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« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2012, 05:21:51 PM »
Why do the Tibetans complain and cry on the suppression of their religious freedom, but inflict the same kind of suppression to their own people? It does not make sense at all. If the law of karma is the cause resembles the result, isnt what CTA is doing creating the direct causes for China to tighten its grip more on Tibetans and oppress those who do not tow in line with the Chinese government's wishes. Why cant the Tibetans see this even though they know the law of karma, they have the Dharma, they should know what is right and what is wrong. How can hurting and ostracizing others be right in any way, no matter what the situation, and destroying the homes of others?

Lobsang Sangay is a great disappointment, he let his Oxford graduation go to waste. He did nothing to reform the government to be more efficient to take care of the people and remove rulings that hurt the Tibetan citizens such as the ban. I hope that the CTA does not have the same punishments as they did before China invaded...were eyes were gouged of people who that what they want?

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« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2012, 05:28:20 PM »
I made the following comment on the homepage. I would like to share it here on the forum too:

It is indeed an ongoing discussion and speculation as to WHY. Why indeed for the ban? Why is HHDL doing what he is doing? If we knew the answers, we would ourselves be enlightened, wont we?

However we can voice our opinions and discuss openly in the hopes we find some answers between ourselves that may give us that inner peace within our tormented minds and bleeding hearts.

My answers to the following questions are as such:

Question 1
On a rudimentary it is true that HHDL is the spiritual leader of the Tibetans and yes I suppose it is HHDL’s prerogative as to who attends or who does not attend his talks/teachings. IT IS entirely up to HH. I tend to agree with Yongten Jamyang on the reasoning behind WHY. This whole fiasco (the ban) has no basis to the point of being ridiculous (no disrespect to HHDL) but why does HHDL still do it? Perhaps there is a bigger picture behind the pure motivation.

Let us think for a moment how it would be like WITHOUT a ban?

Would the spread of Dorje Shugden be as far reaching and as news worthy?

Perhaps “using” HHDL public teachings as a platform for “promoting” the ban would undoubtedly bring it to the world stage? A lot of ifs and whys but look at the results it has created. Sure there is “negative” too but in the long run how many more people are actually benefiting? Perhaps that is what we should ask ourselves… but that does not mean we remain silent to the sufferings of those caused by the ban. Perhaps this is one of the greatest teachings of HHDL, how we show compassion in times of greatest need. Helping in a Buddhist way, a peaceful way by slicing through ignorance with the sword of wisdom!

Question 2 – 4
As they are somewhat related I shall answer this as a collective hypothesis. Perhaps HHDL stepping down from secular “power” so to speak is a clear indication to all that some reform is needed. The arguments presented are very clear. Secular and Spiritual SHOULD be separate and if both are intertwined it is a recipe for disaster (unless you are HHDL working out of a compassionate motivation nothing else of course…)!

In recent talks/teachings HHDL has even mentioned that the choice is actually left to those who want to practice of not. AM not quoting verbatim but it was clearly stated as, “you either choose me or you choose a worldly God”. Even HHDL stance has “mellowed” down somewhat. Perhaps giving CTA a chance to actually take the example and do as all Democratic governments do… give people the choice! However, this can only happen if the pressure is put on them from all sides. Make their ears itch from so much “talk” that they inevitably have to “succumb” to what the people want. The can try to suppress a few million Tibetans but try to ignore hundreds of millions of eyes outside their little power struggle to hold on to what they have (which by the way is nothing, they DO NOT have a country but only people to govern… unfortunately)

In light of what is happening around the world and the push for change, the push for equality, the push for freedom of expression which has been pervading in human society for centuries… perhaps we will all look back at this a yet another stepping stone for the betterment of mankind and spirituality in the long run. Hail the age of the Buddhist Renaissance!


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« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2012, 05:36:34 PM »
CTA act as central tibetan administation, duty is suppose to protect and help tibetan communities to deserve better living quality, fight for their right and take care each others. Why all their action is try to take away tibetan happiness, not support medication, not allow ds practitioner and non practitioner communicate, ask monk to swear in give up practise given by their guru and etc ??

