibetan people” neglect the well being of its people? Why it is so contradicting? This is no surpise to me really, an exiled government which clearly prioritize personal agendas rather than the welfare of their own people. Why would CTA keeping quiet on this issue and allow Nepal to please the Chinese government by enforcing laws on Tibetan ‘refugees’? How many more of your people will have to suffer for the lack of care and integrity shown by you? Do something CTA, your people are suffering from the ban, mismanagement and your lack of compassion and practice of inequality. And you claim that you are Buddhists????? Illogical!

Well the CTA did do something, and that was to talk to their friends in other countries to try and put pressure on Nepal. But then again, it could have been done on their own initiatives instead of CTA's prompting. And you're right: CTA's silence on this matter is a little unnerving and it also shows that they dont really care about the Tibetans. It was more or less the same as the 17th century where criminals go unpunished, but those who oppose them will be punished with impunity. Nothing has changed or improved since.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2013, 03:16:09 PM »
CTA does not care about their people at all. When Dorjee and family is one of those who supports their ban. It is not like they are a Shugden practitioner that the CTA disagree with or something. But even if it is a Shugden practitioner who is a Tibetan under the care of CTA, CTA should still do something to take care of them. Caring and support them, no matter what they are still your citizens.

It is very selfish of CTA to just ignore for the benefits of the situation. True, it might be a rumor that one of the ministers wants to marry Dorjee's wife, but they cannot just ignore a citizen like that just to benefit themselves. The CTA should really grow up and take on the responsibilities that they should be carrying instead on asking other countries to solve their problems. And not making use of situations like this for poor me stories.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2013, 04:28:29 PM »
Whatever it is, CTA as a political government has a duty to protect ALL of its' people no matter what religion or whether they are actually supporting you or not. A government is supposed to protect and support its people when time of need. This is the main purpose for a government to be set up anyways, not harming or discriminating its citizen. In this case ignoring the pleas of your own people is just too much. I pity the Tibetans because they have no other choice but to rely on such a government.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2013, 01:14:36 AM »
CTA does not care about their people at all. When Dorjee and family is one of those who supports their ban. It is not like they are a Shugden practitioner that the CTA disagree with or something. But even if it is a Shugden practitioner who is a Tibetan under the care of CTA, CTA should still do something to take care of them. Caring and support them, no matter what they are still your citizens.

It is very selfish of CTA to just ignore for the benefits of the situation. True, it might be a rumor that one of the ministers wants to marry Dorjee's wife, but they cannot just ignore a citizen like that just to benefit themselves. The CTA should really grow up and take on the responsibilities that they should be carrying instead on asking other countries to solve their problems. And not making use of situations like this for poor me stories.

I really doubt that they care about their people at all, if at all as they are more concerned with their own welfare  more than anything else. The CTA did nothing to help Dorjee, and all they did was sit back while this man was being detained and did not attempt to do anything to rescue him from his situation. And then what is worse is they wrote a poor me story about him but nothing was being done to help him from his predicament. An attempt at least, would have made them look better...


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2013, 09:01:01 PM »
I really doubt that they care about their people at all, if at all as they are more concerned with their own welfare  more than anything else. The CTA did nothing to help Dorjee, and all they did was sit back while this man was being detained and did not attempt to do anything to rescue him from his situation. And then what is worse is they wrote a poor me story about him but nothing was being done to help him from his predicament. An attempt at least, would have made them look better...

Yes, and I believe if the Tibetan community stand up to the CTA, like how they stood up for protests against China, the CTA would know that the Tibetans are looking and started to question their authority. When their authority is being threatened, the likelyhood of the CTA standing up to do something for the citizen. It is usually when someone brings up the issue, but without the high publicity of issue, it would not cause enough pressure to push for a cause that the Tibetans would want.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2013, 06:36:24 AM »
Yes, and I believe if the Tibetan community stand up to the CTA, like how they stood up for protests against China, the CTA would know that the Tibetans are looking and started to question their authority. When their authority is being threatened, the likelyhood of the CTA standing up to do something for the citizen. It is usually when someone brings up the issue, but without the high publicity of issue, it would not cause enough pressure to push for a cause that the Tibetans would want.

If that would ever happen, I am sure that the CTA will be forced to replace those who are not efficient as they now know that what they are doing is wrong and they cannot continue. But sadly the Tibetans are too attached to their 'heritage' and 'culture' to change things. they lost their country, and now all they have left is the heritage and culture from the old Tibet which is not necessarily good,but they still want to preserve them and not improve them anyway. It is sad and funny at the same time.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2013, 09:52:55 PM »
If that would ever happen, I am sure that the CTA will be forced to replace those who are not efficient as they now know that what they are doing is wrong and they cannot continue. But sadly the Tibetans are too attached to their 'heritage' and 'culture' to change things. they lost their country, and now all they have left is the heritage and culture from the old Tibet which is not necessarily good,but they still want to preserve them and not improve them anyway. It is sad and funny at the same time.

It is just silly how the Tibetans want to preserve everything. Instead, they should choose certain things that they think is correct, keep them. But for the wrong things like the way CTA is governing them, they should want for that change. This is to improve themselves as a whole so that they would be able to catch up with what the rest of the world is like.

