As I today read some of the posts here, I noticed (and remembered) the "age old accusation" of how DS would supposedly harm DL and Tibet. This accusation has been one of the most long lived and perhaps
the original accusation against our practice. It would be interesting to study
the Lives and Ages of This Accusation.
Together, we Shugdenites on this Forum, could easily write
a History of an Accusation propagated by the Dalai XIV. I have not read the new book by WSS, so I do not know if this issue is dealt in a systemic way there, but I suspect it hasn't. What I propose is that we should collect the "statements from the Throne", the sayings of DL himself. Not just the idiotisms or the hooliganisms of his followers, but the very words of DL himself, in a compact form.
So, let's see the main events so far, focusing only on the Age of the current Dalai, and thereby also remaining within the limits of verifiability:
If I remember correctly, the start was that the Oracle of Nechung said to the DL, that DS is harmful to him and Tibet.
Later, the DL told this publicly, so that the Tibetans who loved DL and Tibet started to act, so to speak.
But later (and after much protesting by certain parties, re: refuge benefits as taught by JT), the DL commented publicly also, that "to think that a spirit like DS could harm himself, the DL, is just wrong thinking, and that he, the DL, laughs to the stupid ideas like that".
So my point is, that
the original reason has been ridiculed even by the DL himself. And since it is so, what else do we need? Except to proclaim it. Proclaim that the DL contradicts his own words, the words he takes from his own spirit minister. It might be helpful, in fact wonderful, if we could collect together all the relevant statements and stitch those into a timeline. Methinks it would be most illuminating. It would also be a great weapon of truth, for afterall, you only need to show that the opposing party of a debate contradicts himself.
So whaddyathink?! Is there a need for a short tractate called "the Lives and Ages of a Faulty Accusation made by DL XIV"?
All the quotes should be of course be verifiable, from the horse's mouth, from the Throne, and if they were given originally in Tibetan, the original should be given also. etc. yadda yadda.