Author Topic: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?  (Read 11322 times)


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Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« on: January 06, 2016, 04:57:18 PM »
I personally has a question on Naga.
Had a dream on Naga reasonly and it was infront of me almost liking me and I woke up after that but do not really understand what it mean.

Can one have a karmic connection with Naga for many life times?


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 06:33:21 PM »
It is possible in samsara.

Does the naga threaten you in any way in the dream?


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2016, 02:14:41 PM »
Yes it is possible to be karmically connected to naga for many life times. Usually, if you have naga disturbances, you will dream of the naga chasing you or biting you. If in the dream, the naga is peaceful and not doing anything, then most likely you're fine or it was just a dream.

I won't think too much unless the naga repeatedly comes into your dream disturbing you. In this situation, it's best to request for a divination from a Tibetan Buddhist master to resolve this matter.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2016, 01:40:51 PM »
I am also curious to find out the answer to the posed question. One thing for sure, I do believe that nagas exist and live in open spaces with lots of trees and water bodies such as ponds and lakes. When forests and woods are cleared for development, the abodes of the nagas would be destroyed and this would upset the nagas. Due to the nature of them not being enlightened, the nagas would vent its anger by causing skin diseases and/or serious illness to those involved. So, when we are in forest area, it is best to avoid unwholesome thoughts and actions so as not to offend the nagas there.


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2016, 08:54:33 PM »
Interesting discussion here.

I had a friend who dreamt he saw a snake eating a rat or something and then after that he end up killing the snake because of fear that the snake will harm others. Then he woke up worried, wondering if it was a naga or if the dream means anything significant. Can anyone interpret this?

Is there anywhere to learn more about Buddhism and dreams interpretations? There a lot of new age source but not sure if there is one for in Tibetan Buddhism though I know for a fact that Tibetans are quite superstitious themselves.


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2018, 05:13:36 AM »
Nagas are beings that live in the area where is water, for example, the rivers, lakes, streams, seas, etc. The nagas are often depicted having an upper body of a human and a lower body of a snake. Sometimes they appear in the form of fish, frog or snake.

When we go to places where there is water, we have to be careful of our action. I have heard of people peeing in the river and offended the Naga. They end up being sick and the doctor couldn't make the diagnosis. In some serious cases, the offender is possessed by the Naga.

Some of the signs that we might have offended the nagas are dreams of snakes attacking us, skin diseases, cancer, etc. If we think we are disturbed by the Nagas, it is advisable to seek help from a qualified Buddhist master. Therefore, when we go to areas where there is water, we have to be alert so we don't offend the Nagas.


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2018, 04:06:03 PM »
Nagas are beings that live in the area where is water, for example, the rivers, lakes, streams, seas, etc. The nagas are often depicted having an upper body of a human and a lower body of a snake. Sometimes they appear in the form of fish, frog or snake.

When we go to places where there is water, we have to be careful of our action. I have heard of people peeing in the river and offended the Naga. They end up being sick and the doctor couldn't make the diagnosis. In some serious cases, the offender is possessed by the Naga.

Some of the signs that we might have offended the nagas are dreams of snakes attacking us, skin diseases, cancer, etc. If we think we are disturbed by the Nagas, it is advisable to seek help from a qualified Buddhist master. Therefore, when we go to areas where there is water, we have to be alert so we don't offend the Nagas.

Nagas are powerful beings belonging to the animal realm but they have subtle bodies that humans cannot ordinarily perceive. They are considered one of the Eight Classes of Spirits known as ‘Lu’ in Tibetan. Nagas are ruled by Eight Naga Kings and are usually depicted as serpentine beings, or as beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a serpent.

They can also appear as large snakes, frogs and as fish. As they are sentient beings within samsara, who have their own karma, perception and tendencies, Nagas are not enlightened beings. Hence as Buddhists, we do not take refuge in them. There are many ways we can appease these beings, including giving them offerings and reciting certain prayers. For example, you can sponsor a Naga Puja to appease them.

When they are happy, Nagas can actually grant conducive weather conditions, for example by calling for or holding off the rain. Nagas who are pleased can also result in improvements in one’s wealth, fame and health. Peace and harmony can increase, and various obstacles and sicknesses in life can be removed. Being sensitive beings, however, it is generally not recommended that we propitiate Nagas unless we are under the guidance of a qualified Lama.


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Re: Can one has karmic with Naga for many life times?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2018, 03:16:41 AM »
Wow! This is an interesting topic. We are all curious about things beyond our perceptions and since Nagas are such powerful beings, all the more we are curious about them. I see many Buddhas have Nagas with them ie. Buddha Nagesvaraja, Nagarjuna, Buddha Nagarakshaksa, sometimes Kuan Yin (Buddha Avalokitesvara) rides on a naga and there's Wangze who rides on one too. The Chinese Emperors always wears the nine dragons robes to depict their might or power. From this, I wonder if it would be that in some ancient times, humans and the nagas lived closely together. Fascinating!