Author Topic: What Makes us Rich  (Read 9314 times)


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Re: What Makes us Rich
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2013, 04:54:44 AM »
Your personal worth is not measured by how much more you have. The problem with our materialistic society is that we like to measure and we are caught in the crazy world of personal net worth as measured by how much materialistic possession you have: cash, size and make of the cars you drive, fixed assets, size and type of home, etc. When a wealthy person is killed, it's shocking front-page news, but the murder of a poor person is so common place it hardly merits attention. Even the size of the obituary in the newspaper measures how wealthy the dead person is in a situation when he has to travel one way and all his materialistic possession travels the other way, beyond his control. Contentment and true wealth is 'not having all you want but wanting only what you have'. The essence of Buddhist Economics is self-sufficiency, having all you need and wanting only that much, not craving for more. Having more than what you need is hoarding of wealth and it should be given away to good deeds to help the less fortunate.