Author Topic: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?  (Read 9675 times)


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How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« on: November 12, 2011, 10:09:37 AM »
Whether we are protesting on the streets, writing letters to the heads of government around the world, how do we know we are helping to end the ban against dorje shugden?

Any measurable indicators? One indicator that came to my mind was that whatever action we took we increased the sphere of influence of Dorje Shugden among more and more people, more people take Dorje Shugden to heart after our actions! Any way to measure whether our actions is really making an impact?


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2011, 04:11:59 PM »
Good question.
I think another way to gauge is to see whether people who are against DS start getting quieter and quieter - are their voices getting drowned out by the strength of Dorje Shugden's practitioners? Is their strange and twisted logic about Dorje Shugden being quieted and drowned out by the logic, Dharma and knowledge that we are bringing to the attention of others? Do they talk less about Dorje Shugden and start to focus on other (more important) matters? Does the Tibetan government focus less on these religious issues and more on secular issues instead (for example?). Are people who are against Dorje Shugden more able to listen to other opinions and views, and perhaps even begin to accept them?



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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 01:14:34 PM »
More than half a million people, (to date : 532 599) have landed on this website.

I'd like to think that these people are here because they are interested to know about Dorje Shugden. (be it against or for)

 I'd like to think that the views shared on this website will affect a percentage of this half million people which will in turn contribute towards the lift of the ban. Knowledge is empowering.

diamond girl

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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 05:42:29 PM »
I believe that every and all efforts put in to spread Dorje Shugden will not go unnoticed. I am confident that people who are against this amazing powerful practice have visted this website, perhaps even received letters. Whether they change their stand would be their choice BUT they will definitely have learnt something which may make them uncomfortable. It is this growing discomfort of the mind that will quell the objections eventually, and the ban will eventually fade and disappear. The ban will then be considered lifted!

So, as ever grateful to the Admin of this website, you are creating the movement to lift this ban. Thank you and keep up the great meritorious work!


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 02:11:59 AM »
I don't know about measurable results, DharmaSpace, but I feel that whatever we do... printing and distributing the brochures or writing letters or even writing in this forum - it creates the causes for the ban to be lifted because of our efforts.

A couple of my friends have come to the forum to take a look and even though they don't want to write (why not, you silly plonkers.. i know you're reading this!!! :D) I know and I hope that they are learning more about Dorje Shugden and the irrationality of the controversy.

I must echo Diamond Girl and say thank you to the Admin for giving us a platform to create the cause for the ban to be lifted, Dorje Shugden practice to grow and therefore Tsongkhapa's doctrine to flourish.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2011, 06:42:12 PM »
I guess one sure way to check if what we're doing is having an impact on the ban, beside the ban being more and more quieter is within our own centers/community are more and more people getting to know Dorje Shugden's practice?

Definitely this website is creating an impact... it is perhaps the only site i noticed that is consistently updated, active and yes growing with over 500 thousand visitors. Salute to those maintaining this site, keep up the good work! And I'm sure those against us are constantly checking this site out too.

I guess whatever little bit we are doing must be creating some kind of good cause otherwise why even bother to protest if it was not worth it  ;)



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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2011, 06:03:01 AM »
little drops create an ocean.

There are so many things we could be doing to help this effort, such as through sharing information on the forum, sharing articles to be posted on this website, sharing the brochures or videos or articles with our friends (or even completely strangers!). Whatever we do, I think we should contemplate and dedicate in this way: that even if ONE person benefits from our effort, that creates merit on our part. We can dedicate this merit to anything - enlightenment, bodhicitta, wisdom, the fulfilment of our immediate wishes, the spread of Dharma etc etc etc

In relation specifically to Dorje Shugden and the ban, we can dedicate any merit we create to the lifting of the ban and the freedom of Dorje Shugden practitioners. . Collectively, if we are all putting energy towards this, I do believe it contributes karmically to achieving this.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2011, 11:46:23 AM »
Beggar you are right about the little drops forming an ocean, we must never stop doing things that promote Dorje Shudgen and do our practises well. All actions big or small will definitely have an effect otherwise the Buddha would not have been telling the truth.
Nobody thought the Berlin Wall would come down, or the people in the Middle East would be able to topple their autocratic leaders, but the impossible has become possible. 


hope rainbow

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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2011, 03:03:27 PM »
Eventually, we will know that the ban is lifted when the truth will be know to all.

