Author Topic: Sikyong asked Tibetans to hold foreign government positions  (Read 3355 times)


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Sikyong asked Tibetans to hold foreign government positions
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:30:25 PM »
Dr Sangay is currently traveling around the world to promote his version to Tibetan cause. Recently, he visited Tibetan community in Denver and Santa Fe and requested the Tibetan youth to pursue their education and secure a position in the government and parliament. This is the first time I heard him asking people to secure government positions in foreign countries.

I guess Sikyong is aware that the CTA is losing prestige and more leaders around the world are rejecting the CTA. The only thing they can do at the moment is betting that CTA has a better survival rate by asking Tibetans to sit in the government. Everything he asked for is for the survival of Tibetans.


Tibetans Welcome President Dr Lobsang Sangay at Denver and Santa Fe

DENVER, Colorado: The President of Central Tibetan Administration, Dr. Lobsang Sangay arrived in Denver, Colorado on Tuesday, 29 August. Members of the Tibetan Association of Colorado along with local Tibetan Community accorded a warm traditional welcome to the President.

Upon his arrival, President Dr Sangay met Chuck Lief, president of Naropa University and a long time friend of Tibet, who has been supporting Tibetan community of Colorado. Dr. Sangay extended his sincere thanks for the friendship and support expressed by the president Lief.

At the Naropa University, President Dr Sangay addressed Denver Tibetans on importance of preserving Tibetan language, culture and values.

The president encouraged the parents to provide quality education to their children and to especially educate them on the Tibetan history, language and culture.

He advised them to send their children to take part in summer program in Dharamshala, India and to encourage them to study Tibetan language at the Weekend Tibetan language and culture schools.

President Dr Sangay urged the youth to engage in the movement by keeping themselves aware on Tibet, the current situation inside Tibet and the Tibet movements taking place all around the world.

He also inspired them to pursue their education and secure positions in the White House, Senate’s Office, House representative’s office, Office of the local Congressman/ woman, State Department and influence change on the Tibetan issue.

The President’s key message at the talk was for Tibetans to remain united. He discouraged regionalism and the false sense of belongingness arising out of loyalty to a certain ethnicity or province.

“Such loyalties may sound delightful and feel reassuring, but it’s extremely detrimental and poisonous to the larger Tibetan movement. Unity is the key for our success,” Dr Sangay said.

He also spoke on the activities and projects of different departments of the CTA, importance of Green book contribution, CTA’s Year of Gratitude 2018 and more.

On 30 August, President Sangay arrived in Santa Fe, and met the Tibetan community at the Santa Fe community hall.

In the hour long talk, the president spoke about the Middle Way Approach, and emphasised that the primary vision of the Middle Way Approach of the Central Tibetan Administration is to preserve and promote the unique identity of the Tibetan people, while ensuring the unity of the three provinces under the framework of a genuine autonomy.

He apprised the Santa Fe Tibetans on the constant efforts made by the Tibetan Administration in amplifying global Tibetan movement, overseeing the welfare of the Tibetan people in exile and increasing educational and employment opportunities for youth.

Dr Sangay later had an impactful discussion with the Tibetan youth, where he discussed the role of youth in the future of Tibetan movement.

The President will be visiting Santa Fe Indian School to talk to the faculty members and students of the school tomorrow and will fly to Los Angeles in the evening.


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Re: Sikyong asked Tibetans to hold foreign government positions
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2017, 02:20:55 PM »
Yes CTA's back is already to the wall, they are fighting for the very survival.

CTA has no idea how to fight the good fight at all, I wonder what do they do behind closed doors aside from drinking butter tea and stuffing their faces with momos.

It sounds like the Prime Minister, Lobsang Sangay is almost saying, please save us.


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Re: Sikyong asked Tibetans to hold foreign government positions
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2017, 03:23:09 PM »
This is a joke or what!?
The holidays in Dharamsala prepare the children to hold a position in the White House!?
Keep the Tibetans united, when the CTA does completely the opposite!?
Does anyone need to show Dr. Sangay the location of China? it is not in the US and to make progress for the unity of the Tibetans, I guess he should start closer to Tibet... in China.

And the US takes care of education and employment also for the Tibetans in US, opposite to the CTA as the Tibetan refugees still have no status, are not allowed to work and their education is dependent on the CTA.

Tibetans Welcome President Dr Lobsang Sangay at Denver and Santa Fe

DENVER, Colorado:
At the Naropa University, President Dr Sangay addressed Denver Tibetans on importance of preserving Tibetan language, culture and values.

The president encouraged the parents to provide quality education to their children and to especially educate them on the Tibetan history, language and culture.

He advised them to send their children to take part in summer program in Dharamshala, India and to encourage them to study Tibetan language at the Weekend Tibetan language and culture schools.

President Dr Sangay urged the youth to engage in the movement by keeping themselves aware on Tibet, the current situation inside Tibet and the Tibet movements taking place all around the world.

He also inspired them to pursue their education and secure positions in the White House, Senate’s Office, House representative’s office, Office of the local Congressman/ woman, State Department and influence change on the Tibetan issue.

The President’s key message at the talk was for Tibetans to remain united. He discouraged regionalism and the false sense of belongingness arising out of loyalty to a certain ethnicity or province.

“Such loyalties may sound delightful and feel reassuring, but it’s extremely detrimental and poisonous to the larger Tibetan movement. Unity is the key for our success,” Dr Sangay said.

He also spoke on the activities and projects of different departments of the CTA, importance of Green book contribution, CTA’s Year of Gratitude 2018 and more.

On 30 August, President Sangay arrived in Santa Fe, and met the Tibetan community at the Santa Fe community hall.

In the hour long talk, the president spoke about the Middle Way Approach, and emphasised that the primary vision of the Middle Way Approach of the Central Tibetan Administration is to preserve and promote the unique identity of the Tibetan people, while ensuring the unity of the three provinces under the framework of a genuine autonomy.

He apprised the Santa Fe Tibetans on the constant efforts made by the Tibetan Administration in amplifying global Tibetan movement, overseeing the welfare of the Tibetan people in exile and increasing educational and employment opportunities for youth.