May ban should be lifted by now !! In this era still have such not democratic things happen is not acceptable!! I think HHDL noticed this ban can’t keep any longer this shown from HHDL step down and Dr Lobsang Sangye as prime minister to do secular work. So in this case CTA not suppose to keep up the ban because they suppose to do secular work instead of ban tibetan and practitioners to do religious action such as practise DS. Thank you very much for admin to bring up all this important points for more people to know CTA and HHDL is contradicted themselves obviously.

I extremely respect HHDL and not try to create disharmony in tibetan community or relationship of HHDL and his disciples, but this ban need to be lifted now and stop cause suffering anymore.


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« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2012, 06:55:20 AM »
Thank you Mana for posting these four important questions (it made me think how to respond? and I decided that my answers should be from the point of view of what would I want from CTA if I was Tibetan? I am not but would hope that Tibetans would ask these questions of their elected representatives...)

Q1. HHDL is well within his rights as spiritual head NOT to allow certain people to come to his talks as a spiritual head.

As an ordained Buddhist Monk HHDL has the commitment not to harm others including not to kill and not to cause people suffering? Therefore is he indirectly against the vows he is holding?

What is not correct as spiritual head is to mix spiritual instructions with secular activities.

Why? Because the potential for abuse of the basic human rights that all persons should receive on the SECULAR side is eroded.

HHDL may say he is ONLY concerned with spiritual affairs but he cannot refute that his position on DS practioners and ban of their practice has RESULTED in DS practioners receiving less rights under Secular law as with all other Tibetans.

This is WRONG in any  democracy  around the world.

HHDL can also speak up and make clear what is SECULAR (NOT SPIRITUAL) – ALTERNATIVELY DR LOBSANG SANGYE   and other representatives could ALSO Say that as an Elected Representative  of ALL TIBETANS they have a responsibility to represent ALL TIBETANS IN SECULAR AFFAIRS.

All of the representatives have spent significant time in various countries and democracies around the world to understand how a democratic system works. How representatives are elected and what their role requires. 

If they are unsure? TIBETANS also NEED TO VOICE  their concerns from a position of real COMPASSION not just for ALL TIBETANS but for the future generations of Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet? What will become of their people if the CTA does NOT focus on the real job of Governance. What will become of their children's children in a new modern world?

Are they equipped with the relevant skills and opportunities to navigate the modern world outside of Tibet? Or for that matter inside Tibet, will they be left behind in the fast changing technological world.

Q2.   As Prime Minister Dr Lobsang Sangye and the CTA representatives are elected in a Secular Role to represent ALL Tibetans inside Tibet and in Exile. Tibetans are ALL Peoples, Young and Old, Multi-Religious, Muslim, Bonpos, Budhists, Christians, DS Practitioners, In Exile and Inside Tibet.

They are elected under the constitution to improve aspects of Tibetan life as they relate to Secular Activities? These are Government issues in any democracy as they relate to key issues such as:

i)   Education.
-   How many  Tibetans go onto higher education inside Tibet or in Exile Communities?
-   What are the literacy initiatives are their for Children inside Tibet and in Exile communities?
-   Are their opportunities for sponsoring Tibetans? To do university study inside Tibet and in Exile?
-   What is the government Budget for the CTA in this area?
-   What are their plans to address the key issues in the area of education?

ii)   Health.
-   Do all Tibetans have access to affordable health care inside Tibet and in Exile Communities?

Are Tibetans receiving training to provide for their own health care or understand how to use services
provided to them?

What is the average life expectancy of Tibetans inside Tibet? (no stats?)
Talking with friends it is not uncommon for Tibetans to die in their mid-thirties or younger due to     complications with receiving /accessing medical services due to cost and incorrect diagnosis.
-   What is the CTA budget in this area?
-   What key issues will be addressed in the area of Health for Tibetan people?

iii)   Employment
-   How will jobs and training be created for Tibetans inside Tibet and Exile communities?
-   Are their grants or access to start up funding for small business and training?
-   What is the government budget in this area?
iv)   Finances
-   How is the budget of CTA made up of?
-   Do Tibetans fully contribute to this and if they did who and how would this be managed?
Presently, funding is made up of worldwide relief organizations, western governments, private charitable trusts, private individuals, independence tax (green book) and recently (blue book) donations solicited by any pro HHDL individuals in the west. A large proportion is contributed from HHDL teachings abroad (approx 30%)

-   So what happens to CTA if they cannot count on HHDL funding when he is not around in the future?

