Author Topic: Development of the mind  (Read 5411 times)


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Development of the mind
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:55:37 PM »
Development of the mind-or development of one's states of mind-requires that one puts oneself into the appropriate conditions- conditions that don't give rise to worries.One establishes oneself in the reality of the present moment,and one leads one's life cautiously and aware in such a way that provides protection for itself.
When one considers and reflects on what on what is appropriate and inappropriate,one gets to know the  things that are dangerous and disadvantageous,because these things speak for themselves.It become self -evident.Take for example bad mind-states or bad moods.Everybody know only too well how this things feels.


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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 12:33:06 AM »
Where is there enough leather to cover the surface of the Earth? But just having leather on the soles of one's feet is the same as covering the whole Earth. In the same way, it is not possible to control all external events; but, if I simply control my mind, what need is there to control other things?  Therefore development of one's mind in this way is the way to move forward in spiritual practice.


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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 12:39:40 AM »
All our problems and all our unhappiness are created by our uncontrolled mind and our non-virtuous actions. By engaging in the practice of Dharma, we can learn to pacify and control our mind, abandon non-virtuous actions and their root cause, and thereby attain permanent peace, the true cessation of all our suffering. The supreme Dharma of training the mind or development of the mind is an unsurpassed method for controlling our mind, and reveals the principal path to enlightenment.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 01:18:14 AM »
In the samsaric world, when we say mind development, it usually meant learning ways and methods to train the mind to become more aggresssive, more competitive,  deceitful, cunning to get what we want or what the company's target requires. We train in that aspect to become more competent to meet the Performance Appraisals of the year to get a bonus, increment or higher positions.

In the spiritual path, mind development mean something else. We learn ways to develop the mind to be able to see ourself internally, study our own mind, observe how our mind works, to enable us to make changes within or self transformation.  Now, this is totally the opposite of the other type of mind development. The method used here is meditation, learning, studying, perfecting virtuous qualities.


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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 11:42:01 PM »
Red Lantern, I would disagree that we need to put ourself in conditions that don't give rise to worries. I understand your point, but there is a distinction to be made here. Initially before we're well trained, and perhaps for the purpose of developing concentration, we should be in good conditions that aren't very disruptive. However, there comes a point when we really start training in Lojong that we start to not only embrace difficult circumstances but wish for them to happen so we can train deeper and purify negative karma. As Geshe Chekawa said in 7 Point Mind Training - "Embrace both whichever arises".

There must come a point for every practitioner where they begin to embrace painful and worrisome circumstances as a necessary part of training, as fuel for the increase of spiritual realization. As long as we keep running away, we cannot truly get to know ourself and grow beyond our present karmic capacities. We need to be gentle with ourself, recognize our capacities, allow ourselves to experience life and watch our mind. It is through accepting that we are not perfect and that mistakes are crucial elements of refining our consciousness that we will begin to truly heal.

There are different points on the journey, different degrees of embrace, as we move to the point Jetsun Milarepa referred to when he said 'How can one who sees everything as a friend ever have problems'.

I believe this process of embracing whatever appears begins with two decisions we need to make: 1) The meaning of my life is realization and 2) I will regard everything I experience in life as fuel for accomplishing realization. I haven't made these two points up, they come from Lamrim and the dohas of the Masters. It is the same as meditating on precious human life and death and impermanence then concluding to practice Dharma purely in every moment.

When we decide those two things and remember them, everything changes in our mind training. And when we come to understand that our mind training is held within the grace of the Guru, that is when the blessings truly flow!

Kim Hyun Jae, excellent contrast you make. Thank you!!

My friends, may everything become your friend assisting you on the path to Union.


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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 03:41:15 PM »
Development of the mind is the "transformation" that one needs to make in order to be enlightened. And I do agree with Psylotripitaka that the Lojong(Mind training methods) is a powerful teaching to assist in the development of the mind. The Lojong teaches us to embrace all negativities and challenges and use them as precious jewels(teachings)  in our pursuit to enlightment. To view and treat others superior to ourselves to cut off our deadly ego. To take on other's burdens . To realise emptiness and be released from the self created bondage.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2013, 09:59:56 AM »
:D Thank you for all of your amazing replies. I learnt many new things from reading your posts.

I totally agree that when we focus on the right thing, which is essentially on taming the mind, we would automatically be calming the outside conditions too. But if we try to change the external conditions, we would be caught be in a limbo.

