Author Topic: ¿Did you see this report from India?  (Read 11391 times)


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¿Did you see this report from India?
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:32:39 PM »
Hypocrite Dalai Lama
Report from India

Since 1995 the Dalai Lama has unceasingly inflicted heavy and unjust punishment on the practitioners of Dorje Shugden – all who are completely innocent practitioners.  Using his people like an army, the Dalai Lama has destroyed all Shugden Temples and shrines, caused millions of people to experience inhumane situations and unbearable feelings of pain, and has expelled all Shugden practitioners from the Tibetan community. He has separated innocent people from their families, friends and community.  As a result of these actions, thousands of Shugden practitioners have been forced to become refugees for the second time in their life as they try to escape such inhumane actions that exist in this modern world by seeking exile in other countries. 

Now, as recently as 8th February 2008, the Dalai Lama has expelled 900 monks from their monasteries.  On January 9th 2008 he was invited to inaugurate a Prayer Hall for a large monastic community in South India. At this spiritual event he publicly announced a "Referendum on the practice of Dolgyal (Shugden)" and proposed a collection of votes on this issue with a deadline on 8th February 2008.  Since when did the action of prayer become an object for political vote?  And since when did voting become a 'yes' or 'no' game with colored sticks with no middle/neutral option for abstaining?  Well, this is precisely the nature of the referendum held by the Dalai Lama and the direct cause for these 900 innocent monks to be expelled from their monasteries in recent days. 

Most of these 900 expelled monks are very poor and have no place to go; they are crying and are full of fear.  The Dalai Lama is clearly breaking the law by inflicting such blatant religious persecution.  Making this difficult situation worse for the expelled monks is the message now being issued by the Dalai Lama´s representatives to the Tibetan community saying, "any person who helps the Shugden people will receive similar punishment".  Furthermore, anyone who dares not to follow the orders of the Dalai Lama is publically denounced by his Ministers and declared to be a 'Chinese supporter'. Not satisfied with this, the Ministers then encourage groups of the Tibetan community  to humiliate, discredit and ostracize the denounced persons.

Aware of the International public horror at these recent atrocities, which clearly stem from the single handed actions of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Prime Minister and other Officials of the Tibetan Exiled Government have started a campaign to distance the Dalai Lama from this referendum and its resulting inhumane victimization of a section of the Tibetan community.  What deception, what hypocrisy and how two-faced!  One only needs to hear the speeches of the Dalai Lama of recent weeks and witness current events to understand the truth.  The International public, world leaders, governments and organizations can easily ascertain the truth with their own eyes - the Dalai Lama himself is the sole initiator and maintainer of the prevalent discrimination, persecution and intolerance in Tibetan Society – nothing else.   

The Dalai Lama has given two reasons for prohibiting the worship of Dorje Shugden. He claims the Shugden practice: 1) causes his life span to shorten, and 2) harms Tibetan independence. What complete nonsense!   Not one valid piece of evidence has ever been issued from the Dalai Lama to validate his claims.  He says: "Shugden is an evil spirit".  Where is his evidence to prove this? Until now his evidence has only been recollections of his own dreams– does he really think such recollections from the mind of sleep makes credible evidence?  This is complete nonsense and would be thrown out of any court of law. 

Dalai Lama, if you are not telling lies and you have valid evidence to support your actions you should show such evidence publicly and you should do this yourself not through your people who until now you have hidden behind, having them perform your dirty work.

Dalai Lama, you are a very fortunate liar and persecutor.  Right now, some people believe what you say without checking the validity of your claims because you have inherited a high reputation and title from your predecessors.  This mere inheritance gives you the opportunity to use the title "Tibetan Dalai Lama" in this world. You have not earned this title with your own personal qualifications or your actions. This is clear by the way in which you are misusing such a position in this modern world.  Instead of putting Buddha's teachings of universal love, compassion and equanimity into practice you instead inflict discrimination, persecution and intolerance.  You are cheating people's faith.  If you are really a Buddhist 'Holy Being' why are you directly acting against Buddha's teachings?  Buddha said, "You should never harm any living being because they are your kind mothers".  For almost two decades you have harmed millions of innocent people causing them unnecessary suffering, fear, and dangers. What have you achieved from these actions? Nothing.

Dalai Lama, you are the only 21st Century "Buddhist" Dictator.  You are the only Tibetan Lama who uses Buddha´s teachings for political aims. You are the only Tibetan Lama who is causing millions of innocent people great suffering and sorrow. You are the only Tibetan Lama who has no compassion.