Where has all the money gone? When you do a little research in terms of funding a lot of money has come into CTA coffers over the years and not much results for the amont of money  brought in post 1959?

v)   Strategic Planning for the Future? CTA Vision?
For example what are the nuts and bolts of CTA Vision for Tibetans inside Tibet and In Exile communities around the world?

What is the plan to enable all TIBETANS to survive and thrive in a modern 21st century world of opportunities? To have autonomy and access to the same rights and opportunities as ALL persons in the countries that they live.
vi)   Economic Growth / Wealth of the Nation and its people.

Does the CTA even have an idea of what the Tibetans are capable of contributing to in the global scheme of things? What skills do they need to develop as a nation to look after its people?

vii)   Trade?

What is Tibet’s greatest export to the world? For example the Germany (Manufacturing expertise) France (Cuisine / Wine / Food) USA (technology) etc..

Tibet (What does Tibet have to offer the world? apart from Buddha Dharma? / Teachers and Buddhist Arts etc)

Tibet has vast mineral reserves and wealth currently not available to them? How do they think they will redress this situation.

Their are many other issues concerning how Tibetans are able to learn the skills required for the development of these industries not to mention issues of the environment etc.

Secular Governments  are required to be transparent on these issues keeping all of its people up to date on the relevant issues under each portfolio.

In relation to Q3. and Q4.

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION is not death threats, ostracisation from society to whisper campaigns to discredit those with opposing views.

Ask yourselves where is the FREE media asking  the relevant questions of its ministers under each portfolio as to what they are doing? Or not doing? And why they have not achieved what they set out to do within the term of their office? WHY DO DS PRACTITIONERS NOT HAVE THE SAME HUMAN RIGHTS AS THEIR FELLOW TIBETANS?

A FREE MEDIA in any democracy  is FREE TO REPORT on issues as they relate to their ministers and representatives, allowing ALL VIEWS to be expressed, the RESULT OPEN DEBATE on the issues of concern by the people.

The only independent newspaper in Dharamsala, Democracy (Mang Tso) stopped publishing in 1996 under pressure from the then TGIE.

Little steps in lifting the Ban...but where is the FREE MEDIA reporting on all the issues?

How Dr Lobsang Sangye relates to DS practioners? The key point to realise here is the Prime Minister is a layperson elected for a Secular Role.

He is NOT a spiritual guide and has NO AUTHORITY in the MONASTERY and SPIRITUAL AFFAIRS OF  Lamas, Monks and Nuns within the Monastery.  Lamas do not report to the CTA for guidance into their affairs and likewise CTA does not report to Lamas, Monks, Nuns for advice on SECULAR AFFAIRS (see above).

What the CTA is meant to be doing? (in their own words see below).

Parliament consists of 44 members. Ten members each from U-Tsang, Do-tod and Do-med, the three traditional provinces of Tibet, while the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the traditional Bon faith elect two members each. Four members are elected by Tibetans in the west: two from Europe, one from North America and one from Canada.

The members of the Parliament undertake periodic tours to Tibetan settlements to make an assessment of people’s overall conditions. On their return, they bring to the notice of the administration about all the grievances and matters which need attention. The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile keeps in touch with people also through Local Parliaments established in 38 major Tibetan communities.

The Charter provides for the establishment of a Local Parliament in a community having a population of not less than 160.

The Local Parliaments are scaled-down replicas of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. They keep an eye on the activities of their respective settlement/welfare officers. They also make laws for their respective communities according to the latter’s felt-needs. The laws passed by the Local Parliament must be implemented by the respective settlement/welfare officer.

It seems clear to me and all us DS supporters that CTA main concern is for the care and support for all it's people they represent. Also had another that the CTA has the means and subtle hints of how to progress already in place just needs real leadership to unify all Tibetans and move on focusing on the many issues affecting Tibetans in a modern world.

Time for Change - Lift the Ban!



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« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2012, 06:26:03 PM »
In a speech to the Lithuanian Parliament, October 1, 1991 the Dalai Lama said: “Of course, sometimes religion has been used to create divisions and problems between people. That is very unfortunate and sad because I believe religion should do the opposite: it should develop harmony, compassion and understanding among people. The fact that there are differences should not create conflict. It is useful to have different religions so that people can practice the religion that best fits their mental disposition.” (However, this doesn't seem to be the case of such as religious freedom is non-existence within the Shugdenpas.)