Development of the mind is happening every second, from the moment we are born until technically the day we leave this physical body. This development is measured by our proficiency in a language, our IQ and now EQ that is measured by our paper qualification, skill sets, people relation etc. And maybe there could be a spiritual quotient too. As much as we like to believe that there is a stark difference between what's secular / mundane and spiritual / supra mundane, it is never easy to distinguish, in my humble opinion. This is because all spiritual conditions will manifest in a physical form. For example, when we see someone we don't like, our response to him is determined by how much we have worked on ourselves although this situation could happen in the office. The tests and challenges that manifest to purify our negative karma also happen in a material environment - the playground of Maya.

Thus, development of the mind cannot happen without karma both positive and negative. When we reach the state of equanimity the development of our mind will reach another level.  :o   

Tenzin K

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Re: Development of the mind
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2013, 05:03:19 PM »
First of all, in Buddhism there is not only one goal. Besides the goal of happiness and good fortune, there is also the goal of freedom. If one wants to attain the goal of freedom, the only way that can be achieved is through wisdom. And in order to achieve wisdom one has to purify the mind, develop the mind through meditation. Even for the practice of good conduct, for the observance of moral rules, mental development is necessary. Why? Because it is relatively easy to follow the rules of good conduct when things are going well. If we have a good job, if we live in a stable society, if we earn sufficiently to support ourselves and our families, it is relatively easy to observe the precepts. But when we find ourselves in circumstances of stress, of instability, as for instance when we lose our job, when we find ourselves in a situation where lawlessness prevails, this is the point at which the observance of good conduct comes under attack. In this kind of circumstance, the only thing that can safeguard our practice of good conduct is mental development, strengthening of the mind, attaining control over the mind. In that way, mental development on the one hand serves as a safeguard of our practice and on the other hand it serves to prepare the mind to see things as they really are, to prepare the mind to attain wisdom which will open the door to freedom, to enlightenment. Mental development therefore has an extremely important role in the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path.

There are three steps of the Noble Eightfold Path that are included in this mental development group and they are Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration. Together these three steps encourage and enable one to be self reliant, attentive and calm. First of all, in its most general sense Right Effort means cultivating a positive attitude towards our undertakings. We can call Right Effort enthusiasm as well. It means undertaking our tasks with energy, with a will to carry them through. It is said in one text that we ought to embark upon our tasks in the same way as an elephant enters a cool lake during the heat of the midday sun. With this kind of effort, we can then be successful in whatever we plan to do, whether in our career, in our study, or in our practice of the Dharma. In this sense effort is also related to confidence. It is a practical application of confidence. If we fail to put effort into whatever we do, we cannot hope to succeed. But effort must be controlled, must be balanced, and here we can recall what we said regarding the Middle Path, the strings of the lute, the overly tight string and the overly loose string. So effort should never become too tense, too extreme, and similarly, it should not become too slack, should not be abandoned. This is what we mean by Right Effort, a controlled, sustained, enthusiastic, cheerful determination.

Right Effort is defined as four fold. It is the effort to prevent unwholesome thoughts from arising. It is the effort to reject unwholesome thoughts once they have arisen. It is the effort to cultivate wholesome thoughts. It is the effort to maintain wholesome thoughts. This last is particularly important because it is often the case that even when we have succeeded in cultivating wholesome attitudes, all too often these are short-lived. Between them, these four aspects of Right Effort focus the energy of Right Effort upon our mental states in such a way as to reduce and eventually eliminate the number of unwholesome mental states that we entertain in our mind and to increase and firmly establish wholesome thoughts as a natural integral part of our mental states.

The second step of the Noble Eightfold Path that is included in the group of mental development is Right Mindfulness. Right Mindfulness is essential even in our daily life. This Buddhist teaching, in fact I would venture to say all Buddhist teachings, can be explained, can be exemplified with situations that belong to everyday life, that are familiar to all of us. In fact if you look at the Buddha’s own teachings, you will find that He always used examples that were familiar to his audience when teaching the Dharma. So here too in regard to mindfulness, we may do well to look at the importance of mindfulness in our ordinary mundane activities. Mindfulness is awareness or attention, avoiding a distracted and clouded state of mind. There would be many fewer accidents if everyone were mindful. So whether one is driving a car, or crossing a busy street, or doing accounts, whatever one is doing, that task would be more effectively carried out if one is attentive and mindful. It will increase one’s efficiency, productivity, and similarly it will reduce the number of accidents that occur due to inattention, due to the failure to be aware.