Author Topic: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay  (Read 19088 times)


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2019, 05:23:52 PM »
People who want to become the leader of a country is because they want to make a difference. They have plans to make a change in their country. Of course, the change will be something that benefits the people. But for Lobsang Sangay, he didn't really have a plan of what he wants to do and how he can help to improve the living standard of the Tibetan in exile. Somehow, he just beat all his rivalry and became the president.

It is a bad idea to vote for someone who does not have a plan for the people. If the leader is clueless, the people will suffer. The Tibetans did not think carefully during the election. They voted for Lobsang Sangay perhaps because they thought with a qualification from Harvard, he must be very capable of managing the people and the country.

Lobsang Sangay has proven to the world that someone with a good qualification from a famous school doesn't mean he/she is capable of doing their job. What has he delivered to the Tibetans for the past 6-7 years? All he does is to travel around to beg for free money. He has no plan for the Tibetans, he wants them to remain as refugees so he can control them.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2019, 04:10:57 AM »
Lobsang Sangay had never been to Tibet at all so naturally he has no reminiscences of Tibet at all and no loyalty at all. Therefore why would he work towards gaining the move back to Tibet? I think he will be very uncomfortable living there as he will be under tight scrutiny due to his past propaganda activities. He will definitely be overlooked for any position in governmental level and will need to earn his own living. In India, he is living the luxurious life and all he has to do is open his mouth to beg slickly. That is why sympathy will earn him goodie points especially when there is self-immolation in Tibet. He called them Heroes and even published a book on how to go about self-immolation as a heroic deed. Stupid! He will never care for Tibetans but only his own pockets and that of his families. Very sly and sneaky. All talk and when promises fail, he creates problems to cover, a trait Tibetan Leaders always used to cover up. Using authentic Dorje Shugden practice to distract from their failure in promise of going home to Tibet within 5 years which never materialised but instead created the chasm between families, friends, work colleagues and acquaintances. Terrible sufferings for their people and yet no remorse from the Leaders and never mend the rife for unity and harmony. 


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2019, 03:24:28 PM »
Lobsang Sangay had never been to Tibet at all so naturally he has no reminiscences of Tibet at all and no loyalty at all. Therefore why would he work towards gaining the move back to Tibet? I think he will be very uncomfortable living there as he will be under tight scrutiny due to his past propaganda activities. He will definitely be overlooked for any position in governmental level and will need to earn his own living. In India, he is living the luxurious life and all he has to do is open his mouth to beg slickly. That is why sympathy will earn him goodie points especially when there is self-immolation in Tibet. He called them Heroes and even published a book on how to go about self-immolation as a heroic deed. Stupid! He will never care for Tibetans but only his own pockets and that of his families. Very sly and sneaky. All talk and when promises fail, he creates problems to cover, a trait Tibetan Leaders always used to cover up. Using authentic Dorje Shugden practice to distract from their failure in promise of going home to Tibet within 5 years which never materialised but instead created the chasm between families, friends, work colleagues and acquaintances. Terrible sufferings for their people and yet no remorse from the Leaders and never mend the rife for unity and harmony.

Lobsang Sangay cares only about his pocket and nothing else. He wants to become the leader of Tibetans in exile community for personal gain, not to serve the Tibetans. He shamelessly confessed that he actually didn't have a plan in mind when he contested for the presidency.

No doubt Lobsang Sangay has a qualification from a renown institution which is the Harvard. But this is all he has, a paper qualification. He is not capable of leading, he is not capable of producing results. What has he achieved so far? He only creates problems for people.

The Tibetans have been waiting for 60 years to go back to Tibet but this is not happening, the Tibetans are still refugees now. But Lobsang Sangay himself has a US passport, how come? If he doesn't like to be a refugee, what makes him think the rest of the Tibetans like to remain stateless?


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2019, 04:16:24 AM »
Lobsang Sangay failed as a President or whatever position he wished it to be named. After so many years, it is proven by actions as those remaining in the refugee camps are still remaining there without hope or skills. His people are still divided by the unholy ban on the authentic practice of Dorje Shugden which he created to hide his failures with the attention diverted. So what has he achieved other than to live in luxury and to beg ever so skillfully? Universities should award his begging skills with a PH.D.

The sad thing is, over the 60 years, the Tibetan Leaders had not cultivated any persons of calibre to be heading the Tibetan people and as such, they just had to make do with one of shoddy character. Especially with the segregation of the people illogically using protector Dorje Shugden's practice, all the more the choices were lessened. Those with integrity in keeping their practice of Dorje Shugden which their Gurus gave are being discriminated and ostracised so never giving them the chance to be validated as a candidate. Even the potentials are removed with trumped up charges.

