Author Topic: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China  (Read 33944 times)


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The future of the Dalai Lama, who has received shelter in India since Beijing launched a crackdown on Tibetans nearly 60 years ago, reportedly surfaced as the predominant subject of discussion between China and India at a recent summit as both sides try to mend their tumultuous relationship, according to a report in Indian media Tuesday.

Discussions about the Dalai Lama dominated the recent informal summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, India’s Daily O media outlet claimed in an op-ed.

Various news outlets have suggested that improving Beijing-New Delhi relations have taken precedent over sheltering the supreme Tibetan spiritual leader, who China has deemed a “separatist” seeking Tibet’s independence from Beijing.

Since the supreme Buddhist leader of Tibet fled to India in April 1959, China has focused on bringing him back to Chinese-ruled Tibet before he passes away and the search for his next reincarnation begins.

Tibetans have found themselves becoming “increasingly less relevant to the Indians” under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government, the Tibetan Buddhism news outlet Dorje Shugden pointed out in an op-ed in late March, echoing other media agencies.

In mid-March, the South China Morning Post questioned whether Modi’s government would turn its back on the Dalai Lama to appease China.

Fast forward to Tuesday, India’s Daily O claims the issue of the Dalai Lama was the main subject of discussion during the recent informal summit in the Chinese city of Wuhan between PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Daily O reports:

    The Dalai Lama has emerged as the biggest talking point in the India-China bilateral affairs through the back channels and informal parleys in 2018. The Dalai Lama was the central issue discussed between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping at their first-ever Wuhan Summit (April 27-28).


    Never before the issue of the Dalai Lama had come center stage like this between India and China. Never before the Dragon and the Elephant had discussed the Dalai Lama issue at highest levels with a laser beam focus as Xi and Modi did at Wuhan for eight hours in six separate outings together. But that’s what the Wuhan informal summit was by and large about, though, of course, all other contentious bilateral issues were discussed. The reason for such a deep focus of informal talks between Xi and Modi was because of the health concerns about the Dalai Lama.

Dr. Tseten Dorjee, the personal physician to the Dalai Lama, has reportedly dismissed claims that the religious leader has terminal-stage prostate cancer.

Nevertheless, Daily O maintains that the Dalai Lama’s ailing health is what prompted Modi and Xi to discuss the religious leader’s future.

Ahead of the historic China-India talks, PM Modi’s Hindu nationalist government “banned Tibetans from holding a rally with the Dalai Lama in New Delhi this month to mark the 60th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule,” Reuters reported in March.

China’s state-run Global Times acknowledged the ban days before the summit, noting “the two sides agree that any new crisis, be it new border disputes or issues challenging China’s core interests such as moves from the Dalai Lama clique, will ruin bilateral ties.”

Modi and Beijing are trying to avoid a sequel to the 73-day stand-off between India and China that took place last year along a border region that the two Asian giants also share with New Delhi’s ally Bhutan.

It appears that the Dalai Lama has become a prominent bargaining chip.

The Dalai Lama reportedly maintains he is not seeking independence and hopes that dialogue between his representatives and the Beijing would resume.

This article specifically mentioned linking to this particular article

Such is the reach and influence of, amazing.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2018, 04:26:06 PM »
What also struck me is that now, everytime there is a writeup about His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the China-India relations thrown into somehow or rather, they will start mentioning about Dorje Shugden.

To me its a very interesting development, as the Dorje Shugden issue initiated by the 14th Dalai Lama is never far away from his persona, his being nowadays.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 08:54:35 PM »
I guess has done it's job in keeping the world abreast with news, or rather REAL unbiased news about Tibet and especially about the Central Tibetan Administration. Bravo!

In a way, we must thank the Dalai Lama for this because if he did not start this whole ban drama, none of this would have happened. would even need to exist. So really WHO is promoting Dorje Shugden one should wonder deeper hahaha... the illusory play at play. He is after all Chenrezig, no?


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2018, 11:30:17 PM »
Such is the reach and influence of, amazing.

