Author Topic: A nice drive through modern Lhasa  (Read 8150 times)

Ringo Starr

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A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« on: March 06, 2019, 07:38:24 AM »
This video was uploaded last year.

I love it because it shows how modern Lhasa is becoming such a nice city for residents and also visitors/pilgrims. It will definitely encourage and propel more and more pilgrims.

May the holy Buddhadharma spread in all directions.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 11:17:02 AM »
Oh wow, thank you for sharing this video to show us the current state in Lhasa. Tibet looks so prosperous and developed. The roads are broad and wide, the streets are so clean and it is modern. It looks very busy with commercial activities and there are also many pilgrims. It does not seem like the Chinese government is suppressing the religious practice in Tibet.

If we look at the Tibetan settlements in India, they look pathetic. There is no proper town planning, probably because they think they are going to live there temporarily. But 60 years is really not temporarily, the CTA could have done something to upgrade the conditions in the settlements since they have received so much money from the all around the world.

It is not hard to see the Chinese government indeed has done a far better job than the CTA to help to improve the lives of the Tibetans. The Chinese government has provided all the necessary to help the Tibetans to make their lives better. Is democracy the best system? Is communism that bad? If I compare the lives of the Tibetans in Tibet and India, I would say communism is not that bad at all!


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2019, 04:57:48 AM »
Yes, Wow! Lhasa looks so modern and clean. Definitely a draw for tourists and pilgrims who can visit in comfort. And there CTA is proclaiming that China is suppressing the Tibetans. All I see are Tibetan's progress in owning properties, driving nice cars and upgrading their lives unlike the feudal state under Tibetan Leaders, which by the way is still active in Tibetan exile communities. These leaders suppress the voices of their people, take away anything they like on whim, even basic amenities or medical aid, regardless of old or young. It is really shameful that the Tibetan Leaders declare themselves a Democracy when they are actually an Autocrat who comes down hard on any who dare voice out their opinions. It doesn't matter if its the voice of sanity or logic. As long one dare to be different, the leaders will come down hard and instigate their followers to abuse and discriminate. I think that China would be happy to loosen up their control if they are assured of no disharmony in Tibet. After all, they have billions of citizens to take care of and the Tibetans are lucky to warrant such positive investment into their state.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2019, 02:55:12 PM »
The modern Lhasa city looks nice and prosperous. The Chinese government really did a good job in helping Tibet to become what it is now. I do not think that the Tibetan government will be able to achieve something similar or close to what China had achieved with Tibet. It is obvious that Tibet will flourish under China's governance.

China had invested so much in Tibet and such investments are only possible with China. No other country will be able to do what China had done. Not to mention that China also took good care of Tibetans in Tibet. They had successfully reduced poverty to 7% of the population and soon they will be able to totally eradicate poverty in Tibet in a few years time.

Other than that, China also held workshops that give Tibetans a skill for them to earn a living in society. These self-help workshops are initiative from the Chinese government and they do not charge for it. From here, we are able to see that China really wanted to help Tibet and Tibetans to prosper, unlike Tibetan government that only thinks about themselves.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2019, 03:22:51 AM »
Yes, Wow! Lhasa looks so modern and clean. Definitely a draw for tourists and pilgrims who can visit in comfort. And there CTA is proclaiming that China is suppressing the Tibetans. All I see are Tibetan's progress in owning properties, driving nice cars and upgrading their lives unlike the feudal state under Tibetan Leaders, which by the way is still active in Tibetan exile communities. These leaders suppress the voices of their people, take away anything they like on whim, even basic amenities or medical aid, regardless of old or young. It is really shameful that the Tibetan Leaders declare themselves a Democracy when they are actually an Autocrat who comes down hard on any who dare voice out their opinions. It doesn't matter if its the voice of sanity or logic. As long one dare to be different, the leaders will come down hard and instigate their followers to abuse and discriminate. I think that China would be happy to loosen up their control if they are assured of no disharmony in Tibet. After all, they have billions of citizens to take care of and the Tibetans are lucky to warrant such positive investment into their state.

You are right! The video makes me want to visit Tibet! It is so modern, neat and clean compared to the Tibetan settlements in India. It is very obvious to see who is the better government. The CTA can continue to condemn China, but the fact is Tibet is very developed and the Tibetans have a better living condition now due to the effort and money the Chinese government has injected in Tibet. The CTA is full of lies, only a fool will believe what they say. I hope the CTA will collapse very soon so the Tibetans in the exile community don't have to suffer from a bad government anymore.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2019, 04:05:21 AM »
I love it when they show the progress of Tibet now compared to last time. The condition in Tibet is so much better now compared to the time when the Tibetan government is in charge. China had invested so much into Tibet to make it a better place. Other than infrastructure, China also invested in the people as well so make sure that the people in Tibet are well off and have a good quality of life. They organized self-help course that teaches the Tibetans a skill for them to earn a living. China also successfully lowered the number of people living in poverty drastically since last year. Hence, more Tibetans are now willing to stay in Tibet instead of escaping to India. That tells us a lot about what is the condition in Tibet which confirms to be much better than India.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2019, 04:22:29 AM »
Wow, China is really pumping loads of $$$ and improving the Tibetan regions. Can also see Tibetans in Tibet are more progressive. I am sure the Tibetans wants a better future for their kids and the next generation. If CTA was smart, CTA would work with China and in this way the will stand a higher chance in preserving their culture and identity. CTA just have no brains to think long-term, I guess this is why they lost their country.
Oops sorry to say, CTA is just village mentality and they will always stay this way and not move up. Only person who can see far and move up is the Dalai Lama but too bad, he is also losing out because Dalai Lama is getting old and is making the world hate him more with all his weird, funny statements that can anger a nation.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2019, 04:46:45 AM »
Lhasa has developed into a modern city. This is another proof that it is better for Tibet to be under China.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2019, 05:21:59 AM »
While the Tibetans in exile pray for the Dalai Lama's long life, the Tibetans in Tibet are already advancing their lives and enjoying a modernised life with comfort and security.

