Author Topic: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield  (Read 26811 times)


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Oops :o looks like someone's dirty laundry is out in the open! And what is worst is the CTA is trying to discredit the author, and by doing so they just made it more obvious that Sangay is GUILTY as charge! How silly. They should have instead refuted Mila Rangzen's information if it was really fake news.  No wonder Tibetans in exile are heading downhill, for 60 years, no leadership has ever made such a horrible blunder. What a shame for the Tibetans, what a disappointment to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I feel sorry for him, but what to do, there is karma CTA. 


President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield

Just as you, the reader, I am also very concerned about the direction that LS is taking the Tibetan community towards.  Just as Trump he is catering to his base of fanatic Khampa sanjor ex-monk supporters leading to disharmony and divisiveness. Let me start in 2011 during the Kalachakra in Washington DC. – During the Kalachakra from July 6-16th, LS also visited as is normal for him to bask in the glory of His Holiness.  An intern, Leslie Butterfield, at the ICT was assigned to him to assist him in his meetings and moving around DC.  Ms. Butterfield was in her early 20s then and a very attractive young woman who supported His Holiness and the Tibetan cause with her whole heart and being.  She is known to have been a very active participant in numerous activities to further the cause of Tibet and spread the work of compassion of His Holiness.

It was the night of July 11th that LS physically assaulted her in his hotel room.  The next day she reported this to Mary Beth Markey, the then President of ICT.  There were others in the office who were also made aware of the incident of the previous night. Ms. Butterfield was convinced by Marybeth and others in the ICT not to file charges against LS using the name of HH as an emotional blackmail.  That she would be sullying the name of His Holiness if she was to file a complaint.  She was pressured into not filing a complaint which makes people at ICT complicit in a cover-up.  With so many women coming out with sexual abuse charges it may be time for Ms. Butterfield to come out too.

She is now married with a child.  Maura Mohinyan comes to mind as someone capable of convincing her to come forward.  Maura as I know her has in-depth knowledge of LS dealings.

During his last visit to NY and DC along with Kaydor, he had a meeting with the Tibet Fund regarding the $1.5 mil loan.  He is pressurizing TF to write off the loan before the parliament session begins in March so as to prove his point that it was a grant and not a loan even though existing documents show the money as a loan which I have written in depth.  During the meeting, he emotionally blackmailed the TF saying that he was going to ask HH for the money so that it is paid back to the TF just to prove that it was not a loan even though paying it back means it was a loan.  He explicitly asked the TF “if they were comfortable taking money from HH”.  There are ongoing talks between TF and OoT, DC on his behalf about this money.

His exact words are in the minutes of the meeting at the TF which shall be released here in the next article as it pertains to the interest of the Tibetan people and political corruption.  It is common knowledge in India that HH is very disappointed, to say the least, with LS and the way he is using his office for personal glorification.  The only audience he got was in Gaya after months of trying to see HH.  He has no shame and had the audacity to ask HH to mediate and solve the loan issue.  HH’s response is one of pin-drop silence.

There are numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse of power in Dharamshala but all will not come out openly for fear of retribution as you and I know how the law works in India.  A spark/catalyst is much needed if these women are to get justice and it is where my role begins.



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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2018, 05:13:52 AM »
I guest Dhardon Sharling is never enough for Lobsang Sangay. He is abusing his power to do this to so many and Ms. Butterfield is just ONE of them. Is there anything more than sex on his mind? I guess not, since he has proven to be incapable to achieve anything for the betterment of the Tibetans. He is just one of those corrupted 'leader' taking advantage of the role to enrich his own agenda and pocket. The amazing thing was that MANY Tibetans still like him. I guess this is their bad karma ripening.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2018, 08:04:35 AM »
Sexual assault and financial embezzlement are two of the worst crimes any Leader can commit and it is no surprise that Lobsang Sangy did it all.  After all with all that money and beautiful devoted Buddhist women around him, he can only indulge in more physical pleasures.