This speech denotes religion can be used to a greater understanding and development of a harmonious community. Without spirituality, a ruthless dictator will manifest. Imagine what a great leader Siddharta would be if he were to continue remaining in the palace?

Now that the new prime minister of CTA has taken over, the only hope is he will apply the real spiritual fundamentals and stop the injustice of religious freedom within the Tibetan community.


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« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2012, 07:06:49 PM »
Why do the Tibetans complain and cry on the suppression of their religious freedom, but inflict the same kind of suppression to their own people? It does not make sense at all. If the law of karma is the cause resembles the result, isnt what CTA is doing creating the direct causes for China to tighten its grip more on Tibetans and oppress those who do not tow in line with the Chinese government's wishes. Why cant the Tibetans see this even though they know the law of karma, they have the Dharma, they should know what is right and what is wrong. How can hurting and ostracizing others be right in any way, no matter what the situation, and destroying the homes of others?

The Dalai Lama and the CTA have stated over and over again that it is up to people to "choose" what they wish to practice, that it is a religious choice and that there is no ban because people have the "freedom" to choose whether to maintain or discard their practice of Shugden.

This is not choice though.

Real, true religious choice in other democratic countries in the world would mean that no matter what your religion was, you would still be entitled to state benefits, voting rights, welfare, education and all the liberties that are granted to other citizens. Clearly, this isn't the case in the exile Tibetan communities in India or Nepal: making the "choice" to keep practising Shugden results only in complete ostracism and discrimination. You are excluded from all mainstream activities, policy and welfare. In some cases, you are forbidden from even meeting your family, since shugdenpas are clearly instructed not to mix with non-shugdenpas, and vice versa.

What kind of "freedom of choice" is this? How is this democratic or fair? This is not granting people a choice. It is forcing them into a corner to force them to make a choice or suffer the worse kind of abandonment within an already exiled community.

Do the Tibetans realise that they are creating their own 21st century version of apartheid?


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« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2012, 02:53:33 PM »
For the first question, it doesn’t make sense for the Dalai Lama to mix religion and politics because as their leader, he should still give all the monks the bare necessities, even if the monks are Dorje Shugden practitioners  for the resources are not related to anything religious or political but it is just human welfare. For the second question, now that the Dalai Lama has given his secular power to the first Prime Minister, Dr. Lobsang Sangye, the Dorje shugden practitioners can now have access to food, water, shelter, etc. and don’t have to interact with him whatsoever and just respect him and accept him as their secular leader for they do not have any samaya with the first Prime minister. For the third question, Dr. Lobsang Sangye , the first Prime Minister, should just give the Dorje shugden practitioners food, water, etc.  because, as I said earlier, he does not have any samaya with them. And for the last question, the Dorje Shugden practitioners should relate to the other prime ministers as just their secular leader.


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« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2012, 01:29:25 PM »
Why these 4 important questions should be answered by ALL TIBETANS and Everyone who cares?

Seeing this question again in the forum broke my heart again and holding back the tears for Tibetan friends who lost many loved ones in Tibet for no other reason except that they were unable to get medical care for things like the common cold...why? because they didn't have access to jobs to pay for medical care etc...etc...I heard so many stories about brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, young and old in the refugee community where I live.

It sounds so cliche this could be a story from Africa, Middle East or anywhere (no offence intended to all countries in the Africa or Middle East) the ONLY DIFFERENCE is these places AT LEAST MAKE EFFORTS to PROVIDE AND CARE FOR ALL THEIR CITIZENS.

I am only one voice who has chance to speak in a forum that listens...My question to CTA Please do your job to the best of your abilities and represent ALL Tibetans. YOU ARE SECULAR REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED TO REPRESENT ALL TIBETANS.

This is apartheid plain and simple, I have also seen the opposite side of what can be? when Ireland made peace and when Nelson Mandela won democratic elections. In both cases the young people were the true beneficiaries of becoming integrated into the wider world.
The excitement of being able to move freely in the world to travel and meet people, to find opportunities for study and work. Just some observations from a not so young person now.

CTA please make your job to create opportunities for the younger generation. Two words spring to mind...Impermanence and Karma. The real question is for who? and is their time to Change before it is too late?
