Author Topic: Clarification please  (Read 7050 times)


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Clarification please
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:31:39 AM »
As a complete new comer to this forum I wondered if you might help me to understand more clearly what the purpose of this forum is. I have been observing the activities taking place over the past week or so and I have found it difficult to make sense of what it is that members are aiming to accomplish.

I apologise for my ignorance and look forward to gaining some understanding.


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 01:10:01 PM »
Dear Wisdomfriend,

Welcome! I have been on this forum for about a couple of years so i can share from a user's point of view. As far as i can tell, the purpose of the forum is to share information about Dorje Shugden, its practice, its practitioners, its monasteries and the latest news. Of course news of the ban against Shugden is also watched carefully. There are moderators who are quite firm and swift about up-keeping the house rules to keep this forum a safe environment (

It is easier to see the purpose of the forum and the entire website if you read the mission statement of this website here (

For your convenience i've copy pasted it here. Hope it helps! :)

Mission Statement

This website, an ongoing work in progress, is dedicated to the glorification and deeper appreciation of the name and holy work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who by peaceful, increasing, subjugating and wrathful means spreads in this world the general and profound teachings of the Buddhadharma that can dispel all suffering and its causes. We believe that what may sound contradictory today, will be revealed as skilful means in the future.

It is dedicated to the lineage Lamas, without whom the holy teachings would have disappeared, and without whose blessings, obtained by a pure bond of faith and reverence, the transmission is broken and the foundation of Enlightenment destroyed.

It is dedicated to the increasing number of aspiring practitioners who have been affected by the apparent controversy about the nature and intent of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, whose enlightened mind and qualities have and are being recognized and relied upon by so many exalted Masters, some of them with reincarnation lineages all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni.

We have no wish to convert or even convince anyone about this. In Buddhism we can only convert ourselves, by studying and applying the methods offered – if you practice Tara and become more arrogant and materialistic, it is a bad practice, as far as YOU are concerned. If you pray to Dorje Shugden and become more humble and committed to the Bodhisattva ideal, it is a good practice, as far as YOU are concerned. It is our thoughts, words and actions that make karma. It is our motivation that determines these.

We have a great wish to serve in healing the schism and doubts created in the minds of those new to Dharma or otherwise yet unable to look deeper and strive to apply the principles of non-harming and introspection on every level.

For those passing judgment on enlightened Beings (can you REALLY be sure who is and who is not?) – may we remind you of the Lamrim teachings where it is stated that converting anyone at the cost of their faith in their previous teachers or religion is equal to killing a thousand Buddhas. May we remind you that creating schism within the Sangha is one of the five “crimes of immediate retribution”. May we remind you of the Bodhisattva vow of never giving up Bodhicitta. If something or someone is harmful, misdirected etc., wouldn’t the sign of true practitioners be that their compassion grows?

For those who are influenced by these judgements – their door to Dharma may well close for this life, and who knows when such an opportunity will arise again. Anyone truly concerned could easily avoid the horrible karma created in this way, by truly practicing what they believe is good and becoming a shiny example of goodness and wisdom that speaks for itself.

It is dedicated to provide information and inspiration for those with an affinity to Dharmapala Dorje Shugden, based on writings, sayings, prayers and praises by enlightened Masters and their examples of wisdom and compassion, as well as on sharing interesting thoughts of intelligent people.

Much of our own thoughts and conclusions will have to remain in the realm of speculation, just like so much that has been written, as we are ordinary beings lacking the clairvoyance of the wise. We will, however, do so with the sole aim to present possible ways to see what arises as the display of enlightened minds, not the battle between right and wrong, so as to decrease afflictive emotions and actions and to invite us all to focus on our ongoing responsibility to look deeper; to look within.

“Drive all enemies into one,” as the old Kadampas said; the one (and only) enemy being of course the self-grasping and self-cherishing mind.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 02:34:14 PM »
Dear WisdomBeing

That was exactly what I needed. I had searched around the site for just that kind of information and hadn't found it.
I now intend to spend some time reading it and make sure that my own intentions are in accord with it and then maybe I will know what I'm doing here?

Thank you


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 02:57:22 PM »
Welcome Wisdom Friend!

Great to see you here.

As well as what WisdomBeing has already shared, I'd like to also add that this forum attempts to declutter Dharma practice - there can be a lot of politics in the spiritual sphere and spiritual communities and this website (and therefore the forum) work quite hard to provide support for people who wish to do practice but want to also understand the politics and / or get away from it. We try to provide different perspectives based on Buddhist teachings to help people better understand their practice and progress further in it.

It is a place for people to ask questions also, to clarify any aspects of Dorje Shugden's practice that you are unsure of or which you want to find more information about. Here it is:

Good luck! And hope to see you more often soon.

Humbly, beggar

Please also take note that we have a general Dharma discussion board where you are also free to ask general Dharma questions.


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 09:10:09 AM »
Dear Beggar

I appreciate the warm welcome. Now I have some questions.


I have found that after visiting this forum and following a series of posts related to discussion topics here, that my mind becomes quite unsettled and doubts that I didn't previously have start to arise. These experiences have felt like an obstacle to my regular Dharma Practice and I have had troubled dreams too.

Do other practitioners have experiences like these?


I would like some help with trying to comprehend how it is that sincere followers of HH The Dalai Lama are able to reconcile their devotion to their Spirtual Guide with their continued practice of devotion to a Dharma Protector that he has warned against?

I would hate to be put in that position and I'm not at all sure what I would do if ever I was.

Please excuse my ignorance again. I hope this question does not cause any offence here. It is my sincere wish to acquire a balanced view of these matters.


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2011, 07:04:21 AM »

Many of your questions are valid and been asked many times before. We have posts on this forum into the thousands. It would be really worth your time to read through them. Slowly but surely read through them and you will have many of your current and future questions all answered. Just a gentle suggestion.


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Re: Clarification please
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2011, 09:10:00 AM »

That was good gentle guidance. Thank you for your patience.

I will do just as you have suggested.

Only when I'm done will I ask again.