And even if some decide to believe otherwise than the truth, they would still know the truth.

So I believe it is important that ALL Shugden practitioners participate and LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN.
If you care for the ban to be lifted, please let the truth be known.
The more we are doing this, the faster the ban will be lifted.

This website is an extra-ordinary tool for it, and other things can also be done:
we can also write letters, send e-mails, distribute brochures etc...

This is an extra-ordinary chance to create merits, extra-ordinary.
Let's grab this opportunity now, for it won't be open forever.

Yesterday I have had another proof of Dorje Shugden's care and power and I felt very fortunate.
Then today, again, another proof of how faith in the protector will never let me down!
And now I feel I must give back.

If you feel the same, let's act now and promote the truth about our Protector.

hope rainbow

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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2011, 04:12:32 AM »

This is an extra-ordinary chance to create merits, extra-ordinary.
Let's grab this opportunity now, for it won't be open forever.

In this sense the ban from the Dalai Lama is a BLESSING!

A blessing for those that practice AND for those that promote the ban.

The people that campaign AGAINST Dorje Shugden receive imprints and because of that WILL practice one day, THANKS TO THE BAN!


Who would know of Dorje Shugden today if the ban was not in place? Who?
Only a few initiated, only a few.

The ban is one of the biggest PR campaign of modern times, a spiritual PR exactly aligned with our deluded minds hungry for gossips, scandals and contradictions.

I don't know how to say it more simply.

Big Uncle

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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2011, 08:19:41 AM »
I think the only way to lift the ban is to highlight the true qualities of Dorje Shugden and not to protest the ban. It will make the CTA look silly and archaic. I think this website is doing a great job in spreading the message of Dorje Shugden to the world. As a testament to the hard work of the team, MORE THAN HALF A MILLION PEOPLE from around the world has visited this website! Check out this number on the bottom of the main page. 

On top of that, there are 651 registered users, of which only a handful comments. While the others silently observed. In fact, one do not need to be a registered user to view the forum. Much more of those who regularly check the forum and website are not registered. So, for those who are registered, please do comment more if you have not. It makes a big difference to hear different points of view on a given topic.

I think it is wonderful that we have a chance to mould the future of Dorje Shugden. Please do consider that and contribute. Whomever is reading this. It is nice to get information but it is even better if we share our point of view and we don't have to be learned or read every single posts on this forum. We just need to have a voice and we can always ask questions, of which, one of us regulars will be very happy to provide you with an answer.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2011, 03:40:12 PM »
It maybe a marathon race to the lifting of ban. But who cares if we continue to have faith and contribute to what will bring tremendous benefit to the people around us because everyone deserves sustainable happiness.  The ban will only fuel people to work harder and cause DS practice to spread.

To the garbage with the ban!!!


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 04:58:16 PM »
I believe every of the effort putting into promoting Dorje shugden will not go into waste. Even just a small gesture of putting a brochure on the table for the public to browse, is taken into account in helping to spread dorje shugden. Even though in this lifetime the people who read the brochure does not practice this protector, the information or image on the brochure has already embedded in their mind and it creates the visual imprint in them. Therefore, do not worry about how great or how much we should do for helping to lift the ban, just do it sincerely and with good motivation, in the end of the day, things will be fine. I'm anticipating the day to come when we can practice this great protector openly.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2011, 02:14:51 PM »
hysteric gypsy I really like what you wrote, I think with the right motivation even passing over a brochure will create an impact that one cannot fathom. Planting the seeds of Manjushri within someone's mindstream how can you measure that? And that seed will grow and germinate when the conditions are right.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2011, 03:04:18 PM »
hysteric gypsy I really like what you wrote, I think with the right motivation even passing over a brochure will create an impact that one cannot fathom. Planting the seeds of Manjushri within someone's mindstream how can you measure that? And that seed will grow and germinate when the conditions are right.

Yes I like what hysteric gypsy and DharmaSpace just said.  I fully agree.