Having said that, offering the long life prayer to the Dalai Lama won't sit well with CTA because they are only getting anything done by primarily relaying & capitalizing on the Dalai Lama’s public standing. Anyway, notice how CTA glossed over the Dalai Lama’s statements in their reporting of the same event.


CTA’s Department of Education offers long life prayers to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dharamshala: The Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, Gyalrong community from exile and Tibet, Tibetan sweater sellers association and Tibetan medical practitioner Menpa Kelsang Dhonden offered long life prayers (Tib: Tenshug) to Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Wednesday.

Speaking at the Tenshug ceremony this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama acknowledged and thanked the organisers for their sincere prayers.

“The members of organisers and Tibetan people in general have expressed unwavering faith and prayers for my long life. This sacred prayer ceremony is rooted in the spiritual bond between the teacher and his disciples. Therefore, I am certain that your prayers will surely bear positive results.”

The 83-year-old Dalai Lama suggested that he was looking forward to taking more rest and switching to a lighter schedule.

“I am nearing the age of when the first Dalai Lama Gendun Drup passed away. In order to live long and healthy, I must now recline from public teachings and engagements and get more rest instead. Don’t you agree?” His Holiness asked his devout followers.

Reading from the statements submitted by the Department of Education, His Holiness the Dalai Lama applauded their solemn pledges to impart holistic education to younger Tibetan generation based on the values of Tibetan culture and tradition and modern sciences; and to uphold and fulfill the four principal commitments of His Holiness.

President of Central Tibetan Administration, Heads of the three pillars of Tibetan democracy which includes the Kashag, Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, heads of the Autonomous bodies and Secretaries were present at the Tenshug ceremony.

“Due to the kindness of Master Shantarakshita, Tibetan dharma kings and Panditas, we have inherited this profound Buddhist culture and tradition—the insights of which has much potential to contribute to world peace,” His Holiness the Dalai Lama said.

He claimed that the unflinching spirit and courage of the Tibetan people is rooted in its culture, religion and language.

“Politically, Tibet has remained disintegrated through many periods in history. But spiritually, the entire three provinces of Dotoe, Domey and Utsang have remained united for centuries. Our language, culture and religion have and continues to unite us.”

He remarked that it was under the Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsen and Master Shantarakshita’s initiative that Tibetans translated Indian Buddhist literature into Tibetan, resulting in the more than 300 volumes of the Kangyur and Tengyur. In the process, the Tibetan language was refined based on the rich Indian literature.

The Tibetan Buddhist Canons—the Kangyur, texts ascribed to the Buddha and the Tengyur, exegetical treatises composed by Indian masters—form the primary canonical authority for Tibetan Buddhism.

“Among the Chinese and Pali canon, the Tibetan Buddhist canon is arguably the sole surviving version of Indian scriptures. In addition, the Tibetan tradition which originated at Nalanda University follows the path of reason and logic.”

His Holiness further noted that Tibetan translations comprise the largest body of Indian Buddhist texts anywhere in the world.

Drawing focus on Secular Ethics, His Holiness said the concept being derived from Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, particularly the Nalanda tradition, is part of the culture and tradition of the Tibetans.

“Although the concept is derived from religious literature, we shouldn’t necessarily deal with it from the point of view of religion. We can take an academic approach.”

He argued that inner transformation is not a matter of faith or prayer, but involves reason and the use of human intelligence. “Which explains why I proposed the term ‘Buddhist philosophy teacher’ to be used in our schools instead of a spiritual teacher.”

In his address, His Holiness expressed his hope in the Tibetan monastics and those pursuing the Buddhist tradition to carry forward his commitment to revive the Nalanda tradition in modern India.

“The future of humanity depends on the adoption of a positive mental attitude by the current generation. The ancient Indian tradition offers instruments to tackle the emotional crisis and promote basic inner qualities. If such knowledge is educated to our youths and emulated in the largest populations like China and India, this could ensure a happier and more peaceful world,” His Holiness concluded.

The Tenshug ceremony was led by former Kalon Tripa Samdong Rinpoche as the Dorje Lopon.


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Re: A nice drive through modern Lhasa
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2019, 12:50:02 PM »
Tibet has advanced so much under the Chinese government. The Chinese government helped Tibet in so many ways that the Tibetan government will never be to achieve the same. China invested so much into Tibet by building infrastructures such as highways and airports. On the other hand, they also funded monasteries and the renovation of religious sites.

From that, we can see that China really wanted to help Tibet and they are helping to preserve Tibet's religion culture. What the Tibetan government said is untrue to make themselves as the victim to put away the blame and get more donations. Before the invasion, serfdom is still rife in Tibetan and 90% of the population are living in poverty.

After China took over Tibet, they released the slaves and fight against poverty. China has said that they can totally eradicate poverty in Tibet in a few years time. Tibet had advanced so much under China and it seems like the invasion of 1959 has ultimately benefitted Tibet and the world.