Please, to all of you who read this document– members of the International community - ask the Dalai Lama to stop once and for all these horrible unjust actions. Ask him to give religious freedom to the Tibetan people and ask him to no longer cause innocent Tibetan people to fight amongst themselves.

a friend

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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 02:34:16 AM »
The origin of this report is not stated. But it breaks the heart even of the insensitive.
The only thing that comes to mind is that all these years we underestimated the suffering of the Tibetans. Entangled in our fears of the egregious figure of the DL we mostly kept silent.
Now is the time to end this inactivity and make the world know what is going on.
According to the Dalai Lama, now is the time to exterminate the propitiation of our Deity.
According to us, now is the time for the Dalai Lama to end his persecution of religious practitioners and heal the terrible wounds he's inflicted.

Now is the time.

Tenzin Sungrab

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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 03:21:51 AM »
Very hard for me to hear "you are the only Tibetan Lama with no compassion" about His Holiness. I may be naive, but what about the teaching that "we really do not know another's mind". While I feel that it is safe to be critical of the actions of others, it is a very differant thing to claim to know that someone lacks compassion.
 My small mind does not know any of the true reasons why His Holiness chooses this course of action, but I refuse to come to any definite conclusions about his level of compassion.
Are these people capable of reading his mind? Or are they doing what we samsaric beings always do, throwing our projectons onto an already messy affair.
 I am sorry if I am oversimplifying all of this, this issue is pretty new to me. Please take this with a grain of salt from somebody who is just trying to understand.
Together in Dharma,


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 04:10:31 AM »
The source is not quoted.

Until the source of this text is quoted we should not get too exited or woried about it!

It might just be someone's personnal letter.

a friend

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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 10:51:21 PM »
Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

I find it really strange that what is hard for you is to hear that the Dalai Lama lacks compassion.
I suggest that we on our side have a little bit of compassion for actual suffering sentient beings, and not to worry so much for what is said about the one who put the helping conditions, to say the least, for so much suffering piling up through the years on innocent beings.
Don't you see that Alexis is right, that this is a personal letter?
By the extraordinary use of "millions" and other hyperbolic expressions you can guess that the author is Tibetan. Don't you see that his suffering is oozing like blood and tears through his writing? Don't you see that he is one more of the many victims of the one who should be their protector and instead became willingly their tormentor? Don't you see that the words he is hurling at the Dalai Lama are the shouting and crying of an abandoned child, one abandoned and ostracized by his own father?

There is already a tendency in this website to defend the culprit ... fine.
Please, let's have a little bit of sympathy for the victims too, starting with not sermonizing them when they express their pain.

The compassion for all sentient beings should not make us less aware, but more aware of the suffering of individual sentient beings, particularly those who are close to us for some reason.

I am not addressing these words to you alone, on the contrary. So if I sound harsh please forgive me, I am just tired to see such great injustice, such attacks against our holy Dharma, our fellow practitioners, our Lamas, our Deity, and people shivering in fear, me first, for years and years, letting all of this happen, bewitched by the tag "holy being". Enough. The person writing the report from India said the king is naked because the king IS naked. He didn't show compassion, so he called him "without compassion". I don't know if you are Tibetan or not. If you are, then you know the amount of horror and pain it takes for a Tibetan to dare utter such words.

I suggest that we stop defending the Dalai Lama and we concentrate on defending everything he's been trying to destroy and those he is persecuting.

Of course WE should use respect, because we are Buddhists and we respect all, so the Dalai Lama deserves all respect in the world. Also no doubt he took many times the vows of a Bodhisattva. So of course -without lauding the wrongs he's done- we should respect him. But please, let's not forget or judge severely those who are actually suffering because of his actions.

Tenzin Sungrab

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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2008, 04:19:12 AM »
I am starting to understand. Please forgive my lack of sensitivity, I really should not post anything until I understand the bigger picture. My own childish mind want's to have it's cake and eat it too. I want to believe that somehow H.H.D.L is acting with a mind of compassion far beyond my abilities to know. I want to believe that he is making choices that only he knows will benefit the Geluk lineage. The suffering of countless Tibetans can not be ignored, I now see this. Because all of this is still new to me, I am still trying to reconcile gaps in my understanding. I am realizing how my naiveté is part of the problem. I am sorry if my mindless words caused any harm.

Tenzin Sungrab

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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2008, 05:33:09 AM »
Reflecting on this, I feel selfish for asking Gyalchen Shugden into my life, without understanding the responsibility of making it safe for other's to do the same.



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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 01:48:40 PM »
So people call Dorje Shugden a demon, where did they get that idea from? Is it from their dreams or their nightmares? But wherever the message "Dorje Shugden is a demon" comes from it isn't a real message.
In Buddhism we talk about compassion, but this isn't compassion at all. These monks get expelled because they practice a so called demon, only the so called demon is a real dharma protector.

