Author Topic: Offerings to monks in Laos!  (Read 16187 times)


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Re: Offerings to monks in Laos!
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2012, 09:35:20 AM »
Thank you Namdrol for the beautiful pictures! What's especially precious is the children on their knees giving dana to the monks. It's a great practice of giving and respect to the Sangha members when they are so young.

I believe this is very important because when the children grow up, they will get distracted with samsaric activities. When the habit of giving and respecting the Sangha are ingrained in them since young, they have some spirituality to fall back on in terms of character development and looking up to the Sangha for guidance.

The act of giving and generosity would have been ingrained which is very important for realising compassion. Receiving guidance from the Sangha would be the ultimate help anyone can get because the Sangha member will guide them towards creating more positive karma and generating more merits.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Offerings to monks in Laos!
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2012, 02:59:43 PM »
Thank you for making these fabulous photographs available for all. It is really such a wonderful sight to see people making offering to the sanghas. What is a better way to start the day than to just forget about pleasing ourselves for some moments and make some offering to the holy monks who have renounced the world to benefit others? By making offering to monks, we are really letting go of our attachment to our material possessions. May I have the opportunity to participate in such a meritorious deed.


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Re: Offerings to monks in Laos!
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2012, 04:32:03 PM »
Very beautiful photos. These scenes can only be seen in parts of South East Asia where Buddhism is a major religion in their country. You can see from the photos that the lay people shows the utmost respect to the monks as they were kneeling while giving food to the monks. This is because they value the vows the monks hold and it takes a lot of strength to uphold the monk vows.

And the monks goes out early in the morning to beg for food and they eat only one meal a day, before mid day and eat whatever people gave them. This is a practice of not attachment and and gives the opportunity for people to collect merits. How lovely.

Thank you Namdrol for posting.