I am sure that the author would have gone to other Tibetan sites to search for relevant information and found bias information he decided not to use. The Tibetan sites are normally reporting the positive side of everything related to the Tibetans., on the other hand, gives honest analysis and always report the truth without concealing the negative sides of the issue. This is why it is more neutral and suitable to use content from


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2018, 12:31:12 AM »
Kudos is in order to for presenting an unbiased view towards disseminating the truth of Dorje Shugden, for human rights of freedom in religious practice and the real state of governance by the greedy selfish Tibetan Leaders that never cared about the welfare of their people but instead kept themselves in luxury. Propaganda is their business to keep their relevance to their sponsors. As it is now, with China growing in power and world countries favouring ludicrous trade with China, the Tibetan Leaders are no longer gaining any real traction in their appeals. Oh now and then some minor ministers will throw some bone of recognition when they deemed to be able to gain some remnants of fame associating with the Dalai Lama but that is fast waning too. Its such a shame that now the direction everyone is talking about is the death of the Dalai Lama. What, if, when, how and what next... his state of health not worried about but for political reasons.

It is with no surprise that Modi will pawn the Dalai Lama to his advantage during the discussion with Xi. After all, he has to act in the best interest of his people and good relationship with China brings far more advantages. Almost 60 years as refugees living on the kindness of India and yet causing more troubles, one after another. The Tibetans never bothering to integrate with the Indian society or even offer help in any way during India's needs, like when the drought destroyed the crops and many farmers suffered greatly. Whatever the Tibetan Leaders gave were publicity stunt rather then genuine care. Shame really. They owe so much to their host country, who stood by them for the longest of time.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 10:31:43 PM »
As it is now, with China growing in power and world countries favouring ludicrous trade with China, the Tibetan Leaders are no longer gaining any real traction in their appeals. Oh now and then some minor ministers will throw some bone of recognition when they deemed to be able to gain some remnants of fame associating with the Dalai Lama but that is fast waning too. Its such a shame that now the direction everyone is talking about is the death of the Dalai Lama. What, if, when, how and what next... his state of health not worried about but for political reasons.

The reality is the Dalai Lama will die. The good news is he can decide when the time is right. For now, he will still continue his work in different directions for the Tibetans, hopefully. The CTA cannot function without him and will not remain when he is gone. Let's see when he can finally return to China and finally get to rest.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2018, 03:48:09 PM »
Yes, a very sad reality of life and it will not be rest if the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. There are so much for him to set in motion before the time for him to move on from this life. All things said and done, it is still sad to see him having to shoulder so much at his age due to the incompetence of CTA and their greed. They say that everything is being in controlled by the Dalai Lama and I would say rightly so. Being of Buddha mind, he knows how much things would go wrong if he does not assert some control. Even with him being in "control", things that CTA gets up to is already bad as it is. Imagine if they were let loosed? Such havoc that could very well start the war between China and USA, especially with the sneakiness of Lobsang Sangay and gang. May the Dalai Lama quickly manifest the right time to lift the Dorje Shugden ban and return the religious rights to his people.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2018, 04:56:58 PM »
Yes, a very sad reality of life and it will not be rest if the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. There are so much for him to set in motion before the time for him to move on from this life. All things said and done, it is still sad to see him having to shoulder so much at his age due to the incompetence of CTA and their greed. They say that everything is being in control by the Dalai Lama and I would say rightly so. Being of Buddha mind, he knows how much things would go wrong if he does not assert some control. Even with him being in "control", things that CTA gets up to is already bad as it is. Imagine if they were let loose? Such havoc that could very well start the war between China and USA, especially with the sneakiness of Lobsang Sangay and gang. May the Dalai Lama quickly manifest the right time to lift the Dorje Shugden ban and return the religious rights to his people.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a real Bodhisattva. He has so much on his shoulders since young and now even more at this crucial time. The whole future and survival of Tibetans in Exile rest on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulder. He is racing against time to make the right decision that can make sure that the Tibetans in Exile will be well off even after his death.

But for now, the situation is not looking good. CTA is incapable to care about their citizens and their future. They are very corrupted and only cared for themselves only. Tibetans will suffer more if His Holiness is not around anymore to oversee them. Who knows what CTA will do next since they can even encourage their own people indirectly to self-immolate to generate more donations.