His office at CTA requires no work efforts from him as nothing had been done and nothing will be done for the betterment of the Tibetans.  All benefits are solely for his pleasure.  Funny how Tibetans can tolerate this.

What about his girlfriend, Dhardon Sharling?  Accepting such humiliation without protest?  Questionable as to why.  Hmmm.....


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2018, 02:38:21 AM »
I saw this post on "Have Your Say" again, so I am posting it here for everyone's reference.

Hello everyone, specially to our CTA Taxi union president Lobsang Sangay and his beneficiary Kashag members and followers,

I am Chokyi I worked in Exile government 15 years.

When Lobsang Sangay fcame to Dharamsala leadership, I researched 2 years through what I have seen and what I listened from him personally. Lobsang Sangay have no personal skill and capability to solve the issues of Tibetans in India. He have only a paper degree from Harvard that’s called R….R….R, which means big talk in Tibetan. I feel so much pity on those uneducated Tibetans who set themselves on fire and burned their bodies. Each self-immolation brought a huge benefit to CTA financially. After every self-immolation Lobsang Sangay and his Kashag members have tour programs under the name of Tibetan political issues to introduce to western countries. Mostly, they travel first/business class. But, once they reached destination Lobsang Sangay asked donations to CTA. This is Sangay’s number 1 capability to ask donors in the name of self- immolation. So, I have known much better what Lobsang Sangay real doing. That’s why I resigned from my post and living independently in US now. Here I humbly request to all ordinary Tibetan people in exile. Plz go to apply for western or Indian citizenship as soon as possible. This is only way how you and your children survive a better life. Don’t listen CTA leaders big talks. Becoz, when you don’t have money to pay your children’s school fees. CTA can’t help you. When your father got serious sickness CTA can’t help you. When your mother died CTA can’t help you. But, CTA will use you for donations in name of seeking help for Tibetans. That donations they will corrupt at the end. Therefore, do something for yourself. Don’t let others use you. This is real experience that I got from CTA in 15 years working from down to earth. Don’t waste your life in CTA’s misuses.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2018, 11:51:16 AM »
Sexual assault and financial embezzlement are two of the worst crimes any Leader can commit and it is no surprise that Lobsang Sangy did it all.  After all with all that money and beautiful devoted Buddhist women around him, he can only indulge in more physical pleasures.

His office at CTA requires no work efforts from him as nothing had been done and nothing will be done for the betterment of the Tibetans.  All benefits are solely for his pleasure.  Funny how Tibetans can tolerate this.

What about his girlfriend, Dhardon Sharling?  Accepting such humiliation without protest?  Questionable as to why.  Hmmm.....

Hahaha... what can Dhardon say? It is probably how she got voted into the CTA anyway. From a nobody to a somebody. So how dare she protest or say anything?

It's just totally disgusting. In the beginning, I thought there was some hope for the Tibetans in exile when H.H. first appointed him, then now we see his true colour. This 2nd time round being voted in as the President of an exile community has made him more daring or big headed. We can see all the nasty things he is doing and with this kind of leadership. Tibetans are doomed! It was way much better when Samdhong Rinpoche was Prime Minister... as lease there was no sleazy news!


