I really like this new section on the website who pay tributes to the great lamas. Thank you for all the good work.
As mentioned in the article, Gaden Tripas are the actual supreme authorities, and Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche is a devoted Dorje Shugden practitioner. What does it say? If He is praying to an evil spirit, then why make Him the Gaden Tripa? Since HH Dalai Lama who is all knowing Chenrezig, why not dethrone Him?
It is also said that Trisur Rinpoche is very "skillful" and smart. He openly declared himself as Dorje Shugden practitioner after He finished His term of 7 years. In this case, the CTA people cannot do anything about it

If he openly declare it during His term, the CTA can do something about, but now, there is nothing the CTA can do about it.
If He is practicing Dorje Shugden, I am sure there are a lot more high lamas are also practicing Dorje Shugden (most likely they are practicing quietly), and I rejoice!!