Seems like going back to Tibet under China is the best solution and best outcome for Tibetans in Exile. His Holiness had been talking about going back to China several times at different events. I hope CTA will not create too many obstacles for this old man's wishes to come true. If they can't share the burden, at the very least don't add to it.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2018, 05:14:16 PM »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a real Bodhisattva. He has so much on his shoulders since young and now even more at this crucial time. The whole future and survival of Tibetans in Exile rest on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulder. He is racing against time to make the right decision that can make sure that the Tibetans in Exile will be well off even after his death.

But for now, the situation is not looking good. CTA is incapable to care about their citizens and their future. They are very corrupted and only cared for themselves only. Tibetans will suffer more if His Holiness is not around anymore to oversee them. Who knows what CTA will do next since they can even encourage their own people indirectly to self-immolate to generate more donations.

Seems like going back to Tibet under China is the best solution and best outcome for Tibetans in Exile. His Holiness had been talking about going back to China several times at different events. I hope CTA will not create too many obstacles for this old man's wishes to come true. If they can't share the burden, at the very least don't add to it.

Thinking of it, I wonder if the refugees will be able to assimilate into the Tibet that it is now. With China pumping in so much money and self enriching programmes, the Tibetans are now getting more progressive and by the time the refugees (if) manage to return, then Chinese Tibetans would be quite far advanced. The new comers will again face the displacement and if there are no support, then may become disgruntled about the whole situation and create problems with their dissatisfaction. So again it rest on the Dalai Lama's shoulders to broker the deal with China to promote the living conditions of the returning refugees. It seems that China will be taking on a lot in allowing the refugees back into China Tibet. Wonder if it is worth all these problems.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2018, 10:00:18 PM »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a real Bodhisattva. He has so much on his shoulders since young and now even more at this crucial time. The whole future and survival of Tibetans in Exile rest on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulder. He is racing against time to make the right decision that can make sure that the Tibetans in Exile will be well off even after his death.

But for now, the situation is not looking good. CTA is incapable to care about their citizens and their future. They are very corrupted and only cared for themselves only. Tibetans will suffer more if His Holiness is not around anymore to oversee them. Who knows what CTA will do next since they can even encourage their own people indirectly to self-immolate to generate more donations.

Seems like going back to Tibet under China is the best solution and best outcome for Tibetans in Exile. His Holiness had been talking about going back to China several times at different events. I hope CTA will not create too many obstacles for this old man's wishes to come true. If they can't share the burden, at the very least don't add to it.

Thinking of it, I wonder if the refugees will be able to assimilate into the Tibet that it is now. With China pumping in so much money and self enriching programmes, the Tibetans are now getting more progressive and by the time the refugees (if) manage to return, then Chinese Tibetans would be quite far advanced. The new comers will again face the displacement and if there are no support, then may become disgruntled about the whole situation and create problems with their dissatisfaction. So again it rest on the Dalai Lama's shoulders to broker the deal with China to promote the living conditions of the returning refugees. It seems that China will be taking on a lot in allowing the refugees back into China Tibet. Wonder if it is worth all these problems.

I think China will let Tibetans back into Tibet. They can benefit alot from that because for years they are being said to be heartless and ruthless for driving the Tibetans out from their country and suppressing their human rights. If they let Tibetans go back into Tibet, they will be able to change the world's view on them from being a cold, heartless country to a warm and considerate one.

They had been investing millions in Tibet and building infrastructure. They even went to the extent of funding monasteries and protecting religious sites. They are definitely trying to win back Tibetan's heart. I heard that they also invest in self-help courses that educate the public to give them a skill for them to survive on their own.

Generally, China is doing a good job now and definitely, their effort is working because fewer Tibetans are migrating to India now. Some Tibetans from India are migrating back into Tibet as well. Even His Holiness the Dalai Lama is now requesting to return to Tibet.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2018, 10:26:14 PM »
It is a fact now that the CTA is not able to deliver what they have promised to the Tibetans. For the past 60 years, the CTA has promised to free Tibet, they have a lot of fundings from various sources but yet there is no progress in the free Tibet movement.

Many older Tibetans are stuck. They believe what the CTA told them and they waited for 60 years living in very poor conditions, losing out a lot of opportunities in life. Now even if they want to leave India to go to other countries, it will not be possible as they have no proper documents. The CTA is stopping them from getting the Indian citizenship. China may not want them back. They have no more choice but to continue to stay in India as a refugee.