It is so different in Tibet China where the Tibetans are being nurtured to function as the future leaders and all are given equal opportunity to excel, look at all those national contests where Tibetans had taken part and some winning the contests. They are given skills in farming, business and whatever else that will help them in improving their living conditions. It is only the outside influences that seek to destroy this with their ill intent. So I would say Tibetans under Lobsang Sangay are losing out big time and they are being cheated of their rights and sponsorships.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2019, 10:43:38 AM »
60 years many things can change. But for the CTA, after 60 years, things are still the same. Many Tibetans in exile are still living in poverty, the free Tibet movement still remains as status quo, the Tibetans are still refugees. The CTA is good at not making changes to anything.

China on the hand has built a railway and highways linking other cities in China with Tibet, they have modernised Tibet and improved the lives of the Tibetans tremendously. Tibetans in Tibet definitely live more comfortably than those in India. Many Tibetans are now regretting coming to India, including the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley.

The CTA has not groomed any talent among the Tibetans for the past 60 years. It is not that the Tibetans are not bright, but the CTA just doesn't bother to do that. Look at those Tibetans who receive education and nurtured by the non-CTA system, they can excel in the area they choose to, many of them are very successful. The CTA is selfish and self-centered, they are not reliable at all.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2019, 12:41:15 PM »
Dorje Shugden is definitely an enlightened Dharma protector. His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche had said that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri, he manifests in the form of a Dharma protector so it is easier for us to connect with him. Dorje Shugden helps us to remove our obstacles and give us blessings and protection. Many high lamas rely on him, he has a proven track record.

Unfortunately, for the past 20 years Dorje Shugden has been used as a scapegoat to cover the failure of the Tibetan leadership in fulfilling their promise to the Tibetans. They promised to free Tibet and to bring the Tibetans home by after 60 years there is still no result. It is easier to put the blame on a deity because he could not defend himself physically.

The Dorje Shugden ban also shows the world how backward thinking the Tibetans are. They think supernatural power can do the job for them and if things don't happen the way they want, it is not their fault. The Tibetan leadership is the only leadership that put the blame of their failure on a deity. People do fight in the name of religion but people don't blame their failure on a deity or god.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2019, 06:15:21 AM »
Dorje Shugden is definitely an enlightened Dharma protector. His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche had said that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri, he manifests in the form of a Dharma protector so it is easier for us to connect with him. Dorje Shugden helps us to remove our obstacles and give us blessings and protection. Many high lamas rely on him, he has a proven track record.

Unfortunately, for the past 20 years Dorje Shugden has been used as a scapegoat to cover the failure of the Tibetan leadership in fulfilling their promise to the Tibetans. They promised to free Tibet and to bring the Tibetans home by after 60 years there is still no result. It is easier to put the blame on a deity because he could not defend himself physically.

The Dorje Shugden ban also shows the world how backward thinking the Tibetans are. They think supernatural power can do the job for them and if things don't happen the way they want, it is not their fault. The Tibetan leadership is the only leadership that put the blame of their failure on a deity. People do fight in the name of religion but people don't blame their failure on a deity or god.

On top of Lobsang Sangay's failure, he encourages and instigates self-immolation or suicide in Tibet so that he and his government can gain sympathy for more sponsorship money. In his usual propaganda, he will then blame the issue on Chinese governance. He even prepared and printed a manual with guidelines on how to self-immolate! Can you imagine that? This is the Sikyong of Tibetans, practitioners of Buddhism which practices on the preciousness life. He should really be indicted by the Hague for crime against humanity, for using idle youth for his own gain. Preposterous! What has the Dalai Lama to say of this?


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2019, 01:26:13 PM »

On top of Lobsang Sangay's failure, he encourages and instigates self-immolation or suicide in Tibet so that he and his government can gain sympathy for more sponsorship money. In his usual propaganda, he will then blame the issue on Chinese governance. He even prepared and printed a manual with guidelines on how to self-immolate! Can you imagine that? This is the Sikyong of Tibetans, practitioners of Buddhism which practices on the preciousness life. He should really be indicted by the Hague for crime against humanity, for using idle youth for his own gain. Preposterous! What has the Dalai Lama to say of this?
The CTA is the only government in the world that encourages and instigates its own people to self-immolate. The CTA glorifies the self-immolation act by erecting monuments for the self-immolators. This is really disgusting, the CTA has received so much money from the west, they could have used other methods to fight for their cause, why do they want to sacrifice innocent lives?