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2018, 12:50:39 PM »
Agree... We may not always agree with or like Samdhong Rinpoche, but at least he is a monk with no scandal.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2019, 05:27:39 AM »
This is very shameful, whenever the members of CTA has done something wrong, they will use the Dalai Lama's name to blackmail the victims so that they don't expose their crimes. Not only the CTA uses the Dalai Lama to make money by arranging him to tour around the world to give public talks, they also use the Dalai Lama to cover up their mistakes. They wanted to use the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje as their puppet should the Dalai Lama enters into clear light. Fortunately, the 17th Karmapa did not want to be used by the CTA as a political tool, so he ran away and settled down in another country.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2019, 05:58:49 AM »
From how the CTA manipulating their people and how they use spiritual leaders as their tools, we can conclude that this group of people are not believing in karma and they are practicing the Buddha's teachings. If they are like that, then there is no right for them to restrict anyone from any personal religious believe, including Dorje Shugden ban.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2019, 05:11:46 AM »
From how the CTA manipulating their people and how they use spiritual leaders as their tools, we can conclude that this group of people are not believing in karma and they are practicing the Buddha's teachings. If they are like that, then there is no right for them to restrict anyone from any personal religious believe, including Dorje Shugden ban.
The CTA may claim they are Buddhists and they have the mission to preserve and spread Tibetan Buddhism. But in fact, this is not true because they don't believe in karma and they make use of Tibetan Buddhism to satisfy their greed for money and power. If they believe in karma, they will not impose Dorje Shugden ban and say Dorje Shugden will shorten the Dalai Lama's life. No one can shorten another person's life unless that person has the karma to be harmed or hurt. If Lobsang Sangay truly believes in karma he will not harm women and thinks that he can get away with it. One day, he will have to pay for what he has done.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2019, 11:35:36 AM »
I wonder out of the 25 newly recruited candidates for CTA next generation, which one of them is going to be Sangay next victim? So many pretty girls to choose from this time!

It is disgusting that Tibetans are allowing this and just standing on the side to watch their sleazy corrupt President continue to run them down to the mud.

Public Service Commission’s Introduction training for new CTA recruits underway

Dharmashala: The Public Service Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration today began one-month induction training for 25 newly recruited staff of Central Tibetan Administration.

Explaining the aims and objectives of the training, Chairman Wangdu Tsering Pesur said that in addition to the routine training in Dharmashala, the new recruits would also receive two-week training at the Indian Institute of Public Administration in Delhi.

He urged all the new members of CTA to use this training as a learning opportunity to start their career in the Central Tibetan Administration with a firm resolve to work for the welfare of the Tibetan people and strengthen the Tibetan movement. He illustrated stories of his own experiences who began his career at CTA and now has dedicated over 34 years of service in the administration. He further implied maintaining self-discipline at all times while working in the administration.

“Working at CTA is a welfare service that you are offering to the larger benefit of Tibetan, therefore, you must at all times abstain from petty regionalism and work towards one goal, said Chairman Wangdu Pesur.

Meanwhile, he particularly stressed on imbibing the advice and guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama while working and to always remember the kindness of His Holiness.

Naga Sagey Tendar, Head of Culture & Research Department of LTWA congratulated all the selected candidates and delivered words of guidance. He said, “Vast amount of money is spent on providing this training. You must exploit every opportunity to learn and improve where it is necessary”. He urged the candidates to polish the Tibetan language during the training session while learning other skills.

Following the introduction of each recruited candidate, Secretary Tsering Yangkyi of PSC introduced and explained the subjects that will be covered in the training.

The first half of the training will be held at the Administrative Training and Welfare Society (ATWS) in Dharmashala followed by two-week training in New Delhi.



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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2019, 07:23:38 AM »
I wonder out of the 25 newly recruited candidates for CTA next generation, which one of them is going to be Sangay next victim? So many pretty girls to choose from this time!

It is disgusting that Tibetans are allowing this and just standing on the side to watch their sleazy corrupt President continue to run them down to the mud.

Public Service Commission’s Introduction training for new CTA recruits underway

Dharmashala: The Public Service Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration today began one-month induction training for 25 newly recruited staff of Central Tibetan Administration.

Explaining the aims and objectives of the training, Chairman Wangdu Tsering Pesur said that in addition to the routine training in Dharmashala, the new recruits would also receive two-week training at the Indian Institute of Public Administration in Delhi.

He urged all the new members of CTA to use this training as a learning opportunity to start their career in the Central Tibetan Administration with a firm resolve to work for the welfare of the Tibetan people and strengthen the Tibetan movement. He illustrated stories of his own experiences who began his career at CTA and now has dedicated over 34 years of service in the administration. He further implied maintaining self-discipline at all times while working in the administration.