The CTA has sacrificed so many of the Tibetans' future just to satisfy their own greed. They have cheated the Tibetans for the past 60 years to fatten their own wallet. I feel very sorry for the Tibetans in exile, I hope the younger generation will have an open mind to see what the CTA is doing to them and make a change for themselves.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2018, 07:35:37 AM »
When the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans escaped Tibet, it was India who received them with open arms. Nehru was very kind to give the Tibetans lands to rebuild their home and fight for their freedom. He even allowed them to set up their government in exile in India.

For the past 60 years, the Tibetans have been living in India, receiving benefits and donations from various countries to support themselves. With so much support, the Tibetan leadership still cannot perform. Their government was downgraded to an administration. This says a lot about what they can achieve. No one has the confidence they will succeed in their cause.

India has supported the Tibetans for so long but the Tibetans cannot really give anything back to them. The economy benefit China can give to India is too attractive for India to say no. Therefore, I am not surprised that Modi will surrender the Dalai Lama to China.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2018, 09:16:58 AM »
As the press said, Modi is "eyeing much bigger prize in lieu", which is an India visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping. After all, since India 'dare' to snub the Dalai Lama in March, nothing is impossible.

Modi and President Xi Jinping will meet again next month in Argentina, the fourth time this year, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit. India and China have worked hard to repair their relationship after Doklam and now they are even launching the first India-China joint training programme for a batch of 10 Afghan diplomats at the Indian Foreign Service Institute.

Previously, Modi and Xi have met during the informal summit in Wuhan, on the margins of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit in Qingdao in June, and the sidelines of the Brics Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, in July. These meetings and progress clearly show India's priority to develop a good relationship with China, and the Tibetans in exile, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is now reduced to be a pawn.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2018, 02:18:06 PM »
It is a fact now that the CTA is not able to deliver what they have promised to the Tibetans. For the past 60 years, the CTA has promised to free Tibet, they have a lot of fundings from various sources but yet there is no progress in the free Tibet movement.

Many older Tibetans are stuck. They believe what the CTA told them and they waited for 60 years living in very poor conditions, losing out a lot of opportunities in life. Now even if they want to leave India to go to other countries, it will not be possible as they have no proper documents. The CTA is stopping them from getting the Indian citizenship. China may not want them back. They have no more choice but to continue to stay in India as a refugee.

The CTA has sacrificed so many of the Tibetans' future just to satisfy their own greed. They have cheated the Tibetans for the past 60 years to fatten their own wallet. I feel very sorry for the Tibetans in exile, I hope the younger generation will have an open mind to see what the CTA is doing to them and make a change for themselves.

You know, I do wonder why the younger generation who has more access to online information is still entrenched in the Tibetan Leaders' lies. Don't they realize the huge amount of money received in sponsorships had been hijacked by the CTA into areas that the money is not meant for? USD BILLIONS!!! That could have helped so much to improve the Tibetans in exile's lives, especially the younger ones who could learn skiils to compete in the modern world. The younger generations will be the future of what is left of the exiles and there is simply no future in the camps. Better to plan to take up citizenship or will remain stateless with no hope. That is what CTA wish them to be so that they can beg for money. The youths should go back to Tibet China as China is investing so much into Tibet and the opportunities are there. Many who are willing to learn with an open mind are already living a good life. So China would be a good choice. Conquer from within, that should be the motto of CTA.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2018, 12:01:53 PM »
The younger generation of Tibetans in India actually knows that their future in Tibetan settlements will not be any good. That is why alot of them has been trying to seek asylum in western countries. Some of them even went back to Tibet seeing that China is investing alot in developing Tibet. Some of them took up Indian citizenship and that is why the population in those Tibet settlements are declining.

Tibetans are leaving Tibetan settlements and no new Tibetans are coming from Tibet under China. The number is decreasing and CTA is worried. CTA can only control the Tibetans in India. If the number of Tibetans keep decreasing, CTA's ability to get donation will decrease as well. That is why the government make it harder for Tibetans to become an Indian citizen now. They want to keep the Tibetans forever under them so they can keep on getting donations from the western country.

Tibetans should really think about returning to Tibet under China. At least there you will be able to know that the future will be good because China is currently investing alot into Tibet while there is nothing happening in the Tibetan settlements. Tibetans have to think about their future and stop submitting themselves to their government.