Did you know the CTA even published a self-immolation handbook giving instructions on what to do? They are told to pick a good day, set the motivation, write a note and have their friends take videos or photos for them. I was in shocked when I read about it. No government will want the people to sacrifice like this.

The Tibetans outside of Tibet are more exposed and thus not so easily manipulated into making such sacrifice. The Tibetans in Tibet are not exposed to the news outside and they are still very gullible. Hence, there are more Tibetans in Tibet self-immolate than outside of Tibet.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2019, 04:10:39 AM »
When Lobsang Sangay was first elected as Sikyong, there was a lot of hope because he was educated in a free country and claimed to respect the value of democracy. Unfortunately, he is not only failed in increasing the living standard among the Tibetan refugees in exile, but also make the situation worse of the Tibetan refugees entrusted under his care.

- He encouraged discrimination among the Tibetans in exile by supporting the existence of Dorje Shugden ban.
- Instead of encouraging the Tibetans to sustain themselves, he continued to parade and use the poor Tibetan refugee narrative to attract donation
- His leadership and cabinet are enveloped with scandals
- He has made the Tibetan refugees lost support from many countries around the world.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2019, 04:28:23 AM »
Lobsang Sangay is such bad news for CTA as well as the Tibetans in Exile. Ever since he has been elected as the president of the Tibetan government, he has not achieved anything on the Tibetan cause. He has created a lot of problems for the Tibetans too. When the Tibetans are picking up on the trend to kill themselves to raise awareness of their situation, Lobsang Sangay being the president should stop his fellow Tibetans to do that. It is not beneficial to anyone and such a waste of life. Instead of doing that, he went and published a book to teach Tibetans on how to maximize the impact of their self-immolating act if they are doing it. He is indirectly urging fellow Tibetans to kill themselves. He has no heart for Tibetans at all.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 06:11:24 AM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2019, 01:08:53 PM »
Lobsang Sangay is the most useless leader in the world. He was caught red-handed siphoning the money but yet he has no shame and continues to stay in the CTA. The reason why he does not want to resign is very simple. He wants to continue to make use of his position to make his own wallet fatter and fatter.

What has Lobsang Sangay delivered for the 2 terms he is serving? Nothing, there is no progress in the Free Tibet movement, the is no progress in the Middle Way Approach. More countries are cutting their ties with the Tibetans, the financial aid has also reduced. The population of the Tibetans in exile is also decreasing day by day.

However, Lobsang Sangay is still not panic. He is not doing anything to boost the confidence of the Tibetans in the CTA. Many Tibetans are getting fed up and move on without CTA. Sooner or later, CTA will collapse, that is when the Tibetans will be free!


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2019, 09:46:04 AM »
Lobsang Sangay is the most useless leader in the world. He was caught red-handed siphoning the money but yet he has no shame and continues to stay in the CTA. The reason why he does not want to resign is very simple. He wants to continue to make use of his position to make his own wallet fatter and fatter.

What has Lobsang Sangay delivered for the 2 terms he is serving? Nothing, there is no progress in the Free Tibet movement, the is no progress in the Middle Way Approach. More countries are cutting their ties with the Tibetans, the financial aid has also reduced. The population of the Tibetans in exile is also decreasing day by day.

However, Lobsang Sangay is still not panic. He is not doing anything to boost the confidence of the Tibetans in the CTA. Many Tibetans are getting fed up and move on without CTA. Sooner or later, CTA will collapse, that is when the Tibetans will be free!

It is really not hard to see Lobsang Sangay is the lousiest leader in the world. Even though he has a qualification from the renown Havard University but that does not make him a qualified leader. Instead of bringing the Tibetan community to another level up, he brings the community down. His title as the Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in Exile was downgraded to a President. This president is nothing similar to the President of the United States, this President is like the leader of a worker union.

He says he is loyal to the Dalai Lama but in fact, he is not. He had an argument with the Dalai Lama recently. Not only that, he is not following the wish of the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama only wants autonomous status for Tibet but Lobsang Sangay is still talking about free Tibet. He is going against the Dalai Lama's wish but yet no one dares to say anything. 

It is ok if Lobsang Sangay still wants to pursue the Tibet cause. But it is not ok for him to tell the Tibetans to fight for another 50 years and not knowing where they will be in 50 years. There is no short term, mid term or long term plan from Lobsang Sangay. The future of the Tibetans is very uncertain, this is absolutely not fair to the Tibetans.