Author Topic: Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work  (Read 4063 times)


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Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:50:50 AM »
By the way, Dharmaduta means spreading Dharma. Germany is so lucky to have someone dedicated to spread the Dharma there :)

Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work
The Buddhist Channel, Feb 4, 2013

Berlin, Germany -- Ven. Dikwelle Seelasumana Thera, Deputy Chief monk of the Buduraja Maha Vihara, Wevuru – kannala, Dikwella left for Germany on December 27, 2012 to engage in Dharmaduta work as the second resident monk of the Berlin Vihara (also known as Das Buddhistische Haus). He joins Ven. Kongaspitiye Santharakkhitha Thera who is currently resident at the Vihara since June 2010.
Ven. Seelasumana’s visit is being sponsored by the German Dharmaduta Society founded by Asoka Weeraratna in 1952.

Ven. Seelasumana Thera is a member of the Amarapura Siri Saddhammawansa Maha Nikaya. He obtained higher ordination (Upasampada) in 1976. He has a B.A. (Peradeniya), M.A. (Kelaniya), and a post – graduate Diploma in Education (University of Colombo).  Fifty – six –year old Ven. Seelasumana Thera, has served as a Principal of a Dhamma school and as a lecturer at the Vidyatunga Pirivena in Dickwella. He also conducts meditation classes at his Temple.

This is Ven. Seelasumana’s second spell at the Berlin Vihara. He has earlier served as a resident monk at the Vihara for a two year period from 2007 – 2009, and is familiar with the German language.

Since 1957, Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka and other countries have resided at the Berlin Vihara to propagate the Dhamma in Germany and other Western countries.

Das Buddhistiche Haus, prior to it being converted into a Vihara with resident monks, was purchased by Asoka Weeraratna in the name and on behalf of the Trustees of the German Dharmaduta Society in 1957 from the heirs of Dr. Paul Dahlke, a prolific writer and pioneer of Buddhism in Germany, who built and went into occupation of Das Buddhistische Haus in 1924. It is now a National Heritage site in Germany. 


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Re: Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 09:55:34 AM »
There are many Sri Lanka monks who become monks since they are very young and then spend most of their lives in other countries to spread Dharma. Because of their renounce many of the people around the world benefit from Dharma and have the chance to gain true happiness.

May all Buddhist practitioners be able to renounce from our attachments and devote our time and energy to spread Dharma and benefit all sentient beings...


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Re: Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 08:16:35 PM »
Rejoice! Thanks Ensapa for sharing this inspiring news!
It is indeed a happy news to know that more people in Germany will have more chance to learn and practice Dharma.
Monks renounce from their worldly attachments to their money, material gains, careers, family, loved ones, etc, holds more vows and to devote their time and energy to spread Dharma and so that all beings can get the way to have supreme happiness.
For Tibetan Buddhism, in monasteries such as Shar Gaden, a lot of monks, young and old, are trained to equip themselves with knowledge and spread Dharma.  We should support them whenever we can so that Dharma can spread far to the ten direction of the world.
One way to support can be through supporting online shop as part of the proceeds will go towards various monasteries to supply them with Dharma text, medications and the necessities as well as supporting monks to study for Geshe degree.


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Re: Sri Lanka monk in for Germany on Dharmaduta work
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 07:40:18 AM »
Rejoice that all the great masters of Buddhism today are continuing traveling in order to spread and teach the Dharma just like some of the masters in ancient time for example King Ashoka.

During the third century BCE, Buddhism was spread by Ashoka(BCE 270 - BCE 232), the third and the most powerful Mauryan emperor, who created the first pan-Indian empire. After the battle of Kalinga, Ashoka felt immense grief due to the huge loss of lives during the war and thus decided to follow the path of Buddhism. After this, he began to implement Buddhist principles in the administration of his kingdom and named the new code of conduct 'Dhamma'. Here, in order to inform everyone about his new political and ruling philosophy, he got edicts (proclamation) inscribed on stone pillars and placed them throughout his kingdom, which are present even today.

Ashoka not only helped in spreading the religion within India but outside India as well. The main reason for the spread of Buddhism into Southeast Asia was the support of the emperor Ashoka himself. Teams of missionaries were sent by him all over the Indian sub-continent, i.e. to Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Previous Burma), and other neighbouring areas so as to send the message of Buddhism. The missionaries sent by Ashoka to the other countries were well received by them and the conversions took place easily because of the influence and the personal power Ashoka exercised.

The spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka
Ashoka’s most successful missions were headed by his son Mahindra, who travelled to Sri Lanka along with four other monks and a novice. This mission turned out to be so successful that the king of Sri Lanka himself became a Buddhist, and Mahindra then supervised the translation of the Theravada canon (written in the Pali language) into Sinhala, the Sri Lankan script. He also helped in finding a monastery named Mahavihara, which became the main supporter of the Theravadin orthodoxy in Sri Lanka for over 1,000 years.