Author Topic: Dorje Shugden oracle takes trance while Lama Thubten Phurbu giving Dharma talk  (Read 17240 times)


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Dear TK,

Just how would you know that you were being visited by Dorje Shugden?
What signs or feelings would a person go through?
I am curious, but having never seen or been around Shugden Lama's or practitioners I wouldn't even know what to look out for?

I believe it really is a lifetime undertaking, but the benefits are truly tremendous, why live a boring life just for oneself when you can help so many. What person wouldn't give away the 9-5 daily existence of samara, for a life submerged in Dharma. I mean you really would be giving your life to Dharma, as it's not something you can just walk away from is it, wouldn't there be negative karma involved to request, accept, practice and then "let go"?

Must be something from a previous lifes prayers for oracles to carry on in their future lives.
If Lama's carry on their work, so to must the people that worked with them before huh.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 06:05:05 PM by Mana »


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If we see the great Dharma Protectors, via the oracles, being so pleased with the Lamas, it should make us feel humble and be even more respectful of the lamas instead of trying to find fault with tulkus and other great teachers.

It is quite sad to see the ignorance of people who are unable to see the qualities of highly attained ones yet they think that they are absolutely correct in their delusions. 
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Just how would you know that you were being visited by Dorje Shugden?
What signs or feelings would a person go through?
I am curious, but having never seen or been around Shugden Lama's or practitioners I wouldn't even know what to look out for?

I guess ordinary persons would not know. But that would require a qualified lama to authenticate it was Shugden visiting. Therefore from reading I gather the oracle training is very important to be undertaken under the direct guidance of a lama. Fascinating all the same.



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Just how would you know that you were being visited by Dorje Shugden?
What signs or feelings would a person go through?
I am curious, but having never seen or been around Shugden Lama's or practitioners I wouldn't even know what to look out for?

I guess ordinary persons would not know. But that would require a qualified lama to authenticate it was Shugden visiting. Therefore from reading I gather the oracle training is very important to be undertaken under the direct guidance of a lama. Fascinating all the same.


Agree with Mana. It is very difficult for us "ordinary" beings to know for sure if it is Dorje Shugden who visited us or was it some spirit who is deceiving us, pretending to be Dorje Shugden. How would we know? Best would be to ask our Lama. Even Lama Tsongkhapa who had direct visions of Manjushri did not simply believe he saw Manjushri until his own Guru had to tell him to acknowledge that it was Manjushri hehe... It also encourages us to not simply assume on our part and to always remain humble.

Having said that I've seen and heard many people come to see Lama's just to tell the Lama how special they are. That they saw Tara, Tsongkhapa etc etc... so we ourselve truly have to check, are we enquiring to get big headed or are we trying to find out, out of curiosity, just for fun, so if it is, just what difference would it really make? Basically what is your motivation for asking?

If it is real, it was Tara, Tsongkhapa, Dorje Shugden who visited you, so then what? What will you do? Will it ignite you to do more? Take on more serious practice? So I would advise that before you ask your busy Lama, please do consider exactly why do you asking, for what purpose?

Having said that it is up to you really, and your Lama will have the best answer for you.

All the best...and do let us know what was the outcome of your decision :)