I really wonder what or who gave the CTA and the Dalai Lama the idea that Dorje Shugden was a demon. Whoever gave  them that idea must have been the real demon, either that or that was just a wild dream thought by the CTA and the Dalai Lama.

May the ban end soon to stop all suffering.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2016, 06:36:33 AM »
Vajrayana is a very complicated school with complicated teachings that one can only fully realise the essence with the proper guidance. From history, we see conflict before acceptance of anything new. Take for example, Yamantaka. When Yamantaka was first introduce to the Tibetans of yore, there was hue and cry and accusation that a demon was being propitiated and introduced. Ra Lotsawa had to endure magical attack and slandering and condemnation when he first introduced Yamantaka. Even Yamantaka was called a 'demon' in Ra Lotsawa's time.

So, is it surprising that Dorje Shugden is called a demon by ignorant beings? It is from ignorance that one gets these ideas that Dorje Shugden is a demon. It is this very ignorance one has to address by introducing the teachings of Dorje Shugden to the masses so that there is Wisdom. All that we, as beginner practitioners can do is to share teachings materials and make them known, with good motivation and pure intent. We should not have the attitude of "how can you be so stupid as not to know this?" That will defeat the purpose. Compassion and good motivation is the root of Buddhist practice.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2016, 07:32:47 PM »
Ah this article was written in year 2008 and it is now year 2016. An 8 years of passing time and yet the Dalai Lama had not declared the truth. CTA has been carrying out worse attacks and branding, with Anti Shugden Lamas to receive a badge declaring their status (hmm reminds me of stock animals being branded to be in certain farms...sorry not very Buddhist I know but I can't help the thought of hot thongs searing into the skin of cattles branding them for life, just as the badge searing into the Anti Shugdens' minds for lifetimes). The world still has the deep memory of the horrors of the holocaust where Jews were branded by the Nazis and yet now CTA is implementing this. I guess they were locked away in isolated Tibet then and did not share the horrors as the world would have.

8 years on and still the Tibetan Buddhist practitioners are divided along the lines of pro or anti Dorje Shugden. Even to a ignorant beginner like me, Buddha Shakyamuni had not taught segregation, discrimination, abuse nor infringement on human & religious rights. Why are we Buddhist practitioners facing these problems now? In the Dalai Lama's teachings, its always love and compassion to all sentient beings. Well hello! The last I checked, although I am a Dorje Shugden practitioners, I am still a sentient being. Don't I deserve the love and compassion as the Dalai Lama accord to the terrorists? May all the Buddhas please help the Dalai Lama manifest his true Buddha nature and to have the compassion to admit his wrong on his ban.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2016, 04:14:38 PM »
This is a very good report in my opinion, it calls out most big problems with the ban if not all. I fully support this report even though it is quite aggressive. I still support its tone and I am completely against the ban and I really want it to end along with all of the suffering and pain that it brought to so many poor monks and loyal practitioners. It is a modern day religious dictatorship.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2016, 03:50:56 PM »
It is just so sad that there is such a report like that. It is sad to see that people are writing such negative things about H.H. Dalai Lama. HHDL is someone that we should be respecting and not someone that we put down.

Since then till now, the monks have been expelled and these monks do not have the freedom of religion unlike what is claimed by the CTA or HHDL. It is something that is really sad to see. However, this is not the reason for to put down HHDL.

The monks now have their own monasteries, but it does not mean that they have the freedom to do their practices as they are still being put down in many ways. These monks are not allowed to contact their family and friends as by doing so, they will get their loved ones into trouble with the CTA. At the same time, they have to travel further in distance to get their own daily necessities. It is ridiculous when due to the ban they already do not have that much financial support, yet they still have to get more funds in order to survive.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2016, 06:04:03 AM »
The Dalai Lama claimed that Dorje Shugden is a spirit but till date many of Dalai Lama’s followers are following blindly and believing without a valid proof.

It has been eight years since this post yet the Dalai Lama has not step forth to tell the truth or lift the ban.  The Dalai Lama has inflicted more harm than anyone can imagine. He has destroyed the spiritual lives of many and destroying the happiness of many by forcing them to break their spiritual commitments.


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Re: ¿Did you see this report from India?
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2016, 08:06:33 AM »
Not only has the Dalai Lama "inflicted more harm than anyone can imagine. He has destroyed the spiritual lives of many and destroying the happiness of many by forcing them to break their spiritual commitments." He has influenced his followers to sell their soul to the devil. His followers have, instead of following the pure teachings on harmony and mindfulness and non-violence, has instead chosen to spew rude language and go down the path of violence and death-threats. The negative karma created is will take so much purification practices to clear.

And, the CTA being evil stooges, acting to benefit only themselves has encouraged and participated in all this wrong-doings. i shudder to think of the boomerang effect of the negative karma created.