Here's some very interesting facts about zen Buddhism and their ethical ideals
Ethical Precepts of Zen Buddhism
by Brian Gabriel, Demand Media

Zen Buddhists are highly conscious of how their actions affect other beings.
Zen Buddhism is a hybrid religion of Taoism and Buddhism. The essence of Zen Buddhism is that every person is the Buddha, and each must discover this truth for himself. The ethical precepts of Zen Buddhism are more mystical than logical, consisting of finding the Buddha-nature within. Practitioners of other religions often use Zen Buddhist precepts either for enhanced mystical understanding or for additional ethical guidance.
A disciple of Buddha always affirms life. Killing life in an irresponsible way, and harming living creatures is prohibited. While there can be a place for legitimate killing within Zen Buddhism, practitioners must be aware of their role in the killing of animals and even insects and plants. The Zen Center says that all Buddhists must consider whether the taking of each individual life is truly necessary for human needs.
Lying covers up some aspect of reality and brings people further away from the truth of reality. Zen Buddhism practitioners are instructed to be honest with other people by giving them full information and feedback about their behaviors. If the truth is hidden from somebody, they will have less chance to change their behaviors. Zen Buddhists are not to slander other people by making false or malicious statements about them. This behavior causes alienation of the individual and division within the community.
One of the Ten Grave Precepts of Zen Buddhism is to give generously; and not to be withholding. Possessiveness is what happens when a person views their position or ability in terms of how they can manipulate others to get what they want. It is not appropriate for anybody, including teachers, to use their official position for personal gain. Rather, Zen Buddhists are supposed to base their activities on the concept of mutual support and generosity.
Part of honest relationships is a proper sexuality -- one that is not too self-centered. Founder of the Mountains and Rivers Order John Loori, in his book “Invoking Reality: Moral and Ethical Teachings of Zen,” said that Zen Buddhism prohibits “manipulative sexuality” that is used “solely for one's own pleasure and benefits.” This would include the obvious forms of manipulation, such as rape, prostitution and child abuse, and also more subtle forms of sexual manipulation like flirting only to achieve personal goals.