The Tibetans should be letting the CTA know that the way they are governing them is wrong, asking or demanding for a change. This is so to prepare them for the future when the get back their land. Only by showing China that they are able to take care of themselves properly, I believe at that point, China will return their land to them. This is so as there are already Chinese citizens living in Tibet now. If the Tibetans are not able to take care of themselves, how would China trust them to give the Tibetans back their land with some of their citizens living at that piece of land.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2013, 07:13:34 AM »
It is just silly how the Tibetans want to preserve everything. Instead, they should choose certain things that they think is correct, keep them. But for the wrong things like the way CTA is governing them, they should want for that change. This is to improve themselves as a whole so that they would be able to catch up with what the rest of the world is like.

The Tibetans should be letting the CTA know that the way they are governing them is wrong, asking or demanding for a change. This is so to prepare them for the future when the get back their land. Only by showing China that they are able to take care of themselves properly, I believe at that point, China will return their land to them. This is so as there are already Chinese citizens living in Tibet now. If the Tibetans are not able to take care of themselves, how would China trust them to give the Tibetans back their land with some of their citizens living at that piece of land.

To me, it is just something that comes from a deep sense of insecurity with themselves and their cultural identity. But eventually people learn to move on from things like these and learn to adapt and change. The Tibetans however refuse to as they are too afraid of losing the only cultural identity that they could ever have. I do find it sad but there is nothing anyone can do unless the Dalai Lama himself speaks up on this and educates the people on the importance of adapting to the new times.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2013, 02:35:32 PM »
On one hand the CTA cannot care care of their own (see above).
On the other hand, the Government of China is showing extra care for the Tibetan heritage in the Chinese Tibet.
The CTA has nothing much to fight for anymore, it seems as if it is better to be Tibetan in China than in Nepal or even India (especially as a Dorje Shugden practitionner).

See this article:, and change your mind as to how "bad" China is treating Tibet nowadays!


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2013, 10:36:28 PM »
On one hand the CTA cannot care care of their own (see above).
On the other hand, the Government of China is showing extra care for the Tibetan heritage in the Chinese Tibet.
The CTA has nothing much to fight for anymore, it seems as if it is better to be Tibetan in China than in Nepal or even India (especially as a Dorje Shugden practitionner).

See this article:, and change your mind as to how "bad" China is treating Tibet nowadays!

It has been so many decades now and CTA has not produced any results at all with their work of taking care of the Tibetans, apart from the initial infrastructures that the Dalai Lama has set up when he first arrived to Dharamsala. This proves that the CTA are not dedicated to neither to their work or cause at all and they do not really care about the Tibetans. CTA should really just quit and be normal citizens or they should learn from India on how to manage people and develop Dharamsala into a more hospitable place.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2013, 10:07:07 PM »
To me, it is just something that comes from a deep sense of insecurity with themselves and their cultural identity. But eventually people learn to move on from things like these and learn to adapt and change. The Tibetans however refuse to as they are too afraid of losing the only cultural identity that they could ever have. I do find it sad but there is nothing anyone can do unless the Dalai Lama himself speaks up on this and educates the people on the importance of adapting to the new times.

Personally I do not really think that it is because of their insecurity that is why they do not accept change and want to try to adapt to changes. But instead, I feel that it is because of their laid back attitude that does not allow them to change and improve further. That is why, if the Dalai Lama speaks and forces them to change, they would change for the better.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2013, 10:42:11 AM »
On one hand the CTA cannot care care of their own (see above).
On the other hand, the Government of China is showing extra care for the Tibetan heritage in the Chinese Tibet.
The CTA has nothing much to fight for anymore, it seems as if it is better to be Tibetan in China than in Nepal or even India (especially as a Dorje Shugden practitionner).

See this article:, and change your mind as to how "bad" China is treating Tibet nowadays!

It has been so many decades now and CTA has not produced any results at all with their work of taking care of the Tibetans, apart from the initial infrastructures that the Dalai Lama has set up when he first arrived to Dharamsala. This proves that the CTA are not dedicated to neither to their work or cause at all and they do not really care about the Tibetans. CTA should really just quit and be normal citizens or they should learn from India on how to manage people and develop Dharamsala into a more hospitable place.

Actually, the CTA could do great good for the Tibetans in exile, by doing this:

Lift the ban on Dorje Shugden that is not within their jurisdiction in anyway, not to mention the inadequacy of this ban all together.

Make peace with China, shake hands and embrace the future rather than dwell in the past.

Represent the Tibetans in exile that wish to go and settle in the Tibetan province of China and ease their return.

Drop their political agenda and become a cultural and representative body of the Tibetan culture and Tibetan people that have chosen to settle outside of the Tibetan Province and become the media body between them and China, in a peaceful, non-vindictive and cooperative way.

So, what about THAT agenda?
Can the CTA have the courage to do that?


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2013, 08:19:47 PM »
Actually, the CTA could do great good for the Tibetans in exile, by doing this:

Lift the ban on Dorje Shugden that is not within their jurisdiction in anyway, not to mention the inadequacy of this ban all together.

Make peace with China, shake hands and embrace the future rather than dwell in the past.

Represent the Tibetans in exile that wish to go and settle in the Tibetan province of China and ease their return.

Drop their political agenda and become a cultural and representative body of the Tibetan culture and Tibetan people that have chosen to settle outside of the Tibetan Province and become the media body between them and China, in a peaceful, non-vindictive and cooperative way.

So, what about THAT agenda?
Can the CTA have the courage to do that?

I do agree too that the Dalai Lama supporters should stop doing things that is against the growth of their country and city. Instead, act like what the list has written to practice things that are like that to benefit all that would help to spread Dharma in the years to come.