Author Topic: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners  (Read 16530 times)


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 03:45:48 PM »
Just read the article on , and I feel that it is quite unfair to put a negative link to the entire Shugden Association.

Anyone knows how the murderers were identified as murderers in the first place? I'm interested to know. Anyways, I agree with WisdomBeing said that "...just because the Al Queda have committed terrorism in the name of Islam, it doesn't mean that all Muslims are bad."

It is not fair to generalise an entire society/belive from one or 2 people's actions.. i've read many stories about Buddhist mediums cheating others, and Christian pastors sexually abusing the vulnerable, but that doesn't account for all Buddhists mediums or Christian pastors. How can you generalise based on the actions of a few people? Then the entire population of mankind itself would be bad because everyday there are people getting killed/harmed/hurt, no? Definitely there are people of both extremes in a single society.. no doubt, but it cannot be applied across all, because everyone is different.

Well, regarding the negative effects on DS practitioners, I've only heard, seen and experienced the benefits of it. People have been financially assisted after relying on DS practices, people have been saved from harm. For me, I've experienced much more clarity of the mind since I've relied on DS. I feel that DS is always there to help us to the best of his ability and the situation, when we rely upon Him. 

Dolce Vita

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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2011, 01:54:19 PM »
I have been practising DS for a couple of months now, I do not encounter any negative effect. I think DS protects whoever propitiate him sincerely. This is my own experience. I went to this dinner last week, was supposed to sit next to a big standing speaker. Then I was told that my seat was at another table that was further away. Of course I moved myself to the other table. Not long after that, the standing speaker next to where I was supposed to sit fell and hit a girl who was sitting there. I was lucky to have escaped from the accident, immediately I thought of DS. It must be him that I avoided the accident.


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2011, 02:53:59 PM »
From my experience, as a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I have not encountered any negative effects but received many many benefits instead.

Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being, there is no way we can have negative effects, and he will be like our guardian angel helping and guiding us on our spiritual journey!


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2011, 04:29:03 PM »
I have experienced a lot of healing whilst chanting the mantra. And when I was at a temple with Dorje Shugden I can stay there for hours and hours and feel energetic about it as well. My girlfriend also experienced healing chanting the mantra or having me blow after chanting the Dorje Shugden mantra.


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 02:56:36 AM »
The only negative experience i have with Shugden is that my samsaric desires become harder to fulfill. haha. And i do see me getting less and less interested in secular work and craving more and more to assist my lama with his works. To this point i have basically lost all interest in secular work and would like to do Dharma fulltime. It's positive but some people may see this as negative hahahahahaha


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2011, 07:06:55 AM »
Dorje Shugden and Manjsuhri are one, the blessings from DS for practitioners sometimes can only be felt at a greater length of time, depending on our karmic depositions. If we believe in karma, then sometimes when bad things happen when we are practicing, it is considered extremely good as our negativities are purified now rather than later. Buddhas certainly do not want us to have our negative karma piled and compounded up and become a tsunami at a later part in our life or in one of our future lives.

Big Uncle

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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2011, 10:52:01 AM »
The only negative experience i have with Shugden is that my samsaric desires become harder to fulfill. haha. And i do see me getting less and less interested in secular work and craving more and more to assist my lama with his works. To this point i have basically lost all interest in secular work and would like to do Dharma fulltime. It's positive but some people may see this as negative hahahahahaha

Really? I get the total opposite effect from Dorje Shugden. I noticed that my properties and finances are getting better and better. It gives me faith in the Protector and allows me the opportunity to use my finances for the Dharma and helping others. I believe the Protector has given me the finances so I can use it for others. If your Samsaric desires are withheld by Dorje Shugden, it only means only one thing, your Samsaric wishes will pull you away from the Dharma or that you will commit a lot of negative karma or you simply don't have the karma for it. As for your wish to do more Dharma work. Congratulations, that's the blessing of Dorje Shugden's wisdom for you.


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2011, 11:13:40 AM »
So many great Masters has practiced Dorje Shugden but are still fine and reincarnated to be even better supreme masters. If there are any negative effects by practicing Dorje Shugden, shouldn't we all be going to hell already?

This is a very good point!

Well, for myself, I have not experienced any negative effects since practicing Dorje Shugden. No bad things, nothing...

diamond girl

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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2011, 11:28:34 AM »
Same with Big Uncle.  I have not experienced any negative effects from DS practice.  In fact, on hind sight, from the time I came in contact with DS my life have changed drastically especially in the spiritual aspect. If not for DS, I would have chosen a completely different path. Of course, the process of it may not have been exactly what I had in mind but I guess that is just DS's way of giving me what I need instead of what I want which could have been completely detrimental to myself now that I think about it.  In  short, I must say that the situation DS has "arranged" for me to be in has had positive effects for me in my personal and spiritual development.

