Author Topic: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA  (Read 5773 times)


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 07:10:05 AM »
Finally, more and more are wizening up to CTA’s shenanigans and being vocal about it. Considering CTA's history of incompetence, it is hardly surprising. Take your pick from the many screw-ups by CTA be it the recent mess between Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering to decades of CTA’s failures and having nothing to show for. In fact, it is really long overdue for people to take CTA to task.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2018, 12:26:27 PM »
Even here, the Tibetans would dearly love to tell the foreigner minsters off and yet stretch out their hands for donations.  As the Member of the French Senate, André Gattolin puts it,

"Democracy is not only the establishment of free elections. It is also the respect for the principles and the values of the rule of law."

Doubt if the CTA think that they have to follow that. They probably think that they are the privileged lot and that they do not have to answer to anybody and that the world owes them a living.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2018, 05:51:35 PM »
Shocked by lack of transparency of CTA
As a long-time parliamentarian involved in supporting the Tibetan cause, I must admit that I am shocked by the profound lack of transparency surrounding the way in which the representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Washington was suddenly removed from his duties by the Kashag!

On several other subjects, I have already in recent months expressed in private my astonishment at certain political practices which in my opinion do not reflect the democratic ambitions carried by our Tibetan friends. I will not express them here (because it is a public space and I do not want to undermine our cause that I hope is common).

But “The Penpa Tsering Affair”, which concerns a Tibetan personality highly respected by the parliamentarians of the whole world who support
Tibet, has been made public by the political authorities of Tibet in exile in a way that does not satisfy me personally with regard to the requirements that I have with respect to all causes that I have tirelessly supported for many, many years.

I therefore feel entitled to give a public warning about this.

The young democracy of Tibet in exile must be exemplary, especially at a time when the pressure of power from Beijing has never been so heavy, and when the new US administration threatens to reduce or even eliminate the aid it gives to the Tibetan administration.

I call for the restoration of democratic dignity, for the better functioning of the institution of Tibet in exile, and for the implementation of the principles of benevolence, fairness, transparency, and nonviolence within them.

To those who will tell me that I am not Tibetan and that this is an internal affair of the Tibetan people, and that I do not have to interfere with that: I answer that we cannot on one hand ask for active support of the international community and parliamentarians engaged in the difficult struggle to establish the Rule of law everywhere in the world, and on the other hand consider that we do not have account to be made of the effectiveness of its own practices in respect of democratic rules.

Having exchanged ideas with several parliamentary colleagues very engaged in the Tibetan cause, I can affirm that many will take a step back with regard to the official institutions of Tibet in Exile if certain bad practices come to multiply within them.

Last year after the election of the head of the exiled Tibetan executive, His Holiness the Dalai Lama did not hide his deep disappointment about the very deleterious atmosphere that surrounded the election campaign that has just ended (he even made a comparison with the American campaign that was then underway).

Democracy is not only the establishment of free elections. It is also the respect for the principles and the values of the rule of law.

I hope that His Holiness, who is the highest moral authority and especially the guarantor of the process of democratization of Tibet that he has carried forward throughout his life, will quickly reframe the situation.

André Gattolin
Member of the French Senate
Vice-Chairman of the Information Group on Tibet in the Senate

20 November 2017

Requoted here for readers convenience.

Not that it is new news but the way CTA conducts itself no longer can be contained nor tolerated.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2018, 01:01:00 AM »
The reason contributing to CTA’s continuous abuse of democratic principles is the lack of accountability imposed on CTA. For far too long, CTA has been capitalising not on the Tibetans’ high reverence of the Dalai Lama but also the tremendous global support of the Dalai Lama from the world at large. It is due to the such huge admiration and credibility of the Dalai Lama that many overlooked to scrutiny the questionable conduct of CTA.
Thus as mentioned earlier, after all these years, more and more are finally becoming vocal about CTA’s problematic bordering unscrupulous leadership decisions and from both Tibetans and foreign supporters. Better late than never as it really is high time that for people to take CTA to task and stop blindly supporting CTA.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2018, 03:39:45 AM »
I call for the restoration of democratic dignity, for the better functioning of the institution of Tibet in exile, and for the implementation of the principles of benevolence, fairness, transparency, and nonviolence within them.

To those who will tell me that I am not Tibetan and that this is an internal affair of the Tibetan people, and that I do not have to interfere with that: I answer that we cannot on one hand ask for active support of the international community and parliamentarians engaged in the difficult struggle to establish the Rule of law everywhere in the world, and on the other hand consider that we do not have account to be made of the effectiveness of its own practices in respect of democratic rules.

Indeed, I agree with Celia! That because of the credibility of the Dalai Lama, much has been overlooked regarding the CTA but people are waking up and questioning the doubtful and corrupt behaviour of the people in charge!

It is very disappointing for the international community to have the Dalai Lama's name and reputation being destroyed by those individuals who only care about themselves and their wellbeing.

The bigger picture is that the Tibetans suffer although so many efforts have been done by people all over the world. It seems that the CTA will be held accountable soon for their misdeeds!!


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2018, 08:14:25 AM »
@Pema8 Not only is the world turning their backs on the CTA, even their own people refuse to suffer in silence and even dare to voice their dissatisfaction of CTA now. It does seem like the Tibetans are tired of the CTA who do nothing for the Tibetan people.

There are many reports that many Tibetans are not happy with CTA and in fact many are growing vocal about how CTA has failed them. Some of these include; Mr Dhamchoe Nyima ; and many others ; ;

Seriously unless CTA bucks up and change for the better, it will just be a matter of time and not long before they are completely obsolete.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2018, 02:32:33 AM »
Latest to embrace the reality that not everything from the West is applicable to every nation on this planet is Botswana. 

In fact, Botswana’s stand is made clear in the article Dalai Lama Protégé Chickens Out of Botswana Event, that “some top government officials (of Botswana) are said to be on the side of the Chinese government as they feel Botswana benefits more from China that it can ever benefit from its friendship with the Dalai Lama“.

It is becoming more and more apparent that China is enhancing its status to extent that every nation in the world wants to link up to and benefit from.


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2018, 09:04:01 PM »
All these support from France, Japan etc. will not be as great as India's support to the CTA and its people. Now that India's support to them is waning, CTA will be seen putting more efforts in luxury business trips with no  results but more time wasted on achieving nothing!


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Re: French Senator and Tibet supporter expresses shock at CTA
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2018, 01:38:56 AM »
Even here, the Tibetans would dearly love to tell the foreigner minsters off and yet stretch out their hands for donations.  As the Member of the French Senate, André Gattolin puts it,

"Democracy is not only the establishment of free elections. It is also the respect for the principles and the values of the rule of law."

Doubt if the CTA think that they have to follow that. They probably think that they are the privileged lot and that they do not have to answer to anybody and that the world owes them a living.

Good may more of CTA's and Sangay dirty laundry be exposed! Then they will get less funding from the west to these corrupted leaders.

And it is just typical of the Tibetans they will just scold and tell whoever who does not want to support and agree with them yet they want their financial support, gifts, sponsorship. How disgusting. These Tibetans should really learn to humble down and maybe practice some Dharma from His Holinee?