Author Topic: The Malala Psyop Fraud  (Read 4331 times)


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The Malala Psyop Fraud
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:19:02 PM »
Let us be clear: the Malala psyop appears to have been completely staged. Her “miraculous” recovery combined with the numerous inconsistencies as to the nature of her wounds are impossible to ignore unless one wishes to go th[r]ough life being led around by the nose by anyone who uses children as props in whatever psyop they need at the time.But that is a choice you have to make. You have to choose to ignore hard facts because the face of the operation happens to belong to a child. That is a choice that I don’t choose to make.

The fact that the multi-billion dollar U.N. Education First campaign was set to kick off at exactly the same time that Malala was shot is not something that you can ignore. Nor is the fact that her father owns a for-profit school which stands to increase in size and scope immensely from this contrived incident. On top of all of that, there was a vast and growing opposition in Pakistan to U.S. drone strikes and their own government’s brutal crackdown on the opposition in North Waziristan which is now silenced because of the staged attack on Malala.

Gordon Brown is heading up the U.N. Education First program and he immediately latched onto the Malala story making her the front person for his multi-billion dollar global privatization scheme. He has a petition out there called “I am Malala” in which he DEMANDS :
We call on Pakistan to agree to a plan to deliver education for every child.
We call on all countries to outlaw discrimination against girls.
We call on international organizations to ensure the world’s 61 million out-of-school children are in education by the end of 2015.

Laura Bush jumped on the band wagon comparing Malala to Anne Frank in which she CHALLENGES us to take up Malala’s cause.

In the wake of the Malala shooting incident, there have been a total of 4 new U.S. drone strikes in the North Waziristan area killing more than 20 people.

These are facts, not conspiracy theories. They are facts which cannot be ignored in the context of this truly disturbing story.


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Re: The Malala Psyop Fraud
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 11:56:14 PM »
Dear jspitanga,
  I see you as trying to help us question our beliefs in what the press U.S./China/western Europe press propaganda reports? (The propaganda vary by region, but it is still hard to find out what is going on).  So the U.S. is anti-Islam and jumps on this politically?
  So by analogy, it is hard to find out what is going on in Buddhism because the U.S. and other countries jump on things politically? Like teflon lamas....


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Re: The Malala Psyop Fraud
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 08:00:59 AM »
I see you as trying to help us question our beliefs in what the press U.S./China/western Europe press propaganda reports?

Should I not?

(The propaganda vary by region, but it is still hard to find out what is going on).

Questioning is hard indeed, but there's hardly another way. At least, it's the way taught by the Buddha.

So the U.S. is anti-Islam

The US is not “anti-Islam”, just anti Islamic trends or groups which somehow oppose their war against humanity.

For instance, the US is traditionally allied to Wahhabite extremist and terrorist trends such as those controlling countries such as Saudi Arabia.

and jumps on this politically?

The US jumps on whatever they believe will help fulfilling the psychotic dream of their owners and masters, such as Kissinger and his ilk, of absolute control over the rest of humankind, to start with Americans themselves, let alone Pakistanis or Tibetans.

The Malala psyop fraud is just a fresh ongoing example.

So by analogy, it is hard to find out what is going on in Buddhism because the U.S. and other countries jump on things politically?

Hard maybe, but there is hardly another way, if one wants the freedom the Buddha propounded for oneself and others.

Like teflon lamas...

Promoted by a lot of propaganda, but very superficial and actually useless and toxic, just like teflon.