Author Topic: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay  (Read 14111 times)


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CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« on: December 20, 2019, 08:11:02 AM »
The stark reality admitted by a CTA that they are not doing enough to keep Tibetans happy in India under them. And that exile Tibetans who have migrated to West do not feel obligated to even participate in their data-collection process, Tsundue regretted that many in the Western countries were indifferent to participate, and even those who came forward were half-hearted. “Those who didn’t participate felt that they are now a citizen of another country.”

“CTA need to create better opportunities and programmes to sustain the Tibetan community in India, and at the same time make a strategy for those who are already in the US and Europe.” They should have figured this one out a long time ago instead of spending good money discriminating, dividing their people and causing disunity amongst their own people. Now they face the inevitable of their culture being lost. Unless they realise their only chance lies back in Tibet, China. This is why they should make a friend and not an enemy of China.

“Our fear is the new generation of Tibetans growing up in the West. Weekend language classes and occasional gatherings are not enough to preserve our culture and the Tibetan movement. We have to even think of bigger Tibetan clusters with schools and other facilities, to create that environment, like in India, so that they could be raised as Tibetan in a good sense, who could carry the baton forward.” It has already begun!

Demographic survey shows exile Tibetan exodus to West

The demographic landscape of the Tibetans in exile has drastically changed, with more than half the population shown by survey to have moved from India to Western countries.

After the Chinese annexation of Tibet in 1959, the Dalai Lama fled to India to set up his government-in-exile, followed by some 80,000 Tibetans from 1959 to 1960 over the Himalayas. A second wave between 1980 and 1990s significantly added to that figure, to become 150,000 Tibetans outside Tibet.

Today, an estimated seven million Tibetans live in Chinese-occupied Tibet, in an area of 2.5 million square kilometres.

According to the CTA demographic survey of 2009, there were 94,203 Tibetans in India, 13,514 in Nepal, 1,298 in Bhutan, and 18,999 in the rest of the world, scattered in 27 countries, mostly Western countries.

Kunchok Tsundue, Chief of the Planning Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), confirming the demographic changes to Tibet Sun, said the number of Tibetans has reduced drastically in India.

Due to the exodus, many schools are now on the verge of closing, and 70% of the cultivable land is lying waste, and the number of Tibetans is likely to further reduce in the coming years, he said.

Tsundue’s office has been conducting the demographic survey for year 2019 for the past year. “We have collected all the data, which needs time to process. After fine-tuning them, we will get the Cabinet’s approval for announcement.”

Searching for better economic opportunities is the main reason for the population movement, followed by educational facilities, explained Tsundue.

“Moving to the West has gained exposure and economic growth, but these are not necessarily useful for the Tibetan movement for a free Tibet, and the education they receive is all Western-value oriented.”

There are constraints and challenges for Tibetans in India, but also great opportunities, he added.

“We have a strong base for the Tibetan movement in India. There are 45 settlements, 65 schools, 220 monasteries in an area of 25,000 acres of land given by the Government of India.”

He argued that mere economic gains are not enough for the Free Tibet movement and to keep the Tibetan culture alive. “All that’s needed for a strong movement could be built in India, and the Tibetan-ness could be retained here, with the environment and the infrastructure that’s already there in India.”

However, he admitted that a lot needs to be done. “CTA need to create better opportunities and programmes to sustain the Tibetan community in India, and at the same time make a strategy for those who are already in the US and Europe.”

“Our fear is the new generation of Tibetans growing up in the West. Weekend language classes and occasional gatherings are not enough to preserve our culture and the Tibetan movement. We have to even think of bigger Tibetan clusters with schools and other facilities, to create that environment, like in India, so that they could be raised as Tibetan in a good sense, who could carry the baton forward.”

Speaking about the data-collection process, Tsundue regretted that many in the Western countries were indifferent to participate, and even those who came forward were half-hearted. “Those who didn’t participate felt that they are now a citizen of another country.”

“We need the data to make the right strategies on different issues. We have a rough idea, but it’s not the complete picture.”

He said the final record would be made public some time in March next year.



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Re: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2019, 01:09:06 AM »
The main mission of the CTA is not only to free Tibet but also to preserve their own culture. They condemn China for suppressing Tibetans from practising their religions, language and cultures but this problem seem to be serious in the Tibetan community in India, US and Europe. Many Tibetans born and raised in western countries are no longer speaking their own language, they are more western than Tibetan. Did the CTA do their job? Clearly, they did not. But Tibetan language and Buddhism are still striving in Tibet. The CTA has no intention to improve Tibetans' lives, they are only using Tibetan plight to benefit themselves.


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Re: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2019, 08:55:14 AM »
Many Tibetans have given up on the CTA. Some of them have moved to Europe or America, some of them have taken up Indian citizenship and some of them have chosen to go back to Tibet. People are not as gullible or ignorant as before, they are more exposed and they cannot be fooled easily. Many problems within the Tibetan community is created by the CTA themselves, they have not shown any intention to resolve these problems. The CTA create more problems to distract people. Even though they claim they are a democratic government, they have not really practise democracy. Just look at how they treat Dorje Shugden followers, pure discrimination. No one will stick with a government like the CTA.


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Re: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2019, 10:09:27 AM »
Many Tibetans have given up on the CTA. Some of them have moved to Europe or America, some of them have taken up Indian citizenship and some of them have chosen to go back to Tibet. People are not as gullible or ignorant as before, they are more exposed and they cannot be fooled easily. Many problems within the Tibetan community is created by the CTA themselves, they have not shown any intention to resolve these problems. The CTA create more problems to distract people. Even though they claim they are a democratic government, they have not really practise democracy. Just look at how they treat Dorje Shugden followers, pure discrimination. No one will stick with a government like the CTA.

I agree with you on this Tracy. Most of the problems are actually created by the CTA themselves. There was no problem until they made it a problem and causing disunity amongst their own people. If there is no unity and harmony, the CTA will never win and get what they want from China. How could they, it's like the pot calling the kettle black. They talk about religious freedom and all but WHERE is the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM for SHUGDENPAS? Can Shugden people take part in official teachings, talks by His Holiness, can they participate in public events, run for President, vote, go to Tibetan hospitals, stay in hotels run by non-Shugden groups/monasteries/associations?

Well, can they? If the answer is NO, then they are worse than China because they pretend and portray to the world as if they are so good, but in fact, the opposite and worst, for they persecute their own people who practice a different religion, threatened their lives and people they love. Where is the democracy in all this? What kind of government is this? Sound just their own enemy, not a democratic government who happened to be spiritual Buddhist btw.


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Re: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2019, 11:51:08 AM »
Who would take the CTA seriously when they are involved in siphoning 1.5 million US Dollars.
They pretend to be democratic but they don't even give basic rights as equal rights to their people, not giving religious freedom and even not protecting their Tibetan people from self-immolation.

No hope and no future for the Tibetans as the CTA is more interested in money and travel... than to help and protect their people!


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Re: CTA not doing enough to make exile Tibetans stay
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2019, 02:12:28 AM »
Who would take the CTA seriously when they are involved in siphoning 1.5 million US Dollars.
They pretend to be democratic but they don't even give basic rights as equal rights to their people, not giving religious freedom and even not protecting their Tibetan people from self-immolation.

No hope and no future for the Tibetans as the CTA is more interested in money and travel... than to help and protect their people!

This is the reality, the CTA is not taking care of their own people, they are more interested in making money for their own. Why would a government encourage its people to self-immolate? Why would a government want its people to remain stateless with uncertainties in their lives?