WT, what you have said here is true for me as well. When I first came to practice Dorje Shugden, I was not in a good place, I was caught in the pains and sufferings of failed relationships. I was tired of blaming and wanted to find a real solution i.e. a solution which is from my mind and inner strength. When I first started my practice, I must admit that things did not go as I had expected, and at some point the pains got worse like mental anguish. I even thought that it was "more difficult". But then by reading many people's experiences and understanding the purification process, I decided to stick it through. It took a while, close to two years, and today I am good and my mind is strong. I have accepted and taken my responsibility and moved on.

To the ignorant minds, this process of purification where things do not match our expectations of a quick fix, could be perceived as "negative effects" - this would be wrong view and ignorance. Life is never simple, so how can we expect such goodness and strength to come without any difficulties and challenges. At the end of it, the result of practising Dorje Shugden is strength and long term. We develop wisdom and compassion - I have.


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2011, 11:48:38 AM »
For me, the negative effects meaning sufferings in short or long term.

As my personal experience in practicing Dorje Shugden, I didnt see any negative effects at all.

But the ban itself brings so many negative effects to high lamas, monks, and practitioners. So many monks suffer because of the ban.

I really hope the ban will be lifted one day soon to stop all these negative effects and sufferings in people.

Dolce Vita

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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2011, 04:23:24 PM »
I have not experienced any negative effects. I have only positive results, I feel my mind and emotion is more stable. Once I was attending a dinner, for some reason I was asked to sit at another table. Not long after I shifted to the other table, there was a small accident happened at where I was sitting!


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2011, 02:55:28 AM »
Really? I get the total opposite effect from Dorje Shugden. I noticed that my properties and finances are getting better and better. It gives me faith in the Protector and allows me the opportunity to use my finances for the Dharma and helping others. I believe the Protector has given me the finances so I can use it for others. If your Samsaric desires are withheld by Dorje Shugden, it only means only one thing, your Samsaric wishes will pull you away from the Dharma or that you will commit a lot of negative karma or you simply don't have the karma for it. As for your wish to do more Dharma work. Congratulations, that's the blessing of Dorje Shugden's wisdom for you.

Haha when i said samsaric pursuits i meant having samsaric friends to hang out with and the game of finding a partner which i find entertaining and also ive reached the point in life where all my friends have partners but not me. I lost interest in those pursuits although they were highly entertaining i must admit. Career wise, i got mysterious raises in salary and somehow conditions were such that i could leave early from work to do more volunteer work at my Buddhist center. I wish i can do more Dharma work as my current career does not lead to anywhere long term or short term, just as my Lama has predicted. That is how i know Dorje Shugden has helped stabilize my mind and make it more firm  towards the Dharma.

Lawrence L

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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2011, 07:11:57 AM »
Dear all Dorje Shugden practitioners,

With all the bad press that Dorje Shugden has received... can anyone highlight any negative effects Dorje Shugden practice has had on its practitioners?

When i've asked DS critics, usually the murders which are mentioned in are brought up.. but as can be seen at the link, all the allegations are definitely not beyond reasonable doubt. Anyway i am sure that more Christians/Muslims/Hindus/Buddhists aside from DS practitioners have committed crimes over the past few decades but no one is saying that they are practising an evil cult? I read somewhere a good point that just because the Al Queda have committed terrorism in the name of Islam, it doesn't mean that all Muslims are bad.

The high lamas who practised Shugden are reincarnating back, the monasteries are thriving.. the Dalai Lama's life is not shortened... Tibet is not seeking independence (so DS practice will not affect independence) so what is the issue?

I don't get it.

Logic proves and supports the fact! While double standard statements show that how irresponsible those people are.

The way to break through all these, is by educate the people, to see how the logic works, how the logic proves and support the fact. Not by using a double standard to do any judgement and ask the whole world to trust blindly.


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2011, 07:19:43 AM »
Thanks Lawrence! And it is our duty to share that logic with others. If people remain ignorant and we can help them, we are as much responsible for their ignorance. So whatever we have learned - and there is much effort and time invested in this website to provide the information - we should share with others. There are amazingly creative and innovative ways conjured up by's admin - such as the illustrated story, the comics, the brochures etc. Even email and snail mail addresses of influential or relevant people have been collated so we can write to them to tell them our side of the story. It is made really easy for me to email the list of people now and then with articles i find useful from here. If many people did the same, accurate and authentic information would get out there and people would become more informed about he real situation about Dorje Shugden practice. We all want that, don't we?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Negative effects on Dorje Shugden practitioners
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2011, 04:33:51 PM »
To practise dorje shugden is impossible to have negative effect, at the same time don't have positive effect too. Have anyone experience this??

I think the problem is...
1) the wishes is to harm others
2) not pure motivation
3) have doubt in DS
4) not sincere
5) the wishes end result is not good for you
6) no let go yourself, have to gain trust and go all the way.