“Working at CTA is a welfare service that you are offering to the larger benefit of Tibetan, therefore, you must at all times abstain from petty regionalism and work towards one goal, said Chairman Wangdu Pesur.

Meanwhile, he particularly stressed on imbibing the advice and guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama while working and to always remember the kindness of His Holiness.

Naga Sagey Tendar, Head of Culture & Research Department of LTWA congratulated all the selected candidates and delivered words of guidance. He said, “Vast amount of money is spent on providing this training. You must exploit every opportunity to learn and improve where it is necessary”. He urged the candidates to polish the Tibetan language during the training session while learning other skills.

Following the introduction of each recruited candidate, Secretary Tsering Yangkyi of PSC introduced and explained the subjects that will be covered in the training.

The first half of the training will be held at the Administrative Training and Welfare Society (ATWS) in Dharmashala followed by two-week training in New Delhi.

How many of these 25 new recruits are going to be somebody? Someone who can lead the Tibetans and give a better future to the Tibetans? I bet they are recruited not by merits by personal relationship. The CTA runs by nepotism, many got their jobs in the CTA because they are someone's relatives. This is one of the reasons why there is no real talents in the CTA. The real talents rather give their services to other countries. Unless the CTA can change their ways of running the administration, otherwise there will be no hope for the free Tibet movement.


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Re: President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2019, 04:41:38 AM »

Sangay and gang has FINALY apologised and agreed to pay Penpa's lawyer before they "lose their eligibility to run for office and their voting rights" as warned by the Supreme Court.

Should read some of the comments on this announcement. We will get to see how people truly feel about their bad government who seem to love creating disunity instead of unity amongst its people.

Shameful and sad but luckily there is still "some" hope, I hope. Like what a Tibetan in the comments section said... "Victory to rule of law.
Supremacy of Justice Commissions is very important for any normal society.
Justice Commissioners: utmost gratitude for protecting the institution and there by our nascent democracy.

Fellow Tibetans: Love your nation. Elect right people to right office.

My respect to all the civil servants of our government, but not to political appointee playing partisan politics like North American Representative Ngodup Tsering always chasing photo opportunities or Australian Representative Lhakpa Tsoko stirring unnecessary trouble in community instead of playing the role of unifier."

Exile Tibetan Cabinet offers apology to Penpa Tsering in Case no 20

The Lobsang Sangay-led exile Tibetan Cabinet offered an apology to Penpa Tsering in Case no 20, accepting that their charges made to justify his ousting were regrettable.

Announcing the apology on the official website of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in both Tibetan and English, the highest office of the exile Tibetans said: “The ten-point clarification issued by the Kashag on the replacement of Mr Penpa Tsering from the service of Representative to North America was based on unreliable sources and misunderstandings, thereby unintentionally defamed his dedication, competence, and character, and led to the spread of misinformation in the community.

“For this, the Kashag [the exile Cabinet] expresses its regret.”

The Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, in its judgment on 14 October, had dictated the text of the apology, as well as ordered that the same be published in both Tibetan and English on all CTA information outlets.

The Cabinet failed to meet the first deadline to apologise, 13 November, after which Penpa Tsering appealed to the court to take congisance of that fact. On 22 November the court gave a new date of 27 December, *with a warning that Sangay and his colleagues would lose their eligibility to run for office and their voting rights if they failed to meet this deadline.*

The second part of the original court order stipulated that the Cabinet pay Penpa Tsering’s lawyer’s fees for this case, amounting to 98,000 rupees (1,400 USD approx). This payment was fulfilled by the Cabinet by the 13 November 2019 deadline.

Famously known as “Case no 20”, this was a defamation case against the Tibetan exile Cabinet filed by Penpa Tsering, the former Representative of the Dalai Lama in Washington DC in May 2018, and became a contentious issue within the Tibetan community.

Tsering had been relieved of his Washington post, and charged with dereliction of duty, insubordination, and deficit of trust. Following this, 10 points were given by the Cabinet to justify his ousting, which points the court found groundless in deciding this case.
